Chapter 39: Fantasia

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Evergreen: You have to be joking me !! Why do you have to be the only one to get banned ?!!

Bickslow: Didn't we commit the same crime ?!

Dolls: Didn't we ! Didn't we !

Laxus: It's what Gramps decided.

Evergreen: If so then I quit too !

Bickslow: What will we do if you're not here ?

Laxus: What an annoying bunch... I can't even say a single word about leaving ?

Bickslow: Why is it only you that takes all the blame ?!

Laxus: It's not like that. I don't have any regrets about being in the guild with you guys or changing.

Evergreen: We'll ask the master for a favor !!

Bickslow: I'm sure Natsu and Y/n will object as well ! We'll get them to say something on your behalf...

Freed: Laxus...

Laxus: Stay healthy.

Evergreen: Laxus !!

Bickslow: Don't screw around !! What will happen to the Raijin guard !! Damn it...

Freed: ... We'll meet again, right ? Laxus...

Your POV:


At long last, the day has arrived, the Fantasia has started, the parade has departed. Starting with the candidates of the miss Fairy Tail contest, in the person of Lucy, Bisca and Levy.

Crowd: Cute ! Miss Fairy Tail has arrived, it's the girls ! Looking good, just like fairies !!

Following closely behind, was Elfman and Mirajane's chariot, mostly Elfman's considering the show he was currently putting on, in his full-beast state takeover. Of course, the cheering he was receiving couldn't hold a candle to what the crowd gave Mirajane when she finally entered the stage, although it didn't really lasted once she transformed into that giant lizard thing.

Third attraction to go, Gray and Juvia's ice castle, and I must say, as much as ice definitely isn't my type, this was some work of art, especially with the water spraying everywhere. But why do I feel as a mouse will sue us now... ?

And finally...

"Well, I believe it's our time to go, Erza, so... Mademoiselle, m'accorderez-vous cette danse ?"

Erza: Lead the way~.

I took her hand slowly guiding her steps on the scene, and we started circling around, our stage brightly lighted by the clash between the lightning bolts and the swords flying around, the light refracted and amplified by countless water droplets surrounding us.

Finally, last, but certainly not least...


Crowd: What happened to you Natsu, what's with those wounds ? You look totally tired !!


Erza: What's on your mind ? You've been rather silent for a while.

"Just thinking, that's all. Thinking of what will happen, once I gather them all..."

Erza: Won't you be forced to leave then ? After all, you're not from here...

"Hey, don't break into tears now, Erza. If I restore my whole strength, it'll only mean that I'll have the possibility to leave. Do you really believe I would abandon you ?"

Erza: So you'll stay ?

"I can not promise that I'll never have to leave. However, I can promise that I'll return to you. You have to understand, Erza, that no matter what might happen, I'll never leave your side."

Erza: I know, I just... I'm not used to all of that...

"You and I both."

Erza: ... Say... Since when did you had those feelings for me ?

"Let's see... I think I started taking an interest to you the first time we 'met'. From that moment, I've been looking up to you. But if you're talking about love... I believe that time, when I was on my first solo S-Quest, you saved me and brought me back. It was there. If you didn't come looking for me, I'd probably be dead."

Erza: Those frost demons really got you this time, didn't they ?

"How the hell was I supposed to know they lived by absorbing their prey's heat ?!"

Crowd: It's the master ! The master has arrived !!

"Just as expected from our master..."

Crowd: Please cut out those comical poses !

Erza: Yes... That is what Fairy Tail is about !

"No... I swear I'm not crying ! I... I just got something in my eye !"

Erza: And what might it be ?

"TEARS !! I'm so happy... So happy that I got lost and got here..."

Erza: Like the rest of us... And also, I believe I still haven't truly thanked you, for everything...

"What do you me- Mmmhh ?!"

Before I could really react, or even register what was happening, she has already pulled my face closer to hers, deeply kissing me.

Erza: There. Now I think we're even. At least, for the time being~... Y/n ?

"... ... ... ..."

Mew: I think you just broke him.

Natsu: WOOHOO ! That's what I call a party !! Now I'm all fired up !!

???:Crows~... Why are you so beautiful ? Is it because you are loathed ?

ImmortalTrickster31: CAW CAW !! (I'll peck your eyes out asshole !)

???: Here, here...

???: Beautiful things live short. Fuhaha. Isn't that so, Gajeel ?

Gajeel: ... ... You never told me Laxus was a dragonslayer.

Ivan: Pfu... Buwahahahahaha ! He is a fake, nothing more than a fake.

*Dark guild's Raven Tail master, Ivan Dreyar*

Gajeel: Fake ?

Ivan: Since he was young, he has been weak, so out of pity I implanted a lacryma into his body.

Gajeel: This is what gives him dragonslayer magic ?!

Ivan: Quite rare, isn't it ? Now that he's been banned he'll probably come here... That suits me fine. You know, that lacryma is worth a lot of money these days. An unbelievable amount at that.

Gajeel: Ar- Are you going to take it out of him ?! If you do that, Laxus will-

Ivan: Fuhahahahaha !! It was too much power for that kid to begin with. His papa will turn him back to what he used to be ! He's just money now. Just money~. All that's needed is money to spark a war against Fairy Tail... You have to continue your infiltration just a bit longer. And remember, even if they found out you're a spy, you mustn't speak about that place.

Gajeel: That fact won't change.

Ivan: Good... With that and the power of that "Divine dragon", I'll finally be able to get my revenge on Fairy Tail.

Makarov: Gajeel. Why didn't you take part in Fantasia's launch ?

Gajeel: I don't have a design. And that just isn't my kind of things...

"Strange, coming from mister 'Shubiduwa' himself."

Gajeel: The musical was YOUR idea !

"I came up with the song, but the costume..."

Gajeel: Just shut up already...

Makarov: Well, looks like the Harvest Festival ended safely. You'll be helping out with the clean up tomorrow.

Gajeel: Master.

Gajeel: Master Ivan's. I've found your son's location.

Makarov: Good job, sorry about letting you take care of such a dangerous job.

Gajeel: Doesn't look like he found out I was a double spy. More importantly, he's after Laxus' lacryma.

Makarov: Now that we know where he is, we can finally take act.

Gajeel: Also, he's after a certain "Divine Dragon"'s power, but I have no idea what or who he might be talking about.

"Where and when did you learn sarcasm, Gajeel ? But jokes apart, if rumors about that are spreading around, that only means more suckers to deal with... Once again, nothing really new...

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