Chapter 46: Under 0.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:


Natsu: HE'S... A DRAGON SLAYER ?!!!

Cobra: The strike of a poison Dragon decays all that it touches, destroying it utterly !! CUBELLIOS !!


Natsu: GAHHHH... Huh ?

Happy: I... Is he... Eating the poison... ?!

Natsu: Th... That doesn't sound too healthy...

Cobra: Poison Dragon's...

Natsu: HIS ROAR ?!! NOT GOOD !!!


Happy: My body... Won't seem... To move properly... I... I don't feel... So good...

Natsu: Don't worry about it !! I'm feeling it too !


Cobra: The breath of a poison dragon spreads viruses through the enemy's body.. It slowly steals their body's movement away, and ultimately their life. The moment my breath struck you, you had already lost this-

Cobra: I told you already. I can hear your movements.

Natsu: Dammit...

Cobra: Still, to think that you can move this well even after being subjected to my poison. Not half-bad for an-old style dragonslayer.

Natsu: ... Old-style ?!

Cobra: I am of the new generation of dragonslayers. I obtained my powers by implanting Dragon Lacryma into my own body.

Happy: Just like Laxus... !! This guy... He isn't a real dragonslayer at all !!

Cobra: A "Real" dragonslayer ? There is ordinarily no way for humans to learn dragon slaying magic. It is a skill restricted to the dragons themselves. If you ask me, yours is more questionable than mine. After all, there are no dragons in this world.

Natsu: Igneel's out there, dammit !!


???: Gravity.

Natsu: T- That voice...

Happy: Mew ?!

Cobra: My body... Heavy...

Mew: You know, there is a certain someone who'd like to disagree with what you just said.

Happy: Speaking of him, wasn't he supposed to be with you ?

Mew: Well, he wanted to try out Brain, and, well...

"You know, that guy who attacked Erza ?"

Mew: Yeah, so ?

"I'm pretty sure he is a poison-type."

Mew: A poison-type ?

"Yep. Have fun with the guy."

Mew: he knew all of that got me quite worked-up as well. Sadly, we've got no time to joke here, so it'll be a sweep. Fissure.

Cobra: W- What... WHAT ?! NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo...........

Mew: One hit KO.

Happy: So he's looking for the boss... How do you think he's doing ?

Mew: Good question...

Brain: Impossible... Cobra was defeated in a single attack... Just what ARE they... ?

"... I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck ! I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck ! Now if I give a shit, I might just give a fuck, but I don't give a shit, so I don't give a... Well well well, what do we have here~ ?"

"I must say, for someone who just lost more than half his underlings, you're quite pretty fucking calm right now. What gives ?"

Brain: ... I don't need them if such an average guild can defeat them so easily. They're just worthless, I can find more comrades, using the power of Nirvana.

"Those ain't comrades, they're puppets."

Brain: Don't be so hostile, I've taken a liking to you and your strength, you know. Caught my drift already ?

"Not in a million year. Now stop this thing already, would you ? Doing it myself would make things a bit too messy."

Brain: Stop it ? The Nirvana ? Impossible. This city will arrive at it's first destination, Cait Shelter, in no time.

"... Why specifically this one ?"

Brain: This super-reversal magic will turn a light guild into a dark one instantly. i'm looking forward to it... Seeing hell, that is.

"And I'm looking forward to send you there... To hell, that is. At this point, there's no need asking for yours. You're so eeeeeevil after all."


"I'm reaaaaaaally tired to have every single enemy I encounter pretending they can do my job better than me."

Brain: Disappear, you worm !

"*sigh* Ancient power."

Brain: ... Wh... What is this magic... ?

"Well, looks like I got lucky with this one. Not only did I hit a crit, I also boosted myself just now. Maybe after a few more of them, spilling the beans will sound more appealing to you."

"You know, it's actually kind of a first for me too... I'm not enraged, or even truly angry... I'm just slightly more pissed off than usual. At you, that is."

Brain: I see. At first, I didn't take you for someone who acts on whims...

"Who am I to deny ? Funnily enough, right now I'm not pounding you into next week because your attacked me, harmed my friend, or because of the whole 'Evil-must-be-eradicated' thing... No, just because I have the strong feeling that if I don't take care of you here and now, you'll just be an even bigger pain in the ass in the future."

Brain: Why would the dead care ? Dark Londo.

"So we're playing that game, alright. Shadow Sneak."

Mew: Given those explosions just now, I think it's safe to assume the number of our enemies just dropped to one.

Lucy: But then, why isn't Nirvana stopping ?!

Jura: I'm afraid that we need to defeat every single Oracion in order to stop it...

Gray: That mean there is still one... Dammit, I thought defeating Brain would stop all of this...

Natsu: Urg...

Wendy: I don't understand... You should have been cured of the poison already...

Happy: Natsu can't stand vehicles...

Clara: Pathetic.

Wendy: He has motion sickness ? Maybe I could affect his sense of balance... Trojan.

Natsu: Uh... Ohhhhhh...

Natsu: WOOOOOOHOOOOO !!! I don't feel dizzy anymore !!

Wendy: Glad to see you well.

Natsu: Incredible !! Wendy, you have to teach me that !!

Mew: She can't, it's sky magic...

Natsu: I can at last take pleasure in any transport... Lucy, call the ship and train stellar spirit !!

Lucy: That doesn't exist ! And it's not the right time !!

Carla: ... Before even thinking about stopping this city, did anyone notice that everything is particularly weird ?

Mew: ... No cockpit... And nobody left to pilot it, with brain probably out of commission... Then why is it still moving without any trouble... ?

Gray: This thing is on autopilot ?! Don't tell me it's already been set to fire Nirvana and everything... !

Wendy: Our... Our guild...

Natsu: Don't worry, nothing will happen to your guild. We still need to properly thank you. We'll stop this thing, no matter what !!

"That's the spirit, Natsu ! Glad to see you all standing and kicking."

Mew: You're finally here. What about'

"Brain ? As down as we're up. Midnight and stopping that thing is the concern now.

???: Can you hear me, everyone ? It's me, Hoteye.

Jura: Richard ?! Are you all right ?!

"I take it that's the one who joined our side..."

Mew: Yep.

Richard: I regret to inform you that I am not, in fact, alright. Alas, I was ultimately no match for Midnight. I beg you to work together and do all you can to defeat Midnight. If you defeat him, the flow of magic into Nirvana will cease... And this city should stop moving.

Gray: So it's a kind of living link magic huh...

Richard: You will find him directly beneath the throne room. Please do be careful... He truly is... Very powerful...

Jura: Richard...

"Right below us, huh ?"

Gray: Right !! Looks like we have a ray of hope !

Natsu: powerful, huh... Now I'm getting fired up ! LET'S GO !!

Richard: Only one of the six prayers remains... You must prevail...

Brain: Nirvana must... Be stopped...

"I'm glad Erza isn't here... This situation would be way too dangerous for her... Her or Wendy, thinking about it."

Mew: Does anyone know what Midnight's magic is about ?

"Something with illusion, I believe..."

Natsu: Is this it ?!! Right !! Get out here, you sleepy asshole !!

Gray: Huh ? N... No one's there... ?

Mew: What's going on here ?!

"... I see... I had a hunch already, but I wasn't sure... Midnight has been already taken down, probably by Erza..."

Natsu: Then what are we doing here ?!

Jura: Do not tell me... The one leading us wasn't Richard...

"It was a trap all along..."

???: You strength and intellect is truly worth praising. Then again, it wasn't that difficult to figure out. Was even the mighty Midnight eliminated ? I think... Now would be the right time to finish up some things, don't you think... Giratina ?

"... Yes, it would... Zero. Selfdestruct."

Natsu: Wha-

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