Chapter 58: Grimoire Heart

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mew: Are you sure there's something ? I mean, like Mirajane said, only Fairy Tail members can have access to this island...

"I know... I know. But... I can't get that out of my head... Like right now, we're all having a sword of Damocles hanging right above us..."

???: Someone... There's someone... On this island... ? I thought there would be no one here...

"Mew... I want you to go back to the camp, and warn everyone... We've got massive problems on our hands..."

Mew: That guy ? He doesn't look like much to me...

"Don't discuss me, just go already !!"

Mew: Jeez, fine... No need to yell...

???: Thank you... But you should've go with her... This is too dangerous here.

"Not before you tell me who you are... Only people from our guild can enter here, you know ?"

???: Guild ? Oh... So this island is administrated by the guild.

"But what's concerning me... That massive aura of darkness around you... It's not just emanating, it's like it's imbuing the whole area... Rather than 'Who' you are, I feel more like asking, 'What' are you ?"

???: NO !! D- Don't approach me. I'll leave. Just, please, don't come near me.

"It's starting to feel more and more familiar... Where have I felt that... Those demons..."

???: N- No... it's coming... The death preying... is coming...


"The trees have withered... It's like all the life in the area have been destroyed at once..."

???: I don't even want to kill anything else... I... Will continue to be rejected by this world...

"I think it's more complicated than what I originally thought... You've been cursed with death... Haven't you ?"

???: G- Get out ! Stay away !!

"Fine, fine... Could you at least tell me your name ?"

Ultear: We finally found him. It seems that he was sleeping, though. Looks like the time has come, Master Hades.

Hades: That man... Alighted on an ancient land, mastered black magic... gave birth to tens of thousands of demons, and then threw the world into chaos. he's the strongest, and most evil man in all the history of the magic world... The black mage Zeref.

Ultear: It would appear, that "He" is currently on that island as well.

Hades: Perfect. All six pieces of that puzzle will soon be reunited. Let us begin. Set the route, to Fairy Island.

*Dark guild, Grimoire heart: Master Hades.*

"Mew ! Mew, answer, damn it ! We've got massive problems on our hands !"

Mew: Calm down, and explain the situation calmly. First off, what about that guy we came across ?

"He's the least of our worry right now ! Tell me, what would you call a situation where all 5 of my crystal reacted and suddenly started to point all in the same direction ?!"

Mew: ... It's coming ?

"And it's certainly not alone ! Whoever they are, they aren't friendly. Put that one guy aside, he doesn't have any bad attention. As long as no one approach him it'll be fine. But everyone must get ready to fight. Very soon, we'll be under attack."

Hades: So the time has finally come. The day when the legendary black mage, Zeref, comes back to life. And the keys are all within the palm of my hand. We will awaken that which is inside Zeref.

Ultear: However, there is one problem. The strongest guild in all of Fiore, Fairy Tail. One of the guilds who destroyed a corner of the "Balam Alliance", Fairy Tail currently has its main members concentrated on this island.

Zancrow: Soooo what ?! That doesn't mean anything !! I'll just... TURN EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM INTO A PILE OF ASH ! UHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!

*Grimoire Heart: Zancrow*

Caprico: I was born for this day.

Kain: I... Iiiiiiiiiiiii...

Rustyrose: Release...

Kain: IIIIIIIII... Uueh...

Rustyrose: Our desire... This will become the main war-power of our guild. Tremble at our fragments...

*Grimoire Heart: Rustyrose.*


*Grimoire Heart: Kain Hikaru*

Zancrow: You're talking too fast !!

Meredy: Translation "I feel the same".

Ultear: Can you fight, Meredy ?

Meredy: Fight... yes.

*Grimoire Heart: Meredy.*

Hades: Interesting. Doesn't this sound interesting ? They still don't know what true darkness is. The absolute darkness which lurks in the abyss. Tonight, demons and fairies will frolic. Eat and be proud, or be eaten and scatter. All under the power, of a divine being...

Hades: This is the decisive battle, Fairy Tail.

Erza: Are you serious ?!

Mew: As much as possible. Enemies approaching, and according to Y/n, not ones to underestimate.

Erza: I see... This exam is being put temporarily on hold. ALL GUILD MEMBERS PREPARE FOR BATTLE !!! CONDITION RED !!! ENTER A BATTLE FORMATION !!!

Makarov: Enemies... here ? Why, on this island... ?

Loki: A red signal blast ?

Gray: Enemies.

Elfman: What's gonna happen to the exam ?!

Evergreen: It'll be temporarily suspended, obviously.

Natsu: Well I don't know who it is, but someone is apparently picking a fight with Fairy Tail ! Let's strike back at 'em.

Happy: Aye, sir !!

Cana: Why, at a time like this... ? This is the final part of the exam !! I have to deal with possibly leaving the guild here!!

Lucy: Cana...

Cana: This isn't funny !! I'm continuing the exam ! Let's see them get in my way, if they even can !!

Gray: Calm down, Cana.

Loki: Everyone feels the same as you.

Lucy: Gray ?!Loki ?! Why are you here...

Loki: We were follow-

Gray: Just a coincidence ! Who cares about that ? Now that we have company, this is no time to be doing exams.

Loki: Let's go to the emergency meeting spot. We're lacking too much information.

Lucy: Just... What IS happening here ?

Cana: ... ... ...

Juvia: Erza, what do you plan to do now ?

Levy: I'll take Gajeel to the camp.

Erza: For now, let's look for Mest and Wendy. There's a possibility that they can't find the camp, and are wandering around, lost. No doubt Mew and can hold their ground, even on their own. Now... To ask you what your goal is.

Enemy: Hmph ! Like we'd cough up anything to you...

Enemy's mash: Zeref... the legendary Black mage, Zeref. That Zeref is on this island.


Juvia: Zeref is that person that lived hundreds of years ago...

Enemy's paste: 400 years.

Erza: That's impossible !! There's no way he could be alive !! I mean...

Enemy's puree: He lives. And has been, for the past 400 years. But... Master Hades did say that Zeref's currently in a "slumbering" state. When Zeref wakes up, this world will be submerged in total darkness.

Erza: Ridiculous... this is Fairy Tail's holy land. Are you trying to cause some kind of disorder on this island, which is surrounded by fairy protection ?

Enemy's ground meat: The army master Hades is in direct command of will be here soon. I wouldn't underestimate the 7 kin of purgatory if I were you. The time mage, Ultear; Rustyrose; Our boss, master Caprico; Kain Hikaru; Zancrow; Meredy... And... One more, is already on this island.

Erza: WHAT ?!

Makarov: Mavis... The first master of Fairy Tail. Mavis Vermilion. To think we would invite enemies to this island, the Holy land of the guild... We must have truly disappointed you... I take full responsibility. I will absolutely accept my punishment for this. Therefore... please, just protect those kids.

"We can take care of ourselves. If that wasn't the case, then we wouldn't be in this guild to begin with. Here to report."

Makarov: What is the situation ? How are things looking ?

"Not good, I'm afraid... Zeref is on the island, and one of the Balam Alliance corner, dark guild Grimoire Heart, is just about to attack us. And just to make things even worse, it appear they've seized control on the last chunk of my powers..."

Makarov: So it's war then...

"I've posted Mew to ensure communication and relay information between everyone. If it's war they want, well... Let's not make them wait, shall we ?"

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