Chapter 64: X791

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

???: How long are you gonna just sit there staring at the ocean ? Our work is over, let's head back to the guild.

???: if you don't hurry and get back, your dad will worry. Macao asked us to take care of you, Romeo.

*Fairy Tail: Alzack Connell*

*Fairy Tail: Bisca Connell*

Romeo: ... Okay.

*Fairy Tail: Romeo Conbolt*

Bisca: Romeo... We understand how you feel, but...

Alzack: Bisca...

Macao: HAS ROMEO NOT COME HOME YET ?! Damn that Al and Bisca ! They probably ditched Romeo and went off to party in town !!

*Fairy Tail, fourth master: Macao Conbolt*

Wakaba: Pipe down... You're not a kid anymore, old man... So calm down and have a seat, Macao.

*Fairy Tail, fourth master's advisor: Wakaba Mine*

Macao: I though I told you to call me master !!

Wakaba: I've never heard of a master with a complete lack of dignity like you !!

Max: Yeah, well, anyways...

*Fairy Tail: Max Alors*

Max: Picking on people again ?

Warren: Not like it can be helped... No work is gonna come around to a little guild like ours.

*Fairy Tail: Warren Rocko*

Nab: Look !! At how few job offers we have !!

*Fairy Tail: Nab Lasaro*

Max: This has nothing to do with people like you who don't work !

Vijeeter: C'mon look, I've almost finished my new dance ! I call it "The puny dance".

*Fairy Tail: Vijeeter Ecor.*

Max: That looks disgusting... get him outta here.

Laki: Hey, Droy... have you felt "Pressure in the Earth" again ?

*Fairy Tail: Laki Olietta*

Droy: You trying to tell me I've gotten fat, huh ?!

*Fairy Tail: Droy.*

Jet: Man, you have no self-awareness...

*Fairy Tail: Jet*

Laki: Look at Reedus, how slim he got !

Reedus: Oui... Well, I was originally like this in the first place.

*Fairy Tail: Reedus Jonah*

Droy: I've been working out every day !! Can't you tell ?! Just look at these muscles !!

Jet: If levy could see you like this now, what would she say...

Droy: Levy's not coming back... Ah !

???: Hey now... Just as always, it's only noon and you already look so serious... That's why you're a puny little guild. You don't have any ambition ! Ambition !! Gyahahaha !!

Wakaba: Thibault...

Macao: I thought I told you not to come here anymore !

Thibault: Hey, hey... is it really okay for you to be talking to me like that ? After all, we are the guild that represents Magnolia, Twilight Ogre.

Macao: Ngh...

Thibault: There was a time when you were the strongest in Fiore, but who knows now... Your era has come to an end. Compared to that place built on a beat-up old tavern... And the mage guild of the new age, Twilight Ogre... It's obvious which one would be more beneficial to the advancement of Magnolia, right ?

Max: Acting all mighty just 'cause they have a bigger guild...

Warren: Yeah ! We have spirit !

Thibault: You can't survive off of spirit alone...

Macao: What did you come here for, Thibault ?!

Thibault: This month's pay.

Wakaba: You didn't pay again, Macao ?!!

Macao: I thought I told you to call me master !!

Thibault: You're late on your debt payments.


Thibault: Come on now, when you were on the verge of collapse, who was it that came to the rescue of this run down tavern ? We were the ones who stepped in and loaned you money, weren't we ?!

Jet: Why did you accept their help when you knew they were this stupid...

Twilight: Did you say something, you bastard ?!

Macao: Stop it, Jet. Wait until next month... We'll pay up.

Wakaba: MACAO !!

Laki: MASTER !

Droy: You bastards !!

Max: How dare you...


Jet: Nghk !


Thibault: Hey, wanna come back to my place ? Gyahahaha !

Laki: ... ...

Nab: Nghk.

Warren: Unh...

Thibault: Don't forget, now... It's next month.

Vijeeter: ... But not a single one of them was found...

Nab: If the story of the council is true, then Acnologia was what eradicated the island.

Reedus: In reality, all different kinds of organizations worked together in the search... But none of their efforts resulted in anything.

Jet: Yeah, that day... there was a strange emptiness in the Eternano in the waters around Tenrou island that day... because it was of a level that no living being could even endure...

Warren: That was the force of Acnologia's roar.. !! Long ago, just that dragon by itself was able to destroy an entire country on its own !! there's no way any human alive... Would be able to take on that thing...

Droy: Why... Our own comrades...

Max: Ever since the moment they disappeared... We've turned into this weak, pathetic guild. Magnolia has built a new guild.

Wakaba: Our time to close may be coming...


Wakaba: What's wrong, Macao ?

Macao: ... My heart feels like it's going to break.

Wakaba: You've done well, master.

Macao: Ever since that happened... Romeo hasn't ever smiled, even once...

Droy: ... What is that sound... ?

Jet: is it Ogre coming again ?

Max: TH... THAT'S... !!


???: *Sniff sniff~* *Sniff sniff~* It reeks of sentimental perfume~.

???: Meeeeeeeen~ !!


All: YOU FELL ?!

Ichiya: I'm Ichiya, just for you~

*Blue Pegasus: Ichiya*

Macao: You...

Hibiki: We understand how you feel, Ichiya, but won't you settle down a bit ?

Ren: I... Am a user of air magic.

Eve: It's been a long time, everyone.

*Blue Pegasus: Hibiki Lates*

Hibiki: Yoo...

*Blue Pegasus: Ren Akatsuki*

Ren: Hmph !

*Blue Pegasus: Eve Tearm*

Eve: Getting older, Macao ?

Droy: Blue Pegasus !!

Jet: What the heck is going on...

Hibiki: You're as beautiful as ever, Laki...

Ren: T... Those glasses really suit you.

Eve: Do you mind if I call you "Baby" ?


Bisca: Is it really around here ? there's nothing to see...

warren: According to those Pegasus guys, there was something about the Eternano in this part of the ocean...

Max: What's Eternano" in the first place, anyway ?

Warren: How am I meant to know ? Probably something like little particles of magic, right ?

Bisca: Was it really okay not to bring romeo along ?

Alzack: We should have brought him along, by force if necessary.

Max: It's not a certainty that they're still alive.

Warren: We shouldn't get our hopes up...


Warren: SO NOISY !! There's been no word in over seven years. Think about the worst case scenario as well !

Jet: Oh... Ahh...

Droy: *Sad munch*

Max: hey... What... is that ?

Warren: A person... ?

Max: How ?! It's on top of the ocean ! She's... She's standing on it !! Who is it ?!!


Warren: IT'S TENROU ISLAND !!! That woman !! She went to Tenrou island ! AFTER HER !! HURRY !!

Max: WAIT... YOU !!! WAIT UP !! I SAID WAIT !!

Bisca: What's up with that woman !!

Alzack: But she did show us the location of Tenrou Island... Maybe she'll lead us to where everyone is...

Warren: I... I SEE ! Don't lose sight of her !!

Jet: H... How... ?

???: That voice... Jet ?

Jet: Y- yeah ?

???: Oh god... I can't believe what i'm about to say but...

"I'm so fucking happy to see you..."

Warren: W... What the fuck happened to you ?!

"What usually happens when you've got to survive alone on an island for several years..."

Droy: I... I can see that ! You're beyond recognition !

"Look... Who's talking... But if you're looking for everyone else..."

Jet: What ?! What happened ?! Tell us !!

Max: Maybe if you stopped shaking him he could talk...

Macao: Romeo... was it really a good idea for you not to go along ?

Romeo: Eve if Tenrou Island is found... There's no telling whether everyone is alive, right ?

Macao: Nonsense ! We have to believe !!

Romeo: There's been no word in over 7 years.

Macao: ...

Thibault: OIIIIII !! There are a lot fewer people here today... Rather than a guild, what is this ? Some sort of friendship club ? GYAHAHAHA !

Wakaba: Thibault ! Payment's due next month, isn't it ?!

Thibault: Our master, well, you see... he said that simply won't do... It's a problem if payments are not made in schedule... If master's said it, then it can't be helped...

Romeo: We don't have any money to pay you guys...

Macao: Stop it, Romeo !

Thibault: What's up with that attitude, you shitty brat... ?

Romeo: To have been tamed by punks like these... father and everyone are cowards... I'm going to fight !! If things keep up like this it'll be Fairy Tail's disgrace !

Thibault: Fu... You guys became a disgrace long ago.

Macao: S- STOP !!


Twilight: WHAT... ?! HEY-

Natsu: We're home !

Happy: Everyone !!

Gray: Yo.

Gajeel: Hmph.

Makarov: What's up with this tiny guild... ?

Lucy: Wahh, isn't it wonderful ?

Wendy: we've come back home.

Cana: Alcohol, alcohol !!

"Hey guys, we made it... Blegh."

Erza: Come on, don't fall down now of all times. We've finally arrived.

Macao: You... You... You guys...

Laki: So young !!!

Nab: They haven't changed at all since 7 years ago !!

Vijeeter: What happened... ?

Lucy: Umm, well... I think only one or two of us knows that...

Jet: Hey, get a hold of yourself !! What happened here ?!

???: Give him some space. He's not in shape for that kind of things.

Max: Eh... You... Who are you... ?

Mew: ... I really feel like i'm gonna take that personally very soon.


Mew: Better ?

Droy: You... Wait... We need answers !!


Mew: Answers will be given soon enough.

Jet: What about everyone else ?!

???: Right here.

Warren: ... It's that woman we followed... Who...

"... Mavis... Fairy Tail's first master... Mavis Vermilion.


Mavis: You've got reasons to be proud of yourself. Everyone's safe and sound, all thanks to you.

Mew: He passed out already. Let's wake up the others.

Mavis: Back then... I took the strength of everyone's bonds and faith, and converted it all into magical power. All of your thoughts allowed one of the three great Fairy magics, "Fairy Sphere" to be activated... It is a magic that will protect the guild from any evil, an absolute defense magic.

Mew: I'll take over from now on. At the exact same time, Y/n sacrificed most of his own power to transport the entire island into a different plane. That partially explains the state he's currently in. the rest of the explanation simply being that unlike everyone else, who were sealed in some sort of frozen state, he was actually conscious and wide awake for these 7 years.

Makarov: ... What now... So you protected us all, huh...

Mew: Didn't we already tell you ? With a little bit of "Divine intervention" almost anything is possible.

Mavis: Though, I'm just an ethereal body. Since I converted everyone's strength into magic, I had to give it my all. Unwavering faith and resilient bonds will bring even miracles to your side. It's become a wonderful guild... Third.

Makarov: She said. Ah, well...

Natsu: ... You're all grown up, Romeo.


*X791, Magnolia. By the time everyone came back from Tenrou island... 7 years had passed by in Earthland. It feels like a fairy tale of sort, and no one ever thought it would end up as such. Every last moment with Fairy tail that night... No one will ever be able forget them. Drinking, singing, dancing... As if they were making up for 7 years of lost time.*

Natsu: So you use fire magic too Romeo ?!

Happy: Looks like things are gonna heat up in the guild again, right ?

Romeo: I can make cold flame, too.

Pantherlily: Whoa, blue flame !

Romeo: A sticky purple flame, just like my dad's, and a funny-smelling yellow flame.

Gajeel: Didn't you get any better traits from your dad ?

Natsu: But... I've seen this magic somewhere already...

Happy: yeah...

Romeo: Don't tell dad, but I've been going to Totomaru's magic class.

*Ex-Phantom Lord, Element 4: Totomaru*

Gajeel: That guy... I had no idea you'd been doing that...

Pantherlily: 'He looks surprisingly happy...'

Natsu: Man, this brings me back !! I still haven't eaten every color of his flames yet, maybe I should come with you next time !

Romeo: Sorry, bringing up anything about Natsu is strictly taboo.

Happy: Figures.

Makarov: So... You're the fourth master of Fairy Tail, hmm ?

Macao: What are you saying ? I'm just filling in !! You can have back your title right away !

Makarov: No need... This might be interesting. Why don't you stay as master for a while.

Macao: S- SERIOUSLY ?! Well, if that's what the master wishes, I guess I'll stay for a while... Ehehe...

Wakaba: They probably won't say anything, but I'm sure they're all gonna be disappointed...

Makarov: I know, right ? Fufufu...


Alzack: 6 years ago.

Bisca: That's right, Erza ! And you know what ? I was the one who proposed ! And then we-

Alzack: Let's stop this conversation right here...

Erza: C- Congratulations !! I may be a little inexperienced and naive, but please take care of me !

Elfman: What are you saying, Erza ?

Mirajane: She's somehow warped this whole thing around to being about her.

Elfman: ... Somehow, she isn't completely wrong. Just a little too early.

Mew: I really don't know about that whole marriage thing... But someone is really being affectionate right now.

"Listen, Erza. For those past seven years, my only contact with you was watching over you as you were in a slumbering state. I am not letting go anytime soon."

Erza: I didn't say anything about wanting you to let go. Just please don't hog all the fun to yourself.


Mew: Can you at least consider the fact there is a metal plate between the two of you before hugging him ?

Happy: Hey, that reminds me, all of the Exceed... Have they been worrying these 7 whole years ?

Pantherlily: Exceed perceive time differently than humans. So 7 years probably hasn't seemed like that big of a deal to them.

Carla: Well, then I guess that's alright.

Lyon: Looks like it's turned back into a noisy guild again.

Sherry: Welcome back, everyone !!

Jura: Have you all been well ?

Yuka: Pssh... They haven't grown at all in 7 years.

Gray: You guys !! Lamia Scale ?!

Max: When we were searching for Tenrou island, Pegasus and Lamia really helped us out.

Gray: Looks like we're in their debt now...

Lyon: Don't worry about it. Pegasus made it out there first, but we have much more power.

*Lamia Scale: Lyon Vastia.*

Gray: Who cares...

Sherry: Well, in these past 7 years, we Lamia Scale have climbed up to be the number 2 guild in Fiore. Too bad for you, Lucy.

*Lamia Scale: Sherry Blendy*

"Wait, does that mean the number 1 is Pegasus ?"

Toby: Of course not !! There's no way that could happen !!

*Lamia scale: Toby Horhorta*

Yuka: Settle down. No... It's not Pegasus...

*Lamia Scale: Yuka Suzuki.*

Jura: Well, enough about that... What's important is that everyone's okay.

*Lamia Scale: Jura Neekis.*

Lyon: ... Mh ?

Lyon: Could this be what they call love at first sight ?

Juvia: Eh ? Eh ? Eh ?

Lucy: Uwaah... he didn't waste a second...

Gray: Not this annoying crap again !!

Juvia: H... Hold on... Wait, I can't... Juvia... PANDEMONIUM !!

Mew: That's some wild imagination...

Gray: Gimme a break...

"Hahahaha- Urg !! Ohhh, it hurts to laugh..."

Gildarts: So, did you know I was Cana's dad all along ?

Cana: Hey ! Watch where you're groping !!

Gildarts: But I'm so haaaappy !!

Cana: Do something about that stupid sloppy face of yours !! And put me down !!

Warren: Weren't they supposed to be more dignified and decent... ?

Vijeeter: It doesn't seem like they're trying to fool us or anything...

*The clamor never stopped. To those on Tenrou island, it seemed like only a week's time had passed. But for everyone back home, it was a long seven years. A bitter, sorrowful 7 years... Waiting every day, thinking of everyone... With pained hearts...*

"... ... ... ..."

Mirajane: How adorable, he fell asleep in Erza's arms...

Mew: I think he passed out... The strain of these years must've caught up to him now that everything's fine... Can someone go and get Porlyusica quick ?


Natsu: How's he ?

Porlyusica: I have several questions myself as well.

Mew: Before you even ask, you should know, he spent those seven years almost on his own on Tenrou island.

Porlyusica: My question was "What the hell happened", so thank you.

Erza: Is he...

Porlyusica: No, he's not in danger. At least, not immediately. You can see him, just try not to be too much... You.

Mew: How you feeling ?

"I don't feel so good. You know, that feeling of being a literal plate of mashed potatoes ? Yeah, that."

Wendy: I don't understand, why isn't my magic working ? Why can't I heal him ?

Porlyusica: This isn't just some wound, or even exhaustion. He's in what you could call a "generalized weakened" state. And I'm afraid there is no other cure than rest for that one...

"How much ?"

Porlyusica: ... Had it been anyone else who isn't part of that guild... 3 months of complete rest, at least. But even if I did give you that order, there's just no way you'd follow it through.

"Not for three entire months, that's for sure."

Porlyusica: Figured. But still, one or two weeks is the best I can do. On the meantime, you're absolutely forbidden to take on any jobs, or even simply exit Magnolia on your own. Am I clear, young man ?

"Crystal. I was planning on sticking around anyways. After those 7 years, going out for adventure is probably one of the last things I want to do."

Natsu: ... What happened on that island while we weren't around ?

"It's be really boring to tell you that, Natsu. Really, it wasn't anything that interesting. At least, until near the end."

Natsu: What happened ?

Mew: We ran out of food.

Gray: You... What ?!

"What did you think ? We weren't frozen, so we still needed to eat. And even though there was only two of us... Seven years is really long. To be fair, had it taken two more weeks for you guys to find us..."

Mew: It's better not to think of that.

Porlyusica: I'll be on my way if that's all. Young girl, i'm counting on you to make sure he doesn't do anything... Reckless.

Erza: Uh ? Y- Yes !

"... To think I'd have to use a crutch... Guess that makes us something in common Mew, huh ?"

Mew: What is that supposed to even mean ?

"After spending so much time in the guild hall, we're having trouble walking straight."

Mew: ... Cana drank everything the second she arrived anyways...

"Speaking of peculiar behavior, Erza... Why ?"

Erza: It would seem this area is safe. But stay close to me, we never know what could happen.

"Erza, I know Porlyusica asked you to look after me... But acting as a bodyguard isn't exactly necessary."

Mew: She's been doing that ever since we got out of the guild hall... Not gonna lie, seeing her shooing away whoever got too close through all of magnolia was funny.

"Not for me... At least we're almost there."

"Just as expected, there will be some fixing to do around the house..."

Erza: You never told me you had a house just out of town.

Mew: You never asked. I suppose we were lucky to get that one for such a cheap price.

"It's not too hard to understand once you know a very simple thing."

Erza: What ?

"You see that other house over there ? That's where Natsu and Happy live."

Erza: ... ... I see.

"But right now, I think a good dusting is in order. Wind Dragon..."

Erza: What do you think you're doing ?

"E- Eh ?"

Erza: You're not supposed to strain yourself, so just sit back and let me handle this.

"... So this is what it feels to be Lucy in battle..."

Mew: Okay, problem !

"What now ?"

Mew: Just come outside and you'll see...

"Seriously, what could it... Be... Oooooooooooh."

Mew: Seven years without taking care of the field. Now we've got a jungle to take care of.

"... Better make an inventory real quick."

"How the hell did she manage to get rid of all the dust so fast... ?"

Mew: Erza.

"Good point. But really... Even the food reserves have gone bad..."

Erza: It's getting pretty late. I'll be on my way now. Until tomorrow.

"... And we don't have any money left... I'll go get the shovel."

Mew: Wait just a second.

"Why- ?"

*Knock knock*

"... Erza ? Why are you back so soon ? And what's with all that luggage ?"

Erza: ... ... ... ...

"Erza ?"

Erza: ... Seven years of unpaid rent at Fairy Hills...

"*sigh* First floor, second door on the left. It's the spare bedroom."

Erza: Th- Thanks !

Mew: Poor Lucy... She must have the same problems... But here's the shovel.

"Ah, good. I'll be right back."

Erza: Shovel... ? What is he trying to do ?

Mew: We don't have any money left either. But, you'd have to thanks his natural instincts for that matter.

Erza: Why ?

Mew: Dragons have a... Keen instinct for gathering valuables. And he is no exception.


"Found it !"

Erza: He... Buried it... ?

Mew: I did question him concerning that at first. But, regarding our current situation... I'll just let it slide.

Natsu: Hey, Y/n ! You there ?!

"Down here ! Just give me a sec ! What do you need ?"

Happy: We're going on a mission ! Wanna tag along ?

"You guys know I can't."

Natsu: Come on, it's not even that far. They're just a bunch of small-time bandits.

Erza: No means no.

Natsu: E- ERZA ?! W- Why are you here ?!

"Being a little bit overprotective to me. But she's right. Even if I wanted to, I need to catch a break."

Natsu: Oh. I'll go ask Lucy then... I feel like there was something else... Oh right ! The old man wants to see you two tomorrow. Something about clearing up debts or something...

"Uh... ?"

Magnolia, Twilight Ogre:

Banaboster: That's what I'm sayin', old man... As for right now, there's nothing to discuss here. Just pay us back the money we lent you, and everything will be fine.

*Twilight Ogre, master: Banaboster*

Makarov: Even if you say that... You know very well, we have so little money, it's amazing we're able to get by. Mo,ey's not going to magically appear just because you are taunting us.

Banaboster: Ahhh ?! Are you tryin' to pick a fight with me ?!

Makarov: Not at all ! We'll pay you back the money we borrowed plus the proper interest... Some day...

Banaboster: Are you listening ?! I told you I want you to pay me right now, geezer !!!

Makarov: Come, come, now... First, why don't we go over those interest rates again...


Makarov: Huh ? Didn't you told us to come here today to talk about "Money" ? You wanna talk about that, too ?


Makarov: "Return whatever you borrow". that's our guild's creed... That's what you're talking about, right ?

Erza: 7 years worth... of damage to furniture in our guild from members rampaging...

Mirajane: We need to pay all of that back to you.

"After all... You guys have no idea how pent-up a fairy Tail mage can get after 7 years without causing some mayhem."

Makarov: 7 years worth... Of tears cried from the pain felt by these children... Hey, child. Here's what we owe to you.

All three: With all the proper interests to go with it.

Banaboster: Hold on... Eh ?

Wakaba: hey, hey... Weren't they going to talk this thing out with words ?

Macao: Just as we though, it is impossible.


Wakaba: But, you know... Seeing this... It really seems like we've gone back to 7 years ago.

Macao: I'm getting all nostalgic.

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