Chapter 83: Undefeated

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Mirajane: There's... Another Lucy...

Wendy: Wh- What's the meaning of this ?

Yukino: Gemini ? No, that's not it...

Happy: Maybe the one from Edolas... ?

'Lucy': You should have learned about the gates of the Eclipse granting access through time...

Mew: Eclipse... So you mean, you used the Eclipse and...

'Lucy': Came from the future.

All: WHAAAT ?!!

Loki: Impossible...

'Lucy': Soon this country... Will... Be...

Natsu: HEY !! Are you all right ?!

Pantherlily: What's going on around here... ?

Mew: Don't ask me, I ain't got a clue..

Lucy: This doesn't feel right... Why would I... ?

Natsu: Well, we can't just leave her lying here... For now it's best if she comes with us. We'll leave the castle and send a signal, that will let them know we managed to free Lucy.

Mew: can't wait to see the look on their faces when we show up with two Lucy's.

Darton: Pardon me, princess, but I can't wrap my head around it. You needed the celestial mages in order to open Eclipse. Yet, you deemed it appropriate to drop both of them into the dungeons ? That seems counter-intuitive to me...

Hisui: Indeed... Especially since I already had my hands on all twelve keys... I got ahead of myself.

Darton, But, princess, now they've gotten their keys back... How do you plan on opening the Eclipse ?

Hisui: I already have. Yesterday, I used all twelve keys and unlocked the Gates of the Eclipse. All that was left was to push it open with human hands.

Darton: And... This person... Are they prepared to face the consequences of altering the future ?

Hisui: All this responsibility... I can't shoulder it alone. That's why I sought out both Arcadios' and your council. Whether or not we open the gates will depend on the results of the tournament. Let's just observe it for now.

Your POV:

Gajeel: Dammit ! The First's plan has totally gone to shit ! Where'd it all go wrong ?

Mavis: *Sob*

Gajeel: Hm.

Rogue: Gajeel.

Gajeel: Persistent bastard, aren't ya ? i'm not as nice as him, so don't expect any mercy.

Orga: We finally meet, Laxus.

Laxus: Black lightning, huh...

Orga: So you've noticed ? Indeed, my lightning slays gods.

Laxus: Killin' gods... What I wouldn't give to have that back there... But it still ain't nothin' compared to killin' fairies...

Chapati: They are steadily finding their opponents !!

Yajima: I don't see Sting anywhere...

Chapati: We can't seem to locate him with the visual lacryma...

"... I probably shouldn't be focusing on the announces, but rather the enemy in front of me."

Sherria: Sky God's... HOOOOWL !!

"Fire, lightning... PLASMA CHARGE !!"


Sherria: How... ? If you can fight back, then why were you fleeing ? Was that part of your plan ? To lure me away from the others ?!

"I mean, to me you were terrifyi- I mean yes ! You uncovered the truth of my intentions !"

Sherria: You're a bad liar.

"Hey, I try. To think two elements at once aren't even enough to gain the upper hand..."

Sherria: I don't like that...

"Lucky me, I went to elementary school. I know how to do additions. Fire, lightning, wind... Tri-elemental dragon, VOLCANIC THUNDERSTORM !!"

Sherria: What ?

"Wind, water, lightning... RAGING TYPHOON !!"


"Third time's the charm !! Wind, light, water... DIFFRACTION PRISM-"


"... ... ... ... That was... ..."

Sherria: The woman from your guild... Erza... Right ?

"... ... ... ... 'Who was she supposed to fight again... ?'..."

Mavis: During this time, Erza will confront Minerva.

"... Minerva..."

Sherria: I thought you said you wouldn't be distracted ! Victory is mine-


Sherria: Gh- Gaaaaaaa...

"Please stay down this time. I don't have time to play with you anymore. Wind, water, fire, lightning..."



Gray: What the hell happened here... ?

Lyon: SHERRIA ! What happened ?!

Sherria: ... Gh... A... A b- beast...

Lyon: Who the hell did that ?!

Gray: I think that's quite easy to answer... If that was really Erza who yelled earlier, then...

Lyon: Him ? ... I don't get it, why does he always react like that ? Everytime she gets hurt, it's like he's ready to rip the world asunder...

Gray: ... He's a man who has lost everything... His family, then his powers, and finally 7 years ago, he almost lost all of us... he will do anything, so it doesn't happen again...

Mew: I feel like character development is happening somewhere...

Natsu: Damn. I didn't think we'd get lost of all things.

Loki: What a bother.

Yukino: Mister castle has a very confusing layout...

Wendy: You're addressing the castle as... Mister ?

Pantherlily: This makes it hard to escape and inform everyone of all that's happened

Happy: Aye.

Natsu: Screw this sneaking around... Let's just muscle our way out of here !

Carla: We can't just go around attacking the soldiers !

Happy: Why can't we just do that ?

Mirajane: Well... We need to look at the bigger picture. Our guild is still competing in the tournament, remember ? The tournament is sponsored by the kingdom. We don't want our actions here to reflect badly on the others.

Mew: Didn't we already beat up the Garou Knights though ?

'Lucy': Ugh...

Happy: Oh ! You alright, Future Lucy ?

'Lucy': Where... Am I...

Mew: hard to say, really... From the looks of things, I'd say the castle's dining facility...

'Lucy': So we're still inside the castle... From what I can remember, after we escaped from the dungeon.. We were recaptured by the royal army. I thought I should let you know...

Pantherlily: That must be what happened in Future Lucy's timeline...

Natsu: What are you going on about ? There's no way they could ever even lay a finger on us !

Mirajane: I hate to admit it but I agree...

'Lucy': As we escaped, we approached the Eclipse... And had our magic drained, which rendered us powerless. Until that time came... We were all imprisoned...

Happy: During your time ?

Wendy: if you don't mind me asking... Why did you come here from the future ?

'Lucy': ... To undo a future that had become so bleak...

Mew: So... Bleak ? Just what happens in your future ?

Hisui: That person told me... What awaited us was nothing short of an apocalypse... With a number of over ten thousand dragons ravaging our kingdom. The city set ablaze... the castle reduced to rubble... And countless lives lost.

Darton: But are they words of sincerity... Or deception ?

Hisui: That person left it up to me to decide... The results of the Grand Magic games, shall guide my answer...

Erza: Gh... Gha...

Minerva: See ? Was it really that difficult ?

Minerva: And now, the public shall bear witness to the lasts breaths of the mighty Titania.

Erza: Ugh... ...

Minerva: With your leg in that condition, standing is futile...

Erza: ... ... ... ...

Minerva: Hm ? Did you say something ?

Erza: ... I'm... Sorry...

Minerva: You don't have to. The strong devour the weak, such is the law of this world.

Erza: You don't get it... I'm sorry, because... I didn't want it to end like that... For you...

Minerva: What ?


Minerva: What... Is this pressure I feel... Something... Is enraged ?

"... ... ... ..."

Minerva: ... How adorable. You couldn't win on your own so you called for backup ? Or could it be you got worried after hearing those screams of her ?

"... ... ... ..."

Minerva: Don't give me the silent treatment. Regardless, your efforts are rash and foolish. You weaklings can never hope to stand in our way !

Minerva: I will not let you interferererere-

Chapati: What... Just happened ?

Yajima: I... Honestly have no idea... Did he even attack... ?

Chapati: In any case, the results are... Minerva is on the ground !!

"Erza, can you stand ?"

Erza: Heh... That may prove to be difficult... I think I'll need your crutch...

Minerva: ... Gh... Ack...

"Still conscious ? Persistent little bitch."

Erza: ... 'The terror... He didn't even attack... But had he decided to attack, she'd be dead on the spot, and she knows it... She can spout all the nonsense she wants about royalty... When facing a wild beast, it doesn't change a thing...'

Minerva: You insects... Won't go any farther... We're the cream of the crop... Sabertooth !

Erza: That broken pride of yours... Is nothing to our guild's rage. But if you are so insistent, then...

"As tradition in our guild, you will be given until the count of three. Kneel."

Minerva: GH... !

Erza: No response ? No more snarky words ? That is fine too... SECOND ORIGIN...



Droy: They had something like that up their sleeves the whole time ?!

Mavis: March forth, young ones... Unfettered like wind gusting through a field. Your boiling blood... Sweat, and tears... Are beautiful like the halo of the sun. Be not afraid, young ones. Never falter, march onward, and the path will reveal itself.


"Balance breaker... ORIGIN FORM !!"

Elfman: What... Are those ?!

Levy: "Due to the massive amount of magic it consumes, the Nakagami armor hasn't been seen to be donned in more than a decade..."

Cana: Where did you get that book ?

Levy: "Those who have the stamina to equip it, however... Are allowed to bend the laws of magic to their whim and have been known to perform miraculous feats..."

Mavis: One side to bend the laws of magic, the other to bend the laws of time and space... feast your eyes, as this may be the strongest duo in the entire guild...


"Second Origin... A fitting name for this, I'd say."

Minerva: Im... Possible !! Where... Where does your vast reservoir of magic come from... ?!

Erza: For making those we hold dear your personal playthings... This is payback !


Minerva: No... Stay away ! STOP !!

Both: Unison raid...

Makarov: What... Are they trying to pull ?!

Mavis: One of them brushed of the twin dragons while displaying a power far below. The question is not whether or not they'll win... But whether their opponent will survive.

Minerva: I'M... I'M...



Chapati: This time... It really is over !! THE VICTOR IS FAIRY TAIL !! They earn 5 points for chopping off the head of Sabertooth ! They're a powerhouse ! Fairy Tail is simply too strong !! As things stand now... FAIRY TAIL MAY IN FACT GO UNDEFEATED !! Sting from Sabertooth is the lone survivor ! Yajima...

Yajima: Uhhh... Fairy Tail seems to be on the brink of victory...

Mato: Holy crap, pumpkin...

Nab: On the brink of victory...

Vijeeter: Does he... Mean us...

Warren: After coming in last place for all those years...

Max: Don't jinx it, dumbass ! *Sob*

Crowd: There's still one person left... He doesn't sand a chance against them... Fairy Tail has it wrapped up !! FAIRY TAIL !! FAIRY TAIL !! FAIRY TAIL !!

Sting: *Sigh* It all unfolded just like I had hoped... No, even better... fate is clearly on my side...

Spectator: ... hey, take a look at the point difference...

Audience: It's 8, what of it ?

Spectator: Well, I was just doing the math... And if Sting manages to take them all out... 5 points for the head... And 1 point for each of the other 4... THAT'S 9 POINTS !!

Chapati: T- That seems a bit far-fetched if you ask me...

Yajima: Everyone on Fairy Tail looks fatigued though...



"So this was your 'master plan' all along, huh ?"

Sting: I like to think of it as Catharsis. You guys have seen better days... And to think you guys were my hero seven years ago...

Gajeel: Quit flappin' your gums. You wanted us, you got us...

Gray: We'll do this one-on-one... Pick whoever you want...

Sting: Please... You're all in shambles ! Come at me all at once !

Erza: Just like everyone else... Underestimating fairy tail will be your demise...

Sting: I'd never do such a thing... I hold you guys in very high regard... Which is why I'll crush all of you at once !! This is my time to shine !! TO SHOW LECTOR WHAT I'M TRULY CAPABLE OF !!

Laxus: Is this guy talking out his ass or am I just imagining things...

"That's rich coming from you. But have it your way. You've already dug your grave... Prepare to lie in it, Sting..."

Sting: That's the spirit ! I'll show you first hand, my new awakened powers... Heh...

All: ... ... ... ...

Sting: 'It's all they can do just to stand... I could easily defeat them without even exerting myself... This is what I've been waiting for !! Once I crush them... I'll be able to see Lector again... This... I'm doing this for Lector ! Don't back down now !! My strength is unrivaled now !! My emotions... From Lector's... Gave me this newfound strength... I'm so strong now... So... Strong...'

Sting: ... I... Can't do this... It is... My defeat...


"Sting... You could've won easily... Why did you not strike ?"

Sting: because, if I had... Even if it meant I could see him again... Then I would never be able to look him in the eyes... I was convinced defeating all of you meant seeing him again... But I came to realization that wasn't true...

Sting: I can't put it into words really... There's an inexplicable radiance about all of you... I can't wrap my fingers around it... the person I am now... I don't have the right to see him again...

"Allow me to disagree on that."

Millianna: Er-Chan !! Everyone !!

Sting: LECTOR !!

Lector: S- STING !!

Erza: So this is the end of it ?

"Don't claim the music's over until the last note has played..."

Arcadios: Princess ! PRINCESS ! Don't tell me... She's already over there ?!

Darton: Fairy Tail going undefeated... And Sting admitting defeat...

Hisui: A prediction no one in their right mind would make... But that person, in fact did... Which means the future they warned us about, will come to fruition... The was to save humanity begins now !! It's time to unveil the Eclipse cannon... Eclipse 2 !

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