Chapter 87: One single minute

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Rogue: My dragon manipulation technique was... What did you do, Natsu... ?!

Atlas: Magic to block my will, eh...

Natsu: We just became friends, right ?

Atlas: Mhmm.


"Only Natsu could have Natsued such a Natsu thing... Well, help's always welcome."


Rogue: Mothergrea, don't let them get behind us !!

Atlas: Against my body of flame, your mere breath is futile...

Mothergrea: Your flames cannot penetrate my adamantine body either.

Atlas: You would be mistaken to take my hellfire lightly. Flames of titans that bellow more violently than those in hell, and the one that has ingested these flames... Is my fellow fire dragon.

Rogue: He consumed... Atlas Flame's fire ?!'

Soldiers: Your majesty, that's... The dragons are fighting amongst each other ?! It's kind of awesome but... Why ?!

Toma: A once blooming city of flowers, now overflowing with chaos and stained with blood. This is truly the festival of humans and dragons. Men fighting men... Dragons fighting dragons... And men fighting dragons. This really is nothing more than the ancient disaster we once called the dragon king's festival.

Soldiers: Y- Your majesty !!

Toma: This... Cannot be stopped now... Nothing will ever be the same again...

Rogue: Haa... Haa... Haa...

Dragon: We should leave it at this, Rogue. You cannot claim victory over a dragon.

Rogue: Wh- Why... Do you know my name... ?

Dragon: We have orders to spare you... And only you. Just do as we say, and it will all be fine. You alone shall live through this despair, and become king.

Rogue: What's that supposed to mean ? I have no desire to be king ! Who gave you these orders ?!

Dragon: Why... You gave the orders, Rogue. Summoning us dragons, you're the man attempting to become king of the world. This is all part of your plan... Seven years from now...

Rogue: Preposterous...

???: It's the truth. It's all true. I represent another possible future. I am your Shadow... The darkness that lingers in the recesses of your heart.

Rogue: Shut up !! Shut up !!

Dragon: Admit it, your heart is stained with evil. No, more like, it will become stained from this point forward. Submit to and embrace your fate... You will not perish here.

Rogue: Ugh... Agh.. Lies... All lies...

Ultear: Rogue. There's... No longer any other choice... Rogue is the sole trigger for everything that's happening... In other words, if Future Rogue didn't exist, the gates would have never opened. The dragons would have not arrived. To return everything back to the way it was... Killing Rogue is the only way.

"Now it's two on one, Rogue. You really think there's any hope left for you ?"

Rogue: Hope ? Foolish. This is not the Grand magic games anymore. Where you see a fight for what's right... I see a fight for one's life.

Gray: Heh... ?


Natsu: What ?!

Rogue: I will not kill you right ahead. For that score I have to settle with you, I will first allow you to see all that you care about disappear. But you must be used to that, aren't you ?

Bacchus: GUAAAAAAH !!

Jet: Someone !! Anyone, please help !! Droy's not breathing !! he's not breathing !!

Romeo: DAD !!

Macao: Leave me ! Wakaba, take care of Romeo !


Meredy: It went... Right through his skull...

Rogue: So ? Is the festival up to your expectations ?



Rogue: This is a fight to the death. Taking your eyes off me was your first and last mistake.

Natsu: NO !!

"Gu... You think... This will..."

Rogue: I've done my homework. To truly kill you, one must obliterate everything, body and soul alike. But I do not worry. After all, this is why Dragonslayer magic was created. Checkmate, dragon.


Ultear: 'I've lived... A cursed life... Deceiving and mocking people. Doing with their lives whatever I please... But Gray... You gave me another chance at this life... As a neutral guild, Crim Sorciere was supposed to be my repentance, but...'

Hades: That's quite the collection of magic books that you've gathered.

Ultear: Master Hades ! I didn't realize you were here.

Hades: Not a problem...

Ultear: You once told me about a magic that can "regain lost happiness".

Hades: Indeed I did... It's called the Arc of Time...

Ultear: I've finally gotten a solid lead on it, using a combination of the contents of this book and the ancient Mildean language.

Hades: Last Aegis... That magic must never be used.

Ultear: But why ?! This is the magic I've been searching for this entire time ! With it we can rewind time ! For that reason alone... I'm willing to do just about anything...

Hades: Last Aegis comes at a great cost to the user. In return for rewinding time... It takes away the "Time" of the user.

Ultear: Time... ?

Hades: In other words, your life. Whilst the time of everyone else can be rewound... the user will lose their time. Is that really the world you wished for ?

Ultear: No... Not at all...

Ultear: 'But now... I do... If my life is what it takes to return this world to its original form... THEN SO BE IT !!'

Ultear: Arc of Time... LAST AEGIS !! I beg of you !! Return to the way things were... At the very least... To before the gates were opened... IN EXCHANGE FOR MY TIME !!

Ultear: Did time... rew-

Ultear: ... One minute... ?! My life... Was only worth... one single minute... ?! That's not even... I couldn't even save... A single person...

Gray: LOOK OUT !!

Lyon: Hey, don't lose your focus ! This is a warzone !

Juvia: Aah... Gray-Sama and my butt...

Gray: Juvia... HUH ?!


Lyon: W- What was that just now ?!

Gray: I'm going to... Get killed ?!

Meredy: A dream ?

Juvia: Juvia saw it too.

Gray: What was that... ?! Seeing a copy of yourself bite the dust really brings chills up the spine..

Meredy: A small one is supposed to pop out from right over there and then-


Lyon: IT REALLY POPPED OUT ?! What the hell's going on ?!

Gray: Did someone warn us ?! Someone...

Jet: This place is dangerous... We're changing locations !

Droy: What was that... ?

Romeo: A... Dream ?

Wakaba: Some kind of premonition, I guess...

Macao: Looks like we shouldn't stay here any longer...

*On that day, everyone in the world saw one minute into the future. However, like a dream, it would soon vanish from their memories. In fact, many were not even aware the phenomenon had occurred. On the other hand, mages with their lives hanging in the balance... Every minute on the battlefield, were well aware... That one minute... Become the catalyst for humanity's counterattack.*

Rogue: What was that ?! What... Happened... Will happen ?!

"I've had enough... Enough of this shit... Of you, of these dragons, of these GODDAMN time travels ! So I'm gonna go back to plan A."

Natsu: A... ?

"I'm sure some already had that idea... That if we'd kill the you of this time, then you'd stop existing, Rogue. After all, there should be a good reason the dragons aren't going after you."

Rogue: Gh...

Natsu: Not you too ?! Resorting to kill an innocent to end this...

"I know. Therefore plan A. Instead of getting rid of the one that traveled through time... I'll get rid of what he used to travel through time ! I'll do as I first intended, AND DISMANTLE THESE FUCKING GATES !!"

Lucy: But... Wouldn't that be the same as what we originally intended ? To say he was against it would be an understatement

Mew: Not quite... There's a difference between altering the past to change the present, and altering the present to change the future...

Lucy: So in other words, of the gates are destroyed now, we can alter the future to one when no one could've used them to go back in the past to begin with.

Pantherlily: I see... if Future Rogue loses his means of traveling to the past, then we can rewrite history... In theory...

Mew: Exactly. And even so, the only thing it would rewrite is what's happening right now. Future Lucy's and Future Rogue's timelines would remain unchanged... Now I realize this isn't really good news. Well, for them.

Arcadios: It's worth a try. But there remains a major hurdle... We lack the means to destroy something of this size.

Mew: ... Watch, and learn.


Lucy: Not even a scratch...

Arcadios: It's made out of a magic resilient alloy called Maginium. Destroying it is easier said than done, i'm afraid...

Mew: Prick !! *Tunk* OW !!

Lucy: that's what I call sturdy... If it resists magic, then we'd need to hit it really hard, but with what... ?

Mew: ... Okay, I didn't want to resort to this, but there's no choice...

Lucy: Resort... To what... ?

Mew: The second law... The second great law of jinxing.

Lucy: ... What... ?

Mew: Hr- Hm... "Where could we find something to destroy these gates ? That's nigh-impossible to do..."

Lucy: ... How is that supposed to hel-





Mew: Heh. Just as planned.

Arcadios: Unbelievable... The maginium alloy gates were...

Hisui: What happens now... ?

Mew: The gates won't be usable in the future anymore. So Rogue has no means to come now. In other words, this is... Our victory.

Happy: The dragon's body is... !

Lucy: it's glowing !!

Atlas: It appears I must return to my own time.

Zirconis: NUOOOOOOOOH !! What... Is this ?!

Laxus: The dragons are... Vanishing... ?!


"... Mew, could you perhaps..."

Mew: Leave that to me.

Arcadios: Princess !!

Hisui: I'm sorry. I'm the one responsible for the construction of the gates. I'm the one that caused a disruption to your flow of time. You, who lived 400 years in the past, and us, who live in the present. We... Were never meant to have any conflict with each other. The one who made it all spin out of control, was I.

Zirconis: And you are... ?

Hisui: Hisui E. Fiore.

Zirconis: Hisui ?

Hisui: yes... The same as the color of your body, jade. The very same.

Zirconis: Huh... Jade dragon. Jade dragon... It's got a nice ring to it... Hmm ?



Mew: I'mma keep this scale as souvenir.


Atlas: I will never forget you... Natsu Dragneel.

Natsu: Thanks for the help, Uncle.

Lucy: they're... Gone...


Warren: WE DID IT ?!


Levy: The dragons are disappearing... We did it, Gajeel !

Gajeel: Yeah, but... This leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Mavis: Not a single dragonslayer managed to defeat any of the dragons...

Rogue: How pathetic... It makes me doubt my worth as a dragonslayer...

Sting: That's just how powerful they are... The worst part is, none of them were even in Acnologia's league... No, let's not sulk over that for now.

Rogue: You're right... This is victory, after all... this battle at least, has ended. We came out victorious... We protected our comrades.

"Even after all that... I find hard to believe that Rogue could turn into you."

Rogue: Shadows... The shadows... They're trying to consume me... they've come for me, time and time again. The darkness withing me, is permanent. And the day I lost Frosch... I became one with the shadows.

"... So now we know what to prevent. Frosch won't die."

Rogue: In one year's time... make sure to tell "Me"... To protect Frosch, in a year's time. Or Frosch... will be killed.

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