Chapter 89: Tears of time

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Citizens: They're here !! they're back !! Hurry ! they're arriving ! We've been waiting for you !! Welcome back !!

Banaboster: Congratulations on your victory, everyone ! Let's give them a big round of applause !

'For our victory or your hypocrisy ?'


Natsu: We're home !!

Makarov: We did it !!

Gajeel: We're top dog now bitches !!

Lucy: There's so many people...

Erza: A lot of them aren't even from Magnolia...

Citizens: Erza ! That pandemonium stage was off the hook ! Nono, that Kagura fight was even crazier ! The Minerva fight was the most epic !

Erza: This is embarrassing...

Mew: Everyone was watching, after all.

"After being dragged through the mud for seven years, being back on top is some sudden change of pace."

Gray: ... ...

Juvia: Gray-Sama...

Gray: No, it's nothing.

Natsu: Lemme show all of you something to feast your eyes on !!

All: ... ... ...

"... NATSU, HIDE THAT !! We didn't go through all of that to lose it now !!"

Natsu: Crap, crap, crap !


Wendy: You... Stole it ?!!

"Hrm... Please forget what you saw. Natsu, where did you put it... ?"

Natsu: Ah, right...

Wendy: So... You did steal it...

Natsu: OUR PROOF OF VICTORY !! THE ROYAL TROPHY !! Hey, Romeo ! Hold it higher !!

Porlyusica: It really is quite the achievement...

Juvia: Gray-Sama, is something the matter ? It's kind of rude to have that kind of expression whilst everyone else is...

Gray: ... You're right. Thanks. 'I have to smile... For her sake as well.'

Juvia: Wh... What's this ? he's so dreamy all of a sudden...

Banaboster: And now we have a special item from the mayor of Magnolia to commemorate this special occasion...

Mayor: Hr- Hm...

Mew: the amount of brown-nosing around here is astonishing.

Makarov: A commemorative item ? There really isn't any need for- F- For...

Mayor: members of fairy Tail, please cast your eyes onto this.


Natsu: Our guild's been fixed !!

Makarov: Mayor... How can I...

Mayor: No need at all. Everyone from the city pitched in, and helped rebuild it.

Makarov: ... A... UWAAAAAAA !! I LOVE THIS CITY !!

"... ... ... If only everything was that simple and good of an ending..."

Mew: What do you mean ?

"I can't blame you for that... I'm pretty sure I was the only one who met him... On Tenrou island, seven years ago. Who could've expected him to be this close to us this whole time..."

Mavis: I knew it... You were watching the tournament, weren't you. Zeref.

Zeref: ... I can neither hear nor see you. But I know, you are there, Mavis. 7 years ago, I was close to you...

Mavis: 7 years ago, you were close to me... Are you still searching for a place to die ?

Zeref: I've already decided on where I am going to die. I've lived for many centuries and watched the rise and fall of different ages.... People hate and evil caused conflict... But I'm looking forward to a new age that will purify all of this. How many times has this happened... Where people make the same mistakes over and over again...

Mavis: Even so... Humans will continue to live on.

Zeref: in a sense, it's not really living. I'm no longer the existence you can love... Known as man.

Mavis: ... You've decided... To stop waiting ?

Zeref: On top of which... After mulling it over for seven years, I've reached a conclusion. If this world continues to reject me... Then I shall reject the world.

Mavis: Fairy Tail will reaffirm the world.

Zeref: this will be a gift from me... Re-balancing and allowing the world to resurrect.

Mavis: Will this become another war ?

Zeref: No... It will be a one-sided massacre... Not a single soul shall be spared my wrath...

Mavis: Fairy Tail will stop you... the only one who will be massacred... is you...

Zeref: 'Natsu... After all, maybe there is truth behind that divine intervention... The time of our showdown draws near...'

"It's good to see things are back to normal. Even more for some of us..."

Natsu: i'm never going on a job with him again.

Gray: the request was withdrawn, you idiot.

Mew: You two are hopeless... You're not kids, you know...

Gajeel: What exactly happened ?

"Well, um... You see..."

Lucy: It's huge !!

Erza: This is... The monster from their request...

Carla: It was finished off some time ago already...

Happy: Carla...Guys... Help me...

Wendy: Happy ?!

Erza: What happened ?

Happy: Well...





Wendy: Ah...

"So, yeah, you get the general idea."

Erza: Just the usual, huh.

Lucy: And we were worried you guys were taking so long, too...

Mew: They've been at it for 3 days now. Even though they've been sleeping and eating and such between as well.

Carla: Oh, my. What a passionate fight.

"Would it be for me, I would've knocked them both out, but then they would just resume it on the way back or in the guild. I'd rather have them deck it out here than in town."

Erza: Well, it's starting to get long. So come on now, let's just call ti a draw. Come on home and I'll give you some sweets-

Both: SHUT IT !!

"Oh well, they've done it now."

Mew: You're... Not taking action here ? Kinda expected you to rip a mountain in half and try to shove it up their a-

"Why would I ? They're about to get it anyway."

Gray/Natsu: ... ... ... ... ...

Erza: Ho...

Gray: E- ERZA !!


Gajeel: Real glad I took the other job.

"Oh, the job was fine, It's what came after. The real monster wasn't the one we expected."

Mirajane: master, an urgent request has arrived.

Makarov: Hm ? Since the Grand Magic Games, requests for specific mages have really increased, huh...

Mirajane: Everyone's become popular, after all.

Makarov: Natsu !Gray ! Y/n ! Another request for you guys !

Natsu/Gray: AGAIN !!

Lucy: I see... That was the reason for the three of them, huh...

Erza: they went to the trouble of requesting you guys ! Get along this time !

Makarov: ... Hm... ? Hmhmhmhmhm... Th- This is... !

Natsu: What is it, old man ?

Gray: I'm not going to go with him again...

Natsu: i'm not going either...

"I'd rather have these two with me. For the show and comedic effect, you know."

Gray: Anything but with this flame-for-brains.

Natsu: Don't touch me, icy pervert.

Makarov: No... You must go. And at all costs, you mustn't do anything careless... The name of the client is Warrod Sequen... ranked 4th amongst the ten wizard saints, he's one of the four heavenly kings of Ishgar.

"T... The 4 heavenly kings of Ishgar..."

Wendy: What a peaceful place.

Lucy: yeah... the air is so fresh. The wind feels nice, too.

Happy: It feels like we're going on a picnic !

"Well, yeah, it would... I fit weren't for 'that'..."

Natsu: You ate my meat, didn't you ?!

Gray: As if I'd eat something you touched !!

Natsu: Put on some clothes !!

Gray: The color of your hair hurts my eyes ! Do something about it !!

Erza: Won't you give it a rest already ? We're about to meet with someone of extremely high standing.

"Why did you four decided to come along to begin with ? I mean, even Mew stayed home this time. "

Lucy: We were worried about those two, but... I can tell this is going to be hard-going...

"Meh. We'll figure things out, eventually."

Wendy: When it comes to the Ten Wizards Saints... they're the 10 most outstanding mages on the continent recognized by the council... Right ?

"In short, yes. Master Makarov and Jura of Lamia Scale are two of them. Along with them, Phantom Lord's Jose and Jellal also carried that title."

Wendy: So the "Four heavenly kings of Ishgar"...

"Are the 4 highest-ranked of the wizard saints, to a point when it's said that the gap between 4 and 5 here is a wide as between Heaven and earth."

Lucy: I'm starting to get a bit nervous... But... Why would such an amazing person... request these two...

Natsu: Why don't you go and get eaten by Erza ?!!

Gray: You can go get dragged in the mud by Y/n !!

Erza: ... Are... Are we the ones being insulted now ?

Wendy: Ah ! Over there ! There's a house here...

Erza: This is... the house of Warrod Sequen... Ranked 4th amongst the ten wizard saints...

"Excuse us... ? We're from the mage guild, Fairy tail."

???: Shhh... Quiet. The plants like silence. If you can comprehend that, then shut those annoying mouths.

All: ... ... ...

???: ... As if...

Tree: It's a joke, a joke !! The plants and flowers love human voices ! Wahahahahahahaha !!

Lucy: ... A tree ?

Natsu: What is this old man ?

Gray: he's supposed to be some badass dude ?

"My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined..."

Tree: Thank you for coming, mages of Fairy Tail. Now, which ones of you are Natsu and Gray... ? My goodness ! they're more cat-ish than I expected !

Happy/Carla: ... ... ...

Tree: It's a joke, a joke ! WAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Lucy: he's a high-strung old man, isn't he...

Erza: Mmm... Mmhmmm...

Tree: Ahh... i'm thirsty.

"My apologies, but are you Warrod Sequen of the Ten Wizard Saints ?"

Warrod: Certainly ! Indeed, I am Warrod Sequen. It's a joke...

All: EH ?!

Warrod: ... It would be a joke if it was a joke.

Gray: This guy... really takes it out of you...

Warrod: Since I retired, I've continued my efforts to afforest the deserts.

Lucy: retired ? You were in a guild before as well ?

Warrod: Hahaha... 'Tis was a good guild. Using my "Green magic", I halt the spread of the deserts. It sounds nice to call it a charitable activity, but to be honest it's just a hobby. For that reason, I've spent years traveling to deserts all over. Some time ago, I found a strange village. According to the books, that was the "Village of the sun". It was a village that worshiped an everlasting flame as a guardian deity.

Natsu: An everlasting flame ?

Warrod: That's right... However, that village was frozen. Was it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster ? All I know is that the animals, the plants... Buildings and river, even the everlasting flame that protects the village are now encased in ice.

Lucy: Even the flame was frozen ?! How is that even...

Warrod: I don't know what happened in that village, but... the villagers in the ice are still alive. I can't just leave them like that. I want you to save that village. That is my request.

Natsu: I see ! that's easy ! I'll melt all the ice with my flames !

"Are you that stupid ? If it were that simple, why call for us ? Plus, to have the villagers still alive, this must be no ordinary ice."

Erza: Forgive my words, Warrod sir, but a mage of your power... Surely this is a matter you could resolve on your own...

Warrod: It seems you might be quite mistaken regarding something. The Ten Wizard Saints are not omnipotent. They're just 10 people the council hand selected. There are countless mages greater than me on this continent... And if you were to go beyond the continent, the likes of me would be quite insignificant.

"You mean, like how people would assume you'd be completely overpowered just because of a fancy title you have, like 'King' or 'God' ? Yeah, I know that, and it's incredibly annoying."

Warrod: In actuality, I know almost no offensive magic. If it came down to a martial contest with some youngster, I have no confidence that I would win.

Erza: But...

Warrod: Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. isn't that why a guild is here for ?

Erza: ... It's just like you say.

Natsu: We accept your request !

Gray: Yeah.

Lucy: Please leave it to us !

Warrod: ... ...

"That's good and all, but how about we get down to business now ? So, where is that village ?"

Warrod: It's about 2000 Km South of here.

Erza: that's quite far.

Warrod: What ? The least I can do is help you with transportation. Gather there, and don't forget your belongings.

Warrod: Turn to the right... That was a joke.

All: HEY !!

Warrod: I'm counting on you, youngsters from Fairy Tail.


Gray: Awesome...

Erza: It's like an animal...


Erza: he's so modest, but... Indeed he's something else. Magic that controls mother nature...

Warrod: They're flowing... Mmm.

???: Warrod ! Hurry ! This way ! Spacing out again... Look ! It's finished.

Warrod: Oh ! This is... Our guild...

???: Yeah...

Mavis: Alright, a souvenir photo !

Mavis: This is the birth of Fairy Tail !

Warrod: Has it really been 105 years since then... Mavis, your feelings... Have been inherited by those youngsters.

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