meet the midgets

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(Making this while watching the reboot is very noice, anyways)

Everyone opens their eyes slowly, to only find out that the place was a mess and that every one of them were piled up one by one

"Um, hello??"

Everyone looked down to see that Rands was at the very bottom while the rest of everyone was on top of him

(Thank God Rands doesn't have wattpad-)

Jom scoffed "guys, why are we on top of each other?"

"I have the explanation...we got high asf earlier and started hallucinating about the same thing then passed out, simple" Rei replies casually

Everyone stared blankly at her and just blinked casually

"No explanation yet ig, anyways let's get KFC for lunch today" "it's still morning and time for breakfast tho, we can't get KFC now and-" "I get what I want, fyi"

As everyone got off of each other they headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast...again, when they enter they spot the creatures again (oh no, twerking chickens 🙀😱🙀😱😱🙀👹👹👺🦧👿)

They see smurfs in the kitchen (having a picnic with Black bear and the other pets 💃💃) when the smurfs noticed them, everyone just stood still and stared at each other (queue the he looks at me music 💃)

One of the smurfs spoke up "let us explain please" and before the red smurf could even finish, Rei just threw a random broom that was around at them (thas murder, kids/j #2)

But luckily it didn't hit any of them "uh, can we explain now please?" The red old looking smurf asks. Jom casually leans into one of his friends and asks "can we abandon this house now? It's infested" the friend Jom spoke to shakes their head

(We stayin here cuz we aboutta cause ✨😍chaos😍✨)

"Um, now I guess I could explain. My smurfs and I decided to visit this world again for the 3rd time, but we weren't supposed to be here, we were supposed to be at someone else's place. I'm assuming we got here instead because we went to the same place for a lot of times and the teleportation crystals transported here instead" "do you understand??" One of the smurfs asked as if the humans couldn't unerstand them (this logic is so dum I swear 🙂👺-)

"Half of that I understood but what the heck" Jom spoke up "uh okay, let the mother friend of this house take care of the talk, Jom" Fai walks up to the red and old looking smurf (and starts dancing/j)

"Okay we understand why you're all here...kinda, but how do you guys get home exactly? We can't just let you stay here forever and you probably know that" Fai speaks

"We may need magical ingredients, books with potions and a cauldron, good thing Gargamel isn't trying to catch us today otherwise our journey here will be much harder" "...Who and what??" Fai asks, smiling, a little confused

(Meanwhile with Gargamel)

Gargamel is just throwing a tantrum with madness in the forest like Rei from the last chapter

Azriel is fine with this

(Back to the others now)

"Listen, our world does not have any of those like ANY of them" Jom spoke up, folding his arms "yeah sorry but you may have to leave, such a shame" Randy closes his eyes and shakes his head "yeah, like, right now!" Rei smiles (thas bullying, kids/j)

Almost every smurf frowned and looked down, Jham frowned slightly too (bish 🍑 mf would feel bad for anything I swear 🙄)

"Guys, I think we should help them, after all what could go wrong? They look harmless after all" jham spoke up (shut ya 🍑 up) Fai hums "Jhams got a point, maybe we could help them. And as the motha of this house I want all of y'all to agree with 😤me😤" Fai spoke up

"So, mrs. Fai, you're the legal parental guardian of all of these children I suppose?"  The old smurf asks (Yes and yes 😍✨✨)

"Well technically i'm just a friend of all of them that acts like a mom so uh-" "what is your last name?"

"...Kryztelle, why?-" "mind if we call you Master. Kryztelle?" "What? I-" "Master Kryztelle it is then" Fai gets cut off and face palms herself afterwards as the old smurf smiles brightly
(Fai, I know it feels weird to be called that but please don't sue me or sumn 😭😭)

Jom chuckles "I don't like this" and continues chuckling

"Um anyways, mind if you guys introduce yourselves?" Jham asks "no not at all, let me start off if you may. My name is Papa Smurf, the elderly leader of the smurfs" Papa says and smiles

(Don't mind this, just wanted to add <33 )

"Hello there! Smurfy to meet you, I'm Smurfette..lowkey, I like your outfits" Smurfette (Da pick me 😒😒) whispers to Fai and Jham. Jham waves slightly (and continues to squish smurfette)

(Thas murder, kids #3 /j)

"Nice to meet ya, lassie! The name's Gutsy Smurf!" A smurf with a kilt then appears in front of Jom and smiles, greeting him

"Yeah no, get this one away from me" Jom says

Jham leans in to Fai and whispers "can we keep them now?" Fai shakes her head (sad llama noises can be heard from somewhere in the world)

"I'll keep that away, thank youu" Jham says as she takes Gutsy away from Jom

Rands walks to one of the smurfs, Fai follows (her son ✨🙌😩) him and looks at one of the smurfs, Fai chuckles slightly as she points to one of them "Rands look, it's your double!! :DD"

Fai points to one wearing glasses, both Rands and the glasses wearing smurf gasp dramatically and starts explaining how both of them are not alike (then start telling how tf the universe was made)

"Sorry about that, that's Brainy can stop now, Brainy" Papa says, but Brainy and Rands just kept on babbling about crap

"Uh..okay then" "hey question, who's this one?? She looks like an emo and her brother looks like a leprechaun" Rei chirps as she was now standing beside a female smurf with black hair and a blue highlight, and beside her was a boy with ginger hair (with a high asf expression)

"My name's Vexy, this, is Hackus" "HACKUS HAPPY TO MEET YOU!!" "Hey look, he's high too" Rei and Vexy continued to chatter around

"Glad to see one of you guys are getting along" Fai says, smiling

"Smurfstorm!! Put the arrow down!!" Fai looks behind her to see three female smurfs. One with multiple pigtails, one with short hair with a necklace and a pink dress and one where she's getting hold off by the two other females while holding a arrow and bow, pointing at Fai

(Calm down, Jamal, don't pull out the nine)

"They're all gonna back stab us!! They'll feast on our flesh or maybe even take away our own essence for their magic like Gargamel!!" Smurfstorm yells out

"Uh, first off, magic can't be in our world. Second, I pretty much can't get hurt by your arrows. Third, we don't eat beings like you around here" Fai explains and smiles

"That's nice to hear! I'm Smurflily, I'm assuming you're Fai?" "Yep" Fai smiles

"Oh my Ponies eating macaronies!! (Eddsworld reference 😌✨✨) it's so nice meeting a female giant!! I'm Smurfblossom! Did you know that there are actual ponies that CAN eat macaronies? I DO!! Hey do you know a song that goes like this?? La la la la la la!! Or maybe this! HeEy, hey hey!!" Smurfblossom babbles joyfully

Fai just listens, a little nervous but smiles anyways "now now, Smurfblossom..anyways, sorry about Smurfstorm earlier, she can be a little aggressive sometimes" Smurflily spoke up

"No no it's okay, could I call you guys Lily, Blossom and Stormy instead tho?" The three of them nod in agreement, Fai smiles

(Material girls just meeting each other moment 💃💃✨✨✨)

"I'm surprised some of them are actually getting along pretty well" Jham spoke up (I swear I wanna kick this bit-)

"So this one's name is Grumpy, right?" "It's GROUCHY, get it right!" "I won't til you can pronounce MINE right" "how am I supposed to say Jomblerry correctly, huh??" "It's Jomari!"

"Oh boy"

"That over there is Grouchy" Papa points out, Jham nods

Jham looks behind her to see (twerking chickens 👿👺🦧👹🙀🙀😱🌚) two smurfs arguing with one another. One with a flower on it's hat and one with a heart tattoo on it's shoulder

"Don't mind them, they always do that. The one with the flower is Vanity and the one with the heart tattoo is Hefty" Jham nods to Papa

Soon enough, another smurf appeared out of nowhere and tripped

"That's clumsy" Papa says then turns away, looking around

Jham breathes out "there's a lot of smurfs here than expected" (ye, no shit sherlock)

(why was this chapter so god dang long istg 😭😭)

Anyways, everyone got along

Fai was chattering with the female smurfs (Material gorlls 👏🥰✨✨✨😍)

Rands and Brainy were still babbling about crap (and was babbling about things that were discovered before-)

Rei was chatting around with Vexy and Hackus

Joms was still arguing with Grouchy, while at the same time conversating with him-

And jham was just admiring everyone (lonely 🍑 betch deserves to talk to nobody but herself I swear 🙄😒)


(Just in case if y'all didn't know who was who-)

(Here, have a twerking chicken, g'bye now)

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