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Chaos Sonic's POV:

I slowly get up from the ground as I remembered what happened just a few minutes ago. That's right, I was fighting that old loser version of me. I was going to beat him, and replace him, but the nine-tailed fox got in my way. I should of saw it coming, I should of moved out of the way from that prismatic blast. But I guess, I was destroyed by the very thing that I was created by. I was superior to Sonic in every possible way! I was faster! I was stronger! And I was wayyy more appealing to everyone than the original hog! So how did I lose to him?!?

*Flashback of Sonic beating Chaos Sonic with his friends*

I understand now, I wasn't defeated by Sonic, I was defeated by him and his friends! The very friends that I mocked so much about. Heh, I guess I shouldn't underestimate the "power of friendship" or whatever it's called. Bleh, friendship is stupid, but I guess since it could beat me, the strongest hog ever, I guess it does has its perks. But I won't be defeated by it again!

Wait a electronic minute, where actually am I?

*He looks around the area, he's in a dark alleyway.*

I'm not in New Yoke City anymore. That's not good! I have to find a way back!

*Runs out of the alley and into the main street, he runs in-between traffic and buildings, trying to get a scope about the area he's in.*

(About 20 minutes later)

Chaos Sonic: Ughh, I'm been looking around this place forever! And I still haven't found anything that tells me where I am!

*He was about to carry on running when he hears a cry*

Chaos Sonic: Hmm? What was that?

*He hears it again but louder*

Chaos Sonic: I guess I'm checking it out!

*He runs up one of the buildings and uses his robotic ears to carefully listen to the noise. He hears the sound again.

Chaos Sonic: I got the wave frequency! Now, time to get into gear!

*He runs and jumps across buildings as he heads towards the noise, he hears the noise again and gets to the alley where the noise is coming from. He then jumps from atop the building and does some sick tricks down, then superhero poses when he lands onto the ground.

(First 6 seconds)

He then looks up to see a small child, no more then 12, being attacked by what looks to be a adult. The adult was dressed in all black while the girl was white and blue clothes.

(Stella looks like this)

Chaos Sonic: Hey! What are you doing man? Challenging a girl so young?!
Man: what are you meant to be? A robot from that Mega pizzaplex place?

Chaos Sonic: Mega pizzaplex?

Man: Aw, is the little robot lost? Well, I'll better take you back to where you came from. Of course, while being able to dismantle you, piece by piece.

*The man pulls out a crobar*

Chaos Sonic: Really? Is that all? I fought fleabags stronger then you!

*The man charges at Chaos Sonic. Chaos Sonic dodges it easily. The man goes for multiple attacks as he swings his crobar. Chaos Sonic dodges them with ease as he leans against a wall.*

Chaos Sonic: Yawn, this is too EASY! I knew that this would be a push over but I didn't think that I didn't have to do anything! I'm so bright and shiny and this emo can even hit me. What an embarrassment!

*Chaos Sonic then runs up to behind the man and hits him in the back of the head, knocking him out. He then grabs the man's hood and throws him into a garbage/trash bin/dumpster. The blue robotic blur then yawns in boredom as he then approaches the girl that was frightened and scared for her life.*

Chaos Sonic: Hey little girl, the big bad man is gone now. Are you ok?

girl: Y-yeah m-mister, i-i'm ok. T-thank y-you f-for r-rescuing m-me.

Chaos Sonic: No problem lil one. That's what I was built for, to replace a wannabe hero with failures. But anyways, what is your name?

girl: m-my n-name is S-stella.
Chaos Sonic: No last name?

Stella: n-no, not that I can r-remember.

Chaos Sonic: Well Stella, do you know where I can find this "Mega pizzaplex" that the emo mentioned?

Stella: A-aren't you from t-there?

Chaos Sonic: No you silly one, I'm not. If I was, then I would of already been there.

Stella: i-i guess that's t-true. But if y-your not f-from the Mega Pizzaplex, t-then where are you f-from mister....

Chaos Sonic: Chaos, Chaos Sonic. The best hog ever created!

Stella: W-well, nice to m-meet you C-chaos S-sonic. C-can I...g-give you a nickname?

Chaos Sonic: Why kid? Is my epic name too awesome for you to say?

Stella: W-well, kinda.

Chaos Sonic: Well kid, what would you call me? A hog with no limits?

Stella: hmm...h-how about...(Y/N)?

Chaos Sonic: (Y/N) huh....I like it! Now Stella, can you tell me where that Plex is?

Stella: S-sure (Y/N), i-its the place with the b-big n-neon lights.

(Y/N): Thx kid...Wanna go there with me?

*Stella's eyes beamed with joy and excitement, you could see stars in her eyes.*

Stella: Really?!? I get to go to the Mega Pizzaplex?!? I always wanted to go there! I'll love to join you (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Well then kid, hop on

*He says as he bends down, so Stella could get on his back*

Stella: W-would the spikes h-hurt me?

(Y/N): Nope, they're completely child friendly ^^.

Stella: O-ok.

*Stella hops onto (Y/N)'s back as she holds onto him tightly. (Y/N) then slowly stands up, holding Stella with his robotic arms. He gets into a running stance as he was about to run*

(Y/N): Ready for this kid?

Stella: Ready

(Y/N): Well then, here we...GO!

*The two of them begin to dash through the city at light speed, Stella was directing (Y/N) on where he needs to go. He follows her directions to a tee and gets to the Plex in about 5 minutes. As soon as (Y/N) saw the neon lights that shined off of the Fazbears logo, he slowed down as his running turned into jogging, then walking, then nothing.*

(Y/N): So, this is the place huh?

Stella: Yeah, it is! Isn't it amazing?!?

(Y/N): Looks decent. I get place to hang.

*(Y/N) let's Stella down as he circles the building twice in seconds.*

(Y/N): Place seems stable, and has free internet access, already loving it. Well Stella, should we enter?

Stella: Can we?!?

(Y/N): Sure

*As soon as she hears the green light, Stella rushes into the Mega Pizzaplex, leaving (Y/N) alone*

(Y/N): Welp, no time like the present to find out where I am.

*I head to the door to enter as I hear a noise, this noise wasn't of a person like before however, it was more robotic. I follow the sound to the alleyway near the Plex and peer into the darkness. I see nothing so I go into the alley. The alley was dark and dingy but was quite clean for an area like this. I look around when I noticed a newspaper next to my fabulously red shoes. I pick it up and it's talks about some political stuff that I would not care for. I look at the bottom of the page to see that this newspaper is from Utah.*

(Y/N): Utah? Never heard of it. Wait a minute.

*He connects to the WiFi and looks online for a map of the area. This could be seen on his visor face as we can see him on Google maps looking at the roads, buildings and other places.*

(Y/N): I guess that I'm in either another universe or another dimension, I don't know how but maybe it was that energy blast that sent me here. Probably that.

*(Y/N) then hears a noise coming from the Plex as he sees a big, green exit door. He approaches it and as he does, the door swings open, revealing a women about the age of her early 20s at most coming through the door. She wore a white shirt, a black cap and black trousers. She also had a flashlight in her hands*

*Vanessa then points the flashlight at me as I stay still*

(Y/N): ummm...Meow?

*Vanessa yells in fear as I then scream as well. She then grabs out a taser and shocks me in my stomach area. I then lose consciousness*

(Few minutes later)

*I begin to wake up (screen face turns on) as I see myself tied to a wall with rope and I seem to have green handcuffs on my wrist. I look up to see the lady infront of me as well as some employee or something like that. I look to my right to see a brown bear looking at me.

Then, I look to my left to see Stella staring at me in worry*

(Y/N): Hey kid, how was the Plex?

Stella: (Y/N)? What happened? I thought that we were going in together.

(Y/N): Well kid, something happened and I met this nice lady that's in front of me right now. She did this to me.

*I then see the lady who I can only assume was an employee here and someone else whispering to each other. Then, they turn their attention to me as to ask me something*

Vanessa: So, your name is (Y/N), correct?

(Y/N): How do you know about that?

Vanessa: The kid noticed you after I tied you up and she was very worried for you.

(Y/N): Aww, Stella, I would of been fine. This lady didn't even sting me.

*She then grabs a remote out from her pockets and pressed a button. I then felt a sharp electrical shock going through my body. I don't do anything though because I didn't want to worry Stella.*

(Y/N): Well my friend, that stung.

Vanessa: Not so tough now, are you?

(Y/N): Oh hush you.

Vanessa: Whatever. Anyways, you are here to be questioned.

(Y/N): What did I do?

Vanessa: You're a robot that was just outside the Pizzaplex. You look like you've been through a lot and we also need to make sure that you aren't dangerous to people, like Freddy here.

*She points to the brown bear as he just waves and stands there.*

Vanessa: Now, who built you?

(Y/N): I was built by a group that was very good in robotics and technology.

Vanessa: Do you know where they are right now?

(Y/N): No, I got separated from them and I haven't seen them since.

Vanessa: Now for the big question, what are you?

(Y/N): Can't you tell? I'm a hedgehog.

Vanessa: Well alright then, you'll be checked out by the person next to me and then we can see if you would be fit to be an animatronic here.

(Y/N): Animatronic? Is that meant to mean a robot? Because I am a robot. And I'm the best one at that.

*Vanessa doesn't say anything as the person next to her goes up to me and began to run some test on me.*

*Nothing bad happened and I made it through them all with little effort. The person then inserts something into the back of me and somehow checks my data.*

*I try to protest but it was no use as one by one, my files were uploaded onto their laptop and onto their systems.*

*After for what felt like forever, they released me from the ropes, my handcuffs and the cord connecting me to the laptop. I walk up to and stand next to Stella.*

Vanessa: Alrighty, everything seems to be fine with you and nothing is wrong in your files. You can officially be part of the Fazbear family. Freddy will show you on what to do and he will introduce you to the others.

(Y/N): There are more?

Vanessa: Yes, there are the staff bots, the band members: Roxanne Wolf, Montgomery Gator, Glamrock Chica, and Glamrock Freddy who you have already met, the daycare attendants: Sundrop and Moondrop, and Music Man.

(Y/N): Sweet, can't wait to meet them.

Vanessa: Well, thats good to hear, now enjoy your time here at Freddy's and I'll be in my office if you need me.

*Vanessa and the gadget person leave as it's just me, Stella and Freddy. Freddy approaches me as Stella hugs me*

Freddy: So (Y/N), ready for that tour?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm ready as I'll ever be.



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