The Immediate Resignation

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The following day, I was lounging on my couch watching Mornings with Mariska, when I got a phone call. I had hoped it would be Alec calling to tell me to come in to work so I could get back on the project and just put that whole mess behind me. However, when I reached for my phone, I found it wasn't Alec's name displayed on my screen.

"Hey Emi."

"Oh no, you sound upset. It's true then, what I heard..."

"That's an interesting way to say good morning." I leaned back into my sofa and turned down the TV volume.

"Sorry, I just couldn't believe it."

"Is it really that surprising? I mean you know how I feel about the whole situation. We both knew I was probably going to snap at some point."

"Yes, but I would have thought you'd find another job first before quitting. I mean, I admire your conviction. It's just with this economy..."

Emily kept right on going as my groggy brain started to speed up.

"Say that again."

"Well, I mean if you can't make rent, you can stay with me. I have a..."

"No, no, not that. Though I appreciate the offer, but the part about me quitting."

"I knew it. I just knew you didn't quit. Of all the underhanded things..."

"Slow down Emi. Tell me what happened."

I heard her take a deep breath and then she continued on in a calmer voice.

"I came in early to get a jump on things and I was going through my email which was when I saw a message from you in my inbox. It was a letter of resignation sent to everyone in the department. It said that you found the stresses of working on the gala to be too much and that it helped you realize that this business was not a good fit for you. It also said you were resigning effective immediately. I just knew that didn't sound like you."

I had trouble keeping the phone against my ear. Emily kept asking again and again if I was still there and I tried to give her an answer, but my mouth wasn't listening to my commands. It instead just hung there, open and trembling.

"It's going to be okay Lex. I won't let you starve. My place is ready whenever you need it. It's going to be okay."

I thought back to the night before when Alec said the very same words.

"Is Alec in yet? Is he there?"

I heard her shuffling slightly and the creak of her office chair's wheels.

"No. It's still early though."

"I'm coming down. I'll see you in a bit."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"I need to talk to him and I'm not going to do it over a phone. I want to look him in the eyes when he tells me why this has happened."

"Okay, I understand. I still think it isn't a good idea, but I do understand. Just be careful, okay?"

I tried to think if I could really make that promise to Emily at that point.

"Bye Emi. And thanks for calling."

I hung up and ran straight for my closet. I threw on the first sweater and jeans I could find. My hair was free and natural, my face red with heat instead of blush, and my skin dry without its daily coat of lotion. I wasn't looking to impress that day. All I wanted to do was get to Alec and to get the whole mess fixed. I didn't have time for unnecessary primping. However, when I marched over to the door and tore it open I found myself running straight into a very warm and very solid chest. Strong arms wrapped around me as I lost my balance.

"I was just about to knock," said a firm and familiar voice that sent my heart fluttering. "I'm sorry."

I pulled away out of sheer shock, but instantly regretted leaving Alec's arms. He didn't look hurt by the quick withdraw, instead he just looked relieved. I, however, became acutely aware of just how disheveled I looked. I brushed a shaking hand through my hair in a vain effort to tame it and I tried to bow my head away from the light in order to hide some unwelcome blemishes on my cheek. Then, I simply growled at myself for caring. I thought I was above all that, but Alec made me forget reason sometimes.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to...collide into you, I guess."

I felt a mixture of agitation and infatuation. I could smell his rich scent upon his skin and I could still feel the heat on my cheeks from my rage. I couldn't process my feelings so I just sort of stared at him while the cogs slowly turned.

"I take it you were heading to see me," he said, ignoring my internal struggle. I simply nodded in reply. "Look, Lex..."

"Did you do it?"

I had a much longer and more elegant demand generated inside my head, but emotions and fatigue altered the message on its way to my tongue. Still the point came across and Alec clearly felt the force of my bluntness.

"No, I didn't send out the resignation. Do you want to sit down?" He gestured towards my apartment, but I wasn't willing to let him pass the threshold. Nor did I think I could particularly move.

"No, I want to know why you told me yesterday that I wouldn't be fired and today I wake up to find I don't have a job."

That came out better. My nerves were settling, though my anger still remained fresh and biting in my voice.

"Tamara reported your behavior and your apparent knowledge of the situation. The executives wanted you fired outright, but she was the one that fought against your termination and convinced them to just do a resignation."

Alec said it like it was supposed to be some sort of consolation, but I didn't find any relief in that revelation.

"Look this way you get to keep your dignity and finding a new job won't be as difficult. I know Tamara seems like a cold woman, but she's just married to her work. She's not cold-hearted, just dedicated. She is a good person deep down."

I wanted to say that she only did it so she'd be in Alec's good graces and get a better chance at winning him back, but I thought better of it. Instead I decided to take my frustration out on the person I was really mad at.

"I can take Quinto to court over this."

"You could," said Alec with a slow drawl, "and I would support you one hundred percent, but..." He sighed and his eyes darkened with the sadness weighing down his brow. "But, you won't win Lex. Quinto has more money and lawyers than you could possibly imagine. Justice doesn't have a voice where money speaks."

I wanted to tell him that's not fair, that Quinto can't get away with this, that with justice and truth on my side I would win. But, I knew that that was all just childish optimism. Reality had made me cynical.

"Well what am I supposed to do?" I asked, throwing my hands up. "Go find a new job and start a new life?"

"I think you should just lay low for now. Wait it out until after the gala. Once that goes on as planned and Quinto gets his way then maybe I can talk you back in. It was only a resignation. Those are easy enough to overturn without hurting the company's pride."

He tried to give me a reassuring smile, but I could tell he wasn't too confident in his own words.

"This isn't right Alec. We both know that and I will not lay down and let them walk on me."

"I know you won't," he said with something akin to pride in his warm smile. "And I admire that spirit so much, but please think about what it will cost you to do this."

"Seems like this has already cost me everything I have."

"You haven't lost everything. You still have your friends. You still have me."

I wondered if he just said it that way because he needed to assert that he was one of my friends or that he wanted it clear that he saw himself as more than a friend.

"I know," I said with a resigned huff. "And I do appreciate it. I just need to be a bit mad right now, okay? But don't worry, I won't be doing anything anytime soon."

"Okay, I understand."

We stood at the door with awkward silence growing between us. I wasn't sure how to say goodbye from there, but Alec eventually took the initiative.

"The one good thing about you technically no longer being my subordinate is that I don't have to worry about doing this."

Before I could ask what he meant, he reached out and slipped a hand upon my back and another just below the base of my neck. He pulled me in and I didn't resist his embrace. I fell into his chest and I let him rest his cheek on top of my head.

"I really am sorry about this, but I will keep my promise. I will not let them hurt you. You will be okay."

"Everyone keeps saying that." The words were muffled with my lips so close to the folds of his jacket.

"Because it's true."

He squeezed me tighter and I wanted to ask him to stay, to keep holding me like that while I drained out all the tension and pain of the month through my tears. My arms hung limp by my side and I hoped that if I could just manage to raise my hands up and grab hold of him, then maybe he'd remain there with me. However, he pulled away before I had the chance to follow through. A catch pulled at my throat as he readied himself to leave, but I didn't have the words to stop him.

"Just rest. I'll give you word when I know more. Goodbye."


He left and I turned back into my quiet, lonely apartment.


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