The Power Shift

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After that day Alec kept to his word.

"Did you get the new list of food allergies and diet preferences to the restaurant?"

"Yes," I said, "but did we actually confirm Judge Navarro's attendance?"

"Yes, I got a confirmation from his assistant yesterday evening. Our guest list should be solid, but keep on your toes."

"Great. Thanks for..."

He left me mid-sentence, rushing off to go speak with Colin and the gala team. I knew everyone had been busy, including Alec, but I wondered if this was really the professional side of him. I was getting a bit of frigidity mixed in there, which I didn't think I deserved. Of course, I hadn't exactly been a warm ball of sunshine while I worked through my feelings either.

This, however, became the norm over the remainder of the week. I thought perhaps someone would notice and point it out. I, in fact, wanted someone to. I figured it might be able to part the air between the two of us. Unfortunately, everyone was running around in a mad scurry, trying to tie up all the loose ends so that the following week leading up to the big event, would be reserved for last minute emergencies.

So things kept going as they were and I wondered if they'd change at all once the stress of the gala had dissipated. Or if the bare minimum would exist between the two of us from then until one of us got a new job or a transfer.

Finally, the Friday before the gala arrived and I spent the entirety of the day counting down the hours until closing. It was the night the marketing team planned to go out to the bar. I wasn't one to drown my worries in liquor, but I certainly needed the social atmosphere to lighten the weight on my shoulders.

"Any chance I can convince you to come tonight?"

"I'm not on the marketing team now am I?" It was reaching the five o'clock hour and Emily was organizing some things in the office before she called it a day and headed home for the weekend.

"It's just coworkers getting together," I said with a pleading whine in my voice. "No one would be unhappy to see you. And you know Theo will be there..."

"You're just trying to get as many people between you and Alec as you can, aren't you?"

I didn't give her an answer since it was obvious she didn't need one.

"You two have been like opposing magnets recently," said Emily with a roll of her eyes. She stopped cleaning up her desk and turned to me with a hand placed on her hip and a judging smirk on her lips. "I'm assuming that's either because he got tired of your cold shoulder or you finally had a talk and it didn't go well."

"We kind of had a talk... But, he's the one that started it and I kind of didn't have any real input. Still, it's for the best, right? I mean, we couldn't be together anyway..."

"Do you hear yourself when you talk?"

"I try to block myself out..."

She sighed and took a seat. Then, she rolled over to my side of the office and took my hands in hers. "Maybe this is what Tamara wanted and maybe from a non-emotional standpoint, this is easier, but is this really what you think Alec and you want?"

"I don't know what I want at this point."

"Well, I'm not going to be an accomplice to this slow moving train wreck." She gave the back of my hands a pat and then rolled back to her desk. "I won't be at the bar because, one, it's for the marketing team and you guys should bond or something; two, I will not be a meat shield between you and Alec; and three, I don't want to see Theo before Saturday night."

"What?" I asked, my self-pity quieting for a moment in the wake of the sudden shift in conversation. "Why?"

"Because, I think seeing him the night before our first official date would put a damper on all that lovely anticipation that comes before a first date. I mean the lead up is kind of anxiety ridden and you just want to get it over with so you don't have that anticipation anymore, but I think it all makes the pay off that much sweeter and I just don't want to ruin it by hanging out with him the night before with a bunch of coworkers having probably too much to drink."

"Wait, can we start back at the beginning? You got a date?"

Emily turned to face me with a wide smile. "Yep."

"Wow," I said, my mouth hanging open slightly. "Congratulations Emi." I hoped it sounded sincere. I was really happy for her, but that nasty bug of jealousy had such a knack for poisoning pure feelings.

"Thanks, I plan on using the date to ask him about getting that dance in at the gala." She gave me a wink before looking over to the clock with a hopeful smile.

"Wow," I muttered, looking down at my hands. "You make it sound so easy."

"Well, it wasn't necessarily easy, but it certainly is easier for me than you since I don't have a psycho ex-girlfriend watching my every move, threatening to ruin both my and Theo's careers."

"Thanks for the reminder..."

"You'll figure it out Lex," she said with a maturity in her voice that I didn't think I had ever heard before. "And if you want my advice on how to go about figuring it out, I suggest discussing it with Alec and planning out what is the best course of action." I tried not to scoff too hard at that sentiment. I wasn't sure when the last time I saw a plan come to fruition, they were starting to seem rather pointless.

Despite, the cynical twist of my lips, Emily continued. "You know, there are things in place for interoffice relationships so long as you talk to HR before anything is serious." A bashful blush danced on her cheeks and she looked away with a sly smile still on her face. "I may have already looked into rules regarding it, so I can tell you they are there, though admittedly, you'll have a bit more difficulty going about it since he is your superior."

Hadn't it only been a couple weeks earlier that Emily had been vicariously living through me, wishing me a wonderful evening with Alec back at the hospital. Yet, there she was strong and confident, pursuing her own romantic dreams.

I needed to absorb her powers.

"What about doing something before I head to the bar? Just for like an hour. One drink?"

"You never give up, do you?" she asked with a laugh.

"Never give up, never surrender."

"Well you should take that determination and turn it towards yourself."


"No," she said with a wag of her finger. "Conversation closed. Even if I wanted to hold your hand, I'm spending all my time tonight staring at my closet, figuring out what I'm going to wear tomorrow. Since I'll be spending the day with you dress shopping, I need to do some prep work tonight." She collected her things and started to head for the door.

"Then come over after you're done picking out an outfit, I'm sure we'll still be..."

"Good bye Lex."

She gave me a parting wave and disappeared into the Pit. I sighed and looked at the clock. She could have at least stayed another hour, I lamented. As much as I hated the idea of Alec and I awkwardly sitting together at the bar, I didn't fear that nearly as much as the fact that I still had to go over a few things with Alec before Monday. I looked out to the Pit and found it a barren wasteland devoid of any life. However, I knew I wasn't alone. Tamara was there too, watching and waiting.

Emily just didn't understand that leaving Alec to think I hated him was the best for everyone. Even if it hurt.


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