Chapter 13 - The devil's allies plotted against him

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The next morning, I woke up with my leg wrapped around him and my heart on his chest. I felt as though I could have stayed there forever because he was warm and all, but then I realized that we had plans, so it was not possible.

I give him a quick look as I attempt to get out of bed gradually. I succeed, but just then I hear him ask, "Where are you going? Please come back here. "

When I turn to face him again and notice that his eyes are still closed, I say, "I hate to wake you up, but it is almost eight. Mommy Grace has come here twice already to see if we were awake."

He slowly opened his eyes and clung to his blanket, staring at me. "So what?"

Then he threw a pillow at me. I caught it. I threw it back at him. "So that's mean breakfast is ready. They are just waiting for us. Come on now."

Suddenly I dive on him on the bed and that's started a pillow fight, he started to tickle me, we laugh at lot, then we crashed into each other and started kissing.

"Alright, we gotta be ready, we don't want mommy Grace to come check on us once again," I suggested.

A few minutes later, I went to the dining room and left Brayden in the bathroom getting ready. On my way to them, I heard their voices.

"I'm telling you, girl, you almost burned that shit," says Rachel

"Who are you calling, girl? Please, you better watch your mouth, girl, " replied my mom

"See, you literally just called me girl,"

"I did?"


"Sorry, I guess the alcohol is still in my blood,"

Then I appeared. "Morning Ya'll"

"Hey," replied Rachel and mommy Grace

"Finally," added Brayden's Dad

"Where's Brayden?" asked my mom

"I left him in the bath. He'll be here in a minute. "

Then comes Javi, Brayden's former driver, his right hand after Danny, of course, who is now my personal driver. We adopted him as a family member cause I don't know if no other driver is going to be as loyal as him.

"Mmm, delicioso," says Javi

"Hey Javi, did you just get here?" I asked him

"I just got in a fight with two squirrels. They didn't want to let me get out of the car. Let's say it's been two hours. "

"Wait... Don't tell me that you've been here in the parking since 5?" Asked mommy Grace

"What can I say, I'm not that guy,"

"He doesn't want that smoke," added Rachel

"Hell no," replied Javi

And we all started laughing. " Come sit with us, Javi," I said

"Talking about smoke, do you still have some of those things you gave me last night cause I think Angie murder DD cause he'sno where to be found?" asked Brayden's Dad.

Do you know the two voices in your head when you not sure of doing something, one is convincing you to do it and the others trying to convince you not to so that's what he is talking about he mentioned Angie and DD cause after they smoked that shit they say they not only hearing them, they saw them. But we all know that's it's a cap cause it's the weeds talking.

"Don't tell me you want to smoke that shit again. You almost flushed the poor fish in the toilet last night, " says Mommy Grace

"For my defense, it was Angie's idea."

"Wait...isn't Angie supposed to be the good one?" asked Rachel

"Yes, she told me that if I flush it , she'll be happy, and I will be able to see her with SpongeBob and squidward on TV."

"Nah, you've been played by the devil in disguise," responded Javi

We started laughing again. "So DD pretended to be Angie all along," asked Grayden

"Exactly," replied my mom

"But, how did he do that?"

"Acting skills, I guess," I responded

"So you still have some"

"Mmm, mmm, absolutely not," added Mommy Grace

"Just to make sure Angie is okay,"

"Looks like someone is getting addicted," says Brayden on his way towards us.

Everyone was happy to see him and started clapping.

"Like you are when it's comes to Darcy," says Rachel

Everyone" hahaha"

"Yes, I am, and believe it or not, i could never get enough," he added

Everyone "Awww" as a sign of excitement.

"For my defense, I didn't give it to him voluntary, DD get control over my body," says Javi

Everyone" hahaha"

"So we can eat now?" Asked my little sis

"Let's pray," added my mom

After the prayer, Brayden asked me, "Are they okay now?"

And I respond."Not entirely, they still a bit under the unfluence of the alcohol"


Quick after the breakfast, my dad made me sign to follow him in his private room, I did, and the door closed shortly after us. We sat and started talking.

"Do you think the plan is working so far?" He asked me

"Well, they are here, aren't they?"

"That's only mean one thing, but I'm still not down about the idea of you being a trap,"

"The new ambassador and the vice president thinks it's genius"

"Yeah, that's freaking me out that the vice president and the ambassador agreed so quickly on something," says my Dad

" That's mean they are really scared of that guy,"


"Does that suppose to freak me out now?" I whispered

"Yes, as you should cause this guy we are talking about possess the power to push two countries that is ally for a very long time to terminate their relationship and go to war within minutes."

"What does he got on them to push them to break such an alliance and go to war just right after?"

He looked at me, and he put his hand in his jaw, and then he replied, "Secrets, secrets they don't want nobody to know."

"Shit, someone like that they would've done anything possible to stop him even if that mean you and I being a pawn."

"Exacly they do not care. They only care about their secrets... On the other hand, every powerful nation, with the exception of the US, formed an alliance with him to prevent him from acting foolishly. They had no idea where his grand comeback would take place, but my best friend Francis informed me that there was a meeting at the embassy where all of his allies-France, Russia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Pakistan, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Germany, and now the US-were present. The idea is to keep him there by all means necessary.

I was astonished.

"Up until now, he had no information about us, making this project zero. It has to do with a very potent weapon. We took all that from Iraq so they could not complete it in 2016. We have had it up to this point," my father said.

"Fuck, but why would he take a chance to return here for us when he knows they are waiting for him?"

"We don't know that for sure, we only know that his guys are here, that's all"

"Fact, except that no one really know his face we don't know that for sure" I responded

"That's also true"

"If He try to make that bold move, that only mean he's desperate," I added

"Desperate like, he doesn't have it no more"

"Not only he doesn't have it but someone who wanted it in the first place now knows that he doesn't have it so now is pressing him,"


"Now the question is what does that person offer him to make him do that knowing that can cause WW3, hein? ... obviously the truth, that person told him that they are plotting against him now that he knows that he can't count on his allies no more that person also offered him a way out," I continued

"Like a free pass something he never has, like a country he knows he can run to when he is in trouble knowing that no one can get him there" added My dad

"In another word, it's not a simple country, one that is also powerful enough"

"So you're saying whoever possess that info will be the more powerful one and that he doesn't want to run no more, he want to retired" Asked my dad trying to make sure that's what he heard is really what i meant


I stood up and started walking in the room like I owned it.

I carry on "Remenber on the book, black face has a family that he abandoned, 2 children and a wife?"

"Yes but he's not the real black face, is he?" responded my Dad

"We don't know that for sure. What we also don't know is the author of that book. He or she is still unknown"

"You know what I'm thinking about right now? Is that he tried to pass what he has on the US Through me and my team but it's never got through, that's why he is after me he think that I has it and that's why I found out and stopped everything"

"Finally, Dad, you woke up, now you are with me,"

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck it's worst than I thought" screamed my Dad

"Come on now we have a war rumor to stop"

"It's not the first war you've helped me to stop you know" He said

"I know, I also know that's why you were going hard on me asking me to come working with you even if I didn't want to"

"It wasn't only me someone else was pressing me cause he was impressed cause of what you did wether you like it or not they are going to offer you that place once again"

"And I'll decline respectfully once again"

My dad take a deep breath and then he exhale "And I got my carreer to save, let's go now i'm going to see if I can call the President."

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