Chapter 15 - The kidnapping

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POV: Two random guys were playing dice game across the street 6 blocks away from where Brayden's family are located.

Random guy with a Spanish accent “hahaha, I got you there”

And the other one respond “whatever bro, another round, I'll bet 1,000 on that outcome”

The first guy with the same accent “ Are you sure Shawn?“

“Yes Bernard, but one condition. Let me roll” responded Shawn

“As you wish” Bernard simply replied

Shawn rolled, and he won, Shawn was happy. He started screaming and jumping in the street.

“Seems like luck is finally turning in my favor now” He said

“How did you have to cheat to beat me? It's not fair, you know. How'd you do it” asked Bernard

“Isn't it sweet to taste the fruit of your own medicine, that's karma bitch”

“What do you mean? I won fair and square” stated Bernard

“Are you sure? Empty your pockets”

“Jaja, there's nothing on my pockets. You just took everything I had”

Shawn trying to mimicking his nervous laugh “Jaja, stop the cap Bernard I knows what you know, like you Don't want to show me your trick, I ain't going to show you shit either because a magician never revealed his secrets.“

Suddenly, Bernard's phone rings.

“It's the boss” he said

“What are you waiting for? Don't let him wait”

Then he picked up. “Hello Boss”

“¿Ya tienes su ubicacion? ( Do you have his location already?)“ asked the boss

“No, todavia no, pero creo que tendra que irse a algun lado tarde o temprano (No, not yet, but I believe he's gotta go somewhere sooner or later)”

“Que Pasa? ¿ han estado alli Desde Ayer por la noche? ¿ El trabajo es demasiado difficil Para ustedes? O haganmelo Saber porque puedo enviar a Jhon ohora mismo (What happened, y'all been there since yesterday night, is the job too hard for ya'll or? let me know because I can send Jhon right now)”

“No,no,no Jefa, le Dare una respueta, solo Denas unas horos por favor” begged Bernard

Their boss say something to someone else while he is in his car.

“Donner leur un compte a rebous, apres le boulos seras a toi, je veut une response immediat, faits leur savoir, parce que je ne pas de temps a perdre” (Give them a counddown, after the job will be yours. I need an immediate answer, let them know. Because I don't have time to waste.)  Says the boss. He left his phone to Jhon while he exited the car.

“Tout de suit boss” (I'm on it Boss) responded Jhon. Then, the boss entered a casino.

“You guys have two hours to give a confirmation after that you guys know the rest.” He ordered Bernard and Shawn.

“Copy that!” and Bernard hangs up.

Bernard turn to Shawn and say while panicking " we don't have time to waste Shawn or they'll send Jhon here, and we don't want that, do we?"

“The last time we were with That French beast it didn't went well, we're almost got arrested and there was a lot of bodies in the ground our crew included a bunch of innocent, so no.” He added

“He's heartless this one. We don't want anything to do with him” stated Bernard with the same Spanish accent.

While working out alone, Brayden began kicking the bag while partially nude. His six-pack was drenched from sweat, and his flawless physique was highlighted by the sudden ringing of his phone.


“Hello” I said

“What's up, my boy?“ Asked Danny, my best friend

“Not as much as what you've been doing lately like the rumor says”

“Really? I guess words travel faster like they said”

“What do you think?…it's super early. What are you up to?“ I asked

“Well, nothing special, just getting ready for a family dinner with the lady's parents” He replied

“So it is really serious between you two, ain't it?”

“Well, I can't really say, but I never seen her so passionate like that about our relationship” he responded

“I'm happy for you, my friend, finally someone who deserves you!!” I stated

“Well they weren't so different from each other back in college, I'm afraid to get play again,”

“Some people change by the time, if she really invited you to meet her parents, she's done playing games now it's up to you, if you really like her, play your card right,” I rambled

“Yes I do, I have an eye for her since my first semester in college,” he replied quickly

“Well, I never heard you say yes, I do so fast in my entire life”

“What can I say”

“Aight, it's as we discussed, my man. Good luck!” I murmured while I stood up and took my shirt to leave the boxing rings heading towards the bathroom.

“Don't tell me you are working out right now, are you? cause i am doing the same actually ”

“No way”.



I lay on my sister bed for Second then suddenly I received a message from Brayden saying “Hey my queen of Heart, I know that you are not fan of me at this moment but not for long. Join me at this location, and I'll make it up to you. Kisses my love!”

I was mad at first, but after reading it, I smirked.

“Did I see right, or is that a smile?“ Asked Rachel

“He just texted me he said he wanna make it up to me”

“Yeah, that's right cause he is the only one who can make you smile like this when it's that time of the month,” She added

“What? I'm not on my time. What made you say that?“

“Chill, I know that you're not. I'm just joking. It's just because every time you have a bad day, you're always acted the same. There's no difference” she stated

“You are hilarious, you know that?…it just like I told you earlier, he's looking for some stupid excuses to not spending time with me” I responded

She was facing the mirror then she suddenly turn towards me so she can have all my attention “I get that but he just trying to protect you just like my mom is doing right now because of that mess we are in. I missed my fourth semester, and God knows how mad I am right now and how much I missed my friends, but it's for the greatest good” she stated

I made her sign with my hand to come sit close to me on the bed she did, and I hugged her.

“Everything is going back to normal soon, i promise. It's either they go back where they came from or the FBI get them” I said, trying to reassure her

“Why the FBI still haven't caught them yet, I thought they were supposed to be one of the most powerful force in America”

“They are, but who we are against is also the most powerful under law in the world, his name is Black face. No one has ever seen his face, not even the one who works for him. They don't know if he is white or black, and he only show his face to…”

“The ones he's going to kill” we said together

“I heard that story. I thought at first it was a myth. But one thing for sure, he's human, one bullet, puff*, and he's gone, we are not in a scary movie, so he better watch out” she stated

I was serious for a moment, and then all of a sudden, I started laughing.

“I'm messing with you. He's just trying to pass as the one in the book, but like you said, he is human. You should have seen your face” I rambled

“Hahaha funny, so didn't you have a date to attempt to?“

“Fuck what time is it?” I said as I hastily got out of bed.

“I know what time is it, it's time to get hot bitch” she yelled

And then we start to laugh and I make my way out of her room.

Having finished getting ready, I grabbed the keys and went outside to drive the car since Javi was not supposed to be at work today. I was dressed casually in white shirt and black pants. However, that did not make me any less attractive than usual because I was aware that everyone was staring at me because I had stopped five blocks away to go to the closest store.

I entered and left as soon as I had my belongings.

P.S.: Remember the two random guys who were playing dice 6 blocks earlier? They saw her and recognized her.

“Shawn look, isn't that his wife?“

“His wife? His not married yet, I've been following him since that game thing. If he did, I would've known” responded Shawn while he turned slowly to see who he was talking about.

“Whatever, just look”

“Yes it's her, but still not his wife, her name is Darcy” confirmed Shawn

“What should we do?“ Continue Shawn

“What do you mean, what should we do? we grab her, and we think about the plan later. We have a few minutes cause it's not every day a Christmas gift came earlier” exclaimed Bernard

While she was about to get in the car, Bernard grabbed her while he put a gun on her back and, at the same time, covered her mouth.

“Listen, if you make any noises, you are dead, so you better do as we said” command Bernard

“Get the keys from her and drive” He asked Shawn

Shawn did as he said, and then he ordered Darcy to get in. She didn't try to do anything to see if she could run away. She was terrified as hell. She just followed his order.

Fortunately, Agent Xolo was following her, and he saw what happened, but it was too late for him to react they were already left, but instead, he took the license plate picture.

Anyway he try to follow them while calling someone on the phone for backup and say “listen I want you to track this car with that license plate number I'm going to send you…GBC2020 and when you find it send the nearest backup as soon as possible”

“Copy that Agent, but sorry to ask, is everything okay?“ Asked the other agent

“No, I want back up now. She has been kidnapped, I repeat, Darcy has been kidnapped”. He screamed.

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