Chapter 19 - New US ambassador to the UK

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Grayden Pov...

When we got off the plane, Nicholas, the deputy chief of mission, and the prime minister come to welcoming us. And the head of the CIA.

"Welcome back, Mr. Pierce, " Nicholas said to me

"You must be Brayden, the new Ambassador, welcome to United Kingdom," also says the prime minister

And they shake hands

"Mr. Pierce I Am Vicxa the CIA station chief"

"The last time I was here, I remember it was someone else."

"Kendra," we rambled at the same time

"Exacly," I added

"Is he going to be okay?" Asked Visca, talking about Brayden cause he was wearing a mask like the rumor says. He is gravely sick and contagious, plus that is what protectecting him. We're all know that it's not true, but who's going to tell them.

He was walking behind us with the prime minister, and Nicholas

"Yes, the mask is just for precautions. After a while, he's going to have to take it off. "

After a while when we was about to get in the cars so we can finally heading to the ambassy the prime minister stop us and say "Getlemen, I'm going to leave you here cause I got something important to do before 10"

"No prob prime minister, see you later then," says Brayden

"Glad to finally hear your voice behind that mask. You sound like a robot, hahaha. "

We're all started to laugh.

The prime minister continues, "Be well, my friend." He taps his shoulder, and then he leaves

"Vicxa, I want you to call Xolo and ask him. What's the status back in Carolifornia. He'll understand" commands Brayden

"Will do...once again nice to meet you, I am a big fan, by the way, Mr. Pierce"

"Thank you, but you can call me Brayden." Then she went a bit far from them to make the call.

Brayden and I get in the car, but before Nicholas closes the car's door from the outside and gets in the one of the car behind us, Brayden says to him

"As soon as we get there, I want everyone to be here for the meeting."

"But I thought it was supposed to be when the Prime minister rejoined us?" Responded Nicholas

"There still going to have another one when he came back, but the most important one has to be as soon as I get there."

"So practically, the first one is going to be like a training before the big match," asked Nicholas

"Most likely, but except that it's going to be more like a brief summary of what we are going to talk about in the first one, and we are going to tell the prime minister what i want him to know."

"Say less... but quick warning tho as soon as you get there, it's going to rain light. Is that okay with you?" stated Nicholas

"I've seen worse," I simply replied

Brayden, Nicholas nodded, and then he shut the door, and we were heading to the ambassy.

While in the car, he says,

"After this meeting, you are going to be mostly in charge, Grayden, understood?"

"Including for the second meeting?"

"You can take care of the prime minister, can't you?"

"Yes, I got him,"

"He is number 5 on my list of suspect, please watch out for him,"

A few minutes later... he left the car as soon as we got there so the press can have some shots of him being in United Kingdom doing his duty as the President asked of him and told me to stay in the car until we got all the way inside.

Because no one was to see me according to the plan.

Even so, the mask remained on, and the fact that his voice was speaking to them and giving a speech was sufficient evidence that it was indeed him. Little did they know.

The way they greeted him when we arrived was more like it was when I used to come here, as I moved my eyes to catch a glimpse. Numerous people in identical colored outfits, including paparazzi and those there merely to look after us, were present. In front of the main gate, they were arranged in a row on the left, with the paparazzi on the right.

Then he kept walking till he got inside.

"Ambassador, what you are going to wear is already inside of your room, and please make sure you eat before everything else." Says Nicholas to Brayden

"Once again, call me Brayden, Nicholas,"

"Yes, Brayden. Okay, I'm going to make sure everything is ready. "

After sixty minutes, my son and I were walking into the conference room. Even before we entered, it was packed and appeared as though the meeting had already begun. They ceased speaking as soon as they noticed us.

"Please don't mind us keep going," I say sofly trying not to interrupt.

"Yes, as I was saying how comes these stuff was here and got in the plane, but none of us knows?...this leading only in that conclusion, the maul is in this room at the moment we are talking, and Mr. Pierce knows that"

And everyone started murmuring.

"Be careful, Favreau. we are not going to point our fingers at no one but only me. Another theory is that they know at exactly what time I was about to go, so they put it inside just before I got in the plane. It could have been worse than just guns and drugs. i thank God for that, so that's also mean that no one was aware, " I responded

Everyone looks at each other and then nods

"Now let's leave this behind and focus on going after him so we can prove my theory," I added

They started clapping

"What we know is that he was here in the United Kingdom for sure before all of that, now he can be anywhere," stated Michelle

"Today at exacly 4 AM, we traced some of his mens in Mexico," exclaimed Vicxa

"That's prove us on thing if he is not in The US yet he is planning to cross the border soon cause Xolo just confirmed they also arrested 5 trying to get out of Canada, Right Vixca?" Asked Brayden

"Yes, either they trying to regroup or backing off till things calm down."

"No, don't be that naive. They know that I'm here, but they don't know that Grayden is with me, and also, they think Grayden has project X. What did that tell you?"

"You are the new Ambassador, so now that you are far from each other's, that's also mean the amount of the guards decreased," says Nicholas

"Bingo," added Brayden

"So they are regrouping then," confirmed Michelle

"So what exactly is Project X?" Asked Favreau

"All we know is that it's a massive destructive weapon plan that the US confiscated from Iran, so they can not be able to finish it," stated Vicxa

"So doesn't that tell us what country we should suspect then?" Asked Michelle

"Do you mean Iran and the other countries they are in relationships with?" Brayden asked Michelle

"Yes, so we can make the circle a bit smaller, we don't have to go after all these countries in power right now. All we have to do is start with Russia, " she stated

"It's not Russia neither is China, they contacted me as soon as the announced me as the new ambassador to say that they don't want no war and we know that it can't be Syria, I got some info about them but I got to finish the investigation first" exclaimed Brayden

"Before he came here, he was in France, then Germany. Does that tell you something?" Asked Favreau

"Doesn't ring a bell, he can go in whatever country he want to but that doesn't mean that they are with him on this, if that was the case I would have pointed my finger on United Kingdom first"

Then, everyone started whispering just after Brayden pointed at the UK, and he is right for pointing at them, but if i was him. i wouldn't do it in front of all of them.

Then I suddenly asked him,
"What are you doing?" Quietly

And he responds, "Trust me."

"Mmm, Mmm." Then he have their attention again

"But it's not the case, right? anyway we are going to meet with all those country representatives started with the prime minister, we are going to tell him everything we said during this meeting like in a script except that Russia and Germany contacted me cause I'm sure he's going somehow put the blame on one of them. One more thing, I won't be there, and Grayden is going to replace me...not a single word to the press that He is with me. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded.

"Now wrapped it up."

I don't have any idea of what he is he doing, I don't know if I want to be impressed or afraid of what he is putting on his back. He maybe thinks that he was in a movie or something, but it doesn't matter. I trust him, and I'm here to watch his back, and did you hear what he just said? I'm back, baby.

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