Chapter 22 - Doing our own thing, i guess

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Brayden POV…

The same night, Danny called me while I was already at home, sitting down in the bathroom ground, head down. All of a sudden my phone started ringing.

Bling bling bling.

“Who the fuck is this” I said out of anger before taking my phone to see who was it.

When I saw it was Danny, I quickly pick it up

“Yoo, they know that you are not the one who is at UK at this moment we are talking, you need to do something ASAP”

I did not respond and Danny remarked that I wasn't in the mood so he carry on “do you want me to make them occupy cause I can leak something that can make both country occupy for the last 24 hours”

“Don't need to go in all this trouble all for nothing again, I'll take care of this” I replied

“Don't sit here just blaming yourself. You were too late, so what? We got the confirmation that she is still alive, we'll get them next time”

“Aight man, the next flight is in a few minutes, I'll take it for United Kingdom. We'll talk later”

“Keep me posted” He rambled.

Darcy POV…

As soon as we got to where we wanted to be, Elliott handed me a towel.

“Now get in and take a warm shower”

“What are you insinuating? Did you just say that I'm stink” I said

“So far, I never open my mouth to say that, now get in cause you need it. Take all the time you want”

Then I get in and take a bath, I shaved, I done my hair and I stop to look at myself in the mirror, I didn't like the version of saw of myself at 100% but I did like it at least, I did not gain any weight that was a start.

After I was done, I got out, and he was still sitting where I left him 2 hours later, which was in front of the bathroom door.

“In the room on the left, you'll see some clothes. I'm not that good at buying women clothes so I took some from my sister. Hopefully, they fit you” He suggested

I went inside and put the clothes on, and then i sat on the bed with my legs between my arms, and my jaw leaned on my knees. A few minutes later, he knocked on the door. “Come in” I said

He appears his head in and the rest of his body hiding behind the door “Hey, how's it going? Did they fit you?“

I pulled myself together quickly “Yes thank you, I guess your sister is the same size as me cause they got on me perfectly”

“maybe…now can you stand up?“ While he put his shyness aside and showed all of himself.

“why?“ I asked

“just standing up, and you'll see”

Then I did as he said, he glanced at me from up and down then he whispered while doing 360 gesture with his finger “Now turn until I ask you to stop”

I did, and he looked down again

“Stop” He rambled

“What?“ I asked cause obviously I was confused

“Nothing” He responded

“It must be something” I continued

“Now that I saw what I wanted to see. I can confirm that it fit you perfectly”

I smirked

“Good night, D A R C Y”

“It's just Darcy, I spelled it for you so you can pronounce it right, that's all”

“But it's sounds better when I say it like that D A R C Y, isn't it”

I nodded, He smirked “now I gonna leave”

“Where are you going to sleep? Just come here, we'll sleep next to each other” I suggested

“No, I'll find somewhere. Believe me…now you need to rest cause you need it. We'll talk later”

“Thanks once again, Elliott, I mean it” I said

He turns his head to look at me, and then he reply “my pleasure, now sleep, I mean it”

Then he turned off the light and shut the door.

Brayden POV…

Rogue while he is preparing on going back to the USA.

“Now listen, I know I will be hearing good news from you soon, and when that happens, I will be ready to erase black face and his vagabond out of this planet, I believe in you. Now the question is, do you? Like your father and the president do?“ Stated the vice president

And I did not responded I just nodded.

“He can't really talk, Mr. The vice president because of his meds” Says Nicholas to save me out of trouble

“I know”

Then he come closer to me and whisper “now I see what you were talking about, the traitor is not from the inside but from the outside, here with us…even him, you should watch out for him”

I looked back and saw that it's the prime minister he was talking about, and then I looked back at him.

“After you have done interviewing him and Iran representative, let me know what happened…I know him long enough to know that he is ambitious” he stated

He taped me on the shoulder on his way to the helicopter.

“Now my friend, we will be hosting the next Champions League final, i hope to see you, not when it's happening but before that” says the Prime minister

“I will be there but not for the Champions league, but you know…for business”

“Exactly but before we gotta put an end to black face reign” added the prime minister

“You couldn't say it better”

Then Francis approached him and said something in his ear. Right after hearing that, he started to rush.

“Good night, old friend” says the prime minister

Rogue stood on the bord of the helicopter and started waving at them “God bless United Kingdom and his allies”

The prime minister started to laugh.

Darcy POV…

I started to stretch up, and the next thing I knew was that someone knocked at the door and it was him. He brought me breakfast while I was in my bed.

“Hi” He said

“Hi back” I replied

“What are you doing? You started to remind me of when I was back there” I added

“Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to remind you of this, i know it was hell so…you know what? I'll just put it back, and when you feel to, you will take it yourself” He stated

“No it's alright, what I meant is that I don't want you to start to spoil me because when that's happened it's going to be pretty hard to change me back, now come back here”

“Well, I don't ask for much. This is going to be enough to remind you of me when you are lost”

“I gotta give it to you, that is smart, what is it?“ I asked

“See for yourself” he replied

I take a look at it and i definitely like what i saw “Mmm, pancakes and coffee. That's perfect cause I don't want to ever sleep like I did last night”

“After you're done, join me outside” He said right before he left.


I visited my dearest friend who came in United kingdom abruptly to do something for the Vice President and was hanging out in the Prime minister palair.

I received a call from the prime minister assistant saying that he was waiting for me to play A game of chess like we always do when he wasn't working for this Grupy kangaroo. That is when we were the closest.

I was surprise to heard the news that he was by himself, things he never did.

Being somewhere without the Vice president.

He is his most trusted or should I said his right hand after all just like I was trying to covert my son Brayden into.

But he kept rebelling till all of this drama. He is a bit closer to me since all of this, hopefully we will be more like his mother dreamed off. An happy father with his happy son.

It would have been a dream come true for everyone.

But first we got to deal with this mess and then we'll see.

30 minutes later I make my way to the Prime minister palair to find my Friend Francis.

When I got there seating on a mini table waiting for with the chess board infront of him.

He was maleheureux but as soon as he saw me his face weaken.

He stood up and give me a proper greeting, from now on we bagan to play and while playing we started to also say what was on our minds and began making remarks about each other.

"I know that you are here to retrieve something for the Vice president but why are you still here?" I demanded

"Man, I was supposed to be back in Washington since 5 A.M but the Vice president private plane got stopped in Malaysia because of a storm," he bend his head down to take a glance at his watch them he frowned.

"Now, look it is 2 P.M and I'm still here and got this plan with him today at 1..."

"Apparently not anymore," I added

We bust out of laught the he looks at me and comfirmed"Apparently not anymore,"

I pretend that I didn't see that and try not to leave any room for him to began annoying me at the fact that he was kicking my ass, like he always did when he is winning so spoke.

"Everything is boring in this country, nothing to do and no where to be," I exclaimed 

"Well said, but it's only because we politician and we'll known so we are not going to take the chance of being seeing doing anything with the wrong people nor being in the wrong places." he replied

"You spent 7 years in here, how did you do that by the way? With no party to go and no pleasure around...i know you a fact this ain't you." he added

"With my son and my wife being here most of the time. Was enough," I affirmed and when I suddenly make a move that will guarantee me the win, I got proud and I let a scream out "GOT YOU, FUCKING GOT YOU BITCH"

"Smart move" he simply complimented me and the he continues "But yeah, nothing else with make you happier in this world but your family!!"

"Not all, as soon as they not there and I got bored I said 'F everything' then I went to this place"

"what place?" he was eager to know

"It is a private night club, with strippers and stuff but nothing interrested me more than the music and the vibes!" I ranbled.

"Now that is the Grayden that I know can you show me this place since I just got more bad news that i'm here for tomorrow," suggested Francis

"Of course bud, come au beau vieut temps"

"Come au beau vieut temps," he completed.

Then we kept going till obviously I won. But it was all thanks for the move I made earlier while he was distracted.

"And that's it!!!" I yelled "I still got it,"

He scoffs "Don't forget I got the most win, 197 to 196"

"you gotta take my moment and make it yours don't you?"

"Well, it just a warning to you so you can get a hold on yourself since technically i'm still the king!" he affirmed

"The king is going down, just give it time" I squawked

"I would like to see that," he whispered.

While we were going at it, by being challenging to each other then I reached to grabbed my glass of whiskey in front of me then I saw the news on TV.

"The Ambassador who is supposed to be in the United Kingdom under the order of the President is just now rumored to be still in Los Angeles as you can see the picture which is not so clear after all but you can see the person in it got the ressemblance," say the news

"And the one in the United kingdom is simply a decoy!" they added just before passing at other things.

I seen that I quickly got up and was shocked "Hold that thought, I got to go back at the Ambassy to see what is going on," I say and Francis see the way I was and he can tell that I was also nervous but I tried my best to not let it be seen.

He looked at his phone and also stood up and stated "Ah...About that. The storm stopped so I should be departed tonight,"

"Oh, okay."

"but we will be seeing soon for another part dear friend!" said Francis with both hands on his pocket "And I hope your son is doing okay."

I nodded and then I get going.

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