Chapter 28 - If only she knew

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Brayden POV...

And when he opened it, nothing blew up, just like I told them.

One of the Agent ask "what is in there?"

"Nothing, it's only eggs," responds the specialist

After that, everyone started breathing normally again because, while what I had anticipated them to find in there had not materialized, it was simply a few silly eggs. It was not anything good or terrible either.

Then I continued, " How many boxes like this left? Over"

"3 more, over," the specialist responded

"I need to talk to the prime minister now, over."

"He's listening, over," said Vixca

"Look, I want you to tell me how or in what order they were. We're they on top each other or in a row, like next to each other? Over,"

"I want a closer look now," Vixca screamed

And they bring a screen so the prime minister can see what's going on in there.

"On top, over," He exclaimed

"Are they still fixing, like the way they came? Over,"

"No, they are in a row now, the first one pass as the last one...Vicxa going to send you a picture so you can have a look, over,"


"Okay, I want to talk to the specialist now, over."

"I'm here, sir. over,"

"Okay, did you hear that? Over," I rambled

"Yes. Over," he replied

"So which one you just opened? Over,"

"It's the last one since the last one passes as the first one now, Over."

"Great, just open the next one. It pass as the second but in the correct order it was suppose to be the third and please don't try to open it quickly and tripped on it cause i don't think it's going to be the same thing inside each cases, Over" I suggested

"Okay, I'm on it, over."

"Just be careful. Over," says the president

"Copy that. Over,"

"Step back, I'm going to open the next one, in exactly 3, 2,1"

And he opened it. What he discovered within will astound everyone.

"I found something."

"What is it?" Asked Grayden

"Only an old recording device"

"Fuck" Screams Grayden

While he try to take it out he accidentally press a button and it's started talking.

"wait...Volume up, i reapeat volume up" yelled Vixca

"Russia, France, Brazil, North Korea, Japan. I can't stated every country you are in control of but now let's add the US to the list...congratulations you are now the most fearless man in the world Black Face. Now it's your turn to do as I asked of you for such a long time. Everything is under all those pine shaving." Says the strange voice in the device.

The specialist then quickly dug into the pine shavings while glancing at the Agent standing nearby. And state, "It is true that I discovered multiple file folders beneath the pine, one of which reads, 'The US on top.' I believe these contain every nation's darkest secrets, and whoever was hiding them was not Black face. Over, " he confirmed

The prime minister then gave Vicxa a hug and some other agents a high five, and everyone at the embassy began yelling with excitement.

"Please bring everything in here and whoever voice that was, it's the one who is working with Black face," I stated

"Prime minister, are you here? Over,"

"Yes, I am listening, Over,"

"Sir, you accomplished more than merely rescuing every nation on Earth. The most significant thing is that you recently revoked Black Face's diplomatic authorization. Everyone is free to pursue him now. You are the hero of the day—and perhaps the entire year—congratulations, sir. Over,"

Everyone started clapping.

"But you are the one who did the most, so you are the real hero. Over," the prime minister suggested

I scoff. " I am no hero. To be honest, the person who matters most to me—my girlfriend—is nowhere to be found. Does this qualify as a hero?Look, this could not happen at all without you. Simply accept the title and head back to your family. Over "

Then suddenly, Vixca intervened to let me know that I am indeed no one hero.

"Mr. The ambassador, Xolo, just texted me since he tried to contact you, but he couldn't reach you... he just asked me to tell you to watch the news now. We are on our way. Over,"

After that, I rushed outside without taking the time to look around. The ambassy staff was all watching the news when I walked outside, and they immediately turned to stare at me.

One of the paparazzi " Darcy, was it really black face who kidnapped you? And who saves you?"

Then Darcy points at the guy next to him and replies, "He is the one who saves me."

Another one " What is going one between you and Brayden? Did you guys really break up?"

One more: "Is it accurate to say that you split up with Brayden because he left you during your kidnapping and fled to the UK?"

If only she knew...

I say to myself while turning my face away from the TV.

"Who the fuck is that guy with her" Grayden asked

" Lady and gentlemen things are getting even crazier between the Pierces and the Amiltons. I thought the last one was a great one: are they really over? "So what is happening?" B asked while watching TV.

"Who is this mysterious man with her, obviously she seems more happy with him more she'll ever be with Brayden" exclaimed G

"Seriously, that's the most real smile I ever seen, I will play it back. See, look at her" Says B

"Brayden, with all my respect for you, I'm just telling the truth," added G

"The other question we are all asking is that, was she really kidnapped , or was it just a rumor, or was it true? If true, who was behind it?" Continued G

"Only Darcy can tell the truth, So queen take all the time needed and when you are ready, you'll come public," added B

P.S: Remember that B and G are just a group of journalists who came from MCI.
They used to give the news of everything going on campus every semester. Only in the radio. They have always been well-known; their employment on a national TV station is the only distinction. Nothing changes about it. Nobody is aware of who they are. You can only hear them in the background while playing the video or showing pictures of the event they are talking about.


I went to the computer team after hearing everything they had to say and said, "I want to know everything about this guy—his name, his hometown, and everything. Please call me as soon as you have anything."

Then, the CIA team and the prime minister came back.

Vixca handed over the recording device to me.

"Give it to my Dad," i said just before leaving.

"Now go back to work, right now," Grayden said, handing the recording device to the informatics team. "So do that person who recorded this, I want to know everything about him."

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