Chapter 31 - Initiating project Jollof

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Brayden POV...

I got out in the room long after the president left to go to senegal, and everyone began to look at me.

"I am no longer your ambassador," I stated.

They started whispering around, and I continued, "Since my mission here is complete, so the president withdraw me from my duty,"

"But you are not done here, we still don't know who black face is" Nicholas said then he look at everyone around him and add "We still don't know if he is one of us"

"That is unfair," says Vixca

"Yeah, you guys are right. It's not entirely complete, but ya'll seem to forget who Grayden is. "

They were all shaking their head as a sign of agreement with me.

"And the president said that I have a choice so I choose my priority number one, which is going back to the US and find my girlfriend. So, from now one your ambassador is Grayden Pierce, and no, no one here is Blackface or work for him. "

They start to clapps.

"But I got one last thing to do here before I go... Nicholas, is he here yet?"

"Yes, sir, it's been a moment,"

Then I suddenly head to that particular one office. When I got in, I closed the door behind me.

"Sorry for making you wait, I guess you are the representative of Iran. Right?

"Yes, you are right, and I've been here for quite a while, plus no one came here to offer me a cup of tea or whatever," he exclaimed

"Once again, sir, I apologize...Nicholas..."

"Yes, sir."

"Please bring me a pot of tea and two cups."

"No, I got better. Today is my birthday since it's going to be too late to celebrate when I got home. Why don't you guys bring me some cake instead? " the Iran representative rambled

"What?" Then I look at Nicholas. We both look confused.

"Don't you want to know what is really going on?" He whispered

I nodded.

"So just do as I said."

Then I looked at Nicholas once again, and I nodded, and he went after the cake.


He interrupted me by raising his finger and saying, "Mmm, mmm, I ain't saying a word until I eat my cake. After all, it's all your fault. If I can't celebrate"

I heard him and I stayed quiet for a while and then came the cake and some champagne and we sang happy birthday to him.

"Better," He said

He started eating, and a few minutes later, he began to talk.

"We do not have anything to do with that guy, I won't say his name cause I don't want to evoque him,"

"Well, our secret is also yours, so who else would want to go after Project X if it's not you?" I asked

"You already answered your own question 'your secret is also ours' since we are the only one who knows about it and believe me we were a fool coming up with that project without thinking that it could cause so much damage...look, it's already is so now think twice of who else would want to come after it If I already told you it wasn't us" He exclaimed

I think twice, and i reply, "One of our own"

"Bingo, you are smart," he said

"Believe me, we weren't thinking back then. You heard of hell, right?" He continued


Then he interrupted me to answer his own question, "I guess yes because of that cross around your neck, I believe you are very religious."

"Not really but if you said so...The Pope gave it to me when I was little in one of my visit to the Vatican with My diplomat father...he look me right into the eyes then he said 'you... you are going to be through so many challenges, but each time you will be standing like nothing never happened and to add, you are going to free us from the devil curse.' Everything he said is coming true, not gonna lie except the last part, I never know what he meant by that," I explained

He scoffed and said, " I know exactly what he meant, but anyway, that thing can bring hell to earth. If I were you, when I have it, I would have burned it. Delete everything about it... I'm just saying that since the devil is already here, that is the most fair thing to do, " He said

"What do you mean by already here? do you know who he is?"

He takes 2 minutes to look at me, then he inhales and exhales, then responds,

"Now one more thing is missing, music."

I was about to explode, but he put his hand together and began to beg me.

So I calmed down, and i accepted his request,

"Did anyone have anything that we can connect to play music here with them?"

"Yes, I got a little thing that we can connect by Bluetooth, but it can be loud sometimes," says Vixca

"Better." He rambled

"Give it to them, hurry up," said Grayden

Then she ran looking for it and in a blink she was there with it.

"Can you please do me the favor by playing some music, Vixca, if you don't mind?" I asked gently by looking at her through her eyes

She was hypnotized for a few seconds, and it didn't last cause I got my eyes off hers.

Sorry Vix, I'm trying to change. I say to myself

"Not at all, anything for you," she replied

Then she started blasting music and he began to dance a few seconds later Vicxa left the room.

"What the fuck is that music?" He screamed

And I respond "Swim by Chase Atlantic"

"Ouwww, louder" He yelled Then Vicxa put the volume up.

"Now come here and pretend to dance with me,"

I began to do as he said.

"I got a in a call with a friend in Russia earlier this morning. His name is Vlacco Rubencciacov, and now repeat his name."

"Vlacco Rubendiacov," I repeated

"No Rubencciacov"


"Cciacov with two Cc." He rambled

"Right, aight, not important. The important thing is what he told you?" I whispered

"An American friend of his who's currently working as a body guard in the white house said that he was about to go in the restroom at 3 AM and he overheard two people talking about project X and there was another one... executing project Jollof"

"What is that? another one?"

"I don't know, but there was a name...Cisco LaChapelle."

I just heard the last name, and I was in shock.

"I heard that name before when I was little, and the last name is not new to me either."

"Good luck, bro. The devil is here between us, and he is bringing something bad with him... it was nice playing and important role to bring him back where he came from, " he stated

And he started singing.

"Now I gotta wait for the green light
I don't wanna wait for no green light

Then he left the office while dancing and I did not take long to leave as well.

"Does anyone in here ever heard of project Jollof?" I screamed

"What is that? Is that new?" Asked Grayden

"I did, and no, it's not new it's been here for a couple of years...come with me now,"  exclaimed Vicxa

And we ran after her. She opened a computer and opened up a file titled Jollof.

"That all we got about it, and that part asked for a password to get through it, we're still trying to figure out what the password is."

"Jollof is a West Africa dish. Look it up," I exclaimed

"It's made with beans, long grain rice, tomatoes, onions, spices, vegetables, and meat," says Grayden. While his face stuck on his phone

"But most importantly rice...try RICE, with capital letters," I said with confidence

She tried it, and she got through, but what we see left everyone speechless.

"Isn't the president heading to senegal at this moment we are talking?" Asked Nicholas

Then Danny replie to a text I sent earlier. It says, "Hey, check everything you can find about that name for me and see if it matches with Beautika's. Long story, I will explain later"

Then suddenly Danny replied to a message i sent earlier,  "I sent everything I found about him to you check your email and yes it is."

After checking out my email, I say out loud, "It is worse than i thought."

"What is it?" Asked Nicholas.

And I look at Grayden and he glance at me back, When he saw the look on my face he already knew what was going on.

"Somebody make me in contact with the president now," he yelled

One of them " we can't right now, sir cause..."

"I don't fucking wanna know, do whatever you can, contact a crew of the airport they going to land and put me through that fucking call now if you value your job...The president is in danger, I reapeat the president is in danger"

The same guy said, " Oh shit, right at it, sir,"

Then I received another text from that same unknown number who was sympathetic with me when Darcy got kidnapped.

It says, " I know where they are holding her. Let me know as soon as you receive this message"

"Nicholas, is my plane ready?" I asked

"Yes, sir," he responded

"Let's go then,"

I look back at them and say "Dad you've got this."

Then Grayden nodded. I glance at Vicxa. She glances back at me and runs towards me to give me a hug.

"I'm going to miss seeing you around," she murmured

"So do I, but it's not a goodbye. It's a" see you later cause we'll meet again but not as an ambassador but as the son of the one and only ambassador of the United States of America"

"Or you can just say as an actor,"

"Why haven't I thought about that? My brain is slow, I swear,"

We started laughing.

I look at Michelle, and we nod at each other. I look at Favreau, and i say

"Favreau, stay out of trouble, will you?"

"I learned my lesson, sir, I promise."

Then, I continued to head towards the car while replying to that text.

"I'm on my way back now,"

The unknown number text back.

"Sounds great, but Danny and I are already on our way to get her. The time you'll be back, it could be too late, so we got this"

And i replie back, "Okay, but you guys stay safe, okay? And I got something to talk to you about when I got back to the US. Please, you guys, meet me there at this address when she's safe. "

And I sent the address.

"And once again, thanks Beautika for keeping your words."

And I got in the car with Nicholas. When we arrive at the airport, we're talk a bit and we give each other a big hug then I got in the plane.

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