chapter 1: meeting pt1

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In a kingdom far away from Duckburg. A small duck with black pointy hat and black clothes from neck to toes, riding on a broom, watching from afar the kingdom that used to execute his parents.

"One down.. Two down.. "

The duck count as another failures beneath the sword of a guard. Seriously how could they be so stupid? Thy can rebel against that kingdom if they're not strong enough against 12 witches and about hundred of guards. He thought to himself as he fly to his witch academy. He rather dropped there but for his friends and family's sake. The wizard academy just like its name, it's a school for wizards with different types of clans. Berrian's clan up to destruction and explosion which he never thought of. He rather himself as the "wizard of calm" but his powers said the opposite. Because of that, he always got ignored and abandoned one by one by his friends. His last and only friend name is : Harrold Miller, an ice witch in elements group. He was the one begging for Berrian not to dropped school. For his sake Berrian just agree. But today, he's not in the mood, he rather skip school for the day and travelling around, it's not like anyone will miss him or care about him anyway except for Harrold.


As I kept flying, looking for a place to explore, I realized I just got out of the border that I wasn't supposed to cross.. But do I care about that? Nah. I rather go out there and probably never come back here again! School! I never see you again!

"Woohoo! Screw school! I'm out! "

I fly as fast as I can to escape the guards that are below me, I even make funny face to mock them. The journey continues as I looked at the place where I about to land.

"Duckburg huh? Don't mind if I explore. "

I said to himself as I flew to the place on top of a school. The name of the school is Duckburg school (I make up a name that Huey, Dewey, Louie can learnx not very proud of myself) I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I don't hate school and learning, I hate students and the teachers in there, treating me like... A piece of nothing. Then Everything was fine till my broom stop flying

"Huh? Hey what's give Arigail!? "

I got a bit frustrated, what is my broom doing, I tap on the broom as its spin around like a beyblade

"Wahhhh!! Ahh!!! "

As the broom stop I seriously just want to puke but then I realized I was upside down, my hands weren't hold the broom and my legs were spreading (normal way! Not sexual!) Widely

"Uh oh-ahhhh!! "

i fell off the Arigail as I land into the school.

Gladly I didn't hurt and the ground was.. Soft? I open my eyes, I saw myself on top of a boy with green jumper, he got a bit wounds on his face. I just can't help but worry that I might got his wounds worse.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry! Are you alright!? "

I try to use my wand to heal him but I almost forgot that I wasn't a healing witch and it might got worse than it was before. So I used the wand and give me a first aid kit and heal him myself, it might not heal fast like those healing witches but at least it won't hurt much.

"Thanks... Wait.. Where are you come from? " the green boy ask

"From the sky" I replied as the boy groans in annoyance.. Well I can't blame him that.

"Haha, very funny" he says in sarcastic way

I pointed at the sky where my broom still on top of my and the boy's head

"Oh... Wait what are you exactly? " he asked again with a confusing one... I mean.. I am clearly wearing a big pointy hat and this massive black clothes and a magic broom with a magic wand???

"I'm a witch.. " is this boy blind or something?

"Ohh... Right.. Silly me.. " he chuckled at himself, probably because he's stupid I thought.

"So thanks for healing me and what's your name? "

"Berrian, Berrian Winderwind, and you? "

"Louie Duck, nice to meet you"

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