Chapter One - Baby Patricia

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These (or some of these) true stories are already posted in the  . ..and nothing but the truth book, so you may have read them before.  But, they needed a book of their own, so here it is.  Thank you for reading.                             


A Child of the 1950's - A Memoir of childhood memories

Chapter One

Baby Patricia

There was once a little girl called Patricia Ann who was born in the early 1950's, not too long after the end of WW2. She was born with one side of her head very flat, which I think may well account for all of her oddities in later life, but we shall never know. Baby Patricia was a good baby and never cried.

Patricia was a good little girl, but she had a mind of her own. In her quiet way she was very feisty and even now, push her too far and she will explode! Ha, ha.

When she was 18 months old she would be put to bed at the normal time of a child of that age. She slept in her parents room in a cot by the side of their bed. At a certain time of night, she would wake up and climb the cot side and jump onto her parents bed, pad across to the door and then go downstairs. Her parents were ready, listening out for her each night so that she did not fall down the stairs. I don't know if they had a stair gate or not as this is not a story she remembers herself, but a story related by her mother.

One night her parents were listening out for her, but there was no sound. After a few minutes, her mother went upstairs to see what was happening, only to find Patricia hanging by a belt at the back of her long nightdress over the end of the cot. She was not crying, just hanging in mid air – her mother got quite a fright! But Patricia seemed completely unharmed by the experience, but even so we shall never really know what damage it did. How long was she hanging there?

Perhaps she should have counselling? Ha, ha, ha.

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