A unusal suprise

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Natalie and Nick short for Nicholas never thought that this could be possible. Yet it was, Natalie was pregnant with Nick's child. A daughter who they intended to name Catherine. In order to understand why this is a miracle you have to understand who or rather what, Nick is.

Nicholas was born into a noble family in the 1200. After being accused of murder he became a knight to escape conviction. He was found by Jennette who was instantly attracted to him. With the help of her Sire Lucian Lacroix he was brought across in 1228.

For those who are not aware of this terminology it means that he was turned into a vampire in 1228. after years of living in darkness Nicholas who prefers to be called Nick for short, rejected his vampire lifestyle. Refusing to "feed" on human blood. Instead he chooses to survive by drinking bottles of animal blood. He abandons his "family" to seek a way to restore his humanity. Much to the dismay of his sire/ "father" Lucian.

Nicholas meets Natalie Lambert in the late 1990's when he is brought into her morgue as a  cop who had been "killed" by an explosion." Nicholas being a vampire is able to rejuvenate and startled Natalie. Nick immediately tried to use his vampire abilities to cause her to forget everything she had seen. However, Natalie is unique and the usual vampire mind tricks don't work on her and so Nick is forced to reveal his true nature.

Natalie is intrigued by Nicholas's desire to regain his humanity and agrees to do all she can to help him reach his goal. Nicholas goes under the alias Nick Knight and gets a job working as a nighttime homicide detective. He's able to avoid working days by claiming he has a disease that makes him allergic to sunlight.

Now that you know my parents history lets get back to me. My mom and dad had only been married a for a year and suddenly they received the shock of their lives. My mom had become pregnant.

Nick POV

"Your pregnant?" I replied glancing at the pink line on the pregnancy test that I held in my hands. "Who's the father Natalie?"

"I'm not even going to dignify that with a answer."

"Natalie, who is your baby's father?"

"How can you even ask me that? You seriously think that I would have an affair?"

"Vampires are incapable of having children Natalie. Things like that only happen in works of fiction. There's no way I'm that things father."

"My baby is not a thing. And like it or not, believe it or not, you are this child's father."

I ran my fingers through my hair. How was this possible? Natalie knew what I was thinking and as usual she had an explanation. "Maybe because your starting to take on more human qualities you are able to do things other vampires can't."

"I can't be a father...."

"I hate to break it to you, but your going to be a father in nine months. We are having a baby Nick." Natalie replied.

Despite being a vampire my reaction was fairly typical of father's to be. I fainted. "Ugh, my head. What happened?"

"You fainted." Natalie replies as if it's no big deal.

"Vampires don't faint." I reply with a frown. Natalie gave me the look and I sighed. "Ok, so any explanation as to why I fainted Doc?"

Natalie laughs "believe it or not, it's a typical male response when being told that they are going to be a father." Natalie replies placing her hand on her belly.

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