Chapter 9

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Note- so I kind of skipped third and fourth year so....hope that isn't too much of a downer. I am also hoping that chapters will become longer as the story progresses!!

The rest of second year went by quickly. Third and fourth year also went by quickly. Lily, Marlene, and I had basically became inseparable during that time. Severus...he was still our friend but he became more distant and well his friends...Lily and I agreed that they were not the best of people.

Potter....Well still the same insufferable toe-rag. Black....let's just say we are not in speaking terms, well I won't talk to him but, well determined.

Sadly Marlene was convinced that we were soulmates. Siriusly though, I could use a break, or three, or four, or twenty.

Well I was definitely looking forward to fifth year Lily was prefect and everything seemed to be going all right, even if we did have to do OWLS.

"We have Transfiguration first today!" I told Lily as we looked over our schedules.

She grinned and we made our way to the transfiguration's classroom. When we got there we sat down quietly and talked about our plans with Marlene on going to Hogmeade. Then right before McGonagall got there Potter and Black burst into the room with eager expressions on their faces. Which was quite odd since they were always late and they were never excited for class. How unusual.

Then Peter and Remus came in right after them which was really strange. Remus seemed to be a little worried but there seemed to be some relief and even .... thankfulness. But before I could process this Professor McGonagall walked in and looked just as surprised as I was when she saw Potter and Black sitting down. She walked up to the front of the class and began to tell us the importance of OWLS. 

When class was over I noticed that Black, Potter, and Peter all stayed back. I wonder what they were up to?

Lily and I went to our next class, potions. When we got there we decided to sit in our usual spots. We unpacked our stuff and then Professor Slughorn came in. As he began to start his lecture Black and Potter came bursting in.

They went to sit next to each other but Professor Slughorn stopped them, "I believe it would be better if we separate you. Lily please sit Mr. Potter and Emily would please sit with Mr. Black."

Lily and I shared a look and groaned but did what we were told. I sat next to Black and moved my chair as far away from him that was possible.

"Oh come on!" Black said grinning, "I won't bite!"

I looked at him with an unconvinced glare. He gave me a lopsided grin which made me want to hug him- wait what was I saying!!? I do not want anything to do with Black.

"Okay class! Today we will be brewing Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what it is? Emily?" Professor Slughorn said pointing at me.

"Amortentia is a powerful love potion that causes the drinker to have a sort of obsession for the person who gave it to them. It also smells like whatever attracts you the most." I said proudly.

Professor Slughorn nodded and were given permission to start.

"I'll go ahead and get the ingredients. Why don't you stay and watch our table."I said as I stood up and went to collect all of our ingredients.

As I poured in the Mother-of-Pearl Black stopped me, "Your pouring in to much." He said showing me my own notes.

As I read over them I mentally slapped myself. Black was right whether I admitted it or not, "Thanks." I mumbled quietly.

Black smirked and I glared at him. When we were finally finished with our potion Professor Slughorn went to check on us, "Perfect! Would you like to tell the class what you smell?"

Black and I both took a sniff and Black answered first, "I smell...wood chips, a sort of salty breeze, and a hint of coconut." He said but he added the last part stiffly.

I took another sniff...the library,  sort of pine smell....and...freshly washed hair, almost like...Black's!!! I froze, "I smell old books, pine, and...that's all." I said quickly.

Slughorn nodded and moved on. Then Lily shot me a look and I knew exactly what it meant, we were going to have some girl time.

The rest of the day went by pretty slowly, but when it was finally over Lily and I went over to our dormitories.

"What did you really smell?" Lily demanded.

"Old books, pine, and....freshly washed hair." I said almost under my breath.

Lily looked confused for a second but then her eyes brightened, "You like Black!" She exclaimed.

"Well first off don't tell the whole world and secondly, I do not like Black at all. I...I greatly dislike him!" I said...maybe a little to quickly.

Lily gave me a look but dropped it, "What did you smell?" I asked suspiciously, "And you have to tell the truth because I did."

She looked embarrassed but told my anyways, "Parchment, a flowery sent," She said frowning.

"Well then maybe the reason you smelled Potter and I smelled Black is because we were sitting right next to each other." I suggested.

Lily agreed and we went to find Marlene, but sadly when we told her she did not agree with me or Lily.

"You guys, face the truth you like Black."she said pointing at me, "And you like Potter." She said pointing at Lily.

We both tried to disagree but Marlene would not have it, "You both need to admit you feelings." She insisted no matter what we told her we could not change her mind.

We all eventually decided to go to bed then that's when I remembered, full moon was yesterday and I had missed it. What in the world was I going to tell Remus?


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