Chapter 04: A Sword to Remember

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I wriggled around, trying to get out of the sack. It was no good; I huffed out a tired sigh. Thorin struggled as well behind me. The other Dwarves were tied to the roasting stick, making cries. "How should we cook 'em?" A troll asked the others. Go on, think on how to cook us as I'll try to get out of this sack as quick as I can. My arms and feet were bound-- great. The creatures were fighting over a cooking method. Seriously, what's going to-- wait.

"Hey worm-face! Since you're debating on cookin' us and all--"
"Shut up callin' me worm-face, bone-bodied."
"Oh, please."
"... So, I think we should roast 'em--"

"Hey, hey, hey! I know the secret to cookin' Dwarf!" I shouted out loud. I faced him and saw our faces were centimeters apart. I blushed anxiously as he held his gaze, firm and strong. He stared at me, face tinted slightly, and nodded. I turned around, regretting it later. "Well, cooking Dwarves are real hard," I started, looking around. The others started shouting 'Traitor!' at me. I pursed my lips in annoyance, looking at the troll who was near me now, trying to find out how to cook us. "Well, yes, go on!" He says to me, nodding vigorously, signifying he was indeed listening. I paused. "Wait, what's that?" I look at a faraway cluster of trees. "What?" One of them mused. I waited. Sunlight, darling, please come sooner! "I-It was there! I saw it: a big, fat meat hoard of a pig!" I shouted, frantically searching my mind for a line to say next.

"Well, I don't see nothin'."
"You expect wild pigs to go out in the open air and invite hunters to kill them?"
"No, I don't believe pigs are like that. And which are out here, free runnin'."
"Yes. I feel you. Being a hunter myself anyway, comin' from the shallowest of the Sundering Seas--"
"The Sea?"

I took the chance. The trolls were clearly interested. The other two scooted closer to me, as if ready to hear a whisper.

"The little thing says he's been to Sea!"
"Why, no one's ever dared the Sea!"
"The Sea, o the Sea! Perilous it is!"

I cleared my throat and they stopped.

"Yes; I've been to the Sea! I hail from the Shores of the Land; my father one of the Dunedain who come from Numenor!" I stopped. "Yes. Ah, Numenor. I miss the land between Valinor and Middle-earth: you should've seen it. Animals were evident in its forests! No hunter would ever feel weariness nor hunger."

The trolls were already picking at their nails yet are dreaming.

"I wish we woulda went there!"
"Yes; no hunger all year! How merry!"

The day was closing in. I saw the stars which now disappeared; the light of the sun coming behind a rock. Curse the rock, it hindered the sunlight! I prayed silently that something would break it-- and the. I saw him: the Wizard. "The Day shall take you all!" He says in a loud, clear voice, and thrusts his staff into the rock, making it break and sunlight fill the clearing we were in. The trolls froze and became stone. I grinned, mighty proud. The Wizard came down from the rock and helped us in getting out of the sacks. He then looks at me.

"Ah, master Etherstone, a pleasure meeting you," he says, shaking my hand and winks at me. I smile and nod politely. "We all best be going; the other two are waiting at the field."

I thought it was a dream: Ratter and Urdin were here!

We trudged past the trees but Gandalf, as they adressed him, stopped short. "A troll hoard," he called out to us. He went down the slimy hole. I huffed. Thorin squeezed my shoulder and smiled. "Thank you. I am in your debt--" he was cut off as Kili took my hand. "Hey, Rolven, come and look! It's a treasure hoard!" He cheerfully says, literally jumping up and down. I let him lead me away as Thorin stood alone, his mouth agape.


I stood agape as my nephew took the young lad away, slinging his arm over Rolven's shoulder, a sign they were already getting along. I smiled cheerless at the thought, and followed them down the stenching hole. I grimaced. Why was I not satisfied? Kili was getting along with Rolven. What did it matter?

I saw Gandalf among a collection of swords. I picked one up, unsheathing it. "They are of elvish-make," he states, observing more. I lazily sheathe it again and was about to put it back-- "You cannot wish for a finer blade!" He glowered. I was in doubt, but if it will serve me well, then what better of it?

I hastily pick up the sword and for the first time stand in awe of its beauty. As Gandalf walked away, I turned back at the hoard of blades. One sword hilt drew me to attention, and I take it, slinging my sword to my side and carefully holding the other's hilt with my hand.

I saw Rolven waiting for me at the entrance, a look of worry etched in his face. I smile clumsily, remembering what happened. I don't know, but... I feel something different about him.

I tap him with the sword's sheath and hold it out to him. I opened my mouth to speak, but I panicked as I have no words to say. Instead, I nod at him. He takes the blade with an anxious face, but later grins with gratitude. "Thank you, it's beautiful," he says, observing the sword, turning it here and there. I wait for him and he notices me. "O-oh, er, I'm sorry for making you wait on me." He apologizes, head low. I pat his head and shuffle his soft hair. "Let's get moving."

- YOU -

I think of the events earlier. Thorin having it that close, Gandalf helping us, the troll-hoard... But what kept replaying on my mind was what happened with Kili.

I came out of the troll-hole earlier than the rest, and saw Bofur getting gold coins. "What're those for?" I asked, eyeing them suspiciously. "Saving up, if ever I lose all gold again." He says, and throws it at the hole the others conjured up. I chuckle, shaking my head. Kili slung his arm over my shoulder, and I blush, keeping hold of his hand. "Get it off me, will you," I complain, laughing off. He laughs as well, this time leading me off to somewhere. We stand alone in a clearing, just listening to the rustling of leaves. "Hey, Rolven, can I ask you something," he says, transferring his hand to my waist. I blush. "Thought so." He states and pulls at my hair, tugging it gently. Instantly, he finds the hidden lump. My hidden lump of hair that Urdin tied skillfully so, it wasn't noticeable. It gave the illusion my hair was short.

"You're female, aren't you?" He says, tugging at it once more, revealing my (h/c) locks, dropping down to the end of my back.

I grimace. He had found out.

+ + +

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