Chapter 08: Growing Hate

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“Would you like to take a walk?” He asks. I curtsy with the most grace I could muster. “If you wish, my lord.” He smiles lightly and withdraws his hand, offering now his arm. I take it as he leads me out of his halls and take out to the back gardens.


 “I believe I must make terms clear,” he says as we walk through paths marked by white stones. I felt quite annoyed and terrible in his presence. He clear his throat, snapping me out of my trance. “You are welcome here, my lady,” he speaks softly, almost... gently. “I swear I shall protect you, so I want you to be kept in here, unless I wish for you to go.” I gasp and unlink arms with him, holding my hands to my mouth. “I need to find ‘him’ , my lord. I am afraid I must leave immedi—“ He walks towards me, eyes glowering. “You are staying here. And as of ‘him’ whom you speak of,” he pauses, sending me a smug smirk. “Once they go through the Wood, if ever, and end in my halls, they shall rot in my dungeons.” I bite my lower lip, shuddering. I can’t take it anymore. “You are insane.” I blurt out lowly, without even knowing what was I doing. I widen my eyes and avert my look away, turning towards the halls without even saying goodbye.


 “You are insane.” The maiden stutters, tears welling. She turns her back and hurriedly walks back to the hall. The Elvenking just stood there, stunned with shock and sadness. “Valar forbid,” he whispers venomously to himself. “Why does she have to fear me...?”

 He stands at the edge of his gardens, so different from the dead and cobwebbed trees of Mirkwood. “No, she will stay. No Dwarves, no corsairs; I will keep her away from it all.” He looks at his hands, and clutched them in anger. “She will know... She will appreciate it. She’ll learn soon enough that I only love her too dearly.” He storms off, his silver robe trailing behind him.

- YOU -

 Later that night, I locked myself in my chambers. The elleth from before, named Tauriel, brought me food now and then. “You must eat, my lady,” she kindly advised. I only nod weakly.

 Days passed and I was still locked up, drowning in sorrow and longing.

 The Elvenking did not fail in consistency in bugging me to be in his presence. Pfft. As if, twiggy. I’m not in the mood to talk. Feeling my corsair self being brought back, I closed my eyes, a mischievous smirk planted across my face, only to be turned to a frown as I drifted off to sleep.

 One day, heavy and hasty knocks came to my door. “My lady, the King wishes to see you.” I groan. Shut it, I think to myself. Twiggy’s not gonna get my presence. No matter what. Loud and more commanding knocks came this time, obviously not from the ellon earlier. “If you shall not open this door, better still if I’ll blast it down,” a low voice growls. “Go away,” I stutter, tears blurring my vision. Wiping them away as I buried my head in my pillow, a loud blast came. I looked up and saw Thranduil, or Twiggy anyway, as I call him now, loomed above me. “Come, (y/n).” he commands. I bolt upright. “How did you get my name?! No one literally just gets my name,” I shout. He looks back at me, having a softer gaze. “Follow me and I’ll show you.”

 Going to the same path as yesterday, he now turns left where the paths split and took us to an orchard with fruits I don’t know. Then, a small, elegant gazebo was in the middle. And there I saw...

“Ratter! Urdin!”

I scream out, opening my arms out to greet them and tackle them in a hug. They only stumble slightly—after all, they are my strongest companions. “Milady (r/n)!” Urdin laughs as I get off from the two. “It’s nice to see you well and in high spirits. It’s been months since we last have seen each other.” I blushed with anxiety and embarrassment. These two sure know how to treat me like a new-born baby.

 “Wait. Where’s Radagast?” I exclaim suddenly, realizing he wasn’t with them. “He’s gone somewhere... important, as he told us.” Ratter states grimly, looking hard at the ground. “Important?” “He wouldn’t tell us. A-Anyway, he left us in the gates, talked to the Elves and all...” Then, I hear footfalls and saw Thranduil striding calmly towards us. “The Wizard wished to let you stay in my halls,” he says, looking at them. “But here is a Dwarf; a race of greed and filth.” He emphasizes the last word too strongly. Angry, Ratter clenches his fists, bites his lower lip... The Ratter whom I’ve known. Urdin squeezes the other’s shoulder and takes a glance at Thranduil. “Le suilon, peredhel.” Thranduil hisses at my companion. “I will not allow the other to—“ “Naug dortho,” says Urdin back, creating a menacing tone. Thranduil seems angry now. “Never.” He spat. “Guards, take them to my dungeons.” I back away and started walking towards my friends. Glancing back at the Elvenking, free of timidity, I glare at him, tears welling. “You monster.” I shout at him. As the guards walk up to me, I thrust my arms out, protecting my friends. “I won’t let you take them, got that?!” At last, losing his patience behind that calm mask, he walks towards me. “Step aside, hiril vuin,” I wasn’t even swayed by that tone. “Over my dead body.”


+ Le suilon : I greet thee / you

+ Peredhel : half-elf

+ Naug dortho: The Dwarf will stay

+ Hiril vuin: my lady

*NOTE: I have used Sindarin Elvish for this chapter (and also for the rest of the story). In the previous ones, I have used Grelvish, which is easily mistaken as Tolkien’s Sindarin. I am so sorry for the mix-up! I will be using Sindarin from now on. If any of my phrases are incorrect, please feel free to inform me!

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