Chapter 15: The Arkenstone

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Thorin's eyes roamed the small opening. Hewn of stone, made by Durin's Folk-the secret passage inside the Mountain. The Dwarves' faces were etched in wonder and curiosity. Balin was the first of the Company, following Thorin, to peer inside the Kingdom long lost from the Dragon.

The Dwarf's aged face began to tremble, and in moments, he could not contain himself. Tears pooled in the old Dwarf's eyes, and as Thorin consoled him, the Dwarf prince patted his shoulder.

"I know these walls... These halls..." Thorin murmured, half to himself, full of excitement, full of wonder, full of longing. "This stone." Placing his hands against the ancient walls, he knew it was Erebor. It was home.

"You remember, Balin. Chambers filled with gold," he dreamily muttered, as if witnessing those days of mirth once more.

"I remember," Balin replied as he trudged inside the Mountain for the first time in ages, his face stroked with tears. One by one, the Dwarves went inside the opening, feeling a rush of nostalgia. No treasure may ever compare to their beloved home.

Gimli and Nori's eyes cast upon the carvings on the upper ceiling.

"Herein lies the seventh kingdom of Durin's Folk," Gimli said in awe. "May the heart of the Mountain unite all Dwarves in the defense of this home..."

The carvings took the hobbit's attention as well. "The king's throne," Balin commented. Bilbo noticed a small stone on top of the throne, rays of light emitted from it. "And what's that above it?" He asked, his gaze never moving.

"The Arkenstone." The old Dwarf replied with such emphasis that one would know how important it is.

Thorin locked eyes with the Baggins. "And that, Master Burglar..." His eyes shone with an unknown glint. "Is why you are here."


"Agghhh... Agghhhh!" Kili shouted in pain, the poison scattering throughout his body. Bofur hastily filled the bowl with water, bringing it to Oin's side. "Can you not do something?" Fili demanded of the older Dwarf, his eyes snapping at the other.

Oin tended to the younger Dwarf, his fever ridiculously high. "I need herbs, something to bring down his fever." Meanwhile, Bard was already scouring the cupboard for some. "I have nightshade, feverfew."

"They're of no use to me. Do you have any kingsfoil?"

"No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs."

Bofur looked exhaustingly at Bard, but then his face hardened in determination. "Pigs? Weed..." He turned his attention to the others. "Right. Don't move." He commanded sternly, pointing a finger in Kili's direction as he hurriedly ran out of the house.


"You want me... To find a jewel?"

Bilbo asked for clarification.

"A large, white jewel. Yes." Balin said back, nodding at the hobbit.

"That's it? " Bilbo knew he was going in some business that'll be hard to finish. He knew it from the start, but to find a white jewel when there's at least a hundred white jewels or so in a field-wide treasure hoard guarded by the most ferocious dragon known to Middle-earth...

"Only I imagine there's quite a few down there..." He admitted.

"There is only one Arkenstone. And you'll know when you see it," Balin assured the burglar, then climbed down the steps leading back to the doorway.

"In truth, lad... I don't know what you'll find down there."

Bilbo's face fell.

"You needn't go if you don't want to. There's no dishonor in turning back-"

"No, Balin. " He choked on his words, but then Bilbo knew he must do this, or die trying. "I promised I would do this... And I think I must try."

Simple as those words may seem, they sent a hearty laugh to come from Balin. "It never ceases to amaze me." He said, looking at the hobbit that once turned them down, who was once scared of adventure, and now is here, risking his life for the treasure and the return of Durin's Folk.

"What's that?" Bilbo mused in puzzlement, looking at the old Dwarf who seemed as if he had been blessed to see such a weak hobbit like he, or so he believed.

"The courage of hobbits." Balin told him simply, wholeheartedly.

It must've been the greatest thing Bilbo had heard from another race, it must've been. He never fully believed in his true capability, and here is a Dwarf, saying that he possesses courage. The hobbit was simply amazed, and it showed on his shocked face-and soon smiling face. Nervous he was, but this had put him on a slight time of ease.

"Go now, with as much luck as you can muster."

Bilbo proceeded to go down to the halls, but again was stopped by Balin. "Oh, and Bilbo..." he muttered, as if afraid that someone... or something might hear him. "If there is... In fact... A live dragon in there..." he locked eyes with the hobbit. "Don't waken it."


Balin returned to the main entrance, and saw Thorin gazing down at Lake-town, his face lost and grave.

"What are you thinking about, lad?"

Thorin's eyes snapped out of their trance and looked at the other Dwarf. "I'm thinking about her, Balin. And of course, the others who are down there."

"Ah, yes. The beautiful maiden... Aye, who wouldn't? After all, she did surprise us. But now, I think she's out there, finding her way, still. Maybe not meant for this task, after all."

"But, the Orcs were-"

Balin sighed. "Thorin, did you really think that she would perish?"

"I had the chance to save her, Balin," he grunted, feeling his nerves on the edge. "In fact... If she's gone I would've blamed it on myself."

"Would have, lad. Which means she's still alive."

"How are you so sure that she's still breathing...?"

"What does your heart tell you, Thorin?"

Thorin was at a loss for words. "It's... I believe she's still alive. I can trust her with that."

"That's more like it, lad." Thorin smiled, but then his face fell again. "But then, where is she?"

"Where do you think is she?"

"The forest...."

Thorin's face fell. How could he have said that? Of course there was no possibility of her returning to the Elvenking's kingdom...

"I... She doesn't have... She doesn't need to go back there!"

"To the Elvenking?" Balin mused innocently.

"Yes, she doesn't need to... The forest-"

"Is filled with colossal spiders that almost killed us all. Do you want her in his kingdom, or have her lost in the forest, alone and defenseless?"

Thorin grunted, sending him a look that was both pained and hopeful. "I won't have her in either," he said, his fists clenching in his sides. "I would rather have her here with me."

+ + +


An update! After 12736293121901 years... *sigh*. Tons of effort was poured into this incredibly short-I mean, *cough* detailed *cough* chapter. I wanna finish and continue SOOOO BAD... BUT life is getting on the way (and I'm always procrastinating).

Hope you're all fine and hoping to finish thiiiiiissss thinggggg

and i'm really sorry if the updates are slow //cries

hope you'll still continue to read and support this story!

vote + comment + share + enjoy

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