To (Ex?)Friends or Just Public Idiots

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(I honestly can't think of a better way to sort this. Suggestions? Comment below. ;) Or just comment because you love me. <3 Iluhyew2!


X = Them

O= You



X = LOL! You're a noob.

O = Does that make you a wannabe troll?



O = Mad in the sense of insanity, yes. I just thought of thirty-six ways to biologically render you incapable of maintaining life. >D


X = F*ck you.

O = What positon?


X = Go to hell.

O = I'd rather annoy you. <3


X = What's wrong with you?

O = You.


X = I know you are, but what am I?

O = In need of a hearing aid. Honestly, I just told you!


X = I hate you.

O = Then why are you still talking to me?


X = I'm lonely.

O = Oh, yeah, I'm not here or anything.


X = B*tch.

O = Wh0re. Now we're best friends! :D


X = Don't let the door hit ya where mother nature split ya!

O = I'm sure you'll be too busy screwing it. :)


X = Look who's talking.

O = ...You?


X = Screw off.

O = Not with you in mind. O.o


X = Why are you so mean?

O = Why are you so annoying?


X = Why are you so annoying? (XD Yeah, yeah.)

O = Because I made it my sole purpose in life to bother you. :)


X = No one wants to be with you.

O = Maybe that's because you're still around. /:


X = You're stupid.

O = If I'm stupid... my God, I don't even KNOW where you fall!


X = Why am I still talking to you?

O = I dunno, you tell me... Oh, wait. ;)

( :D I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for the reads, my dears! If you have any questions on replies, I will be sure to upload them with a clever response. Fanning and votes are GREATLY appreciated!

                                                                                                                                        -LW )

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