First Lessons: Look Before You Sleep

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It was now a month for Malibu living in Ponyville. One morning he was snoozing peacefully when Applejack had woken him up.

The clone snorted, opening his eyes, seeing AJ smiling. "Hmm? Wha?" Malibu slurred in tiredness for it was rather early.

"Rise an' shine! The rainstorm is due soon. Gotta be up and at em to help take down the branches so they don' fall onto anypony!" Applejack exclaimed. Malibu pulled the covers over his head.

"But Applejack... it's too early..." Applejack took them off. "Ah know. Best way to get started," she said. Malibu mumbled sleepily, collapsing before nodding. "Be right there..." he grumbled. Applejack smiled, nodding before trotting away.

Malibu fell out of his bed, rubbing his eyes, wishing to keep sleeping. But a storm was coming so he knew he needed to help. He did his best to stand, sleepily walking down to eat breakfast. He did say that he would help out, but didn't realize it would start so early.

Guess life hits you unexpectedly sometimes... he thought while eating before they headed out.


Malibu now found himself among the other ponies in helping pulling the loose branches off of trees. He used his magic and his flying to do the job. Even Rarity was there, but from what he saw at one point she wasn't pulling them down; rather levitating the branches back, repairing them.

He wandered over, seeing Rarity looking over the bushes in thought, before getting an idea, using magic to transform the leaves into pony shapes. This baffled Malibu a little.

"Uh, Rar, you think you should really do that? Those branches could hurt somepony if the storm knocks them down. It would also ruin your designs." Rarity waved her hoof.

"Nonsense, Darling. I'm sure my creations won't do anypony any ha— hey!" Applejack used a rope to yank down her branches, glaring then spitting out the rope.

She spat it out afterward. "Jus' take the broken limbs down, Rarity. "Don't y'all care about nothin' but prettifyin?" Rarity huffed, and Malibu knew another AJ and Rarity showdown was about to start. For some reason these two always shot fire at each other about their preferences, and it had gone on for weeks now.

"Well, somepony has to! You and Malibu are making an absolute mess in the town square, Applejack," Rarity protested. Malibu backed away a little. "Leave me out, please..." he said quietly as the two kept it up.

"Yeah, well, the storm's gonna make an even bigger mess if we don't prune all these loose branches so they don't tumble down on anypony." Applejack bit back. Rarity didn't buy it. "I simply cannot imagine why the Pegasus ponies would schedule a dreadful downpour this evening and ruin what could have been a glorious sunny day."

Malibu came back over. "Rarity, the Pegasi had accidentally skipped the sprinkle scheduled for last week." He said. Rarity nodded. "Yes?" She said, then Applejack spoke up.

"And they just need a downpour to make up for it," she said, right as Malibu felt a rain drop on his head. Perfect timing, Malibu thought to himself, while Rarity panicked, as usual.

"Oh, no! My wonderfully styled mane shall be ruined!" She wailed. Malibu groaned a little. "You can always brush it later—" he said, but Rarity glared.

"Easy for you!" She shouted. Applejack glared. "Ya should'a hurried up and finished the job already!" But that didn't help matters. Rarity whimpered and ran about, the rain pouring. "Oh, ah! Oh! It's coming down too fast! Help me!" She cried out. Malibu looked around to help out, suddenly spying a table.

He pointed. "Over there," Malibu said. Rarity didn't object, going over to the table, but backed away. "No, no!" She screamed.

Applejack moaned. "What now?" Malibu saw it was rather muddy under there. Rarity cringed. "I'd prefer not to get my hooves muddy!" She whispered. Malibu's face was blank, giving her an incredulous look. For real? It's just mud!

"Gah! There's just no pleasin' ya, is there? Everything's gotta be jus' so!" Applejack growled, stomping her hoof. Malibu shied again, hating when they argued but nothing he ever tried got them to compromise as friends. Element of love, sure.

Rarity and Applejack kept it up, until eventually they began the does so does not routine, making Malibu close his ears until they were finished, glaring.

After a bit they stopped, still glaring. "Why don't we go our separate ways before one of us says something she'll regret," Rarity suggested. Malibu opened his mouth but then closed it again when they began to argue about who would leave and regret what they would've said.

"Y'all just be on your way then!" Applejack snapped. Rarity huffed. "After you!"

Oh, why can't they just work together? Malibu asked silently as he and Applejack began to leave but then the rain and thunder acted up more, making the three yelp and hug one another tight.

"G-guys? Maybe we should just stay together for now, and find shelter?" Malibu asked. He hated thunderstorms. Applejack nodded. "Perhaps we should. And fast!" AJ then made a break for the table after a few minutes, Malibu running with her, and the two crouched underneath, in the mud. Was better than nothing, though.

Malibu cringed from the squishy mud on his hooves but was glad to have any shelter. He wouldn't attempt his magic yet since he was still practicing. Rarity remained outside. "Nice and dry under here, sort a..." Applejack commented. Rarity scoffed. "Unacceptable!" She snapped. Suddenly a new voice rang in the wind.

"Applejack! Rarity! Malibu!"

The clone looked about in confusion until he saw Twilight. His friends looked around to see her, too. She called from her library home. "Guys!"

"Twilight?" The trio exclaimed. Twilight gestured at them. "Come inside, quick!" Malibu and his pals quickly raced to the doorway. Applejack halted. "Whoa, nelly! Is inside a tree really the best place for a lightning storm?" Twilight smiled.

"It is if you have a magical rod protecting your home like I do. Come on in!" She invited. Malibu smiled. Pretty handy. Rarity walked in. "Oh, we are most grateful for your invitation."

Applejack and Malibu both started to walk in too. "Thanks," Malibu said. "Yeah, thank ya kindly for your hospitality—." They were halted by Rarity who pointed. Malibu noted his and AJ's muddy hooves, ears falling.

"I'm sorry about the mess," he apologized. Twilight smiled. "No problem..." Rarity shook her head. "But still, wash you two. You need to learn proper manners for coming inside. And wiping your hooves is number one," she said in a huffy tone. Malibu felt a small frown come on but knew he couldn't argue, Applejack grumbling as he and her went back out, finding a hose.

"So, uh... you wash mine first? Or should I?" Malibu asked awkwardly, staring at the hose. Applejack felt some color coming but shrugged it away. She knew Malibu liked Rainbow anyway. "Ah'll start sugarcube," she offered, turning the hose on; picking it up. Applejack pointed the hose, managing to wash Malibu's front hooves a bit until she accidentally sprayed him in the face.

"Sorry," Applejack apologized. Malibu shook the water out though that was hard with the rain. "It's fine, really." He said, smiling.

Eventually they were able to finish cleaning themselves and ventured back in where they were greeted with an unusual sight: Twilight and Rarity putting mud and cucumbers on their faces. AJ gasped, startled and irked. "What in tarnation!" Malibu was stunned. "Uh..." he said, having no words.

"Now wait just a minute. Ya made me and Mal wash the mud off of our hooves, but it is ok for ya'll to have mud all over your faces?" Malibu nodded. "And why is the mud green?"

Rarity giggled. "Sillies! This is called a mud mask! It's to refresh and rejuvinate your complection!" Hearing that made Malibu think of his own old Stone Sleep.

Twilight smiled. "We're giving each other makeovers! We have to do it! It says so in the book!" She levitated a book over to the duo who read the title. Malibu grinned a little, this slumber party seemed fun enough, but not so for Applejack. "Slumber 101, everything ya need to—." She jerked back. "Oh, hey! Would ya look at the time. I gotta skedaddle back home. Kinda late for... something! Uh, g'night!" She quickly ran out.

"Applejack, don't—." Malibu said but she ran out, only to be back in a second later when lightning flashed. "Or maybe I'll sit here for a spell." Malibu smirked. "Yeah, it could be fun!" He said. Twilight clapped her hooves. "Hooray, Slumber Party!"

Rarity then slapped the mud mask onto Applejack. She went to Malibu next who backed up. "Uh, dunno if I should have this, it's for you ladies," he said nervously. Rarity chuckled. "Oh, nonsense dear. Mud Masks are for everypony!" With that the gooey green mud was on his face, making him lower his ears and head. But what else followed too was cucumbers. They went onto both his and Applejack's eyes; covering up their vision.

Applejack was confused. "What in the world is this for?" She asked. Malibu wondered, too. Rarity rolled her eyes. "To reduce puffiness around one's eyes, of course!" Malibu couldn't quite believe that, for he ended up shaking it off since it made him nervous, some of the mud coming off, too.

"Oh, dear! Your make up!" Rarity stressed but Malibu didn't regret it. He decided he didn't like make up facial mud masks. "I'm sorry, Rar, but I just didn't feel comfotable with it. I may skip out on this one. Just watch you guys." Applejack shrugged. "Guess that's fine, but puffiness schmuffiness! That's good eatin'!" She licked the cucumbers off her eyes, eating them, disgusting Rarity after Malibu wiped off the rest of the mud mask.

Twilight giggled. "Isn't this exciting? We'll do everything by the book, and that will make my slumber party officially fun!" This made Rarity give Applejack a warning stare. "Did you hear that, Applejack? You certainly would not want to do anything that would ruin Twilight's very first slumber party, would you?" She snapped.

Malibu stayed near Twilight, not wanting to be a part of this while Applejack shook her head. "Of course not. An you wouldn' either, I'd reckon!"

Rarity frowned. "So do we have an agreement?"

Applejack nodded. "You betcha!" She next spat into her hoof, holding it out for her to shake. Malibu himself couldn't understand that. Rarity freaked out. "You know, there's messy and there is just plain rude!" The orange earth pony stomped her hoof. "Ya know, there's fussy, and there's just plain gettin' on my nerves!"

Twilight interrupted, hugging the three of them.

"This is going to be the greatest slumber party ever! Yay!"

"Yay..." Applejack and Rarity both mumbled. Malibu sighed. This was gonna be a long night.


The group were still doing make up minus Malibu, though it was for their manes this time. The teal alicorn couldn't help but laugh at Applejack's braided mane. She wasn't amused. Rarity smirked. "So... how are you getting along there, Applejack?" AJ gritted her teeth. "Just fine, Rarity." She grumbled. Twilight was smiling through it all. "This is so awesome, ha ha! Makeovers, check!" With her magic the make up disappeared. Applejack smiled when it happened.

She read the book some more. "Ooh, it says here we have to tell ghost stories! Who wants to go first?" Malibu tilted his head. "Ghost stories?"

The three of his friends looked at him, startled. "Ya been livin' under a rock or somethin'?" Applejack asked. Malibu crouched. "Suppose I might've been, no thanks to my old Master, Thailog. Maggie and Celestia had only just begun teaching me about living in these worlds," he stated.

Applejack gave him an inviting smile. "Well, in that case, here's yer first one, for I will go first. I'd like to tell you all the tale of the Prissy Ghost, who drove everypony crazy with her unecessary neatness! Ooooh!" She waved her hooves around in the air. Malibu scratched his head. Not what he expected. "I'm sure the rest of yall are familiar with that one?" Applejack said, mostly to Rarity.

Rarity shook her head. "Never heard of it, but I have a much better one. It's the horrifying story of the messy, inconsiderate ghost who irritated everypony within a hundred miles! Oo-oo!"

The cowgirl frowned. "That's not a real story, you made that up!" She retorted.

Malibu tried to speak up but once again his voice was downed out. "It is a ghost story. They're all made up!" Rarity snapped back. That was when the lights went out. Malibu was startled by the loss of light until Twilight turned on her flashlight, smiling.

"I got one! This story is called The Legend of The Headless Horse." Thunder rumbled from her words. Malibu swallowed from this for it sounded like the tale of the Headless Horseman that he heard about from Maggie when she showed him books.

"It was a dark and stormy night, just like this one. And four ponies were having a slumber party, just like this one..."

Malibu saw frightened looks on Applejack and Rarity's faces as Twilight continued. "and just when the last pony thought she was safe, there, standing right behind her, just inches away was... The Headless Horse!" The flashlight disappeared, lightning flashed, showing the 'headless horse'. The gargoyle clone lept backwards, eyes round, while his other two friends screamed in fear.

But it was only Twilight under a blanket. Malibu smiled, that was a good one. The lights came back on, and AJ and Rarity let go of each other quickly. Twilight checked off the activity. "Ghost story, check!" Malibu nodded. "Some story, Twi." She smiled at him. "There's even more where that came from. Now who wants s'mores?!" His smile faded. "Uh, more what?"


Turns out S'mores were a treat for camping. Malibu smelled the marshmallows on the fire and they smelt good! He looked to see Rarity showing how to make the marshmallow treat, going to watch. "Then you place one marshmallow on the top of the chocolate and be sure it's centered-that's critical-and then carefully put another perfectly square graham cracker on the top. And done. Ta-da!" Rarity exclaimed. Malibu gazed at the little square marshmallow treat, wanting to try it.

Applejack came up then before he got it. "And ya just eat 'em!" She bit right into it. Malibu frowned but Twilight made him another. He took it with his magic, eating the smore. It was sticky as he expected but it tasted delicious! He chewed as carefully as he could that pleased Rarity but Applejack chomped noisily, burping when done.

"Ugh, you could at least say excuse me!" She snipped. Malibu burped too, but he covered up his mouth. "Excuse me," he said shyly. "See?" Rarity pointed out. Malibu didn't mean to have any part of this argument until Applejack spoke. "I was about to but you interrupted me! Pardon!" Rarity huffed.

"S'mores, check!" Twilight checked off the next thing in the book. She read the next one. "Now the next fun we have up next is Truth or Dare!" Malibu was interested in that, but before he could ask about it Rarity started the game already. "I dare Applejack to do something carefully and neatly for a change," she said heatedly.

"Oh yeah? Well I dares Rarity to lighten up! To stop obsessing over every last little detail for a change!" Applejack stormed back. Malibu wasn't sure about the rules, afraid that this kind of game was only irking off the farm and fashion ponies more.

"I think that the truth of the matter is that somepony could pay a little more attention to detail!

"And I think the truth is somepony oughta quit with her fussin' so the rest of us can get things done!"

Twilight stared. "Uh, I don't think that's how the game is supposed to work. You have to give an honest answer to any question or do whatever anypony tells you to do," she explained. Malibu got her rules for the game, looking at his other two friends, wondering if he would get a turn, but no. Applejack grinned at Rarity. "I dares ya to step outside; and let your precious tidy mane get ruined again!"

Rarity gasped, making Malibu silently chuckle. Twilight nodded. "You have to, it's the rule."

"Fine!" The white unicorn snapped, stalking outdoors into the deluge, the rain messing up her mane. She came back; a shivering wet mess, making Applejack laugh. Malibu himself at first thought it was funny but now didn't see it amusing. Rarity looked miserable. She got angry.

"Okay, I dare Applejack to play dress up! In a froo froo, glittery, lacey outfit!" Applejack gasped, then did it. In just impossible seconds later she returned in a princessy outfit, having Rarity smile. "Happy?" She growled. "Very."

Malibu and Twilight looked at each other. "Uh, do me and Mal get a turn?" Twilight asked. But Applejack and Rarity kept up their daring, voices getting louder until Twilight then called it quits on the game, making the young alicorn sigh.

"I think we should skip truth or dare and move on. What's see what is our next fun fun thing is, shall we?" She read in the book, and Malibu. "Twilight? What's a pillow fight?" Malibu asked. Rarity rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. I'm not at all interested in engaging in something so crude—." A pillow smacked into her face. Malibu finally realized. Rarity looked mad. "It is on!"

More pillows were now being thrown back and forth, Malibu ducking and dodging, though Twilight was unfazed at first, getting what it meant. "Oh, I get it! Pillow - fight! Fun!" She got hit by two pillows then, knocking her down. Malibu flinched from it. "You alright?"

Twilight got up, dizzy. "Peachy... but girls, maybe we can take it down a notch?" She slurred. Applejack glared. "I will if she will!"

Rarity dodged more pillows. "She started it!"

"Guys, it's just a game—oof!" Malibu yelped when a pillow hit him in the face. Twilight spat out feathers. Malibu shook his head from being dizzy. "Oh, maybe we should just call it a night and get some sleep?" Twilight asked, looking stressed. Malibu nodded. He needed some sleep after all this.

He got his own cot bed while Applejack and Rarity shared the spare one. Malibu snuggled into his blankets and pillow. It was hard to sleep for Malibu could hear more fussing from AJ and Rarity, arguing over the bed covers and who has more room. It turned into a blanket tug of war, Malibu laying there, staring ahead at nothing; their voices ringing in his head.

"Give it back!"

"I will not!"





"ENOUGH!" It was Twilight, startling Malibu from his dazed trance of the arguing. The two stopped tugging.

"It says right here that the number one thing you're supposed to do at a slumber party is have fun. Now thanks to you two I can't check that off!"

Applejack glared at Rarity, havinv the teal alicorn shrink down. This just never ends, he thought. "I tried my darndest to get along!" She snapped. Rarity shook her head. "No, it is I who have been trying my best."

"No, it was me!"

"No it was I!"

That was when Malibu snapped. His eyes flashed a dangerous glowing red, stomping his hoof hard on the floor. He had enough of being gentle. Twilight was startled from Malibu's sudden burst of anger.

"SHUT UP!" He roared, making Applejack and Rarity to stop, looking at him in shock and now guilt. "I've had it! I try to get you two to get along, but you keep biting each other's tails and faces off! It's sickening! And you're supposed to be the great Elements of Honesty and Generosity? Uh, no. That's not what I'm seeing! And you ruined my best friend's slumber party, I hope you're happy!"

The two of them looked even more guilty. Twilight herself was still mad. "And also," she started "is there anything else that could possibly go wrong besides this madness?!"

To answer her question, lightning struck a tree, making the group all jump. Twilight cowered in her blankets. "Sorry I asked..." she whimpered.

Everypony gasped in fear at the sight of the tree going to fall on a house. Applejack looked coldy at Rarity. "Ya see? That was why we needed to take down all the loose branches in town! Not spiffy them up!" Malibu right now was too angry to bother to try to help them. Let them argue for all he cared.

"But I—!" Rarity pleaded. Applejack interrupted. "Outta my way, missy! Time's a wastin'!" She went to pull out her lasso. Despite being angry, malibu sensed danger from her doing this.

"AJ, wait!" He called. "Wait! Stop! Don't!" Rarity yelled too. Applejack shook her head, spinning the lasso. "No waitin', no stopin'! Doin'!" The rope latched around the tree.

She grinned triumphantly. "And that, mah friends is what we call gettin' her done!" Applejack yanked the rope. Malibu's eyes rounded at the tree coming their way. "DUCK!" He screamed, running out of the way of the thick part of the tree, cowering on the floor, shutting his eyes from the tree crashing.

Fortunately he wasn't crushed, only surrounded by pine needles, unable to see. Malibu winced when pushing through them, head poking out finally, covered in needles. "Guys?" He asked nervously, until he saw Rarity near the books, and Applejack and Twilight's heads coming up too. Rarity held a book over her head.

"I tried telling you it would come crashing down in here!"

Applejack huffed. "Well, ya shoulda tried harder!" She looked at Twilight, Malibu also glaring at her. "I'm mighty sorry, Twilight."

Twilight and Malibu looked at one another. "It's... Well, it's not okay. There's a giant tree branch in the middle of my bedroom, and the book doesn't say anything about having a giant tree branch at your slumber party. Or at least I haven't found that entry yet!" Malibu himself knew he could easily solve this with his Alicorn magic but he still didn't think he was powerful enough to get rid of a whole big tree.

He gazed at Applejack trying to move the tree, then she stormed at Rarity who was reorganizing the books. "Rarity? What on earth are ya doin'?" Rarity glanced up. "Cleaning up this mess somepony made! Who was that again? Oh, right! That's you!"

Applejack desperately pleaded at Malibu for his help. "Can't ya do somethin' about the tree?" Malibu shook his head. "No, I'm not that complex or strong with my alicorn magic, I'm still learning!" He yelled back. His friend then began to try to move the tree herself. She turned back to Rarity. Malibu left himself out of this one now.

"Rarity, for ponie's sake! Stop sweatin' the small stuff and help me get rid of this thing!" No answer. "I said; hustle over here and help me!" Rarity kept up her task until finally Applejack looked guilty of her own behavior. "Huh, look. I'm sorry, alright?"

Rarity perked up. "What was that?" Malibu felt a small smile. Finally, he thought. "I said I'm sorry! I shoulda listened to you when you noticed where this here branch would end up. Yer annoyin' attention to detail would'a saved us from this whole mess. But right now, ya need to stop bein' so dang fussy pickin' up all the little things and help me move the one big thing in here that actually matters!" The white unicorn was still hesitant until Applejack said the magic word. "Please!"

She began to step forward, but was hesitant. "Ooh, ugh! But I'll get all icky!"

Malibu nodded. "Yes, but that is a good sign of hard work," he said, still smiling. Applejack grinned at him before continuing. "But y'all need to get over it, on account I just can't fix this mess I made myself. I need your help." Rarity sighed, then threw the book off her head. "Let's do this!"

The three of them were now in the tree together. "You have an idea, Rar?" Malibu asked. She nodded, her horn lighting up. And just like that; the tree turned into the fancy pony designs she made that afternoon. Applejack went to buck the tree trunk out of the window but then gently picked it up and threw it instead after Rarity glared at him, covered in tree sap.

Malibu helped close the window while Twilight the whole time was reading for a solution in her book. Rarity was devastated at the sight of herself. "Oh, I look awful!"

Applejack got an idea then, getting some cucumbers and placing them over her eyes. Malibu smiled at her. "How's that?" "Better?" Applejack asked too. Rarity looked grateful to her friends. "Hm. Thanks." The trio shared a hug after that. Twilight now saw the pony tree designs. "Ooh, pretty! Where did these come from? They're not in the book either!" The teal alicorn chuckled. "You missed quite a bit," he said.


After that chaos they resumed the slumber party, playing more fun games which was 20 questions.

"Is it bigger than a barn?" Asked Applejack.

"Is it smaller than a saddle?" Rarity questioned.

Malibu thought. "Is it medium sized?"

Twilight laughed. "No! Well except for Malibu. Only 4 of your 20 questions left!" The three looked at one another. "We'll never guess what yer thinkin' of! It could be anythin'!"

Rarity was desperate. "Are we getting warmer?" Twilight and Malibu were confused. "Why? Is it too cold in here? I can turn up the heat!" Applejack laughed. "She means are we getting closer with our guesses?" Malibu got it now, nodding.

"Oh! No. And that technically counted as a question so only two more left!" Malibu felt tense with nerves.

Applejack thought some more. "Is it... a six-legged pony with a purple polka-dotted mane and shootin' stars comin' out of his eyes?"

"Who flies through the air all over the world to hide magic, sparkly eggs?" Rarity finished. Malibu raised his brow, shaking his head in bewilderment at this. Twilight perked. "That's it!" Malibu's mouth fell open. "Huh?!"

"It is?" Both Rarity and Applejack asked. Then Twilight shook her head. "No. It's that." She pointed to her telescope. The gargoyle clone chuckled. "Good one, Twi." He said while they had a good laugh.

Twilight sighed. "See? We could have been having fun like this all along." Applejack grinned. "If only somepony hadn't been so persnickety."

Rarity raised her brow. "Well, she wouldn't have been if somepony else hadn't been so sloppy!" Malibu felt dread. Not again, he thought, rolling his eyes. And they were just starting to be happy.

"Sorry for bein' such a pain in the patootie," Applejack apologized. Rarity shook her head. "Oh, no, I'm sure I was much worse."

"That's kind of ya to say but I am the one who's sorry."

"No, I am much sorry than you are."

"Ugh, are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

Rarity then smiled. "Are too!" Malibu sighed in relief when they laughed again. Twilight nodded. "I declare my first slumber party a success!" Malibu, Applejack and Rarity high hoofed, cheering.

"Have fun, check!" She checked off the last thing in the book before they all laughed more.

They did one final game for the evening. "Now take two steps to your left! No my left!" Rarity said while Applejack had cucumbers over her eyes. Malibu sat with Twilight, sighing peacefully while finally feeling the tension he had all day be lifted. This was a perfect evening.

"Which is it? Whoa!" Applejack fell into a book pile, knocking it over. Rarity went over. "That mess was yer fault, not mine!" AJ declared playfully, making the duo chuckle.

Twilight in the meantime wrote a letter to Celestia. Malibu leaned in to read it:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

It's hard to believe that two ponies who seem to have so little in common could ever get along. But I found out that if you embrace each other's differences, you just might be surprised to discover a way to be friends after all."

Malibu smiled. He liked the letters they wrote. Twilight looked up to Rarity and Applejack. "So, who's up for another slumber party tomorrow night?" AJ and Rarity both smirked, throwing pillows at Twilight. Malibu ducked. "How about a week from Thursday? Oh, how about two weeks from Saturday? A month from now?" In the end they all just laughed, enjoying the remaining night when the clouds party the next morning, revealing the yellow sun.

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