First Lessons: Swarm of the Century

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S1 E10! Winter Wrap Up is next!


Malibu was out with Fluttershy, helping her gather flowers to give to his mother who was coming to Ponyville. He was excited to hear the news for it had been two months since his deciding to live here. Fluttershy could see the excited and happy look on her friend's face.

"You seem rather excited, Malibu," she said in her shy voice. Malibu nodded. "Yeah. I plan to give mother a big hug when she comes."

Fluttershy smiled at that notion. "Thank you... for helping me with the flowers," she said. Malibu looked at her with friendly eyes. "Anything for my friends," he said. A squirrel came up with a dead dandelion. Fluttershy giggled.

"Thank you, little squirrel. But these flowers are for Princess Celestia. Only the prettiest ones would do." The seeds got blown away by the wind then. Malibu chuckled softly from the squirrel's expression and then it ran away. "Well, I give him A for effort," he stated, until suddenly a strange chirp sounded from a rock.

It made Fluttershy yelp, hiding behind her flower bucket while Malibu's eyes glowed red; wings out. But all that was there was an odd little insect creature who revealed itself. It had bright teal blue eyes and was orange colored, with see through wings. The insect chirruped at them, eyes looking rather cute to Malibu.

Malibu tilted his head. "Huh, Fluttershy, do you know what this thing is?" Flutter shook her head. "No. But hello little guy. We've never seen anything quite like you before!" She cooed, the insect fluttering around them. It saw the apple bucket, sniffing and cooing sadly. It got Malibu's attention that it was hungry. He levitated an apple up.

"Here, you hungry?" He asked, mushing the apple and backing up. The insect ignored the one apple and instead ate all of the apples in the bucket, startling the two of them.

Wha...? Malibu gawked in surprise while the insect gave him his attention, purring and rubbing against his neck. His shocked face then it turned into a blush. Fluttershy smiled.

"Guess he was hungry. Plus he seems to like you," she said. Malibu chuckled a little, going to pet the insect who purred from his touch. "I suppose you are adorable," he admitted. Fluttershy had an idea. "We gotta show him to our friends!" She suggested. Malibu nodded. "Maybe Twilight would know what it is," he said.

The two walked off back to town, headed to Sugarcube Corner, where Malibu saw that Pinkie had gorged herself on the sweets meant for his mother. But he ignored that right now.

"Hey, Twi! Sorry if we're bothering your planning," he said. Pinkie Pie shook her head. "Not at all! Come on in and make yourself at home!" She said, eating a whole cake in one go. Malibu rolled his eyes at that.

Twilight came up. "What is it?" She asked. Fluttershy was excited. "You wouldn't believe what me and Malibu found at the edge of the Everfree," she said. Malibu looked at his friend who was in his tail. "It's alright, you can come out," he said gently. But to his shock; instead of just one, there were three that showed out of his tail. But how?

"Three?" Fluttershy gasped. Malibu's ears flattened. "I-I thought we only found one..." he said nervously. Twilight seemed unfazed, too busy looking at how cute they are. "They're amazing! What are they?" She asked. Malibu now felt worried that even Twilight didn't know what they were.

"Well, uh, we happened accross this little guy, but don't know about the other two," he said. Twilight suddenly took one from him. "I'll take one off your hooves, Malibu. I've never seen anything so, adorable!" She said, cuddling with it. Malibu liked seeing Twilight happy, as he too smiled when his orange insect cuddled with him again. "Besides, it'll be nice to have a companion for Spike so he won't bother me so much while I'm studying," Twilight then finished.

Fluttershy looked at Pinkie. "Pinkie, do you want the other one?" To Malibu's surprise Pinkie gagged. "Ugh! A Parasprite? Are you kidding?" She turned to head out. Malibu was puzzled. "Uh..." he began. "A Para what?" Twilight asked.

"Now I gotta go find a trombone!" Pinkie continued. Malibu kept staring, wondering what she was talking about. "Er... what?" He said then. Pinkie tilted her head. "A trombone! You know..." she mimicked the thing she was speaking about before leaving. Malibu gave Twilight a questionable look, and she answered.

"A trombone is an instrument," she said. He nodded in understanding. Next Malibu decided to tag along with Twilight to check on Rarity's progress on the outfits for tomorrow after giving his insect to Fluttershy, not quite ready for a pet yet.

Upon arriving; he could see Rainbow Dash being dressed in an outfit that he couldn't quite see matching her appearance. Rarity struggled to hold her still. "Stand still, Rainbow Dash!" She snapped.

Rainbow kept fidgeting. "Ugh! I can't! I need to fly! This is way too boring for me!" She grumbled before seeing her close friend. Her ears perked. "Hey, Mal!" She greeted. Malibu felt his cheeks flush again when meeting her eyes. Rarity saw them, too. "Hello, friends. And Rainbow Dash, do you want to look nice for Princess Celestia or not?" She asked, making Rainbow sit down reluctantly.

Twilight looked around at the outfits. "Wow, Rarity, those outfits are goregeous!" She said. Malibu nodded. "Mom would like them, I'm certain," he added. Rarity looked proud. "Thank you, you two! At least somepony appreciates my special talents!"

That was when from Twilight's mane now came two more insects like what had happened with Malibu. The gargoyle clone's eyes rounded again. Why did they keep reappearing with more of them? Rainbow was in awe. "Wow! What are they?" She asked. Malibu recalled Pinkie calling them parasprites, but he wasn't sure. He shrugged. Twilight did too. "I'm not so sure. But I'm not entirely certain where these other two came from," she said.

Rainbo instantly took one. "I'll take one!" She offered. Rarity nodded. "Oh, me too! They're perfect!"

But why do they keep multiplying? Twilight hadn't fed them at all, Malibu wondered to himself while his friends cooed over their new pets. Pinkie had returned then, looking anxious but nopony seemed to listen to her. She left again after that. Malibu tapped Twilight on her shoulder. "Uh, Twi, can I maybe sleep over tonight, since you seem to be stressed about giving my mother a good welcome day tomorrow?"

Twilight looked happy about that while petting the insect. "That would be great. And we could use the extra hooves, too."


Later that evening the friends returned to the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight had Malibu sleep in the extra bed she still had from that sleepover that time ago. She glanced over at everything she organized in here. "Oh, the decorations, the banquet, I hope everything comes through in time for tomorrow!"

Malibu put a hoof around her shoulder. "Stop fretting so much, Twi. Mom would love all the hard work that went through for it, trust me. And you should sleep. Spike and your insect pet have already beaten you to it," he said with a grin at Spike and the bug together. Twilight smiled back at him then yawmed. "You're right I guess. What's to really worry about?"

The two then settled into their beds. Malibu cuddled into his pillows and blankets, ready to sleep, his eyelids slowly closing.


The next morning, Malibu woke to the sound of strange snoring. Yawning, he saw other insects like the ones from yesterday all around him and Twilight; having multiplied in the middle of the night! Malibu gave a yelp, jerking up and shaking some of them out of his mane. His yell startled Twilight. "Spike! Malibu!" She shouted, falling out of bed.

Malibu grunted when swatting the bugs away with his tail, getting out too. "What in the world?!" He exclaimed in disbelief at the 30 or so bugs in the library. "What's happened?" Twilight screamed. Spike screamed too, taking two bugs off of his eyes amd sitting up.

"Where did they come from?" Malibu demanded harshly, ducking when three flew over him. Spike looked sheepish, as Twilight glared at him. "Well, uh, the little guy got hungry in the night so I gave him a snack! But I have no idea where these others came from!" He protested. Malibu growled. "Now it is obvious they multiply after eating!" He snapped.

Spike backed away in guilt while the bugs suddenly went on a destructive spree in the library; pulling out neatly organized books and throwing them. Malibu's ears fell at this, it was just hours before his mother's arrival! She couldn't see these pests here messing up everything!

"Oh no! They're messing up all my hard work!" Spike exclaimed in despair. Malibu growled slightly when trying to place the books back and shake the bugs away. "I can see that!" Twilight was looking mortified and distressed. "The princess will be here in a few hours!" She levitated the duster and swatted some away. "Help me round up these little guys!"

Malibu nodded, still trying his best; even conjuring a shield ball and trapping some inside with his alicorn magic. Spike struggled with carrying some in a waste basket. "What's it look like I'm doin'?" He grunted, before slipping and falling, the piles of bugs falling on him. Twilight dusted them away, glaring. "I know I know, stop fooling around!" Spike muttered, rolling his eyes.

Eventually Malibu and Twilight gathered up all their pests in saddle bags, going out with them, and even running into Rarity whose saddle bag was full too. The three gasped on seeing each other.

"I see we're having the same problem," Rarity said. Malibu's ears fell more. "Yours multiplied too?" He asked. Rarity shuddered. "Ugh! They multiply in the most revolting way!" She cried. Now Malibu didn't really want to know how.

"Ditto!" He heard Rainbow cry out. Eyes round, Malibu spotted his pegasus friend covered in the bugs and trying to get rid of them, but to no avail. Then suddenly the teal alicorn had an idea.

"Hey, what about Fluttershy?" He asked. Twilight looked excited about that idea. "Yes! Maybe she can tell us how to stop them multiplying!"

But it turned out he was wrong. As soon as they opened her front door; millions of them flew out of her house, leaving them cringing, ears flattened. "Or not!" Twilight squeaked. Fluttershy was having trouble coming to the insect's understanding, the lot of them ruining her house.

Fluttershy was frantically struggling to calm down the bugs. "Do something, Fluttershy! Can't you control them?" Twilight yelled. She looked panicked. "I tried everything I know. I tried begging, pleading, beseeching, and asking politely—!" She raced around in a tizzy. Malibu saw Twilight in a dazed spell, eyes round in fear and he figured she was seeing a vision of his mother being disappointed. He nudged her sharply.

"Twi, snap out of it!" He shouted. She shook her head. "Uh, thanks. But if we can't control them on time before the Princess arrives it will be a total disaster!" She cried. Malibu himself was feeling worried about his mother's reactions to this now. He saw one do the most disturbing thing; throwing up and creating a new insect. His ears flattened and he shuddered. So did Rarity. "Ew! If you ask me it is already a total disaster!" She shrieked.

Applejack had arrived on the scene then with a cart of apples. "Here's those apples you want, Fluttershy. But I don't get why ya need so many-hey!" She said right as those bugs ate them all. It unerved Malibu at how fast those things eat in just seconds. Fluttershy was looking worried. "What do we do?" She asked. Malibu then gave a thoughtful look. "Hey, what about AJ? No pony can herd like she does!" He stated, since sometimes he watched her herd the animals.

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah! Good thinking Mal! We can drive them back into the Forest!" Twilight looked proud for Malibu to be able to come up with an idea for how to deal with the insects since that was usually her field of experties. Applejack agreed to Malibu's plan. "I'll rustle 'em up but I'll need everypony's help to do it," she said. "And Malibu, Am offerin' ya ta help herd them. Twilight and Fluttershy, me and Mal will run them straight after ya like a funnel. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, stay on top of 'em. Don't let 'em fly away."

The blue rainbow pegasus nodded again. "Aye aye!" She said, her and Fluttershy getting into position.

Applejack glanced at Malibu. "Ya ready?" She asked. Malibu grinned. "For sure. Want these things out of here!" He stated. Applejack then reared up. "Yee haw!" She called. Her and Malibu then charged at the bugs, leading them all into one big bug ball, then beginning to herd them to the Forest.

"Watch out, Rarity! That one is fixin' to get away! Keep a lid on 'em, Rainbow Dash!" Malibu did his own best to ensure the pests remained where they were too. "Hold on guys! We're almost there!" AJ proclaimed, until when Pinkie Pie showed up unexpectedly. Malibu was startled by her appearance.

"Pinkie?!" Malibu sputtered, as she looked anxious. "Mal! Twilight! We don't have much time!" She stated. Twilight nodded. "You're telling me! The Princess will be here in a few hours!" Pinkie nodded. "Exactly! And that's why you all must drop what you are doing and help me find some maracas!" Malibu shook his head, having no idea what that was.

Twilight frowned. "Maracas? Pinkie we've got much bigger problems than finding maracas!" Pinkie gasped. Malibu at first thought she'd realize the situation but instead said; "You're right! Getting a tuba has to be our #1 goal! Follow me!" She raced off. Malibu groaned before she returned, somehow running in place backwards. "I said follow me!"

Rainbow gave her a look. "Pinkie Pie, you are so random," she stated. Malibu didn't really know how to respond at that, hence the hurt look in Pinkie's eyes. "And you are all so stubborn!" She called, going off in her own direction away from them. Malibu shook his head at Rainbow who gave a guilty look, hating that she made her close friends angry at her but they could make it up to Pinkie later.

"Not the time to go after her, everypony. Focus!" The Forest was just ahead, thank goodness. Malibu's legs were wearing out from under him, unable to keep running much longer. Eventually at last the bugs were pushed in, gone for good hopefully.

Malibu panted heavily while watching Rainbow do a flip in mid air. "Alright!" She hoof bumped Fluttershy pretty hard. "Ouch," Fluttershy said softly. Twilight smiled. "We did it! Nice work, Applejack!" She said. Applejack flushed. "Couldn' have done it without ya all," she insisted. The teal alicorn bumped her shoulder. "You really do have the herding skills for even insects," he praised, making her chuckle.

"Now let's get back and clean up the mess they made before the Princess arrives," Twilight said. The group walked to Fluttershy's to check on her. "Ok. Everypony knows what to do. "We gotta work hard to make up for loss of time," Twilight instructed urgently. Malibu frowned at how stressed she sounded when he began to open the door.

Unexpectedly it burst open before he opened it and thousands of bugs emerged. He flinched when they all flew out of the house. "W-wha-?!" Malibu gaped at the sight of them all.

Twilight's eyes rounded. "Where did they come from?!" She gasped. Fluttershy showed then, a bug sitting and bouncing on her shoulder. "Well... I may have kept just one..." she said sheepishly.

Everypony glared, the bugs fluttering around them. Malibu's eyes glowed red, his patience and calmness wearing out. "Fluttershy, did you forget that these things freaking multiply in seconds?!" He shouted, making her cower.

"B-I can't help myself. They're just so cute," she said timidly, though she nuzzled the one on her shoulder before it took off.

Maibu felt a low growl in his throat before Rainbow noted his anger ready to explode and took action, a gentl hoof around his arm, causing him to settle. He knew then he couldn't waste his energy being mad. Twilight looked around at them all. "We don't have time to keep rounding up these things! What do we do now?"

Rainbow glanced at her friend, and the two got an idea. Malibu nodded at her to do it. She soared into the air. "We call in the weather patrol!" She announced, putting on her goggles. Malibu watched his friend soar up high, observing her targets. "Time to take out adorable trash. Yah!" She called out, starting to fly around very fast, creating a tornado. Malibu found shelter near a tree, watching Dash's tornado suck up the insects one by one.

Twilight cheered. "Way to go Rainbow Dash!" Applejack smiled. "Looks like our problems are solved!" Malibu breathed a sigh until he heard Pinkie. "They will be with these cymbals!" She said, banging them together. Malibu reached with his hoof. "Pinkie, watch out for the tornad-" her cymbals were pulled away from her into the tornado. She glared. "Hey! Give me those back!" She called. Malibu cringed from the cymbals in the tornado, causing Rainbow to loose control of the tornado.

Rainbow zipped uncontrollably out of the tornado, and Malibu took action, quickly flying to catch her, falling to the ground from her impact. She smiled at him. He smiled back at her. "I- I'll always be here to catch you," he croaked from her weight. The pegasus got back up, helping Malibu to his hooves. "Thanks," she said as they turned back to see the tornado dying down, the bugs flying towards Ponyville.

Malibu's ears fell, knowing who was to blame but he knew she was only trying to help, as everypony else glared at Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie Pie, what have you done?!" Twilight yelled. Pinkie looked upset. "I've lost a new pair of cymbals, that's what I've done!" She argued, making Malibu only a tad angry. "Rainbow almost got hurt because of them!" He said but did his best not to be so angry.

"Yeah. And will you forget about your silly instruments for a second? You're ruining our chances to save Ponyville!" Twilight retorted. Pinkie's eyes widened. "Me? I'm not the ruiner! I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruiness? Ruinette?" She had faltered it what to call it but the others didn't have time for this.

"Come on, y'all. There's no reasonin' with that one. She's a few apples short of a bushel," Applejack muttered as the group headed to Ponyville. Malibu at first wished to remain behind but couldn't leave the town to be consumed by the bugs, continuing to run along with them.

All the bugs were eating the food by the time they got there; along with everypony screaming their heads off and running in directions. Malibu hadn't seen such chaos before. "What'll we do? They're eating all the food in town!" Fluttershy exclaimed. That made AJ panic. "No! My apples!" She screamed, running back to the farm. Malibu glanced at Twilight. "Any ideas?" He pestered in a panicked tone.

Twilight thought, then an idea came. "I got it! I'll use a spell to make them stop eating all the food!" This made Malibu cringe a little. A mind control spell made him think of how Thailog implanted that horrid 'obey Thailog' control word in his brain, making him hurt his original, Brooklyn. He had regretted it ever since Thailog seemingly perished in that fire.

Rainbow noted Malibu's somewhat scared expression, and got close, a wing around him. "Twilight knows what she is doin', don't worry," she assured gently. Malibu nodded, watching and folding his ears back as Twilight casted the spell. The bugs all stopped what they were doing, and a few seconds of silence fell.

Pinkie had showed but no pony paid attention to her again. "Look! Tambourines! If you could just—!" No attention. "UUGGH!" Pinkie cried out and ran off again. The group all waited with bated breath, Twilight gasping a bit when a bug sniffed an apple. Malibu gritted his teeth, waiting. But the bug didn't eat it, causing them to sigh. Unexpectedly though; the bug suddenly ate the bucket whole, spitting out an apple in it.

The other bugs followed suit; eating any other non food sources in the town including buildings and clothing. Malibu's jaw dropped at that, eyes drifting towards a sheepish looking Twilight while Rainbow glared at her. "Hey, it worked. They're not eating the food anymore," she said sarcastically. Rarity had a realization then too. "Oh no... if they get inside my store... EVERYPONY FOR THEMSELVES!" She shrieked, racing back to her house, Twilight and Malibu staring mystified after her.

Then the two snapped out of it and went to defend the library, seeing them eating the books as expected while Spike struggled with them, and something else.

"Oh, they're eating the words in the books!" Twilight cried. Malibu raised his brow when watching one. How is that even physically possible? He asked himself as Twilight grabbed one of the bugs and ran out of the library, Malibu on her heels, knowing now where she was going. Perhaps their zebra friend would know what they were. He barely recalled them in one of his mother's books but couldn't remember.

As they reached Zecora's hut, they burst in, accidentally making her go out of balance and fall of her staff she was meditating on. She rubbed her head. "Have you two gone mad?" She demanded. Malibu shook his head, ears flat on his head. "No, Zecora. We have all these weird bugs eating Ponyville, long story!" He said in an out of breath tone. Twilight nodded. "Can you help us, please?"

Zecora studied the creature that flew and landed on her nose. "Oh, a monster of so little size. Is that a Parasprite before my eyes?" She asked. Malibu was a bit startled at that name. He was certain his mother told him about them but since his moving to Ponyville he possibly had forgotten about that. "I don't know. Is it?" Twilight asked.

The zebra narrowed her eyes. "Tales of crops and harvests consumed. If these creatures are in Ponyville, you're doomed," she said in a vague tone. Malibu swallowed when seeing the Parasprite cough out another one as she spoke. Twilight gulped too. Eventually they thanked Zecora for the info, racing back to town, the parasprites behind them.

"How are we gonna get rid of these parasprites?" Malibu cried out when they reached town; witnessing the habitants screaming and running from the parasprites who were still eating everything. Twilight had no answer until suddenly her eyes went cross eyed. "Ok! I have a plan. Rainbow Dash, you distract them!"

Rainbow flew by, screaming her head off from a group of parasprites. Malibu crouched down, ears flattened. He would save her but more would keep coming. Twilight grinned crazily. "Good! Everyone else, we need to build an exact copy of Ponyville right over there. We've got less than a minute!" She yelped panickedly. Malibu looked up at her. There was no way that was possible, his face saddened. Twilight then joined him. "Zecora was right, we're doomed," she mumbled, until a horn sounded.

Oh no! Malibu thought in fear; knowing that it was his mom arriving. Twilight looked just as scared as he was. "Oh, the Princess's procession is here, it's all over!" She wailed, until the strangest thing the former gargoyle clone had ever witnessed came into view.

It was Pinkie Pie dressed in all sorts of instruments and playing a marching band tune. Malibu's jaw dropped. What on earth?! He asked silently, watching Pinkie calmly and boldly walking through town, playing her instruments. Twilight groaned exasperatedly. "Pinkie, we don't have time for this! We're in the middle of a—!" Malibu nudged her. "Look," he said gently, seeing the Parasprites enjoying Pinkie's music. It was weird but Malibu saw them beginning to follow Pinkie Pie, who led them out of Ponyville. He and his friends followed too.

Suddenly a carriage flew down, with Celestia. "Look!" Twilight exclaimed as Malibu saw his mom climb out. She smiled down at Twilight. Malibu ran to give his adoptive mother a hug. She hugged him back. "Oh, my beloved son. And Twilight Sparkle my prize pupil!"

"Hello, Princess," Twilight greeted. Celestia smiled down at them all. "How lovely to see you two again, and your friends as well."

Suddenly Pinkie marched by with the parasprites in tow. Celestia watched, startled by this weird moment. Twilight kept smiling after Malibu and Celestia broke from their hug. "So, how was the trip? Much traffic?" A parasprite landed on Celesta's wing.

"What is this?" Celestia asked. Malibu's ears fell. "Mom, we can ex—." He started. But Celestia giggled. "These creatures are adorable!" She cooed as it flew off. Rainbow gagged. "They're not that adorable..." she grumbled, making Malibu somewhat chuckle silently. He agreed 100%.

"I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit." Celestia continued. Twilight and Malibu glanced at one another in confusion. "The parade?" She asked. Malibu then quickly spoke. "Er, yeah! It was all for you, mother! Yep!" Malibu said in a nervous tone.

Celestia ruffled his mane. "Then that makes me proud of you," she said gently. "But unfortunately, that visit is going to have to wait for another time. I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there's been some sort of infestation." Malibu felt his face pale a little. Not more parasprites. He had enough of those things. "I-infestation?" Twi asked.

"Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town. I'm sorry Twilight and my son, to have to put you all through so much trouble." Malibu waved his hoof. "N-no trouble mom. All peachy," he said. He knew it was wrong to lie but this was an emergency. She didn't need to see the destroyed Ponyville for sure. Celestia raised her brow then nodded. "Ok then. But before I have to go, Twilight, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?" She asked.

Twilight felt somewhat confused. "My... report?" She asked. Crlestia nodded again. "Haven't you learnt anything about friendship?"

She gazed at Pinkie before she nodded too, smiling. Malibu shrugged. "This is as a good time as any, I guess," he said softly. Twilight gave him a hug before beginning it.

"Actually, I have. I've learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives..."

A clash of cymbals startled them all. Twilight smiled awkwardly. "Even when they don't always seem to make sense." Celestia looked proud. "I'm so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle and my precious son, and I'm very impressed with your friends as well. It sounds like you're all learning so much from each other."

Malibu gave his mom one more hug before she left. "Thanks, mother," he said, watching her soar away in the carriage. By then all the parasprites were all led into the forest and Pinkie halted her playing. "Hey, what happened to the Princess?" She asked. Malibu smiled knowingly. "Just an emergency in Fillydelphia." He said.

"Yeah. Some sort of infestation," Rainbow Dash said with a wink. Pinkie gasped. "Oh no! Have they got parasprites too? Well, have tuba, we'll travel!" She cheered, blowing lightly through the tuba. Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder. "I think the Princess can handle it," she said. Applejack smiled at her friend. "So ya knew what those critters were all along, huh Pinkie Pie?"

Malibu lowered his ears, feeling guilty about not listening. Pinkie huffed. "Well duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments? I tried to tell you." She said.

"Uh, we're sorry we didn't listen before," Malibu apologized, the others doing the same.

"You're a great friend. Even if we don't always understand you," Twilight said. Pinkie smiled. "Thanks guys. You are all great friends too. Even when I don't always understand me."

Malibu tilted his head. "Uh, yeah. But importantly, you saved me and Twilight's reputation with my mother. And more importantly; you saved Ponyville!"

All their faces fell at the sight of the dismantled town. It was all a shambles. "Or not," Twilight finished.

"Ok. Not looking forward to cleaning that," he mumbled Malibu dryly as Pinkie played a sad trombone note.


Sorry if it takes long for me to update chapters. But I guess it is good for this story to last a while since this show has over 235 episodes as well as the Equestria Girls, MLP the Movie 2017, and a possible spin off sequel for My Little Pony a New Generation and Make Your Mark. So much to write for Malibu the gargoyle clone's adventures in Equestria.

Still hope people are liking this so far. Thailog may show in the story but would like ideas on how he finds out about Malibu's disappearance and how he enters Equestria later.

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