Journal Lessons: Flight To The Finish

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S4 E5 everypony! Power Ponies is up next!

Malibu was sitting next to Miss Cheerilee inside the classroom from her inviting him over since she apparently is giving a big announcement.

He waved to the foals in the room who eyed him in admiration just from having an alicorn among them, Cheerilee beginning to speak. "Today, aside from Malibu here, we have two special guests with a very special announcement! Everypony, welcome the head of the Equestria Games, Mis. Harshwinny!"

It made the young prince freeze up at the name, recalling their last encounter with her having mistaken another pony to be Harshwinny, seeing the tough brown mare walk into the room, looking stuck up as usual.

"Thank you." She said to them, bowing in Malibu's direction. "And your highness. Has been a long time."

Malibu smiled nervously, nodding. "Uh huh, sure has Mis. Harshwhinny."

She continued. "Now, I'm sure you all know about the Equestria Games, where ponies from all over the land compete for glory in various athletic pursuits. Well, now you littlest ones will have the chance to compete for a weighty responsibility of your very own."

The former clone gargoyle's eyes widened at the idea of the young ones getting to be in the Games which sounded like a great honor until he heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, come on! Tell them the fun part!"

He turned around; spotting his mare friend flying into the classroom at lightning speed, smiling at everypony in the room, striking her usual pose, causing the CMCs and the others to awe at her. Rainbow Dash next winked at Malibu too who turned red, not wanting Harshwhinny to see him blushing.

"That's right! All you gotta do is show Ms. Harshwhinny the coolest, most spectacular, most rocking routine and you're going to the Games! So who's going to be the lucky ponies?!" Rainbow Dash asked, hyping up the class.

Diamond Tiara smirked. "It's gotta be me!" She said, making Malibu groan, hoping it wouldn't.

Another filly grinned too."Maybe it's me!"

Scootaloo's eyes brightened. "Maybe it's us!" It made Malibu smile, now hoping his little friends could get a chance.

"Maybe it's us!" Exclaimed Snips and Snails, who were standing on top of each other trying to do a pose before falling down, everypony else glaring. They definitely had no chance. "Hey! It could happen!" Snips protested, Malibu shaking his head but not wanting to say anything else.


Rainbow Dash continued with her part on how the Equestrian Games will include the kids, Malibu watching in admiration. "So, the winning team gets to carry the Ponyville flag at the Equestrian Games! Oh, you're gonna love this!"

Malibu blinked. That was a big honor for a pony so young, kind of secretly hoping for the CMCs to win this one. Ms. Harshwhinny didn't take kindly to Rainbow's over enthusiasm. "Ms. Dash, will you please curb your over-enthusiastic outbursts?" She hissed, Dash's ears flattening and allowing her to keep going. "Now then, let me be clear on the rules. You ponies will form teams. Each team will create their own flag carrying routine. Everypony will be judged on grace, style and originality. There's a most complicated scoring system, which I will elaborate on now. Firstly—."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Aw, get to the nitty-gritty stuff later. Tell 'em the important stuff! Like, who's the coach!" She threw on her hat and whistle, blowing it. "That's right, Me! And Malibu obviously too!" She wrapped her hoof around her colt friend, Malibu swallowing from the others watching with little grins, as he felt himself smile awkwardly. "And you know why I'm qualified to coach you? Guess who carried the Cloudsdale flag in the Games when she was a little filly? Me! I'll never forget it — I burst into the stadium, spreading my wings, the flag flapping in the breeze. I did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before, and nopony's seen since!"

The young prince eyed Scootaloo who looked the most excited out of all of them, watching Rainbow Dash swing the flag wildly around, nearly hitting Malibu in the head. "Ah! Hey, look out!" He yelped, covering himself.

Ms. Harshwhinny saved the day, pulling the flag to the ground. "Professionalism, Ms. Dash, I must insist. If you want to keep your job as coach of these ponies, you must maintain a professional attitude and keep your emotions in check! Am I making myself absolutely, one hundred percent crystal clear?" She snarled, towering over Dash who nodded, clearing her throat.

"Yes, Ms. Harshwhinny. Y'know, 'professionalism' is my middle name, Rainbow Professionalism Dash." His mare friend bragged in her usual manner but Malibu knew it was a part of what made Dash who she was.

Harshwhinny rolled her eyes. "Hmph! Well, in three days time, Ms. Dash and Prince Malibu will accompany any pony competing to the Crystal Empire, where you will demonstrate your routines for me and the other judges, who will judge you, very professionally." She said in a warning tone, while the other foals looked excited about traveling to the Crystal Empire with the royal prince and Rainbow Dash.

The rainbow Pegasus cleared her throat. "Yes. Quite, quite correct. In the meantime, get ready to train, and train hard, because I know this opening ceremony is the single most important thing that will every happen in your young lives! But, I know you're up for the challenge. And so am I! Woo-ho—!"

She was about to soar into a flip, catching both Harshwhinny's and Malibu's raised brows which caused Dash to land again. "Ahem... meet me after school at 1500 hours. Sharp. And show us your flag carrying skills. I am outta here—." Dash grinned nervously, walking slowly out. "Professionally. See how professionally?"

Harshwhinny huffed again. "Honestly, what do you even see in her Malibu?" She questioned. Malibu grinned, shrugging. "Dunno. Rainbow just sees something in me that no one else does. But everypony else, just be good sports in doing your routines, if you win or not." He then finished with a smile.

Harshwhinny nodded at his words. "Exactly. Ponies, the most important thing too is this: Your routine needs to show what your town means to you. So, do Ponyville proud. Work hard, be bold, wow me. That is all!" Harshwhinny then left the school, Malibu following but will stay near the door to greet the Crusaders.

The bell rang, class ending, and Malibu waved his little friends over.

"Bet you're all really excited about all this happening huh?" Grinned Malibu as Scootaloo nodded. "For sure! So what do you say we come up with the perfect routine and win this thing?"

Applebloom nodded. "I'd say that's rootin'-tootin' terrific!"

Sweetie Belle though looked worried. "But there is one problem! I bet everypony in class is planning to compete!"

Malibu knew this was going to be tough. "I'm sure you all will come up with something amazing," He assured.

Scootaloo grinned at him. "Mal's right. Somepony in our class is gonna carry that flag, so it might as well be us! Crusaders, are you in, or are you in? 'Cause I'm in!" She jumped into the air, then ran off.

"Me too!" Applebloom exclaimed.

"Me three!" Sweetie Belle added in, Malibu following behind the three, knowing he was going to have to help them too without it looking like he was cheating.

Scootaloo tapped her chin. "Alright, the winning routine needs to show what's important about Ponyville, right?"

The others nodded. "Right!"

"So... what's special about Ponyville?" Scootaloo asked herself, staring at the different body parts on her friends along with her own wings. "It's... it's... I got it!" Her eyes brightened. "It's a place where different kinds of ponies live together as friends!"

Applebloom pointed at herself. "Earth ponies like me!"

Sweetie pointed to her horn. "Unicorns like me!"

Scootaloo flapped her wings. "And Pegasi like me! So, somehow we gotta figure out a way to show that in our act."

Malibu liked that idea. "I hope I can help in anyway," He offered. Applebloom grinned at him. "Sure, we need all the help we can get!"

"But we also need a plan." Sweetie said.

"And a lot of hard work!" Applebloom added in.

Scootaloo jumped into the air again. "And a whole bunch of practice! But take it from me; we may just be little ponies, but, we have hearts as strong as horses!"

Malibu had a feeling that they were going to sing an uplifting song that would help them win, watching over his little friends who began to train, and building their set.

"We're the toughest little ponies in town

Got the moves, got the mojo, no harder working ponies around

We are a trio, work as a team

We'll be the first ponies out on the flag-waving scene

We get going when the going gets tough

We know our very best is just never enough

We're kinda short, but so what? We don't get defeated

We could take a little break, but we don't need it

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hea-a-a-arts, hearts strong as horses

When we put our minds together, we can achieve

We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and you should believe

We've got determination to represent the nation

For the win

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

And we're playing to win as we gallop to glory

We can conquer any challenge we're in

We've got hea-a-a-arts, hearts strong as horses

Hearts strong as horses!"

They finished their song, having jumped into the air before the sunrise, until two ponies clapped behind them slowly, making the three fall down in a heap, Malibu turning about to see his least favorite fillies there, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who were both smirking.

"If that's the best you've got, we're going to win for sure!" Sneered Diamond.

Malibu frowned. "Do you really think that?" He asked her, Silver Spoon scoffing. "We already have the most divine routine planned, ali freak." She responded meanly.

Diamond nodded. "It's absolutely sure to crush everyone else — and I mean crush!" She threatened, slamming her hooves together, Malibu not liking this one bit.

Scootaloo grinned. "But we're winners! And we have hearts!" She ended, slightly singing.

Silver Spoon shrugged. "Sure. But you know what you don't have?"

They both pointed at the CMC's bare flanks. "Your cutie marks! Blank flanks, blank flanks, blank flanks!" The two teased with the old insult, Malibu's ears flattening in anger, having hearing enough of that.

Applebloom glared too. "What does that have to do with flag carryin'?" She demanded.

Silver Spoon was still smug. "Having cutie mark-less ponies represent Ponyville would be unthinkable!" She argued.

Diamond and Silver both then showed off theirs. "And we, of course, already have our cutie marks! So we know who's gonna be in the winner's circle." She mocked.

Malibu's eyes glowed. "Get this through your heads; Ms. Harshwhinny didn't mention a thing about cutie marks! Now leave my friends alone!" He demanded, swishing his tail.

Diamond then stalked over to him. "Oh, and what are you gonna do about it?" She asked. "Do you wanna get in trouble for hurting a filly?"

The former gargoyle clone's ears fell again, this time from nervousness. He really didn't want to hurt foals in general, even if they were bullies. Malibu just looked away, not saying anything now.

"Hmph! Knew you didn't have the guts to stand up to us!" Sneered Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo standing in front of him in defense.

"Listen, you two! Cutie Marks or no Cutie Marks, you'll see! The Crusaders are gonna carry that flag at the Games! And don't pick on our friend!" She snarled.

"May the best ponies win!" Silver Spoon challenged.

Diamond and Scootaloo both glared at each other. "Game on!" Scoot replied, making Malibu smile at their bravery.


The next day was the big one where everypony was going to be coached on their routines. Malibu and Rainbow Dash had judged quite a few groups so far but Malibu had really wanted to see the CMCs do their thing.

Rainbow grinned at them up on the stage. "Show us what you've got, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and make it good!"

Malibu nodded. "And remember, just have fun!" He called.

Scootaloo called from behind the curtain. "Don't worry, we will!"

"Now, this is just a little something we threw together. It's not perfect yet, not even close." Sweetie Belle announced.

Malibu himself had no idea that Diamond and Silver Spoon had been hiding and spying on their performance. "Let's watch the Cutie Mark Goof-saders do their sad little routine..." She said in a snide way. "They're gonna be a hot mess!" Silver Spoon cackled. He continued to watch the stage as music began to play.

"Since the dawn of recorded time, in one town of amazing amazingness, three types of ponies coexist!" Scootaloo's voice came through a mic, Malibu's tail swishing in excitement.

Applebloom hopped across the stage, green streamers attached to her hooves. "We are Earth Ponies!"

Sweetie Belle also hopped along, a purple streamer on her horn. "We are Unicorns!"

Scootaloo waved her wings with blue streamers. "We are Pegasi! And the town, where friendship reigns, is our home. Now, welcome to the stadium, the flag of the place we love best..."

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom held up a paper target, Scootaloo charging through it on her scooter, using her wings for lift even if she couldn't fly naturally, grinning bravely, sliding along the wood, stunning both Rainbow and Malibu at how it was all set up. Confetti shot into the air. "Ponyville Forever! Yay!" The three cheered, standing on top of each other, waving the flag.

The two were in shock for a time, even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's jaws dropped down.

"It's kind of a work in progress. So? What did you two think?" Scootaloo asked, looking nervous. Malibu did his best to keep his emotions calm, but Rainbow Dash nearly exploded. "That was ama—!" He nudged her sharply, coughing. Dash nodded, sighing. "To give a calm, clear analysis— wait, you whipped that act together just yesterday?!" Malibu again coughed harshly under his breath.

"Remember Ms. Harshwhinny's advice..." He hissed softly, Rainbow nodded, pawing the ground with her hoof. "Overall, it was... kinda, sorta... overall it was okay. Keep working hard. Who knows? You might have a shot. Gotta go!"

She zipped away in a rainbow blur, Malibu chuckling, watching how quickly his mare friend left the scene. Applebloom was worried. "Do y'all think she liked it?"

Sweetie Belle shrugged. "I'm not really sure."

Malibu smiled encouragingly. "She really did. And I liked it too girls." He praised, making them all blush.

"But you heard Dash, if we keep working hard, we may have more than a shot! So let's keep working! Trot to it, ponies! And thanks for the encouragement, Mal."

Meanwhile, hiding in the bushes, Diamond Tiara was furious. "Did you see that?! I can't believe I'm saying this. They could win!" She said furiously.

Silver Spoon looked worried. "But how do we stop them? We already called them blank flanks!"

Diamond Tiara thought for a moment. "Then we need to find a new way to get under their skin. Her eyes trailed suddenly to Scootaloo's disabled wings. She grinned evilly. "Or maybe... get under their wings."


Malibu had offered to help out with fixing up the CMC's props and sets until he heard her voice again. "Girls, we just wanted to say your act is quite impressive!" Diamond Tiara suddenly said.

The teal alicorn glowered. "What are you doing here?!" He asked angrily.

Diamond Tiara grinned at him. "Nothing to do with you, Prince. Just to praise them for their act."

Sweetie Belle blinked. "Wait... what?"

Applebloom's ears lowered. "Um... thanks?"

Silver Spoon nodded. "Oh, but of course. As a matter of fact, we think you're very brave." She stated.

Scootaloo was confused. "Brave? Why?"

Diamond Tiara smirked at Silver Spoon. "Isn't it obvious? It is to us. In fact, it is obvious to everypony. You're showing all three types of Ponyville ponies, and yet you have a Pegasus pony..."

The two bullies suddenly said the thing that ticked Malibu off greatly. "...who can't even fly!" They mocked rather rudely.

His eyes flashed at those words. Those no good little...!

Applebloom herself frowned. "What in tarnation does that have to do with anything?"

Silver Spoon scoffed. "I'd say not even being able to fly has everything to do with everything!"

Diamond Tiara circled around Scootaloo, Malibu's body tensing in case she hurt her. "I mean, a Pegasus pony at your age? You should've been flying long ago."

Scootaloo's eyes looked worried then but she glared back. "So what if my wings can't get me off the ground?"

The bully grinned sneeringly back at her. "Your career as a flag carrier isn't getting off the ground either."

Silver Spoon added in as well. "Ms. Harshwhinny will never pick a Pegasus pony who can't fly to represent Ponyville in front of all of Equestria!"

Sweetie Belle had enough of it. "Ms Harshwhinny never said anything about that!" She stormed, Malibu agreeing.

"Yeah, and I won't have any pony bullying my friend like this!" Snarled Malibu, struggling to keep himself from attacking again.

Silver Spoon looked triumphant. "I would've thought that was obvious."

Diamond Tiara then started to walk away, Silver Spoon following her. "Well, have fun practicing anyway, even if your routine will never—how shall I say—take off!" She taunted, causing Scootaloo now to look pretty broken, her face falling.

Malibu's heart broke for Scootaloo, turning to her. "Hey, don't listen to them, they— Scoot? Are you ok?"

For Scootaloo was watching two other Pegasus fillies flying in their routine for Rainbow, and staring longingly at the flying. "This routine isn't working how it is. We've gotta rethink my part in the whole thing!" Scootaloo then claimed, much to the other's shock.

"What?" Sweetie exclaimed in surprise.

"Why?" Applebloom pressed.

Scootaloo glared, flapping her small wings. "If we wanna win, I'm gonna have to fly!" She stated.

Malibu stared. "But, Scootaloo, aren't you...?" He began to ask then slowly cutting himself off since he learned from Miss Cheerilee that she was crippled in her wings from birth which kept her from flying like other pegasi.

Scootaloo ignored him as Sweetie Belle and Applebloom both questioned if she would even be able to do so by tomorrow. She flapped her wings. "Maybe I can win if I work twice as hard, see?" Scootaloo flopped down then to the ground, making Malibu flinch. "Maybe... three times as hard."

"Scootaloo, you never believed in anything that Diamond Tiara had said ever. Why now?" Malibu asked, helping her to her feet.

The little brown filly glared. "This is different from Cutie Marks. We can't let the judges see a... a defect like me represent Ponyville."

It caused Malibu's heart to twist in sadness for Scootaloo. "And I know this for sure — flying is the only way we're gonna win, so it's back to practice!" She began flying in a floppy way again.

Sweetie Belle looked over at Malibu. "You think this is a good idea?"

"Whoaaa! Oomph!" Scootaloo's voice came when she fell down again. "I'll just work 4 times as hard!"

Malibu silently shook his head, hoping he can somehow get through to her.


It was now pretty late near the evening and they all were still there, Malibu sitting down, feeling rather tired from doing his best to coach the CMCs through the new routine.

"Guys, guys, try it again!" Scootaloo snapped, looking pretty irritated.

Applebloom yawned. "But we've been rehearsin' all the live long day! We're gettin' tired!"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Fine, we'll just skip to my big impressive flying entrance." She began to recite their new routine. "So you've done the do-si-so to the left, then to the right, and then there's the hoop."

They hold it up sleepily, Malibu watching Scootaloo raise her wings. "Then I come in—." She barely flies right though it, looking downcast. "Not quite what I had in mind. We'll just... try that part again." Scootaloo grunts and groans, flapping her wings even harder, Malibu looking at his own big alicorn wings, wishing he could make hers big and strong with magic.

Then, he nearly had his own imagination come true. Scootaloo looked pleadingly at Malibu. "Hey, Mal, with you bein' an alicorn, can... can you make my wings strong?" She asked, her hooves on his chest.

Malibu swallowed. "I... uh... I really don't know. You know how tricky and powerful alicorn magic is. I don't want to hurt you." He insisted, Scootaloo glaring.

"If you were a real friend, then you would give me the ability to fly!" She snapped, swishing her tail. Those words hit Malibu hard, backing away.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom came to his defense. "Hey, leave him alone! I liked the routine the way it was!" Sweetie shouted.

Scootaloo just glowered. "Even without his help, I'll be flying high tomorrow!" She began trying hard again. "I gotta impress Rainbow Dash!"

Malibu just turned away, not wanting to watch any further, and Scootaloo's words still ringing in his ears. She was right. With all of his alicorn magic, why couldn't he help the disabled like Scootaloo be able to fly again? His heart began to thump in stress mode, Applebloom noticing.

"You can go home and rest if you want, Mal. We will be alright." Applebloom said, not wanting to really bring up the confrontation between him and Scootaloo. Feeling a yawn, Malibu nodded in agreement, wanting to sleep off this stress, flying off to return back to Sweet Apple Acres, knowing he needed his strength to look over the final runs for the performances of the contestants.


In the morning, Malibu was all refreshed once more, he and Rainbow Dash standing near the CMC's stage. Rainbow Dash had noticed Malibu's eyes looking worried and sad, his wings lowered to the ground. "Hey, you alright?"

Malibu jumped. "Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm... ok," He said shakily, his mare friend giving him a quick kiss on his cheek before looking back to the stage. "Ok, Cutie Mark Crusaders, this is your final run before you show it at the stadium tomorrow. I know you're gonna absolutely, positively—!" She suddenly glanced sideways at Malibu and changed her tone. "—have a lot of fun, heheh. Ok, go!" She blew the whistle, the curtains opening.

What appeared looked different from when they first saw their performance. Scootaloo sat on a fake cloud, flapping her wings. "Ponyville! Home of the, um..."

The other fillies looked up in exhaustion. "Friendship!" They rasped.

Scootaloo nodded. "Ah, friendship, right! Uh, there are four— no, three kinds of ponies!"

Malibu watched, feeling awkward, as the CMCs stumbled around. Applebloom yawned, bags under her eyes. "Left, left!" Hissed Sweetie Belle.

Applebloom moaned. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired!" She complained, before trying to dance. "And then I dip, and then we turn, and—." She bumped into Sweetie Belle. "Sorry!"

Rainbow Dash stared, dumbstruck, at the change of tone, and Malibu couldn't blame her. Sweetie and Applebloom held up the target, Scootaloo trying to fly through but barely hitting it at all, grinning in a strained way. "Ta-da!" She flumped to the ground, panting. "So, what'cha think?"

The special someponies pawed the grass, Malibu not wanting to say anything in case Scootaloo yelled at him again. "That's... y'know, good and all, heheh... I just thought... maybe possibly you might wanna go back to, say, the first version of the act, which was, I dunno, what's the word, better?"

It caused Scootaloo to stare in sadness at the words. "Just do the routine as it was! Don't mess with success, right? Seriously. Now I need to..." She zipped to the other Pegasi fillies nearby. "Go coach these other ponies! And don't forget, we've got to catch the early train to the Crystal Empire. See you in the morning!"

Malibu remained, to try to seek forgiveness from Scootaloo but she still had the idea of not being able to fly getting to her. "What are we gonna do?! We're competing tomorrow, and I still can't fly! Unless..."

Sweetie Belle's eyes fluttered. "I'm just too tired! I can't keep going!"

Taking a breath, Malibu spoke. "She's right, you're over exhausting your friends, Scootaloo, this has to stop!" He demanded, tail swishing.

"Ahm with Mal! I'm tired, I'm hungry, and now I hate this routine! It feels like it's all about you now!" Applebloom cried.

Sweetie Belle agreed with her. "It's like you don't need us anymore!" She said sadly.

Scootaloo now looked over prideful. "Of course I need you! Without you two, who's gonna hold up the hoop?"

That really made him angry now, towering over Scootaloo. "Ok, that's it! Your pride has puffed you up way too much Scootaloo!" He roared, forgetting now she was still upset about her disability.

"Pride? I'm not being prideful! It is your fault you won't use your magic to help me fly!" Screamed Scootaloo back fiercely.

Applebloom groaned before Malibu spoke again. "You don't listen to yourself! Forget it. I'm goin' home to get some sleep!" She began to walk away.

Scootaloo glowered at Sweetie Belle. "So? Are you gonna leave me too?"

Sweetie Belle's ears lowered in sadness. "We've gotta catch the early train to the Crystal Empire. I'd better get some rest." She mumbled, walking off. "See you in the morning Scootaloo."

It made Scootaloo really angry, trying to fly again before Malibu caught her in a magic aura. "You'll hurt yourself, Scootaloo! I can't allow this to continue!"

The brown filly struggled. "Lemme go! I don't need your help! I don't need you at all!" She screamed, tears in her eyes which also caused Malibu's own tears to fall like his own daughter had yelled at him, even if he wasn't a father, the magic aura around Scootaloo disappearing, making her fall on the stage.

Sniffling, Malibu turned away. "If that's how you feel, then... then fine. Good luck trying to fly." Malibu ran off, running back to his room at Sweet Apple Acres. He now wasn't so sure if he wanted to be at the Flag Carrying Routine Show tomorrow after that, running into his room, curling up and crying while Scootaloo struggled even more to fly.

Applejack did her best to comfort Malibu but Malibu just didn't feel like even eating anything, thinking he lost his friendship with Scootaloo forever. Applebloom didn't speak about the incident for most of the night either, wondering if things will ever work out in the morning.


The train at the Crystal Empire station rang out, Malibu standing there at the entrance to the train, though reluctantly with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. The two fillies were out looking for Scootaloo who was missing. "Scootaloo? Where is she?" Sweetie Belle asked in worry.

Not that I would even care now. She hates me... Malibu thought in sorrow until he heard that voice. "Here I am..."

He turned, spotting her not too far away, a very miserable look on her face that looked like crushed pride from his view. Applebloom smiled. "We were scared you were gonna miss the train!"

Scootaloo shook her head. "I... I'm not going." She then stated.

The other two stared in shock. "WHAT?!" They both shouted, Malibu not wanting to ruin it more by saying anything.

Scootaloo's tears fell. "I'm the weak link. If I go, and fall, flop, or do anything but fly, I'm gonna ruin it for you two."

Sweetie Belle was devastated. "I can't believe you're quitting on us!"

It made Scootaloo glower now. "But you're better off without me! And me and Malibu are done!"

"But that's not true, Scootaloo! And Malibu still needs you!" Pleaded Sweetie Belle who looked ready to cry.

Applebloom however was indifferent. "You know what, Sweetie Belle? Forget it. If she's gonna quit, we don't want her, and we don't need her! Not after she hurt Malibu!"

"Fine!" Shouted Scootaloo.

"Fine!" Applebloom snapped back, Malibu swallowing thickly, tears falling down, seeing Scootaloo's death glare at him.

Sweetie Belle sighed, but not as angry. "Fine..." This now looked like the end of the CMCs.

"All aboard!" Called the conductor. Malibu slowly walked with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle onto the train, leaving Scootaloo alone there at the station as the train went off on its way.


The train continued on the track to the Crystal Empire, Malibu sitting down in his seat, his heart burning with grief at the loss of a friend, his wings very low on the seat, hearing Rainbow Dash. "How's my favorite routine going today? Oh, I just can't keep it in! I want you to win so bad!" She began to do a dance which made Malibu cheer up just a tad. "And then Scootaloo does that boom! Through the hoop!"

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle glanced at each other. "Well, there ain't gonna be a Scootaloo."

Sweetie Belle nodded. "She's staying home."

Rainbow Dash's face fell. "She's what?!"

Malibu spoke up then, wanting to say his piece to her. "It... Scootaloo got it into her head that she could only fly for the routine to represent Ponyville. When she couldn't do it, she told them that... she was quitting." He explained the best he could. "And... and she told me too that... she didn't need me in anything anymore."

Rainbow Dash raised her brow at the two fillies. "And then you tried to stop her from doing that, right?"

The two laughed nervously. "Uh... well, actually, we kinda told her..." Sweetie Belle started.

"...uh, that we didn't want a quitter." Applebloom finished. Malibu knew that Rainbow would be pretty upset from that. "Hang on, are you nuts?! You're a team, and a team never leaves a friend behind!"

She turned to Malibu. "And Malibu, Scootaloo may not understand this now, but she will always need you as a father figure in her life. Don't ever let yourself doubt that!" Rainbow pecked him on the cheek, making Malibu smile, as Rainbow suddenly pulled the train brake.

Dash eventually flew out the window too. "Come on!" The other three followed after. Diamond and Silver Spoon watched from their window. "Sorry you can't make it! We'll take a picture for you from the winner's circle!" She mocked, making Malibu, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom glower.

"I do not like them one bit!" Sweetie Belle snapped while they laughed, Malibu nodding. "Agreed."

"Put on some speed, everypony!" Rainbow Dash called out, Malibu picking up Sweetie while Dash picked up Applebloom, the group flying back to Ponyville.


In Scootaloo's room at the orphanage, she had been ripping down her Wonderbolts posters and Rainbow Dash ones too, tossing them into the trash along with her scooter.

Her tears fell down, hating herself for saying those things to Malibu whom Scootaloo was slowly seeing as a father.

The door opened at that moment. "Throwing away your scooter?!" She turned at the sight of Rainbow Dash and Malibu there, and even her friends. "Rainbow Dash? M-Malibu?" Scootaloo gulped.

Dash nodded. "Yup, but not just us." She kicked the door open, and the other CMCs showed up. Scootaloo smiled at first then looked away. "I don't wanna see them. And what are they doing here, anyway? They're supposed to be on the train!"

Applebloom shook her head. "We're not goin'!"

Sweetie Belle smiled. "Not without you, Scootaloo."

Rainbow Dash's ears fell when going to console Scootaloo, Malibu still scared if she rejected him still. "What's gotten into you, Scootaloo?"

The little Pegasus sniffled. "I didn't want to ruin their chance to win just because I couldn't fly."

"And who said you had to?" Rainbow Dash asked, Malibu knowing he had to tell the full story later.

"But flying is what Pegasus ponies are supposed to do! You flew when you carried the flag in the Games!" Scootaloo protested.

Rainbow Dash smiled warmly. "But that was me! You're you! And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not. Your routine was amazing 'cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You'd o still know what that is, right?"

"Friendship!" Sweetie Belle said with her own smile.

Applebloom spoke up next. "Three kinds of ponies livin' together as friends, just like us! Earth ponies..."

"Unicorns..." Sweetie Belle said.

"And Pegasi." Scootaloo finished, more tears showing then. "But Rainbow Dash... what if... what if my wings never grow? What if I never fly?" Hearing those words broke Malibu even more than when she yelled at him earlier.

Rainbow Dash put a wing around her. "Listen, Scootaloo. Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't. You're all kinds of awesome anyway! Who's the toughest little pony in town? And... I think you have something to say to somepony else too."

Scootaloo gulped, turning to Malibu who grinned sadly at her. The disabled filly remembered how she yelled at Malibu, instantly regretting those words now. "M-Mal? I'm-I'm sorry." She whimpered, shaking from her nerves.

Tears in his own eyes, Malibu welcomed Scootaloo into a wing hug, the two nuzzling each other, making the others look at the duo in fondness, Rainbow now wondering if she too could ever be a mother if... if they both ever got up the courage to do a proposal.

Soon Sweetie Belle began to sing a familiar song to Scootaloo. "Got the moves, got the mojo..."

Scootaloo glanced at them with tears in her eyes, Applebloom singing next. "No harder working pony around."

It caused her to start singing now. "We are a trio, work as a team."

The three reunited friends joined in together for the final note. "We'll be the first ponies out on the flag-waving scene!"

Malibu and Rainbow looked at them with happiness, glad they were all friends again, but knew they had to make it back to the Crystal Empire on time. "So let's get to the Crystal Empire and let's do the routine as it was! And let's win this thing!" Scootaloo yelled, a hoof in the air.

"Yeah, we'll be rooting for you!" Malibu cheered, Scootaloo pulling out her scooter, and having Sweetie Belle and Applebloom stand on skateboards, holding ropes attached to the scooter.

The special someponies followed the CMCs from above through Ponyville, wanting to get there on time, flying above the train tracks to the Empire, Malibu flapping his wings as hard as possible.

Soon, the group managed to arrive and when it was the Crusader's turn to do their performance, Malibu watched from the side, grinning widely as Scootaloo shot through the target on her scooter.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle hopped onto Scootaloo's hooves, lifting up the flag. "Ponyville forever, yay!"

The crowd all cheered around them, Malibu having more tears in his eyes, wrapping a hoof around Rainbow Dash as Ms. Harshwhinny announced the winner.

"In the Equestria Games, the Ponyville flag will be carried by..." She pulled out a card. "Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

The CMCs whooped and cheered, hugging each other tight, Malibu lifting Scootaloo up on his shoulders too. "I'm so happy for you Scoot!" He claimed, Scootaloo grinning down at him. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both huffed and walked off, behaving like sore losers.

Rainbow Dash went up, looking quite composed for somepony like her. "Ahem. Look, what you three did was... acceptable."

Ms. Harshwhinny however, was rather excited. "Acceptable, acceptable?! Why, it was the totally stupendously the single most amazing thing I've ever seen!" She giggled, Malibu staring wide eyed at her change of behavior.

"Contain your excitement, Ms. Harshwhinny. Remember, professionalism." Rainbow Dash reminded, making the former gargoyle chuckle at how things switched between them, Ms. Harshwhinny clearing her throat awkwardly, stepping aside.

Scootaloo's eyes looked suddenly pretty hopeful. "You know what this means, right?"

"What Scoot?" Malibu asked curiously, though inside he knew what she was thinking.

"We're totally gonna get our cutie marks in flag-carrying!" Scootaloo stated.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah!"

Glancing at each other, Malibu and Rainbow Dash merely shrugged, but looked forward to what the Equestria Games would bring later on when it finally comes.

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