Journal Lessons: Next Summer Sun

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S4 Premiere everypony! Time for the big season!


Only two days left until the Summer Sun, we find the Mane 7 teaching the newly crowned Princess Twilight how to fly with her alicorn wings alongside her teachers Malibu and Rainbow Dash.

Malibu grinned encouragingly to his 'sister' as she looked nervous about it, flapping her wings awkwardly. Rainbow spoke. "You gotta really flap 'em hard!" She stated.

Twilight nodded, flapping as hard as she could, Malibu flinching as she spiraled out of control, slamming into a tree branch. He quickly flew to her. "Eh, not that hard perhaps?"

"Thanks for the early tip," Twilight said in a dizzy way, as she attempted to land, flapping lightly but soon she cried out in fear again, falling down hard onto the dirt in a heap.

Applejack came up to help her to her feet. "Lookin' good up there, Princess Twilight!" She exclaimed, making Twilight roll her eyes. "Applejack, you know you don't have to call me that," She said.

Rarity's eyes widened. "Why do you protest so? You've already given up wearing your crown all the time. The least you can do is embrace your new title. Malibu here isn't a fully born royal yet he doesn't mind others calling him a prince."

Malibu flushed. "Uh, I usually like ponies call me that when I don't personally know them like all of you." He said in a shy way, swishing his tail.

Twilight lowered her ears. "If other ponies want to adress me that way like Malibu said, I suppose it's fine, but… not my friends. It just doesn't feel right." She looked at her wings in some distaste. "And neither does all this flying business. The Summer Sun Celebration is only two days away, and I'm never gonna be ready to perform my part!"

Rainbow Dash shook her head, grinning. "Not if you spend all your time down here you won't! Now get up there and show everypony the big finish!"

Malibu reared up into the air on his hind legs. "Yeah, you can do it!" He called out, making Twilight grin in determination, raising her wings, and taking off.

She seemed to be doing quite well for a start which surprised the group but soon they all cheered loudly, Twilight whooping in happiness until some clouds got into her path.

"Whoa!" Twilight screamed, trying to halt but wound up slamming into all three clouds, coughing them out since she got a mouthful, and her wings next stopped working, making her fall.

Malibu flinched, covering his eyes, not wanting to watch while Twilight shrieked in fear, flailing around ungracefully until slamming face first into the ground, the other 6 rushing over to see if she was alright.

Apparently so, though a little upset. Pinkie Pie smiled. "Wow! That was a big finish!"

Twilight just moaned as Malibu jumped into the hole to help her up. "It took time for me to get it right, aside from me not crashing quite like that," He assured, making her roll her eyes. "I feel much better, thanks. We should probably get to the castle." She said in a sad voice, limping a little while she walked.

Malibu's ears lowered, usually hating to see Twilight upset, as the group followed behind since they were all in Canterlot still.

Inside; the gang gazed up at one of the stained glass windows of Twilight as a princess next to Malibu's royal window. Malibu smiled at how pretty it was. Rarity put a hoof over her heart. "You look amazing, darling! They really captured your regality!"

Twilight shrugged. "I suppose."

Rarity scoffed. "Oh, don't be so modest. It's everypony's dream to someday wear a crown and have their coronation ceremony preserved in stained glass for all to see!" She sighed, making Dash roll her eyes.

"I don't know if it's everypony's dream." She countered. Malibu though gave her a light kiss. "I wouldn't mind seeing you in a royal dress," He teased, making her flush.

Pinkie had a weird smile. "Most of my dreams are about frosting!" She slurped, moaning weirdly, making the others stare.

Fluttershy noticed the time. "We'd better get going. We don't want to miss our train." She told the other 5 since Malibu was staying too.

Applejack nodded. "Fluttershy's right. Don't know about y'all, but I've still got bushels to do to get ready. The official celebration may be here in Canterlot, but hoo-wee, has the Mayor put us in charge of one heck of a party back home!"

Malibu cleared his throat, shaking his head when gesturing to how sad Twilight was to missing it. Applejack noticed, lifting her chin. "Aw, don't look like that, sugarcube. You get to be right there with the other princesses and yer brother when Celestia raises the sun."

Twilight bowed a little. "And I'm honored, really I am. It's just that the Summer Sun Celebration is what first brought us all together. It just doesn't feel right not getting to spend such a special day with my Ponyville friends."

"At least I'm here," Malibu tried to encourage but Twilight just sighed in unhappiness. "You know what I mean." She said, making Malibu understand.

Rarity's eyes were sad. "It doesn't feel right to us either, darlings. If the Mayor wasn't so desperate for our assistance we'd most certainly stay here in Canterlot. And of course we do understand that your and Malibu's royal duties must come first."

Twilight's eyes lowered to the ground. Applejack though had more to say. "The Summer Sun Celebration may have brought us together, but it's something much bigger that'll always keep us connected." She gestured to the stained glass of all 7 of them defeating Nightmare Moon with the Elements, which made Malibu smile at the sight. "Exhibit A: The 7 of us are united by the Elements of Harmony. No amount of duties is gonna change that. Right, everypony?" She asked the others.

They all nodded in agreement, except for Pinkie. "Right, Pinkie Pie?" Applejack pressed. Pinkie was still in her frosting fantasy. "Creamy, creamy frosting…" She moaned, even drooling, Malibu rolling his eyes and chuckling. Fluttershy smiled at them. "You should take that as a yes."


At the train station, the whistle blew signaling the train departure after they all hugged each other. "We're gonna write you and give you so many details, it'll be like you both are in Ponyville with us! Right girls?" She stated.

The others began doing the Pinkie Promise. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Rarity pulled out some of her supplies. "And you two will be with us right after the celebration. We already have an appointment on the books to discuss the royal upgrades to your loft decor Twilight."

Malibu's tears started to come when hearing the Conductor. "All aboard for Ponyville!" For this time, he wouldn't be riding back with them.

One more hug occured and then their friends went on the train, waving to Twilight, Malibu and Spike while the train chugged away.

Twilight frowned in sadness. "I can't help it, guys. They've only been gone a minute, and I already feel like I'm missing something." She said softly, Malibu putting a hoof around her right as a messenger pegasus landed.

"For the Prince and Princess," he informed, Spike opening it for them. "Dear Twilight and Malibu, you aren't missing anything. Your friend, Pinkie Pie." The baby dragon read aloud.

Malibu jumped when Pinkie Pie from the train shouted; "That's me!" Making him tilt his head in wonder at how she sent the letter so quick. Twilight however wasn't really cheered up. "But I am. I just know it."

"Come on, we gotta go and plan the Celebration now," Malibu said in his own saddened way, Twilight and Spike following him.


When it was near nighttime a day or two later before the official Summer Sun Celebration, Malibu knocked on Twilight's door to check on her.

"Hey guys, how are things going?" Malibu asked right as Spike checked off another thing on their list.

Spike turned, grinning at their gargoyle friend. "We're way ahead of schedule, Mal! I credit me, Twilight's extremely competent assistant!" He praised himself.

Twilight had landed clumsily, smiling. "So do I." She said.

Then Malibu had an idea. "Hey, since the Celebration isn't until tomorrow maybe we can try to see our friends before it?" He suggested.

But Twilight suddenly had her look of worry. "That would be nice Malibu. But what if something else came up while we're gone?" She began to fly almost automatically. "What if we were delayed getting back and I wasn't able to finish everything on that list? What if we lost the list on the way to Ponyville and then couldn't remember which things we'd done and which things we hadn't done, and then spent so much time trying to figure out what we hadn't done and what we had done, and we ruined the entire Celebration by not doing the one really important thing that we were supposed to do?!" She shrieked before hitting the ceiling and falling down on the ground.

It made Malibu chuckle, rolling his eyes and helping his adoptive sister up. Classing Twilighting. "You really need to stop stressing so much." He said to her gently while Spike had a bland look on his face. "So that's a no, then?"

Twilight glared crazily. "These are the first royal duties your mom has given me, Malibu. I can't risk letting her down!"

Before he could speak a reply, a familiar voice came along. "And I'm sure you won't." Malibu turned, seeing his adopted mother there, his heart soaring.

Spike gasped. "Your highness!" He bowed down, along with Twilight except for Malibu who hugged Celestia with what he had. Celestia turned to her student. "No need for that bowing now, Princess Twilight."

Twilight stood up quickly. "Sorry."

It made Celestia giggle. "And no need for apologizing."

"Sorry!" Twilight said in a squeaky way, grinning sheepishly, Malibu snickering under his breath.

"I hope the preparations are going well for you too, mom," Malibu greeted, nuzzling her while Celestia nuzzled him back.

She next turned to the window. "Yes it is my son. And I must admit that it is wonderful to actually be looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration."

Malibu and Twilight looked at each other in confusion. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked while Malibu waited for an explanation.

Celestia stared out at her sister Luna who was raising the moon. Malibu watched too, knowing one day he may end up being in charge of raising it too along with going into pony's dreams since he still had those lessons from her time to time. "For my subjects, it has always been a celebration for my defeat of Nightmare Moon. But for me..." She sighed. "It was just a terrible reminder that I'd had to banish my own sister."

It caused Malibu's ears to fall. So the celebration was a mourning day for his mom the whole time. "I-I guess we've never really thought about it that way," Twilight replied in sympathy.

The white alicorn turned to them with a smile now. "But now it has become a wonderful reminder of her transformation back into Princess Luna and our happy reunion. I am so pleased you both will be playing a role in the festivities. I know it must've been difficult to see your friends return to Ponyville without you." She said.

Tears began to fill Malibu's eyes, not wanting to be reminded of that as he wiped them, Twilight looking worse. "Maybe a little." She sniffed. Celestia held up her chin. "You may no longer be my student, Princess Twilight. But I hope you know that I will always be here for both you and my son if you need me. Just as I hope that you two will always be there when I need you." She gave both of them a hug which Malibu accepted.

"You know I will, momma. But I don't want anything bad to happen to you," He said tearfully, Celestia drying his eyes with her wings. "Trust me that nothing will. Not before the celebration!" She said in a cheerful way, which assured him just a bit.

Spike then tapped Twilight's shoulders. "Ahem, I think this guy needs you?"

Malibu's eyes widened at the appearance of the same messenger stallion which caused him to let go quickly. "Uh, a message for Princess Twilight and Prince Malibu."

Twilight took the letter, opening it and it wound up having a party popper going off like Pinkie's party cannon, making Malibu laugh. "A letter from Ponyville, I presume?" Celestia asked curiously. "Nevermind, it's not important," Twilight replied, putting it away. "Spike, where were we?"

Spike looked hopeful. "About to call it a night?"

Twilight shook her head. "We should probably look over the checklist one more time."

It made Spike sigh, pulling out the clipboard again. "I knew you were gonna say that…"

Celestia turned to leave. "I'll leave you to it." Malibu said good night to them and followed his mother out to go to his room.

While the two walked along the hallway, Malibu couldn't help but feel something bad was gonna happen. He tried to shake the feeling off as Celestia noticed. "What is wrong my son?"

Malibu gulped. "N-Nothing, just a feeling within me that's all," He stuttered until his ears picked up a strange noise, making him turn around and gasp when spotting a strange black creeper vine breaking through the floor and moving near them. "Mom, look out!" Malibu shouted, shooting his magic at the vine but missed.

Celestia gasped in fright as the vine took a hold of her leg and torso, causing her to scream. "Son!" Celestia cried out, Malibu taking her with all his strength but too late as the vines were stronger than him. The two stared desperately into each other's eyes before soon his mother disappeared, falling underground.

"NOOO!" Malibu shouted, trying to go after her but a vine rose up, spreading out like a carnivorous plant, shooting some kind of green mist into his face, making him yelp and blink, the gas starting to make him sleepy, falling unconscious after that, tears falling down his face while his mother's cries of terror echoed in his head, blackness taking him.


"Malibu...? Malibu...? Are you alright...?"

A voice echoed in his head as Malibu's eyes struggled to open, feeling very groggy and lightheaded after what happened earlier, finding himself in Twilight's bed, gasping then and jumping up, suddenly remembering earlier events.

"No, they, took...!" He exclaimed, Twilight rubbing his head. "Easy, you had a rough night since Spike found you unconscious. But look outside, I'm not sure if it is even day."

Confused, Malibu turned to the window and his eyes widened; for the sky looked rather weird, day and night were together. Night on one half of the sky, and day on the other. This wasn't right.

He turned to Twilight. "Twilight, crazy vines, they-they kidnapped," Malibu yelped when she took his hoof. "Come, guys, we gotta find out what's going on." Malibu groaned in annoyance that he couldn't say anything as the trio ran outside.

The rest of Canterlot were awake, seeing the crazy night and day sky, one mare's eyes rounding. "What do you think it means?!" She yelled.

Another mare pointed to the two. "The royals would know!" She shrilled, Malibu jumping as a big crowd came around them, his voice caught in his throat, feeling unable to speak even further.

Twilight struggled to answer all their questions. "I'm-I'm sure it's just… well, there's certainly a logical exâ€"."

A guard suddenly showed up near them. "Your highnesses, you must come with us."

Malibu felt relief to be away from the crowd, following the guards in as they closed the doors. "It's Princess Luna and Princess Celestia."

"They're gone!" The second guard cried out, making Spike and Twilight gasp in fright at that, Malibu rolling his eyes. "That's what I've been trying to say! Black vines took my mom and knocked me out last night!" He stormed, causing Twilight's eyes to look more horrified.

"Then why couldn't you have stopped it?!" She screamed, poking his chest with her hoof, making Malibu's eyes tear up.

"They-they were too strong!" Malibu sobbed. "And-and it happened so fast!" He was too focused on missing his mother to be worried about Twilight being mad at him, which had her eyes soften a bit from how saddened her brother was.

Twilight calmed herself. "Oh, I'm... I'm sorry Mal. I shouldn't have yelled." She said sadly. Malibu just shrugged, still crying.

Spike gave Malibu a little hug. "Don't worry, we'll find them. And they're both pretty tough!" He tried to assure.

The guards spoke again. "And this is why we're coming to both of you." The first said, as they bowed. "We await your commands." The second said."

Twilight gaped. "Our commands?!" She gasped.

The second guard explained. "We're officers of the Royal Guard. We take our orders from royalty. With Princess Luna and Princess Celestia gone, and Princess Cadance overseeing the Crystal Empire now, that means we take our orders from the two of you."

It made Spike faint from the thought, Malibu standing still, beads of sweat on his forehead. He'd never given a royal command without his mother to supervise, and this was probably his first time giving any kind of order ever since he had always followed Thailog's demands of him, especially to hurt others. "Princess Twilight, Prince Malibu, there's no time to waste. We need to know what you two want us to do!" The second guard begged.

Malibu swallowed, wondering what to say as Twilight spoke first. "I want you to continue the search for Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. We have to find them before ponies start to panic." She ordered.

Soon the teal gargoyle clone spoke next. "And-and there must be some kind of clue to where those vines took them too. Let us know immediately if you find anything!" He ordered, his wings open.

The guards saluted, going on their new duties, Malibu feeling ready to faint from that, thinking about Thailog laughing at him for how clumsy his first order sounded.

Spike nudged them both. "Way to take charge!" He praised.

The door opened again, another guard coming. "Your highnesses! News from Ponyville! The Everfree Forest appears to be… well… invading!" He shouted.

Malibu stared again then glared, thinking it could only mean those vines that took his mom and aunt. "Come on, we have to help our friends!" He shouted, running towards the entrance.

Another mare showed up after hearing what was going on, which was Screwball. "Guys, I heard the Princesses were taken, maybe I can help!" She pleaded, running alongside them.

"I don't think your father would want you to be hurt, Screwball," Malibu said while they ran down the streets of Canterlot.

Screwball shook her head. "You'll need all the help you can get! Please?" She begged now, which made Malibu moan before soon nodding. "Alright. We gotta get to the train."

"Why are we going now?" Spike asked. Twilight turned. "The Everfree Forest is… invading. Whatever is going on, I'm sure we're going to need our friends and the Elements of Harmony to stop it!"

Then Spike paused in his running, panting. "Twilight? There is another way for the both of us to get to Ponyville, remember?"

Twilight halted on the bridge. "There is?" Spike yelped when nearly falling off, Twilight catching him with her wings. "You can fly!"

Malibu hoof palmed. Why hadn't they thought of that? But then came the matter of Screwball. "I think… I will have to either carry you with my hooves or my magic." He said to her. Screwball swished her tail. "Your magic will probably make things easier."

Agreeing with her words, Malibu lifted up the young mare of chaos, flapping his own wings and taking off, Twilight following clumsily behind with Spike on her back, trying to get to Ponyville as fast as they could go.


Halfway to the town, Twilight was having some trouble staying balanced, especially after some appearances from strange spiky black clouds that reminded Malibu too much of the vines he saw.

Spike nearly hurled in the air, somehow taking out a seat belt and strapping himself. Malibu wondered where it came from. "I'm starting to wish… we'd taken the train!" He croaked with a green face.

Screwball however was having the time of her life, enjoying flying with the help of Malibu's magic as she whooped in happiness. Malibu was glad that somepony was enjoying herself. All he cared about right now was getting his mom back alive.

"Almost there! Come on, guys. We need to get the Elements of Harmony and find the others!"

Malibu saw the state of Ponyville which really got him worried; for thick black spiky vines covered pretty much every building there, and those black clouds definitely weren't normal. He spotted the Golden Oaks Library just ahead, as Twilight divebombed for a landing. "INCOMING!" Screamed Spike in fear, gripping tight.

Twilight saw she was gonna crash, trying her best to stop then teleporting only herself into the library, Spike slamming against the window.

Malibu mostly landed gently on the ground, him and Screwball going inside in the front entrance, seeing Rarity looking relieved and Rainbow Dash spotting him, giving Malibu a big hug.

"So happy now that you're here!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed while Malibu hugged her back. Fluttershy blushed when the arrivals noticed the books scattered everywhere.

Fluttershy lowered her ears. "I hope you know we wouldn't normally go through your books without permission Twilight…"

Malibu turned to the door opening after standing up, Spike rushing in and kissing the floor. "Sweet ground! Sweet, sweet, wonderfulground!" He exclaimed happily, making Malibu chuckle under his breath.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Ok, I get it! I need to work on my flying!" Malibu nudged her a little. "You'll get better, don't worry."

Pinkie Pie pointed to the window. "I dunno if you two noticed, but the Everfree Forest is just a teeny-tiny bit out of control!" Her tail twitched from her Pinkie Sense, Malibu jumping as a black thorned branch suddenly came through the window, knocking Rarity over.

Applejack put her hooves on it. "Guess it turned out you were missin' something here in Ponyville after all." She said, breaking the vine.

Rarity shook her head. "But perhaps you already know what's causing all of this calamity. Has Princess Celestia sent you to dispel it posthaste?"

Malibu gulped, not sure how to say this. "Well, not really. You see, my mom and Aunt Luna have… uh… uh…" His ears fell as Spike interrupted. "GONE MISSING!"

His other friends all gasped aloud, looking mortified at the idea. Twilight glared. "We don't know who has taken them, other than from Malibu saying these vines must've grabbed them both. But I've got a hunch we're going to need the Elements of Harmony to get them back!"

She opened up the glass case with said Elements, placing them on the others as well as Malibu put on his pendant with the indigo cross. "Oh yeah! Just like old times!" Dash cheered as hers was put on.

Pinkie Pie hoof bumped Rarity and Applejack sighed. "Told ya guys we'd always be connected by the Elements. Now we just gotta figure out who to aim these bad boys at so we can get Celestia and Luna back and keep the rest of Equestria from becoming plant food!" She said, stopping another vine. "Any ideas?"

Twilight tapped her chin. "Hmm..." Before she could think of something she and Malibu turned to Pinkie. "I haven't found squat in any of the books I've been looking through!" For she was going through a coloring book. "Oopsies! Missed a spot!" She said, coloring an area in.

The mulberry alicorn looked out the window. "Half day, half night. Strange weather patterns... out of control plants. I think I'm starting to get a pretty good idea of who we're up against."

That made Screwball realize who Twilight was talking about, her swirly eyes widening. "It-It can't be my daddy, he promised to only use his magic for good!" She protested, Malibu putting a wing around her.

"He is only innocent until proven guilty, Screwball. We're just going to make sure Discord really isn't the one behind all this," Malibu assured her. Screwball still didn't like where this was going, but eventually agreed to go along with it.

The mane 7 along with Spike and Screwball trotted outside, Malibu getting another good look at the state of Ponyville which was mostly covered in thick black thorny vines which made him feel worried for the ponies inside the houses possibly trapped in them.

They all stood in a circle, Twilight closing her eyes as a rainbow came out of her Element, Malibu also closing his eyes too, a little nervous about seeing Discord again but did his best to assure himself that he is not evil any longer, the Element's power flowing through him with the summoning spell.

Soon, Discord appeared though he was sitting in a bathtub. Malibu's eyes opened; seeing Discord in there as he sang. "Winter wrap up, winter wrapâ€"ooh!" He yelped, wrapping a towel around his body even though he didn't really wear clothes. "Now, Twilight, you know Princess Celestia said that you were to give me a heads up before you summon me with that little spell she gave you. In case you haven't noticed, I was in the middle of a particularly invigorating shower!" Discord rubbed the towel along his body, annoying Twilight quite a bit as she pushed the draconequus away.

"E-nough! Release Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and stop the Everfree Forest from invading!" She demanded harshly, her anger taking control.

Screwball stood in front of her father and Twilight. "Twilight, don't!" She exclaimed as Discord wound up hugging his daughter. "Aw, my sweet little Screwball defending me! And whatever are you all talking about?" He asked in a playful way.

Malibu's ears flattened. "Prove to us that this wasn't all your doing!" He snarled, eyes glowing red.

It just had Discord roll his eyes, putting his daughter down and summoning a camera. "Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love what you've done with the place!" He said, snapping some pictures that really triggered Malibu a little. "But I couldn't possibly take responsibility. I'm reformed, don't you remember?"

Screwball smiled from him saying those words. "See?" She asked, Discord ruffled her mane playfully. Rainbow Dash however didn't buy it. "Yeah right! This has got your cloven hoofprints all over it!" She snapped.

Discord smirked at her. "I'll have you know that I only have one cloven hoof." His said hoof had detached, kicking Rainbow in the rear before he disappeared then reappeared. "Such accusations. And here I thought we were friends." Discord said in a guilt tripping way which Malibu growled a little. Even though he was friends with his daughter, Malibu wouldn't call himself close friends with the one that nearly brainwashed him.

Pinkie Pie didn't have any of that fake guilt tripping. "Drop the act, buster! We're onto you!" She growled which amazed Malibu himself had seen Pinkie get mad but not this mad.

It had Discord put a finger on Pinkie Pie's mouth. "Everyone, I'm innocent! Would I lie to you?" He asked teasingly.

"Yes!" All of them except for Screwball and Fluttershy. "Um, Maybe?" The yellow pegasus whispered.

Discord shrugged after that. "Well then, it seems we've reached an impasse. I'm telling the truth, but you think I'm lying. What do friends like us do in a situation like this, Princess Twilight? Congrats, by the way on the promotion. You totally deserve it!" He said, pulling her cheek which had her rub it.

"She did deserve it!" Malibu stated, stomping his hoof in defense for his adoptive sister, his gargoyle defensive state coming again.

Rainbow growled though. "I say we blast him back to stone!"

Applejack nodded. "Works for me!"

Rarity agreed. "Hear, hear!"

The three floated in the air for a moment; starting up their Elements but Fluttershy and Screwball held up their hooves. "Hey, we can't do that! What if he really is telling the truth?" Fluttershy protested, Malibu seeing a halo above Discord's head.

Discord smiled. "Finally, somepony besides my beloved daughter willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. The rest of you could learn a lot about friendship from my dear friend Shutterfly here!" He suddenly snatched up Malibu who grunted from Discord's hug, trying to push away.

Fluttershy flew up to him. "Um, it's Fluttershy."

Discord scoffed, looking back and forth then tossing Malibu away, taking Fluttershy in his arms now. "Oh, right, whatever."

Malibu rubbed his shoulder, hating Discord but keeping his temper for Screwball. Twilight glared. "If you're not the one responsible, then help us figure out who is!"

The draconequus still smiled slyly. "I suppose I could, but after all the hoof pointing and besmirching of my good name, I just don't know if I'm up to it." He began to sew a bunch of the black thorn branches together, Twilight groaning in frustration.

"Why don't you ask your zebra friend if she knows anything?" Discord then asked, his sewing of the black thorns making an arrow pointing in a direction. Malibu turned and spotted Zecora who was hauling what looked like her entire hut out of the forest, a smile of relief coming for him.

Twilight also smiled. "Zecora!" She greeted, the 9 of them running to help her. Zecora's face was saddened and troubled. "From my home, I have had to flee. The forest has grown too wild even for me." She explained in rhyme. Malibu glanced at the Everfree which was overgrown with those sick vines.

"I'm glad you came Zecora but why is this all happening?" The teal alicorn asked in fear, his ears flat while he looked at the half day and night, wishing his mom was here. Zecora gazed at him in a grave way. "I'm afraid it is a mystery to me as well, but I may have something that, if combined with a spell..." She pulled out a potion flask full of purple liquid. "I do not dare to use it myself, the results would be tragic. It only responds to Alicorn magic."

Twilight studied her own horn and wings from those words, realizing either she or Malibu could do this. "Princess Twilight, you can turn the potion from purple to white. After a sip, you may see why the sky is day and night."

Malibu swallowed. "Can you really do this?" He asked her tentatively. Twilight shrugged. "Only one way to find out..."She strained with her horn, shooting out some magic that reminded Malibu of King Sombra's which gave him some shivers, the potion managing to turn to white.

Pinkie gazed in fascination. "Oooh!" She squeed.

Twilight picked it up with her magic then, looking at them all then to Malibu. "Since-since we're both royal, perhaps we should both drink?"

The former clone gargoyle gulped again. "Are you sure? Maybe I'll see something different from whatever you see." He protested.

Twilight handed the flask over to him. "It could be the only way for either of us to uncover the truth." She begged.

Malibu then sighed, nodding. He drank first which tasted a little bit tart, Twilight drinking after him. The two waited for a brief period but nothing. "I don't feel anything hap—." Malibu started before gasping as his eyes lit up white other than red, vision changing and his surroundings switched.

He shook his head, glancing about where he was sent, which looked like an old castle, hoping Twilight was seeing something more important than this. "W-Where is this place?" Malibu asked himself nervously.

"Not... another step!"

A shadowy figure appeared from behind two thrones that had familiar colors to Malibu who gasped when he saw who it was; Aunt Luna?

"A-Auntie Luna? What's going on? Where are we? Why did you and momma disappear?" Malibu asked in a curious way but Luna had a pretty cold look on her features.

"Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?" She snapped ruthlessly, Malibu's legs stepping back, a prickle of fear coming. "Precious light?" He repeated in confusion.

Luna's eyes suddenly changed to be more cat like than normal and a greenish tint. "There can only be one princess in Equestria! And that princess… will be ME!" She stomped the ground, Malibu jumping away from the assault, heart thumping in fright, seeing the crack she made destroy part of the wall, Malibu flinching and avoiding the debris.

Turning back, Malibu saw a wave of magic that looked evil surround his aunt, her eyes rounding as it covered her up in a flaming ball, making the area they were in shake. Malibu panting badly from his fear, dreading what was going on.

The flaming magic ball then turned a midnight blue, which revealed somepony he never wanted to see possess his aunt ever again.

"AHAHAHA! AHAHAHA HA HA HA!" Shrilled the evil laugh that rang in Malibu's head, tears falling down his face out of the fear clouding his senses; Nightmare Moon standing before him. She had returned!


Already excited to do this season! Part 2 up soon!

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