Journal Lessons: Pinkie Apple Pie

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S4 E9 everypony! The next key episode Rainbow Falls is up next!


Malibu sighed in content while sitting with Twilight reading a book next to her, feeling happy for just a quiet day in the library especially after their Manehattan trip.

It had been rather silent until... "Whatcha doin?"

Both of them let out screams at the sight of Pinkie Pie somehow appearing in the bookshelf near them. "Aah!"

"Aah! Yourselves! But that doesn't answer my question, sillies!" Pinkie Pie teased playfully, giggling.

Malibu took a moment to calm down before soon Twilight replied. "Just some genealogical research."

Pinkie Pie pulled herself out of the shelf. "Ohhh!" She leaned towards Spike and Malibu. "I don't know what that is!"

"Genealogy is a study of family history. Y'know, where ponies come and who they're related to." Spike said, though Malibu's ears fell since he knew that Sevarius and Thailog were technically his birth parents, he now felt happy to have a mother figure even if they aren't blood related.

The party pony grinned. "Ooh, fascinating!" She went to grab a book from the pile, but from the middle.

Malibu flinched. "Er, maybe you should take one from the..." He blinked as he saw that the pile didn't even fall over. "" He shrugged to Twilight and Spike who smiled in amusement.

Pinkie Pie opened up the scroll, which was a really long one. "Uh-huh... interesting... I see... Hmmm... that makes sense... not much of a surprise there..." She had backed up until out of the library, Malibu and Twilight following her out. "WHAAATTT?!"

Opening the door, Malibu saw Pinkie looking really shocked. "This is the most amazing thing ever! Why didn't you tell me how amazing this is?! Genealogy is better than cotton candy on top of a fountain of chocolate!" She shrieked, jumping into the air then falling on her back. Malibu was confused. "What are you talking about?"

Pinkie held up the scroll, grinning. "You'll never believe who it says I'm related to! Be right back!" She zipped off. Malibu didn't know what was going on, flying after her. Her trail led to... Sweet Apple Acres?

She knocked on the door as Malibu landed, Applejack opening it. "Hey, cousin!" Pinkie Pie greeted, giving Applejack a big hug.

Just hearing that made Malibu's mind explode. Was... was Pinkie really a long lost relation to the Apples?

Applejack broke their hug apart. "Whoa, nelly, Pinkie Pie. Ya got some big explaining ta do." She guided her into the house, Malibu following. The farm mare turned to Malibu. "What happened?"

Malibu felt awkward. "Well, uh, she read a genealogy scroll and... apparently it said you and her were related somehow." He replied. Applejack blinked before smiling at the idea of being related to one of her best friends.

"That's just... amazin'!" She glanced at her cousin while Malibu sat on one of the couches to watch the moment. "This is just so excitin', I can hardly believe it!"

Applebloom, Granny Smith and Big Mac had come when hearing the commotion, Applebloom even more excited than Applejack. "I have another sister! I have another sister!"

Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Well, you actually have a fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin, but that's like, exactly like a sister!" She squeeed.

Applejack chuckled. "I'd try to tone it down a little around non-family members, because I don't want to make them jealous, but..."

Malibu shook his head. "I'm not jealous, AJ. You welcomed me like part of the family, blood related or not." He said with a grin, hugging her.

Applebloom jumped on the couch. "This is the best family ever!" She screamed, a spring making her zip into the air then back down to the ground.

Applejack nodded to Pinkie Pie. "It really is. You're gonna love bein' an Apple, Pinkie. I mean, you've got the playful one..."

The former gargoyle watched Applebloom jump onto a ball, which bounced into the wall. Pinkie clapped her hooves. "The strong one..." AJ pointed to Big Mac.

Big Mac held up the stove, smiling. "Eeyup." A pie fell onto his face, making Malibu chuckle.

"And of course, there's Granny Smith, who knows everythin' about everythin'!" Applejack said last, the elder mare in her rocking chair. "A Ponyville snail can hibernate for up to 48 moons!" She randomly said.

Pinkie Pie blinked. "Who knew?" Malibu laughed, knowing that Granny can say the most randomest info about Ponyville.

Applejack led Pinkie to the door. "And then, there's me." She gave a sniff of the air. "Do you smell that Sweet Apple air, Pinkie Pie?"

The party pony began sniffing before Applejack halted her. "That was rhetorical. Of course you smell it. You're an Apple now!"

The rest of the family went outside with Malibu, still trying to take all of this in which felt like it was changing everything.

Applebloom nodded eagerly. "And Applejack is the one responsible for it!"

Her older sister blushed. "Aw, Applebloom, that is sweet, but—."

AB interrupted again. "It's true! I mean she keeps us all organized and on schedule and does her own part on top of it all!" She said, the others nodding in agreement. Malibu had to agree that Applejack was almost as organized as Twilight.

Pinkie Pie jumped about. "I was already super happy as a Pie! And now I can be a part of this amazing family too?"

Suddenly Malibu thought of something. "Hey, we may have to call you Apple Pie instead of just Pie!" He said, making his friend laugh from that.

Applebloom joined her new cousin in the dancing. "It's even more amazin' now that you're in it! We're family, we're family, you an' me are family!" She twirled Pinkie who spun fast like a tornado.

"Best family twirl everrrrr!"

Meanwhile Applejack had pulled out the scroll, her face full of shock, Malibu coming over to read too. "I just can't believe we've never heard anythin' about this before Malibu! Does it really say?"

"Yeah, from what Pinkie saw I guess," Malibu replied, though Applejack looked like she didn't "Hmm."

Applebloom looked worried now. "What's wrong, sis?"

Applejack frowned. "I'm not seein' where it exactly says we're family." She pointed out, Malibu hoping she was reading it wrong.

Pinkie Pie grabbed the scroll, rolling it out again. "It's riiiiiiiiight.... Here!" She pointed to the end. Applejack staring wide eyed. "It... is?"

"Uh uh!" Pinkie read it out loud. "Applesauce of the Apple family lineage is a fourth cousin twice removed to the Pie family!"

Malibu squinted at the wording, though the last couple didn't look very clear. "Well, Pink, that looks rather smudged after all that. Are... are you sure?" He asked.

Pinkie studied it for a moment. "I guess it is a little smudged, but I see most of it there! When I read it, I knew in my heart it was true!" Her eyes shimmered with tears.

Granny Smith came up to nuzzle her. "Well, ain't that just the sweetest thing!"

The adopted prince swished his tail doubtfully now. "AJ, what do you want to do about this?" He said softly. She smiled sadly at him before speaking.

"It is, it is. I'd just hate for us to get our hopes up before we found out for sure." She said to them all.

Applebloom kicked a rock. "So how are we supposed to find out for sure?"

Malibu watched Granny Smith think before looking excited. "Oh! Cousin Goldie Delicious! Her cabin's practically an Apple family history museum! If any pony has the records to back up Pinkie's theory, it's her!"

The young alicorn liked this idea, hoping he could come and meet this Goldie Delicious but in the back of his mind, he didn't feel like he should interfere.

AJ thought for a while then agreed. "Huh, I suppose we could always... I mean, Goldie Delicious doesn't live that far away, and we haven't been on one as a family in a real long time..." Malibu noted the others including Pinkie giving begging grins. "Are y'all thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

They all grouped together minus Malibu. "Family Roadtrip!" They said together, Pinkie looking excited, until Applejack noticed Malibu stepping back. "This looks like a private one, probably not for me." He murmured, ears flat on his head.

Applejack went over to him, nudging him gently. "Hey, none of that, sugarcube. You're goin' with us!" The teal alicorn perked up, his eyes filling with happiness, excited now about going on a roadtrip with his adopted second family.


Some hours later; the Apple Family with Malibu were packing. Malibu himself didn't have too much to pack except for some light snacks for the trip, eyeing the wagon that seemed quite too overloaded.

Granny Smith came out with her bonnet on. "Has any pony seen my travelin' bonnet?"

Applebloom raised her brow. "Isn't that it on your head?" She pointed. The elder looked up, then frowned. "No!"

Malibu felt confused. "Well, uh, it really does look like it is..."

"Well it ain't, and that's final young stallion!" Granny Smith countered back, which made him laugh under his breath.

Applejack then called them all in a small group. "Hey, everypony? Since Pinkie Pie's back home gettin' her stuff for the trip. Can y'all gather round? I just wanted to say somethin'; real quick!"

Before Malibu could ask why Granny Smith interrupted. "I've had somethin' in my teeth this whole time, haven't I? Gadsnickety, what a way to welcome a family member!"

The farm mare groaned. "Er, no, Granny, your teeth are fine. I just wanted to be sure that we're all on the same page about showin' Pinkie Pie how awesome a family we really are. We want her to get to know the family she's been born into, but, the best version of it, y'know?"

Malibu swished his tail. "Well, if you say so. But that may be kinda hard."

Granny Smith blew a raspberry. "Oh, don't you worry, dearies. We're a great family, and she can't help but see it."

Applebloom bounced in the wagon lightly. "I'll bet my future cutie mark's gonna be a picture bein' the best behaved pony ever! That's how good I'm gonna be! Right, Big Mac?"

The muscled stallion nodded. "Eeyup!" Before Malibu could voice his opinion on this more, Pinkie Pie returned, her bags on her back. "Are y'all ready to go? Because I'm ready to go-go-go!"

He grinned sheepishly. "For sure I am, Pink!"

Applejack looked over the wagon's condition. "Er, Big Mac? Are you sure we really need all that stuff?" Malibu agreed at the fact that it was a little too much.

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied confidently.

"Are you sure you're strong enough to really pull all of that stuff?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac's voice got a little annoyed now.

"Are you sure the wagon's strong enough to hold it all?" AJ asked lastly.

Big Mac growled, rolling his eyes. "Ugh! Eeyup!" He snapped, making Applejack turn red, Malibu holding a hoof over his mouth to stop himself from laughing again. "Then let's get this show on the road!" Applejack proclaimed, Malibu thinking he would just fly to start so the wagon wouldn't fall to pieces, following behind after the others got on.

So far, the wagon surprisingly held together, moving about almost rhythmically, pans banging together. Malibu soared into the air around them, glad to not be stuck on a cart the whole trip, as Applejack soon began to sing. "Come on, Apples! Y'all know this one!"

Granny clapped her hooves. "Hot diggity!"

"Yeeehaw!" AJ cheered.

Malibu watched from above, happy to see Pinkie Pie having a good time, knowing with this song they were going to welcome Pinkie even more into the family.


We've traveled the road of generations

joined by a common bond

we sing our song 'cross the pony nation

from Equestria and beyond!"

All Apples:

"We're Apples forever, Apples Together

We're family but so much more

no matter what comes, we will face the weather

we're apples to the core!"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac sang in time to the song despite him not saying many words. Malibu landed, trotting along side them.

Applebloom hugged Pinkie Pie.

"There's no place that I'd rather be

than travelin' with my family!

friends come around as we join and sing

as we sing out across the land!"


"We're Apples forever, Apples together

we're family but so much more

no matter what comes we will face the weather

we're apples to the core


Granny Smith now had her role, having her own arm around her new family member.

"We're peas in a pod, we're thick as thieves

any cliche you can throw at me

we're here for each other, through thick and thin

you're always welcome with your Apple kin, wheeee!"

Malibu watched Pinkie Pie's eyes brightened even more, now doing her own verse.

"You're more fun than the color pink

or balloons flying over your favorite drink

the love I feel here is swim not sink

as we party across this land!"

Applejack pumped her hoof into the air. "Alright!"

Malibu was soon invited into the song, which he sang loudly. He felt more comfortable singing with others than alone.

"We're Apples forever, Apples together

we're family but so much more

no matter what comes we will face the weather

we're Apples to the core!


Once the song finished however, things got not so great when the cart predictably crashed right on the road, sending the pile of stuff everywhere. Malibu stared, wide eyed, as the happy moment was sucked away from that moment.

Everypony stared in disappointment at how wrecked their only source of transportation looked, Applejack angry. "Big Mac! I thought I told you...!" She stopped when Pinkie gave a smile, making her backtrack her anger. "Uh, I thought— I mean, not that I'm blamin' you, because we don't blame in this family, but I thought you said all this stuff wasn't gonna be too heavy." She had whispered the last part silently, Big Mac glaring at her.

Malibu spoke up. "Uh, maybe I can offer to fix the cart with my magic?" Applejack smiled sadly, shaking her head. "I want Pinkie to see how we can deal with situations like this without magic, sugarcube." AJ herself despite accepting Twilight's powers and Malibu, still didn't like using magic to solve every problem. Malibu understood, seeing Applebloom kicking a rock.

"How are we supposed to get to Goldie Delicious now?" She complained in sadness.

Granny Smith herself even looked downcast. "I don't know, but I don't see how we can go back now either. We're closer to cousin Goldie's than we are to home." She pointed out.

Suddenly Malibu heard Pinkie gasp, his head turning to her. "I have the best... idea... ever! Family river trip!" She gestured to the river nearby. Malibu flattened his ears. He didn't like the idea of going down a river like that. "I'm not so sure Pinkie." He said nervously.

Applejack wound up shrugging. "Just one problem too; we haven't got a raft." She muttered under her breath. "Bout the only thing that didn't get packed."

Granny Smith wandered over to a nearby tree. "Well, back in the old days when magic weren't so convenient, we used to use the sap from a sugar pine tree to glue things together." She displayed some of the sap on her hoof. Malibu spotted a poor squirrel stuck in which he used his magic to get him down.

"Uh, cool, unless it isn't waterproof," Malibu tried to explain to her. "Can I just..."

The elder shook her head, holding up her hoof. "Nothing too it, little colt! No magic on this trip! We're gonna build ourselves a raft out of these here jalopy parts and keep it held together with sugar pine sap!"

It made the clone gargoyle frown at her words, kicking a rock. "Wonder why you even invited me if I'm not allowed to help..." He grumbled under his breath this time, watching the rest of the family going ahead to make it, deciding not to help since his magic would get in the way anyway.

Soon the raft was done. Rather crudely made but seemed sound enough. Malibu took to the air, not wanting to ride this one either, seeing Pinkie Pie jump onto the raft last, Applejack looking it over once more. "Could be worse, I guess. Now remember, this time we're only packin' the necessities."

Some necessities... Malibu thought, seeing at least half of the junk they brought along on the raft. Pinkie suddenly pulled out a camera. "Wait a second!" She snapped a picture, Malibu blinking from the light. "This one is for the scrap book!"

She took her book out, showing the pictures inside. Malibu's heart felt pretty light seeing them all looking happy in there. "Whoa, this is cool Pink," He complimented. "Aww, shucks." She replied.

Applejack was stunned too. "Pinkie Pie, when did you have the time to make this?"

The party pony now looked serious. "Applejack, when you're family, you make the time!" She hissed playfully. Shrugging, Applejack shoved off, Malibu flying from above like before.

"Woo-hoo! We did it!" AJ cheered, Malibu cringing while hoping the sap will hold. A wave suddenly appeared, Pinkie holding up the camera again. "Say 'soaked'!"

Malibu was unlucky to be caught in the wave too, but managed to fly from the worst of it, the others getting really soaked right when Pinkie took the photo. What a trip this one will be.


About an hour later, the raft and Malibu were still coasting down the river. Pinkie Pie had a nice chat with Big Mac. "So, what you're saying is, if I have the courage to jump, the parachute will open."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup."

Pinkie's eyes were round. "Whoa, that's deep!"


Malibu flew down to Applejack who had to stop at a cross road. "Uh-oh... alright, y'all. Please tell me that the map didn' get wet. 'Cuz it looks like I'm gonna need it right about now."

Applebloom pulled it out, grinning. "Found it! Who's got the map, I got the map! M to the A to the yeah, that's right P! Ain't no other pony found a map but me! I'm Apple—." She stopped in her little dance, dropping said map. "Uh oh..."

Malibu gasped, trying to fly down to get it, only to have a fish grab it, then an eagle. He glowered down at Applebloom who looked embarrassed, the others doing the same faces. "All you had to do was bring it to me. No singin', no dancin', no games. Just walk it over!" AJ said with gritted teeth.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac said in the same way, Malibu just glaring. Pinkie pointed the camera. "Say best siblings ever!" The three made pained smiles as it flashed, Malibu not wanting to be in the picture. "Ooh, that's another keeper!"

The siblings now went back to glaring, Malibu hoping they can find their way without the map. He spoke. "Hey, uh, maybe I can fly over and find a pathway to Goldie's." He offered.

Granny however rebuked his idea again. "No sirree, youngin'! No flyin', no magic! I've traveled down this river as a filly and I know it like the back of my hoof!"

Malibu folded his arms, frustrated that Granny wouldn't let him help again. "But, flying can be faster," He argued, while still smiling in front of Pinkie Pie. Granny Smith booped his nose. "Maybe fer you more modern alicornians, but not fer the old fashioned Earth Ponies!"

Applejack came to his rescue. "He could be right you know. Are you sure you know which way to go?"

Granny Smith smirked. "Does a June Bug like to hide in a tree?"

It made the farm pony befuddled. "Uh... I don't know.

The elder mare pushed AJ aside. "Well, I do know! And I also know we wanna head southeast! So step aside, young'uns!" She took over the wheel then, Malibu's face feeling hot from not being useful for his second family, deciding to sit on the boat now.

Applejack looked at him in concern. "Don't mind Granny. She lets tradition control her thinking sometimes." She said softly out of earshot. Malibu huffed. "It's only a matter of time where she realizes an alicorn can come in handy." He grumbled.

The raft floated for another while until coming to a large intimidating looking cave. Malibu felt his ears flatten at the sight of it. "Um, Granny?" Applejack asked nervously.

"Myuh-huh?" The elder asked, looking all too relaxed for everypony else's safety. "Are we supposed to go through a cave?"

"Ah, don't worry, child! The scariest cave in Equestria was down that other way!" Granny Smith proclaimed.

Malibu froze from that name, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. "T-the what?" He croaked.

Granny grinned, seeing them looking scared. "Oh, it's a fright all right! Filled with creatures that'll eat ya as soon as look at ya!" Malibu trembled, wondering why he never heard of this cave before.

Pinkie was not the least scared. "Ooh, sounds scary. Tell us more!" She said in excitement, Malibu wondering what was wrong with her.

"Ponies go in, but they never come out..." Granny Smith said ominously. Malibu gulped, doing his best to not look afraid, the other siblings holding each other in fear.

Applejack was rather worried. "And you're sure it's not that cave? The one we're headin' straight for?"

Granny Smith glared. "Now Applejack! I taught you better than to question your elder ponies!"

Malibu forgot his fear for a moment, rolling his eyes. "Here she goes again."

Pinkie gave a squee, AJ faking a smile on her face. "Heh... you sure did."

Granny Smith held onto the wheel again. "Alrighty then. Now everypony just sit on back and leave the steerin' to your old Granny Smith!"

The former clone gargoyle had to cover himself with his wings. "I can't watch this..." He croaked, feeling his surroundings grow dark from the cave. At first it was quiet, not so bad.

After a few minutes, Granny spoke. "See now? Told ya th—."

A loud roar echoed, Malibu looking up and screaming from a strange ghoulish flying fiend there soaring above them. He zapped it with his magic, sending it flying while Pinkie took a photo. "Got it!"

Another one that looked like a frog demon hopped up onto the boat, Malibu shooting that one with magic too. "Best scary unidentifiable creature ever!" Pinkie exclaimed, unintimidated.

Malibu panted from the exertion while Granny scolded him. "Hey, no magic youngin'!" She shouted. It made his eyes glow red. "I'm saving your Equestrian Damned lives!" He shrilled, shooting one more blast of magic, knocking another creature out.

"Say, 'terrified'!" Pinkie then called, all of the Apples screaming, the shutter clicking, right when exiting the cave. All of them were unable to move or talk, Malibu sweating, eyes still glowing, Pinkie just humming.

Granny recovered enough to say something that pushed Malibu's anger over the brink. "Guess that was the scariest cave in Equestria!"

He growled, eyes glowing a brighter red. She went back to the wheel. "Course I'd meant to take us through it! Unexpected adventure is good for the soul!" She tried defending her screw up.

Pinkie Pie jumped up and down frivolously. "Best Granny wisdom ever!"

Applejack frowned. "Uh-huh. Why don't you just scooch on over there, Granny? Think I'll take it from here on out.

Malibu glanced back and forth at the two, worried now for a full on argument again. "Huh! Is that how I taught you to treat your elder ponies?!" Granny Smith asked sharply.

The party pony tilted her head. "Ooh! Ooh! Is it?!"

Applejack huffed. "You taught me to trust my common sense. And my common sense says we should get to Goldie Delicious's cabin in one piece!" She yanked the wheel back, Malibu holding up his hoof. "Uh, er..."

He was cut off. "And how exactly are you gonna know which way to go?" Granny asked, rather mockingly. Pinkie watched further, looking rather too excited.

Applejack again pulled the wheel back, glowering at Applebloom. "It would have been easier if the map hadn't gone overboard!"

Applebloom gasped in fury. "Hey! There wouldn't have been an overboard if Big Mac hadn't overpacked the jalopy!" She muttered the last part under her breath.

Malibu saw Big Mac agreeing at first, then his face caught on the offense. "Eeyu— hey!"

Applejack now was looking triumphant. "Exactly! So I think we can all agree that from here on out, I should be in charge of everythin'!"

That made the young prince feel quite mad at her now, which wasn't really fair of Applejack to do this. He tried to counterattack her self promotion but the other Apples arguments overlapped him, tussling with the wheel until it broke.

They all watched the wheel hit the water, a duck swimming underneath it until the same eagle from before taking it away.

Everypony eyed AJ in disapproval. She gulped, laughing awkwardly. Malibu was too angry to say any words. Now they were off balance without the wheel. Pinkie Pie broke the uncomfortable silence. "I just wanna say... I think you are all super duper. And I can't wait to to make a page in my scrapbook about the amazing water fall we went down!" She said cheerfully.

Malibu blinked. "Uh... waterfall?" He heard the rushing of the falls at that point, the raft moving too fast on its own. He glanced about, gasping at the sight, the others minus Pinkie Pie beginning to panic. They reached the edge, tipping over and falling down.

Flapping his wings Malibu took flight right at that second, feeling terrified about them smashing into the rocks below. Pinkie though was clearly enjoying herself; even taking pictures of all things. Having enough, Malibu concentrated hard, managing to levitate the whole raft where it barely reached the rocks, having them instead to splash into the water nearby. He panted heavily from the excursion, seeing the raft float to the surface and Pinkie floating with balloons.

Granny folded up an umbrella. "Huh! Told ya that sugar pine sap would hold this thing together!"

It made the gargoyle alicorn fume. "This is the second or third time I saved your hides and... and all you care about is stupid sap!" He screamed, going to land on the shore at the end of the river where Goldie Delicious's house was close by. He heard them all yelp as the raft broke but he didn't really care, feeling too angry.

The next several miles to Goldie's were rather grating and tiring. Malibu now didn't even bother to fly, keeping his distance away from the others to collect himself, still mad at Granny Smith, kicking a rock.

Soon they all spotted a rustic old cottage before them. "We're here! We're here! We made it to Goldie Delicious's's's's's!" Pinkie cried out in happiness, going up to the front door then seeing a piece of paper nailed to it. "You guys! There's a note!" Pinkie shrilled, pulling it off.

She began to read, but more to herself than to the rest, giggling randomly. Malibu frowned deeply, not wanting to endure any more of her nonsense. "Pinkie, out loud, please?" He asked, in a slightly snippy voice.

"Oh, right, sorry Malibu! I haven't even read it yet! I was just looking at how pretty the paper is." Pinkie said, now reading. "Ok, it says that she ran off to run some errands but will be home soon! Oh, this is perfect!"

Applebloom's ears fell. "Why is that perfect?" She asked in sadness.

The pink earth pony bounced. "Because it'll give me enough time to get more scrapbook paper! See ya!" She bounced into the woods, leaving the Apple Family and Malibu alone to try and figure out what went wrong.

Malibu saw the young filly moan. "Worst family road trip. Ever."

Big Mac's face was forlorn. "Eeyup..."

Applejack groaned too, taking off her hat. "I can't believe she witnessed our family fallin' apart like this."

Malibu felt his face go red in sadness, looking at Granny. "Hey, Granny... I-I..." he tried to say, but the elder green mare suddenly gave him a little hug. "Aww, youngin'. It was ma fault. I shoulda' had ya help us get to Goldie's faster."

Those words made the teal alicorn smile in a saddened way, when Applejack made her apology too. "And I can't believe I was arguin' with you so much that I tore the wheel right off the raft! It's like I wasn't myself at all."

Granny Smith scoffed in cheerfulness. "That wasn't your fault. My stubborn streak got a hold of me something fierce. Should've taken the wheel long a'fore that."

Applebloom swished her tail. "It was my fault the raft got all wet..." She said in guilt.

Big Mac began to actually say a full sentence. "I was the pony who—." Granny Smith put a hoof over his mouth. "Now, now, Big Mac, you gotta know we forgive you for packin' the jalopy so much that it collapsed. You was just eager to please Pinkie Pie like the rest of us." She assured the bigger stallion.

Malibu couldn't help the tears of happiness from Granny's words, his anger now forgotten, until Applejack said some more sad words. "Everypony, I think we have to let Pinkie Pie know that even if she does discover that she's an Apple, she does not have to feel obliged to consider herself one."

Granny lowered her head. "Sure as Applesauce."

Before Malibu could say anything against that, Pinkie Pie had returned right at that moment. "Are you kidding me?! You guys are the best family ever!"

Applejack was surprised. "How can you say that? We started out as one big unit, and now look at us."

The party pony was unfazed. "Yeah! And now look at you! You're all here still in one big unit, loving each other and owning up to what went wrong! You never gave up, even when things got tough!" To Malibu, those were the kindest and boldest words she could ever say, and his happiness threatened to consume him.

Applebloom also smiled. "She does make a pretty good point.

Pinkie bounced up and down. "You aren't just family, you're best friends!" She suddenly tackled Applejack in a hug. "And I wanna be an Apple more than ever!"

"And we want you to be as one too!" Malibu saw Applebloom claim, eventually having Pinkie Pie hug him as well. "Yippee!"

A new voice came along. "Now that's how you run an errand!"

The whole gang turned and spotted an elderly golden colored mare with bags full of cats. "Hello!" Pinkie called out. "Hello yourself!" Goldie replied.

Applejack went to greet her. "You must be Goldie Delicious. So nice to meet you."

Goldie nodded. "Uh-huh. And who exactly are you?"

Pinkie hugged Applejack tight. "We're Apples!"

It made the orange earth pony laugh awkwardly. "Well, we think we're all Apples. But we need your help finding out if Pinkie Pie here is our fourth cousin twice removed."

Malibu approached the elder mare. "Er, hi, not sure if you know me but..." Goldie shook his hoof rather warmly. "Ah, of course, the prince of Equestria, Malibu isn't it? And if any pony can help your friends figure out this genealogy mystery than me!"

Goldie began to push the door open, but it was stuck. She laughed nervously. "Oh, I am sorry about this. I wasn't exactly expectin' company." She grunted, struggling as much as possible. Malibu stepped up. "Can I help?"

The elder shook her head. "No, no, don't trouble yourself. Just lemme try to squeeze in here..." She grunted with more effort, Brooklyn's clone flinching, hating to see someone as old as her trying to get through a tight door.

Cats inside her house meowed in complaint, crawling out of her bags. "Gotta... get some oil for the hinges... and gah!" She finally made her way through, throwing some random junk and furniture out of the way. Malibu backed up so he wouldn't get hit.

"Alrighty then, just have to move a few things out of the way of the door. Ooh! Ah! Get off of that Mr. Fluffy... come on, Pooples, come here, sweetheart..." Goldie exclaimed, Malibu and the others looking at one another in awkwardness. She poked her head back out, grinning cheerfully. "Come on in!"

The teal alicorn tentatively stepped in alongside the others into the dingy home, feeling unnerved about all the cats even a cheetah inside. "Sorry about the mess." Goldie apologized, the cheetah eyeing Malibu in a condescending way.

"No... no problem." Malibu said, doing his best to like her living quarters, finding a chair to sit down in but it fell from under him. Applejack nearly trodded on some old horseshoes. "Whoa!" She cried.

"Oh, careful now. Those belonged to your great-great-great-great Uncle Apple Tart!" Goldie explained, Malibu curious about how old they were. Applebloom spotted a gingerbread house. "Well, whose was this?"

Goldie flushed. "Well, that was my lunch. A couple of weeks ago."

Malibu's stomach churned along with smelling the stale gingerbread, hoping they could finish up with this. Goldie Delicious pulled out a huge book, gathering them all around it. "This here is a complete record of, of our family tree!" She rifled through the pages. "It's not here, or here, or here, or, or here. Or it certainly isn't here, is it...?" Her face brightened then. "Oh, here it is!... oh dear."

Those were the words Malibu was afraid of, glancing to Pinkie Pie whose face was rather worried. "Oh dear, what is it?" Granny Smith asked.

Pinkie let out a little noise of despair. "Am I not an Apple after all?"

Goldie squinted, Malibu noting the smudged area on the page. "Well, that's it. I don't know. The page is all smudged."

It caused the cheerful party pony to fill up with tears, looking away, Malibu stepping over and putting a comforting wing around her. "Hey, it-it's alright." He attempted.

"I sure am sorry, but I don't think I can help you out after all." Goldie apologized in her sadness.

Pinkie grinned halfheartedly. "Don't be sorry, it's ok. I'm just a little disappointed that I'll never know for sure if I'm a part of this family by blood," She sniffled.

Applejack blinked, then smiled. "Well, I know for sure!"

Malibu raised his brow at those words. "What do you mean? You can't know!" Pinkie argued back.

"I can know for sure that it doesn't matter what the book says or doesn't say. After all you've been through with us, and all you've put up with, it's obvious, like Malibu, you're an Apple to the core!" AJ responded, finishing with the title to their song. Malibu let out a happy sniffle, liking those words a lot.

"Darn tootin'!" Granny Smith exclaimed.

"Yes siree!" Applebloom said.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac replied too, Pinkie Pie giving a big squee. The whole Apple Family minus Malibu gathered around for a photo shoot. Malibu stepped back to let them have their moment but then AJ gestured with her hoof. "Get in here, sugarcube!"

More happy tears spilling, Malibu walked into the photo group, Pinkie's tail somehow holding up the camera even though she was in the shot. "Say 'best family hug ever'!"

All of them then spoke; "Best family hug ever!" The camera clicked taking the picture.


They soon packed up for their journey home, but this time filled up with little to no luggage which Malibu was grateful for. Applejack turned to the other elder. "Thanks again for the wagon, Goldie. We'll see you soon!"

Goldie grinned. "Y'all sure you don't want to take any of these Apple family heirlooms home with you?" From her words, Malibu cringed when the items fell out of the door, hoping they wouldn't."

Big Mac turned around after hooking himself to the wagon. "Nnope!" He proclaimed, beginning to trot away, Malibu happily sitting in the wagon comfortably with the rest, the family singing one last time.

"Were Apples forever, Apples together

we're family but so much more

no matter what comes, we'll face the weather

we're Apples to the core!"


This time the journey wasn't as long and strained like before, the family all happily getting out of the cart back home, Malibu seeing the warm welcoming sight of the barn, his second home.

Going inside, Malibu had the journal summoned to them by magic so they could write into it once they told Twilight about their journey. "Twilight agreed this was definitely an experience worth puttin' in the journal. Think I'll write about how bein' a good family isn't about bein' perfect as much as it is about gettin' through the rough patches together. About bein' able to forgive each other for mistakes."

Malibu nodded in agreement, Applebloom suddenly hugging both him and Pinkie. "Don't forget to mention how really good friends can also feel like your family."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup."

Before Applejack could even write however, Applebloom interrupted her. "You know what? Maybe I should write it. I'm good at makin' things sound excitin'!"

Granny Smith spoke. "I have a history of excellent storytellin'. I should probably do it—." Big Mac had snuck the quill, and was about to write. "Hey! Where in the haystack do you think you're goin' with that there pen?!"

All of them soon were back to arguing, making Malibu roll his eyes and chuckle. Family arguments, always happening every few seconds. While they were distracted, Pinkie Pie joining in playfully, he decided to do his part as part of the family by writing, summoning a new quill, then quietly levitating the journal over to himself, going to a private area to do so.

They'll hopefully thank me later for this, since I'm in the Apple Family too. Malibu thought quietly, scribbling down what they said from before, happy to have his chance to write in the journal but inside, he hoped he could have his own journal experience, not copying someone else's.


We'll probably never know if Pinkie really is related to Applejack...

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