Next Lessons: A Friend In Deed

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S2 E18 Everypony! Putting Your Hoof Down is up next with Iron Will!


One beautiful day in Ponyville, Malibu had decided to have his breakfast at Sugarcube Corner instead of at Sweet Apple Acres so he could spend some time with Pinkie Pie. He always loved their cinnamon rolls that they made.

He stepped inside, the bell ringing, seeing his pink friend there. She waved at him. "Good morning, Mal! You here for breakfast?" Malibu nodded. "You bet, Pinkie. Bet yesterday was busy babysitting the Cake twins, huh?"

Pinkie smiled. "They're always a joy to be with but can get exhausting sometimes. So what do you want?" Malibu pointed to the cinnamon rolls. "I would like some of those please with a glass of apple juice." He said. "Coming right up! And maybe we can hang out in town too afterward!" She invited, pulling out the breakfast.

Malibu liked that idea, nodding. "It sounds like fun," He said, a grin on his face. Pinkie giggled, seeing how much he was smiling. She always liked to make other ponies and non ponies smile as much as possible. After Malibu ate his fill of breakfast he and her left the shop, seeing a cow named DaisyJo walking over. "Morning, DaisyJo! Got to get some cookies to go with your milk?"

The cow nodded. "Oh, ya, Pinkie, don'tcha know?" Pinkie Pie grinned. "Well, Mrs. Cake just baked a fresh batch of your favorite oatmeal!" That caused DaisyJo to smile like Malibu did. "Mooo, sounds delightful!"

Malibu trotted alongside Pinkie Pie, taking in the fresh air. He could tell it was gonna be a good day. "Oh, Rose, your Calla lilies look even better than last year! I bet you'll take first prize in the flower show again." Pinkie Pie complimented. Rose smiled back. "Thanks, Pinkie. Would you and Malibu like one?"

The teal clone gargoyle nodded, two of the lilies being tossed their way, both of them eating the flowers. "Thanks Rose!" Malibu called, Rose waving to him. She never figured a non pony from another universe could grow to be this nice. It kept up like this; Pinkie Pie complimenting other ponies, sometimes saying happy birthday. Even to Zecora. "Happy day after your birthday, Zecora!"

Zecora smiled as well. "What a lovely hi, miss Pinkie Pie!" Then a donkey named Matilda Malibu sometimes saw in town walked by. "And Miss Matilda, happy birthday to you!" Matilda raised her brow. "In one hundred and thirty two days!"

Malibu blinked in shock, stunned that she knew all that. Matilda put a hoof on her chest. "Pinkie Pie! How do you remember everything about everypony?" Pinkie beamed that big smile Malibu liked. "'Cause everypony's my friend, and I love to see my friends smile!"

She then began to sing a little tune while she and Malibu walked together.

"My name is Pinkie Pie (Hello!)

And I am here to say (How ya doin'?)

I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day

It doesn't matter now (What's up?)

If you are sad or blue (Howdy!)

'Cause cheering up my friends is just what Pinkie's here to do

'Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile

Yes I do

It fills my heart with sunshine all the while

Yes it does

'Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

I like to see you grin (Awesome!)

I love to see you beam (Rock on!)

The corners of your mouth turned up is always Pinkie's dream (Hoof bump!)

But if you're kind of worried

And your face has made a frown

I'll work real hard and do my best to turn that sad frown upside down

'Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grin

Yes I do

Bust it out from ear to ear let it begin

Just give me a joyful grin, grin, grin

And you fill me with good cheer

It's true some days are dark and lonely

And maybe you feel sad

But Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad

There's one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhile

And that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile..."

Malibu felt happier than he ever did these past few weeks, for Pinkie Pie can make you catch the happiness flu. He was just having the most fun in his life, which made him love Ponyville all the more.

Even the town began joining in Pinkie Pie's singing, the rest of his main friends coming along, lifting up Pinkie and him.

"I really am so happy

Your smile fills me with glee

I give a smile I get a smile

And that's so special to me

'Cause I love to see you beam, beam, beam

Yes I do

Tell me what more can I say to make you see

That I do

It makes me happy when you beam, beam, beam

Yes it always makes my day

Come on everypony smile, smile, smile

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

[Choir and Pinkie Pie]

Come on everypony smile, smile, smile

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

[Pinkie Pie]

Yes the perfect gift for me

Is a smile as wide as a mile

To make me happy as can be


Come on everypony smile, smile, smile

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of

[Choir and Pinkie Pie]

Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile

Come on and smile!"

She ended the song, right as a new face came into town that Malibu never saw before; another donkey that looked about Matilda's age but bald and wearing a black wig and hauling a wagon. Pinkie beamed at him. "I've never seen you before!" The donkey grumbled. "Kid, you're smarter than you look."

"Thanks! I'm Pinkie Pie and this is Malibu, Prince Malibu to be exact. What's your name?" Malibu did his best to smile for the newcomer but the donkey didn't seem too cheerful at all to the young clone. He tried his own greeting. "Hey, er, w-welcome to Ponyville Mr... what do I call you?" The donkey glared. "None of your business young kid!" He snapped, not even startled at seeing he was an alicorn.

Pinkie was the one to find his abbreviations. "'Property of C.D.D." Her face brightened. "I'm guessing that D stands for Donkey."

The donkey rolled his eyes. "Quick as a whip, kid." Malibu then watched Pinkie trying her best to guess the donkey's first anitial. "Calvin? Calhoun? Caleb? Carl? Carmine? Carlo?" Malibu tapped her hoof. "Uh, Pink..." He tried, until the donkey had enough. "CRANKY! It's Cranky, alright?!"

The two friends blinked a little from that harsh temper, knowing Pinkie Pie was in for a difficult newcomer. "And your middle name?" Pinkie pressed on, Malibu face hoofing himself. She sometimes didn't know when to draw the line. Cranky grumbled the name under his breath. Malibu's ears twitched. "I'm sorry?" Pinkie asked. Cranky grumbled it again.

"One more time!" Pinkie encouraged, her usual grin there. Cranky then sighed heavily. "Doodle." Malibu couldn't stop himself nearly laughing, faking a cough, Cranky giving him a glare. "Just something in my throat," Malibu responded, smiling innocently. But Pinkie Pie wasn't so subtle. "You're a Cranky Doodle Donkey?!" She began to sing a somewhat familiar song Malibu heard one time ago in Manhattan.

"You're a Cranky Doodle Donkey guy.

A Cranky Doodle Donkey.

I never met you but you're my new friend

and I'm your best friend Pinkie Pie!"

Malibu saw Cranky still unamused by his friend's antics, his eyelash twitching. "Nopony... calls me... DOODLE!" He bellowed, making Pinkie Pie's face fall. After Cranky left, the two looked at each other. "Awkward..." Malibu muttered under his breath. Pinkie Pie nodded. "What just happened? Meet somepony new; check. Introduce myself; check. Sing random song outta nowhere; check. Become instant best friends; uncheck!"

She gave a little disbelieving gasp, sitting down. "I don't get it. How can somepony not become instant best friends with me? Was it something I said? Was it something I sang?" Malibu grinned at her. "Obviously this guy's feeling angry about something. We could at the very least try to show him a good time, and not pressure him so much again."

The party pony looked at him with her own smile. "A good idea, Mal. Besides, he is a new neighbor in town, and now we need to win him over! Try everything we can to make Cranky smile and be our friend... check!" She somehow pulled out a cutout checkmark, Malibu wondering where she got it from. It didn't matter as the two went back to find Cranky Donkey, who was still pulling his wagon.

"Howdy-Doody, Cranky Doodle!" Pinkie greeted, Cranky ignoring her as usual. Malibu himself kept quiet, knowing this donkey's attitude. But eventually he spoke. "So... you just moving here?" He asked. Cranky raised his brow at Malibu. "What gave you the hint there, kids? Cartload of stuff, maybe?"

Malibu rubbed his neck in embarrassment, grinning slightly, while Pinkie Pie put a hoof around Cranky's shoulder. "Well, we'd be happy to show you around. It's the least a new friend could do." The clone shuffled his hooves, thinking Pinkie is trying to make friends too quickly. Cranky pulled away. Listen kids. I traveled around Equestria my entire life. I've made many friends. I don't need anymore."

You certainly look like you haven't had much progress with friends, Malibu pondered to himself silently, hence the look on Cranky's muzzle. Pinkie kept beaming. "Oh I can never have too many friends!" She chirped, waving to Lyra and Bonbon who passed by. Malibu waved to the duo as well, hoping to hang with them at some point later. Cranky waved his hoof. "Well, why don't you go and make some more!" He snapped.

The party pony wouldn't let up though. "But I don't need to go when I can stay and make friends..." She tied his ears in a bow. "With you!" The ear bow came undone, Cranky frowning more. "Look, kids—." Pinkie giggled. "Oh, Cranky! You can call me Pinkie and him Malibu! All of our friends do!" She fluttered her eyelids which to Malibu felt a tad bit creepy.

"Pinkie, maybe we should just let him unpack first," Malibu tried to suggest. Cranky looked at him with a little bit of a grateful gaze before it soon was gone. "Look, kids. I came to Ponyville for some peace and quiet and privacy, to be alone with my memories. Like what the prince here said all I want is to get to my new home and unpack my stuff."

Malibu perked, hoping Pinkie would understand, but he heard a rattling and saw her on top of his wagon, looking at his stuff. His face fell. "Pinkie, you shouldn't—."

"Ooh! What does this bauble do?" Pinkie shrilled, shaking an ornament that looked pretty fragile to Malibu. "Don't touch that!" Cranky yelped out, Pinkie throwing it. Malibu caught it with his magic, handing it back to Cranky. "Ooooh, what's this?" Pinkie asked again with another item.

Cranky's face was looking rather stressed and rightfully so. Malibu himself was somewhat loosing patience with his friend as well, but didn't wish to shout at her. She played with some wind chimes until Cranky smacked them out of her hooves. "PINKIE! Keep your hooves off of my wagon!" He snarled, startling Malibu with how angry he was. "She didn't mean any harm," He tried but Cranky just snorted angrily, making him wince, backing away.

Pinkie Pie turned to walk away, until she gasped and zipped off, obviously to Malibu to get something. While she was gone Malibu did his best to reason with Cranky. "She really doesn't mean any harm. I know Pinkie can be a bit... hyperactive but she does have a kind heart." Cranky grumbled under his breath. "If ya say so, prince," He huffed before Pinkie returned with her wagon, which was a party one.

"I promised not to touch your wagon so I brought my own!" Cranky gritted his teeth. "I use it to welcome folks!"

Malibu himself never saw it before, which was a rather wild looking wagon. "Maybe we can be wagon buddies!" She invited. Cranky again tried ignoring Pinkie Pie, walking off. Pinkie sat there in sadness. "Well, you've gotta at least let me give you the special welcome that comes with it," She begged, giving bambi eyes. Malibu still wondered where that even came from in the first place, rolling his own.

Cranky gave a long droned sigh. "Let's get this over with!" He snapped. "That's the spirit!" Cheered Pinkie, before turning on the wagon that played party music, sending balloons in the air too. Malibu stared in dumbfoundment at what was happening.

"Welcome welcome welcome

A fine welcome to you

Welcome welcome welcome

I say how do you do?

Welcome welcome welcome

I say hip hip hurray

Welcome welcome welcome

To Ponyville today!"

The song ended, Pinkie Pie striking a pose, Cranky staring unamused. "Wait for it!" She chirped, the oven in the wagon exploding open, sending confetti everywhere, Cranky's wig flying off. Malibu shut his eyes from that so the confetti wouldn't get into his eyes, before suddenly being splattered on by cake batter from the confetti cannons. He wiped the batter from his face.

"Cake batter in the wagon Pinkie? Seriously?" He asked, Pinkie still smiling at him, giggling. "Oh, silly me! I must've put the confetti in the oven and the cake in the confetti cannons! Again!" She then somehow stepped out of the batter all clean, leaving a Pinkie Pie shaped version of herself behind. The pink pony chomped down, eating the cake batter. "Mm! Still delicious! Try some Cranky, it's sure to make you smile!"

Malibu mostly shook the cake batter off of his pelt, knowing he would need a bath later. He took a small lick however and it was pretty good. He saw Cranky still covered in it, trying to find his wig. "Where is it? Where is it?" He gasped.

Pinkie was confused. "Where's what?" Then she spotted something on her flank. "AH! Spider! Big hairy spider!" It turned out the 'spider' was the wig, stomping on it. "Pinkie, stop!" Malibu shouted out, pushing her off, Cranky seeing what has become of his wig, now all mangled.

"Oh, was that your wig?" Pinkie Pie asked, looking guilty about it. Malibu backed up again, ears lowered while Cranky growled angrily. "S-she didn't mean it," He attempted. "I can fix this! I can fix this!" Pinkie offered, grabbing a megaphone and jumping on a pole. "Hey everypony! Does anybody have a toupee?!"

Malibu watched the crowd muttering in confusion, wishing Pinkie Pie wouldn't do this. "This donkey is really, really bald!" Pinkie explained. Malibu covered himself with his wings. This was one of those moments where Pinkie Pie could get terribly awkward. He loved her, yes but was now becoming pretty embarrassing. The whole crowd laughed, the laughs ringing in his head, Cranky growling. "What's so funny? This is serious business, everypony! Cranky needs a new wig to cover his hairless head!"

The teal alicorn's eyes flashed a little, which startled her. "Pinkie, stop it!" He shouted, while Cranky also yelled. "I have had enough!" The donkey grabbed some grass, putting it on his head and stalking away.

Pinkie Pie slid down, her ears flattened at how angry Malibu was. "Mal, I-I didn't mean to embarrass him," She said in a timid way. Malibu felt his anger subside slightly, seeing how genuinly sorry she was, and nodded. "You can at least try to make it up to him," He then offered. Her eyes brightened, running over. "Wait, Cranky! Please let me make it up to you!"

"No!" Cranky stormed back. Malibu himself tried. "She really is sorry. Could you give her a chance?" The donkey groaned, nodding, allowing Pinkie to bring him to her apology present; which happened to be the spa. The trio went inside, Aloe and Lotus Blossom waiting there. "Ladies, this is a spa emergency. Cranky needs help, STAT."

Malibu watched the two mares smile, taking Cranky in for his spa treatment while he and Pinkie Pie went to get something to replace his wig. They told Rarity about their situation and she instantly went to make a new toupee, which was a golden wavy one. Pinkie wrapped it up and met up with Cranky outside, who seemed much better than earlier.

"Hi, Cranky! We have a gift for you!" Cranky shook his head. "The spa treatment is a gift enough." Malibu put up a smile. "It won't explode, we promise," He said. Cranky rolled his eyes, taking it and opening the wrappings; revealing the new wig. He gasped a little, Pinkie putting the toupee on his head. "It's a new toupee! We had our friend Rarity make it. She calls it the 'dreamboat special'."

Malibu himself admitted Cranky looked better than with his old wig. He adjusted the locks slightly. "This is wonderful. Thanks kids." The donkey thanked, but still didn't smile. He went on his way then to his house finally.

Pinkie hummed to herself. "He's starting to warm up, but still no smile." Malibu then knew she wasn't gonna stop until he did smile, praying nothing else would go wrong and ruin their somewhat friendship with their new neighbor.


The duo soon went over to where Cranky lived, Pinkie smiling big at him. "Hey! Whatcha doin' there, old buddy, old pal?" Cranky frowned. "What's it look like?"

Malibu saw all the stuff that was in the wagon now out. Pinkie pulled out a snowglobe. "Looks like a yard sale! I'll pay you two bits for this!" She shook the snowglobe which had the city of Manehattan inside. It was rather nice. Cranky snatched it back. "I'm not selling, kid. I'm unpacking!" Pinkie giggled. "Well why didn't you say so?" The three went into the house, which was a nice homely little cabin. The teal alicorn smiled, he liked the house Cranky chose.

"It is nice here Cranky," He complimented to keep things friendly. Cranky huffed slightly from his words. "Whatever, kid." Pinkie balanced the snowglobe on her snout. "This is really pretty! Where did you get it?" She asked. "Manehattan, now put it down, gently," Cranky snapped. Pinkie did so. "Really? What were you doing there?"

Cranky suddenly had a lonley look on his face. "Trying to find a friend." Malibu's heart panged for the guy. He wondered how much traveling he had done to suddenly decide to lay low in Ponyville. Pinkie squealed. "Oooh, I'm always trying to find new friends, and today I found you. See how good I am at it?"

The donkey frowned. "This was a special friend." Pinkie's eyes fluttered. "Like us?" Cranky wound up rolling his eyes. "No, you two are extra special, kids."

Malibu then figured that Pinkie hadn't heard of sarcasm since her face was still full of positivity. "Yes, I'm in!" She then eyed a red ornament on the mantel. "Woow, where in Equestria did you get this, Cranky?"

"Fillydelphia." Cranky responded, uninterested. Pinkie dangled it from her mane curl. "It really is pretty," Malibu complimented. The donkey's eyes closed in sadness. "Yes, she was..."

The two friends looked at one another in confusion. Who was this 'she' he mentioned. "Huh?" Cranky shook his head. "I mean it was— I mean, it is." He glowered at her. "Yes, it's pretty, now put it down!" Pinkie did so, while Malibu spotted a book that looked like a diary. "Hey, Pink, look at this," He whispered softly while Cranky did more unpacking out of earshot.

"What is that?" Pinkie asked him, the two looking inside it. They saw a whole bunch of stuff, and Pinkie even seemed to recognize some of it. "Huh, will you look at that?" They turned to the door. "Cranky! Can I ask you about— watch out Malibu!" She shouted out, Malibu gasping as his wings accidentally knocked over a lantern which shattered, right on the book. It burst into flames.

Malibu panicked in fear from what he did. Cranky came back right at that moment. "What did you say-ayayayayay! What have you done?!" He shouted out in terror. Malibu's chest burned with guilt, while Pinkie grabbed a glass of water, dumping it onto the fire, putting it out. "There! Uh, all better?" Pinkie whimpered.

Cranky's face was livid, holding up the now soggy diary. "No, not all better, all soggy!" He stormed, Malibu shaking. He hadn't meant to do it. "Cranky, I-I didn't mean to burn it, I really didn't!" He said shakily. Pinkie's eyes watered too. "Yeah, he's really sorry!" She said. Cranky still glowered. "Oh, you're sorry! Well, then, everything is fine!" He snarled.

The two glanced at one another in confusion. "...It is?" Pinkie asked. Cranky's eyes popped. "NO! It isn't! Listen to me, kids, I will never be your friend!"

"Never, or never-ever?" Pinkie asked nervously. "NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER!" Cranky roared, kicking them both out of his house, slamming the door shut, making Malibu wince, tears now in his eyes. This was the worst moment for him; having burnt the most precious item of their new neighbor. Pinkie looked worse than he did. "That's four 'evers'. That's like... forever!" She whimpered.

Malibu wiped his eyes. "C'mon, Pink. Let's just go for now," he said in a small voice, deciding they needed to ask Twilight about it. She probably had some comfort for them both.


In the Golden Oaks library Twilight was giving the duo a lecture about their encounter with Cranky after Pinkie was telling her about it. "I just can't believe it. Cranky said he would never forever be my friend. It was horrible..." She said in a broken voice. Malibu felt the need to give her a wing hug but he himself was feeling rather awful for burning Cranky's book.

Twilight glanced at her in sympathy. "I know this is hard for you, Pinkie, seeing that you're friends with everypony, but you just have to accept that Cranky is gonna be an acception. He just... doesn't want to be bothered."

Rainbow behind them was reading yet another Daring Do book that made Malibu smile just a little, happy she was still interested in reading. "Yeah, he doesn't want to be bothered by your over-the-top super-hyper antics." She stated bluntly. That was a slap in reality for Pinkie Pie. Malibu didn't quite get angry about that since he did feel that she had been pushing friendship too hard onto Cranky.

"Rainbow!" Twilight said in an angry tone, but Pinkie surprisingly agreed. "No, no, it's ok Twilight. I get what you're saying. What the three of you are saying. And I guess... I can leave Cranky alone..."

Malibu felt a sigh of relief come. Cranky really did need to have some air away from them, especially after what he did. His face flushed in shame again, Dash noticing for a brief moment. "...right after he accepts my apology!" Pinkie suddenly finished, which felt like a bad idea, Twilight's head flopped down onto the table, Malibu deciding to stay back this time. "You go on Pinkie. Not sure Cranky would be happy to see me," He said in a small voice, sitting next to Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie glanced at him in small sympathy before her smile came back, bouncing out. Malibu knew what nightmares Cranky would have later since he knew how crazy she could get, and not give up on a goal. He had to admire her about that.

"Hey Mal, you sure you're alright?" Dash asked, closing her book. Malibu swallowed. He now felt more nervous around Rainbow since the love poison incident but also still loved to see her during his down moments. "I-I accidentally ruined something Cranky loved, a book of his old memories. Not sure if he would even forgive me for it." He said shakily, swishing his tail.

Twilight's eyes had rounded at the idea of him actually ruining a book, but then her face smiled. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you. Just let him be for a time and eventually he'll cool down." Malibu's lips turned up to match Twilights. "Thanks, I guess," He said half heartedly, glad now he wasn't with Pinkie Pie who was doing who knows what to have Cranky accept her apology. Perhaps he should make sure Cranky wasn't getting a mental breakdown from it.

He eventually went out and ran over to Cranky's cabin, seeing Cranky racing to get inside away from Pinkie, locking it tight after Pinkie apologized after possibly the 100th time. Pinkie had also ran up to the cabin, trying to knock. Malibu stared at what was happening. "Pinkie, uh I hope you haven't been scaring Cranky, since it sure looks like it," the gargoyle stated. Pinkie seemed rather awkward but instead zipped up the roof and somehow went down the chimney like at the Hearth's Warming play.

Malibu heard the hearth door slam shut, Pinkie falling to the ground on her but, then eventually, breaking the laws of physics; poked her eye through the lock. "I'd do anything to make it up to you!" Malibu was a tad grossed out at the idea of putting your eye through anything when he heard Cranky's voice. "But there's nothing you can do, your 'friend' ruined my book! He destroyed all I had to remember her by!"

Pinkie pulled her eye out while Malibu looked down, more shame in his veins. "Her? Her who? The special friend?"

"GO AWAY, PINKIE!" Screamed Cranky one more time. Pinkie Pie was about to until her eyes brightened. "Hey, Mal, remember that picture of the female donkey in his book?" He nodded. "Uh, yes?" He asked, still doubtful about their outcome for Cranky.

She had a sly smile on her face. "I think... I know who it is! Follow me!" Pinkie dragged him with her to visit the one who was in the photo which happened to be... Matilda. They called Matilda out to tell her what was going on, and Matilda agreed to come with them.

Matilda had seen how downcast Malibu had been looking. "Young dear, I don't hate you for ruining Cranky's book, since he and I both had the same one," She said, her smile on her muzzle. Malibu's face lit up just a little from her words, but would still feel better hearing it from Cranky himself.

Pinkie knocked once more. "Cranky? It's me again. I understand that you don't wanna be me and Malibu's friend or accept our apologies. Before we leave you alone forever, we have something to at least try to make up for ruining your book."

Cranky's voice came again. "No, I don't want it, kids. Anything you would give me is sure to lead into some sort of disaster!"

Matilda then giggled, speaking up now. "Goodness! You really are cranky!" That made Cranky unlock his door, opening it, and finally seeing Matilda before him, birds twittering around her as she smiled warmly.

"It-It can't be!" Gasped Cranky, going to put his wig back on, staring dumbly. "Is it really you?" Matilda fluttered her eyes, Malibu feeling his heart lightening up a little from this reunion. "It can, and it is!" Matilda confirmed. Cranky's eyes were full of disbelief. "M-Matilda! But how?"

Matilda looked over at the two friends. "Pinkie and the Prince." Cranky glanced in their direction. "I-I never told you two about her," He tried to point out.

Pinkie then explained. "Well, when you were talking about your souvenirs, you said something about trying to find a special friend! And y'know, I wasn't just born yesterday. Nuh-uh! My birthday isn't for another seventy five days!"

Malibu face palmed slightly. "Get to the point, Pinkie," He said, Pinkie giggling before continuing. "And then, in your scrapbook, there was a flower, an old ticket, and a menu from the Grand Galloping Gala! And I knew I recognized all these things!"

Cranky was still confused. "But how could you have ever seen them before?" It caused Matilda to hold up her own book. "Because, I also have them in my scrapbook." Pinkie pointed. "And we'd seen them in Matilda's book!"

Malibu saw the two look in the book and recall memories. "Oh, Matilda. The night we met at the Gala was the most magical night of my life..."


His eyes had glowed back in the present and now found himself standing in the Grand Galloping Gala, but in a different time zone.

Not again... Malibu thought to himself when spotting a young Cranky as Matilda gave him a kiss on the cheek. His eyes lit up from falling in love, following to hang out with her.

"I couldn't wait to see you again." Cranky from the present narrated. Malibu watched the young donkey go to Matilda's room, opening it, but saw the room was empty. "When I went to your room, you were gone."

Young Cranky's face fell in sadness, leaving. "Didn't you get my note?" Matilda asked from the present, Malibu noticing the piece of paper that had fallen off the door. He wondered what it had said.

Cranky then began to wander about, trying to find his true love through the land. "No, I never got it. So I went from town, to town, to town, to town, searching all of Equestria for you." Malibu noticed how Cranky had lost all of his hair and joy from searching, and could understand. His vision faded away again...


Malibu rubbed his head, Pinkie have noticed that he had another flashback spell moment again. "Until I finally gave up. I came to Ponyville to retire from my search," Cranky concluded. Matilda looked at him with love. "I was living in Ponyville the whole time. I always hoped that some day you would come and find me... Doodle," She cooed, Cranky swallowing from it.

Pinkie grinned nervously. "Uh, Matilda? Nopony calls him Doodle..." she whispered. Cranky shook his head. "Nopony but Matilda." She and him rubbed each other's faces. It was close to that moment. "Oh, Doodle, I'm so happy to see you." Matilda leaned in and kissed Cranky on the cheek.

The teal clone gargoyle was stunned from that action, seeing Cranky's ears go up, face close to splitting into a grin, until he finally did. It was the best smile he had ever seen. Pinkie had too smiled proudly at what had happened.

"So, do you accept our apology?" Malibu asked tentatively, treading on thin ice here. Cranky nodded, still smiling. "Yes, Malibu and Pinkie. I accept your apology. And, I'm honored to call you my friends."

Pinkie couldn't hold back the loud cheer in her voice, jumping high into the air. "Woo-hoo! This is just fantastic! Ooh, now we can hang out together and chat and sing song and... PARTY! Oh, I have to throw you guys a big party! It'll be called: 'Welcome to Ponyville/I Found My Lost Love/I'm BFF's with Malibu and Pinkie Pie Party!" She shrieked aloud while Matilda and Cranky nuzzled each other.

Malibu nudged Pinkie sharply, shaking his head. It made her realize and halt. "Or... maybe something less over the top and not so super hyper." The young clone nodded. "Yep," He stated. Cranky's eyes trailed to them. "Pinkie, Malibu, we are eternally grateful to you. But... Matilda and I just want to spend some time together in peace and quiet."

"Oh. Um, but are we still friends?" Pinkie asked. Cranky nodded. "Pinkie, you and Malibu went way, way, way out of your way to make me happy. Of course we're friends. And I'm sorry for yelling at you about the book, Malibu."

Malibu shrugged, his grin still on him. "No biggie, Cranky. Matilda managed to put my thoughts at ease about it. But can't wait to hang out more." He and Cranky shook hooves. "For sure, kid."

Back at the library, Pinkie had the task of writing a new letter to Malibu's mom about their experience, Malibu sitting with her. The letter went like this:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

There are many different kinds of friends, and many ways to express friendship. Some friends like to run and laugh and play together. But others just like to be left alone, and that's fine too. But the best thing about friendship is being able to make your friends smile."

Malibu liked how she wrote it. "That was great, Pink. Mom's gonna love it," He told his friend. "Aw, shucks!" Pinkie giggled, the two laughing together after that.


Next episode with assertive Fluttershy should get pretty intense especially with Malibu there and what he thinks of Iron Will.

Also Kudos to Daniel Ingram for the song Smile in this episode. Best Pinkie Pie song in S2.

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