Next Lessons: Return of Harmony

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S2 premiere part 2! Lesson Zero is up next!

Discord kept up his laughing at himself defeating the Mane 7, Malibu staring at him in anger, eyes flashing red. How he wanted to tear this guy apart single hoofed but held himself back since they had to let the Elements do it.

Twilight's face however looked rather downcast. Pinkie shoved her face into Discord, looking angrier than usual. "And what are you laughing at?!" She snapped. Discord wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh, you ponies are just the most fun I've had in eons!" Pinkie snarled. "Well quit it! You'd better think before you laugh at the search Pink..." She thought for a second. " Pie!"

The alicorn was dumbstruck for a bit. This wasn't the Pinkie Pie he knew. Fluttershy spoke behind him, also very gray. "Oh, yeah? Well ha ha!" She sneered in a crueler manner than in her usual shy and kind self. Pinkie frowned, pissed. "Quit it!" Fluttershy shook her head. "No. Ha ha!" Malibu saw Pinkie cover her ears, shutting her eyes. "QUIT IT!"

But the former shy pegasus kept up her game. "No. Ha ha-ha ha ha."

Groaning, Malibu turned to the other two Applejack and Rarity. By now he noticed that Rarity was goggling over a rock for some reason and Applejack went to it. "Hey, uh... Rarity? This here diamond of yours? Twilight said we should split it six ways since we, uh, found it together."

Ok... what have I missed? Was AJ really telling the truth? And why do they think it is a diamond? Malibu questioned, Twilight just as confused as him. Rarity out of nowhere gave a kung fu styled kick with her hooves, knocking AJ away. "Try it, punk. He's mine! All mine! Ya!"

She continued to kick, Applejack backing up. Malibu noticed too the others were just as gray, and arguing back and forth between each other. "Stop, you're supposed to be friends!" He pleaded, still somewhat smarting over the loss of Rainbow Dash and hating that his other friends were being similar. Discord probably had wound up corrupting them too.

"Guys, why are you acting like this? We need to stick together!" Twilight also said, the two of them unable to snap the others out of it. Malibu then heard Discord snicker behind them and he turned, snarling, seeing the Draconequus sitting on a theater seat, eating popcorn. "It's just too entertaining!" He exclaimed all too joyfully.

Twilight was pretty furious. "Stop it, Discord. You're not playing fair!" Malibu nodded, horn igniting. "And you better get lost if you know what's coming for you." He threatened. Discord scoffed. "I'm not playing fair? Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Hello?"

Malibu hated how Discord wasn't looking intimidated by their threats as he spoke. "And how can we find the Elements of Harmony when you took the maze away?"

Discord was surprised. "Oh, wait, did you...?" He began to laugh. "How funny! You all thought the Elements were in the Labyrinth?"

He snapped his talons, causing Malibu and Twilight to see an image of the past somehow back in the castle. Past Discord spoke his riddle again.

"Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began." Once done Discord brought them back to the present. He grinned teasingly. "I never said they were in the labyrinth."

Twilight's face fell. "But... but..." She protested. Discord began to move away. "Keep trying, Twilight Sparkle and gargoyle. Maybe the 'magic of friendship' can help you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some chaos to reek." He was gone in a second, along with causing storm cotton candy clouds to pour down chocolate rain again. Malibu cringed from it, wanting to smash Discord into a pulp but they had to focus on his riddle.

Pinkie Pie glared up at the rain. "Chocolate milk? I hate chocolate milk!"

Malibu moaned, shaking his head while Twilight thought as hard as she could. "Think, Twilight, think! 'Find the Elements back where you began.' Back where you began..." He glanced at her. "What is that even meaning?" Twilight shrugged. "I dunno. Discord can surely come up with riddles."

In the background Applejack had jumped onto Rarity's 'gem' that she was carrying on her back which looked rather heavy. "Don't touch my gem!" She hissed. Fluttershy smirked, touching the rock. "I'm touching your gem, Rarity. Ha ha!"

"What 'chu laughing at?" Snarled Pinkie Pie. It irritated the two greatly about their friends condoling in this behavior from Discord's influence. "Ugh, I just wanna go home." Twilight complained. Malibu nodded. "Me too, Twi. My head hurts." Then to his surprise Twilight seemed to have a sudden brainstorm. "Wait a minute... home! Back where you began! The Elements must be in... Ponyville!"

That made Malibu pleased for her being able to figure it out, staring at the now chaos filled town, hoping they could find them. "Good riddle solving, Twi," He praised, making her look embarassed. The two made their way to the town. "Come on, I'm certain this is what Discord's riddle really meant. If we get back to the library, I have a book I just know can give us a clue!"

She yelped when Angel and his fellow bunnies with the now long legs trampled Twilight, Malibu leaping out of the way. It still weirded him out to see the rabbits looking like that. They definitely needed to send Discord back to stone or nothing would be normal ever again.

Mean Flutter grinned. "Good boy, Angel! Mamma's so proud!" She praised in a dark tone that caused Malibu to feel worried for his friend's well beings with being corrupted like this, the sun suddenly going down fast and night hitting them hard not in the normal way. He blinked, wondering why mom set the sun so fast when it wasn't even 6:30 yet but realized this was all Discord again.

He heard lying AJ speak. "Wow, I can see so much better now." She commented. The dirt beneath Malibu began to feel slippery after she said it, and he cried out when slipping. What was going on?

Applejack had slipped into her friends on the slippery road. "Ah meant to do that," She lied. Malibu grumbled under his breath, preferring the old Applejack more. The sun came up after 2 minutes, revealing that their dirt road had turned soapy. Really, Discord?

Twilight glared rightfully so. "Discord's turned our dirt roads into soap!" She complained. Malibu struggled to get to his feet but slipped once again, seeing Discord skating on the soap nearby. He groaned, not wanting to be around this guy anymore.

Discord grinned. "Beautiful, isn't it?" It made the teal alicorn shake his head. "From your pov, maybe," He retorted back. Discord huffed. "Critics. But this is the new and improved Ponyville. And these are only my first changes!"

Malibu stared at his home in despair, eyes glowing red at Discord. "I believe you've done enough to the innocent residents down there!" He protested, slipping again after stomping his hoof on the soapy road. Discord only laughed while Pinkie skated too.

"This may look like fun, but it is not!" She snapped grumpily, Twilight groaning in response. Discord picked her up. Malibu reacted sharply at that even though the road looked too slippery for him to stop the maniac.

He pointed Twilight to the town. "Picture it, the chaos capital of the world!" Discord said proudly, the sun setting once again. Twilight frowned. "I can't picture anything. It's too dark," She said in a snippy tone, Discord dropping her. Malibu wanted to punch this guy so bad but they couldn't until the Elements were with them again.

Discord looked a bit too triumphant. "Well, wait a few minutes and you'll see it in the beautiful light of day. Or not." He disappeared again. Malibu didn't like the idea of Ponyville being the town of chaos. Twilight through the dark looked at their hometown. "Ponyville, the chaos capital of the world? Not if I have anything to say about it!" She stated in determination, Malibu agreeing with her.

Fluttershy skated by, smirking more. "Don't worry, you won't," She mocked, laughing evilly after. Malibu's ears fell, still not liking this new version of Fluttershy who seemed more cruel. The gang walked to the Golden Oaks library as the sun showed itself once again. Malibu was grateful for light to return.

Twilight gestured towards the door. "Ugh. Okay, we're here. Everyone please, please, please just go inside? Please?" Malibu went in, seeing his friends follow.

"I absolutely refuse!" Lying AJ said. Malibu thought he could see her colors turning even more gray than the first time, same with Fluttershy after she stomped on some flowers. "I hate libraries!" Pinkie complained. His ears fell, doubt for them ever getting over this so Ponyville could go back to normal. Rarity however was still outside trying to get her 'diamond' inside.

Twilight groaned again. "Pleeeease, we gotta hurry!" She ordered. Rarity glared at them suspiciously. "Forget it, Twilight and Malibu! I know what you two are up to. The second I go in, you'll have your little minion Spike come and take Tom!"

Malibu had a deadpanned look. "Tom? You seriously named a rock?" He asked, Rarity not acknowledging his comments. "Well, it's not going to work!" She hissed, petting the rock in obsession, turning grayer now. Twilight swished her tail. "You're not going in without him, are you?"

Rarity shook her head. "Mm-mm." That made Malibu snap, going to lift it himself, the rock hurting his back, forgetting to use his magic. "Ok, fine, if it pleases your highness!" He snarled, Rarity looking satisfied. He grunted, legs wobbly while walking in. He nearly fell over but Twilight steadied him, a small smile on her face.

Inside Spike was sleeping after working. Fluttershy took up the bucket. She splashed the water all over him, making Spike yelp, shaking his body from the water. "What did you do that for, Fluttershy?" He asked in confusion. Fluttershy sneered. "Because you just look so peaceful." Spike felt confused at those words as Twilight and Malibu shoved the rock through the doorway.

"Careful, Malibu! You'll ruin his beautiful finish!" Rarity complained, petting it again, grossing Malibu out who backed away. Twilight groaned more. "Oh, for the love of..."

Spike walked towards the two. "Twilight, Malibu? What's going on? Why does everypony look so... gray?" He asked in worry at the other 4, excluding Rainbow Dash which Malibu hoped they could find soon. "Don't ask," Twilight said in irritation. "I need you to help me find something."

Fluttershy spoke. "Hey, Twilight, what's soaking wet and clueless?" Malibu wondered why she was joking now. Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Fluttershy, I had just about enough—!" Malibu jumped when Fluttershy dumped the bucket onto Twilight's head "Your face!" She taunted.

"Fluttershy, that wasn't nice," Malibu snapped, but Fluttershy just gave him the mean eye. "Oh, boo hoo!" Spike was flabbergasted at all their changes of attitude. "What's happened to everypony?"

"I guess you just bring out the worst in us, Spike," Lying AJ proclaimed, Malibu feeling his heart burning. He couldn't stand this, taking out books and trying to find the Elements. "No time to explain. We've got to find the reference guide to the Elements of Harmony before somepony does something she regrets!" Twilight snarled through gritted teeth which was the most angry Malibu saw her yet.

Spike's eyes brightened. "The Elements of Harmony? I know exactly where that book is!" Malibu gave a sigh. "Great," He muttered, Spike pulling out said book. "Found it—oof!" Fluttershy knocked the book out of his hands.

"Ha!" She cried out. Malibu flew up to her. "Give that to me, Fluttershy!" He growled, eyes glowing red. Her grin grew more insane. "Keep away!" The yellow/gray pegasus taunted, tossing it to the others.

Twilight tried to grab it but they kept her from doing it. "Hey! Applejack, give me that book!" Applejack balanced it on her nose. "I don't have any book." She threw it into the air. Malibu managed to grab it but Pinkie snatched it from him again, making him crash.

He was by now seeing red, watching them throw the book back and forth. This was going too far for him, and Dash still hadn't bothered to come to help them. "Mine!" Malibu heard Rarity yell, taking a hold of the book with her magic. Twilight's eyes lit up in rage. "Hey! Do you know what you just stole?" Rarity shook her head, running about. "No, but if you want it, I want it!"

Twilight growled loudly like Malibu did, losing her temper completely, no holding back. "GIVE ME THAT BOOK!" She screeched, running after her. Malibu too lost his patience, running after Rarity as well, shooting his magic, hitting her on the side. Rarity yelped, losing the book, Pinkie Pie taking it again.

"Where is she? Where's Pinkie?" Panted Malibu, looking around. AJ shrugged. "Beats me." Twilight jumped into the air. "LIES!" It grew into a tussle with the friends in a cloud of dust, punching and biting one another. Twilight at last got the book tight in her hands, Malibu's wings out wide, horn glowing red, and his eyes. He felt like his old self again before friendship fixed him.

"Don't come any closer, or I'll do damage to everypony!" Malibu yelled. Twilight hid the book in her hooves while their friends cornered them. "Get back! All of you! This is my book, and I'm going to READ IT!"

At last they opened it. But to their shock; the Elements were inside it, all 7 of them! Malibu's mouth fell open. Discord really did hide them well!

"The Elements! They were here all along!" Twilight gasped in joy, but still felt angry at the others. Same with Malibu, who didn't want to see them anymore. The duo glanced up at their 'friends'. "See, guys? We did it! We found the Elements of Harmony! Together!"

Malibu saw Applejack yawn in a bored way, some of them lying on the rock too. He frowned. "Guess you don't really care?" He asked sarcastically. "No!" They all said in response.

Twilight gazed down in sadness. "I never thought it would happen. My friends..." Her sad face switched back to anger in seconds. "Have turned into complete JERKS!" Malibu gulped, despite feeling just as angry, had learned to never make Twilight Sparkle mad. She pulled out the Elements.

"Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! Pendant!" She placed them on everypony else, putting on Malibu's rather roughly, making him wince. She pulled out hers. "And... big crown thingy! Come on, everypony, let's go!"

Spike by now noticed sompony was missing. "Wait, aren't you missing somepony?" Twilight shook her head. "Nope! We got the liar, the grump, the hoarder, and the brute. That just about covers it!"

"What about Rainbow Dash?" He asked again. Malibu felt his heart break, remembering her harsh words now that his patience was done for. Tears came to his eyes. "Don't wanna talk about it," He croaked, looking down. Twilight then got an idea. "Congratulations, Spike! You're the new Rainbow Dash! Now let's go!" She placed the necklace onto Spike who looked terrified at the thought.

"Me? B-b-but what if she finds out I've been impersonating her? Oh... that won't end well..." Despite his situation Malibu couldn't help but feel a small twinge of humor from him. Twilight still was angry. "Too bad, you're Rainbow Dash. Now let's go defeat Discord so we don't have to ever talk to each other again!"

The others ran past him and Twilight, knocking Malibu down while they were cheering. Rarity still struggled to push her rock out the door, Twilight having enough and shouted "MOVE!" She used her magic, lifting the rock. "Look out! Here comes Tom!" Malibu raced out to avoid being hit by the boulder that smashed through the window.

He turned about to see Discord there, looking mockingly scared. "Well, well, well. I see you've found the Elements of Harmony. How terrifying!" He mocked. Malibu saw his friends looking down, doubtful. Twilight Sparkle glowered hard at their foe which by far had been the toughest yet. "Discord! I've figured out your lame riddle. You're in for it now!"

The draconequus still didn't look afraid. "I certainly am. You've clearly out-dueled me, and now it is time to meet my search fate. I'm prepared to be defeated now, ponies. Fire when ready." He made a target appear on his chest.

Malibu didn't buy his surrender but his heart was too full of anger from the previous fight to focus on his love for others. "Formation. Now!" Twilight ordered. Malibu shyly stepped next to her in his usual spot, the others not giving a heck about this. She spotted Spike hiding. "Rainbow Dash, get over here!" He gulped, running to join them.

"Alright, let's get this over with!" Twilight grumbled. Malibu nodded, his element beginning to glow, the others minus Spike's glowing too. But it wasn't working as well as before with Nightmare Moon, with his heart overbrimming with hatred and lack of love from his friends. Discord watched with interest, the Elements powering down, making them all fall to the ground.

Malibu rubbed his head. "Why isn't it working?" Malibu mumbled to himself. Twilight nodded. "Yeah, what's going on?" She asked. Applejack glanced at hers. "Mine's workin'. There must be somethin' wrong with yours." She lied, pointing to both Twilight and Malibu's Elements, making them frown.

Pinkie humphed. "I hate the Elements of Harmony!" She snipped. Fluttershy threw hers off. "Garbage!" Rarity stole it, eyes crazy. "MINE!"

Spike laid his down, Malibu feeling scared and mad about the Elements not working well for them anymore. "Sorry, guys. I guess I'd better get back upstairs and clean up the library. Good luck with all this— whoa!" Fluttershy tripped him with her tail.

"Oops, sorry, Rainbow Crash!" She sneered. Malibu growled again from hearing Fluttershy of all ponies saying that horrid nickname for his special somepony. Discord clapped his hands, making sound effects. "Bravo, ponies! Bravo! Harmony in Equestria is officially dead." He put a talon on Twilight's muzzle. "Discord rules, Celestia drools!"

Malibu roared in anger, tackling Discord whose eyes rounded. "You'd better not talk garbage about my mom!" He roared. Discord smirked, tossing him off, Twilight catching him. "And what will you do, blast your pendant at me? You are too full of hate towards yourself and your friends. I've got you, pathetic gargoyle spawn!" Discord taunted, laughing. Malibu eventually knew Discord was right, tears falling down again, as his teal fur turned gray.

Twilight gasped in horror. Now she was the only one left still colored. "Oh, Mal..." She tried to comfort, but Malibu knocked it away, eyes red. "Don't touch me. I'm nothing but an evil spawn from a mad scientist," He hissed, turning to fly away to be alone. But Twilight wondered how Discord knew about Malibu's true origins.

"It's your fault it didn't work!" Pinkie suddenly said next to her. Twilight raised her brow. "Who are you talking to?" Pinkie bounced away. "Any of you! ALL OF YOU! I'm outta here!" She too left them all behind.

Applejack made her leave to go. "I better go, too. I've got new better friends waiting for me at the farm!"

Rarity behind was pushing her rock back to Carousel Boutique. Fluttershy flew away. "Yeah! I'm sick of you losers!" Twilight trembled all over. "FINE! Leave! See if I care! I don't need you guys either! With friends like you, who needs... enemies...?"

She lowered her head, her mulberry color finally turning gray, just like what had happened with Malibu and the rest of the Mane 7. Discord had managed to split them all apart.


Malibu roamed the chaotic realm that was once Equestria, his cheeks stained with his tears and heart overflowed with anger at his former friends.

I'm just a spawn from my much better side, Brooklyn. Nopony should care about me. I would hurt them, Malibu thought silently, as a group of bison in ballerina skirts danced past him, and Angel's long legged herd.

After wandering for a time he found himself by the Everfree Forest. Malibu decided to sit there, watching Discord rule the place he once called home. He didn't even have the bravery to return to his 'mother', the sun setting quickly again.

He curled up there on the checkered ground that used to be grass, poking at it. Suddenly a voice hit his ears; a young female.


Jumping slightly, Malibu looked up to see a strange looking filly before him. She was search pink with a blue/purple mane, wearing a hat with a propeller. Her face looked cheerful but the thing that weirded him out was her swirly eyes. Glancing at her cutie mark Malibu noted the screw and the ball on it.

"What do you want?" Malibu muttered darkly, turning away. The search pink filly trotted over, tilting her head. "Are you an alicorn? My name is Screwball!"

The former gargoyle grumbled, swishing his tail. "Doesn't matter anymore, Discord took over everything, even my former friends."

Screwball was confused. "My father messed up your friends? But he created me." Malibu blinked slightly in surprise. This pony was created from chaos? "But... how did you even come to life?" He asked in disbelief.

She shrugged. "Dunno. All I remember was feeling myself being born, but there was no mother there for me. And I hadn't run into my father yet." The filly said in some sadness.

This was really weirding Malibu out. He backed away. "I'm already devoid of love, so you better not try any tricks on me." Screwball giggled. "I don't have powers like my father. If I do, they haven't developed yet I guess. And I don't wanna hurt you either."

Malibu somewhat felt reassured that this strange pony from chaos wouldn't harm him, sitting down again, and sighing deeply. "I-I was spawned from some kind of evil being too. But for some reason I got picked to be the Element of Love. It shouldn't have picked me." He said shakily, eyes glowing red with hate. Screwball backed away a tad before talking some more.

"Elements? I saw you all trying to use it on my... daddy. I'm only just new to this world but maybe... perhaps they only work if you truely feel what element you have. And it didn't look like harmony with you and your friends." Malibu himself was stunned by what the chaos filly said, staring at her while she smiled goofily at him.

Eventually, in his heart, if he had one; Malibu could feel some understanding from her words. Tears, but not of anger came down. "Suppose I should say thanks, but I just don't feel it anymore. Discord stripped it all away from me." Before Screwball could speak again, another voice came along.

"You do have love inside you, Malibu. I just have to help you see it." It was Twilight Sparkle and Spike, her colors back to its former glory, and a bright smile showing. Screwball was amazed at seeing the Element of Magic in front of her, still next to Malibu who just glowered in sadness and hate. "Nopony can help! You're wasting your time!" Twilight stepped up to him, her horn lighting up.

Malibu flinched when it touched his forehead, trembling. His teal color returned, enveloping his mind with calm and love. He blinked open his eyes, wondering what happened.

"Uh... T-Twilight? Where am I? What happened to me?" He asked, rubbing his head. Twilight gave him a tight hug, making him yelp. "I helped you overcome Discord's spell. We now have to help the others." Malibu felt himself smile again, hugging his 'sister' back. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, Twi. Didn't know what came over me." The two of them hugged for a time before eventually deciding to go help their other friends.

"But how did you turn back?" Malibu questioned. Twilight then explained. "Celestia sent all our letters back. The memories came to me while reading them and snapped me out of it." Malibu was happy his mom was there to help them out.

Screwball tapped on Malibu's shoulder. "Hey, is it alright if I tag along? I could be of some help." Malibu wasn't sure at first then nodded. "Ok. But then you'll have to take cover when we go and use the Elements. We have to do it or else Equestria will be done for."

The little filly looked downcast before soon agreeing, coming with them to Sweet search Apple Acres first.

When they arrived Malibu saw that Applejack somehow ate an apple backwards, smiling at a dancing Granny Smith. "And so I tried to defeat Discord, but none of my so-called 'friends' would lift a hoof to help me!"

Twilight stood there in determination with Malibu and Screwball by her side. "Applejack, I'm here to fight for our friendship!" Out of nowhere Big Macintosh poked out of the dirt, licking Twilight then going back down again. Malibu blinked for a bit before focusing on their task. Applejack stood up. "Oh, now you wanna fight. Where were you when I was battlin' Discord?"

Malibu narrowed his eyes as he tackled the earth pony, holding her down. "That's not you, AJ. The Applejack I know doesn't lie!" Twilight lit up her spell, uncorrupting her friend, her orange color coming back. She shook her head. "Wh-What happened? Twilight! I saw a vision of us feudin' and fightin'. I couldn't face the truth, so, I started tellin' lies. Can ya two ever forgive me?"

The young alicorn nodded, offering his hoof to help her to her feet. "We already have, AJ. Now let's get the rest of our friends." AJ noticed the search pink filly next to him. "Er, who's she?" Malibu grinned slightly at Screwball. "A new friend. I'll explain later."

And they did, uncorrupting each one of them. With Rarity she had tossed out her rock, looking embarrassed. "Let us never speak of this again!" She stated, the others agreeing. They had to carry Pinkie Pie in a cart 'cause she couldn't stop laughing about turning gray.

But when the gang arrived to Rainbow Dash's cloud home, they didn't find her. Fluttershy had looked inside. "Uh? She's not here." Malibu then remembered how Discord used Cloudsdale as a method to corrupt her. "Without Rainbow Dash, we can't use the Elements," Twilight stated. Applejack looked depressed. "She could be anywhere by now! We're never gonna find her!"

Malibu tried to cheer her up though he too felt worried for her safety. "We can't give up! I know she's around somewhere!" Pinkie suddenly pointed. "Yeah, we will! 'Cause she's right there!" The gargoyle was stunned, looking up, seeing his marefriend finally just lying there on a cloud. Twilight called up to her.

"Rainbow Dash!" Dash waved. "Hey guys!"

"We've been looking everywhere for you!" Malibu shouted. Once again Dash shrugged. "That's nice!" Twilight was desperate to get the old Dash back. "Discord's still on the loose! We need you to help us defeat him with your element; Loyalty!"

Rainbow scoffed. "Loyalty, Schmoyalty! Have you guys seen Ponyville? It's a disaster! I'm staying here in Cloudsdale where everything is awesome!"

Malibu's ears fell in desperation, Rarity glaring. "How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of cloud is Cloudsdale?" Applejack gave her a grin. "The same way he got ya to think that cheap rock was a bona fied diamond?" He chuckled when seeing Rarity looking embarrassed more. "I thought we agreed to never speak of this again!"

Twilight had another plan in mind. "Time for plan B!"

The plan was for Malibu to grab Rainbow Dash with his magic, Applejack to also throw a rope around her. He flew up, feeling very nervous, using his magic and levitated the sleeping Dash up, hoping to not wake her up.

He flew down quietly, but Dash began to wake up, noticing what was happening. "Hey! Let me down, let me down!" Rainbow Dash yelled at him. Malibu shook his head. "No, this is for your own good!" He said to her in a firm voice. The alicorn called to Applejack to throw two ropes onto Rainbow, grabbing her.

Everypony there held Rainbow Dash with ropes. She kicked with all her might. "Lemme go! I don't need you guys! Leave me alone!" Malibu's tears fell more seeing Dash like this, Twilight going to cast the memory spell. It made her gray look fade away, her beautiful rainbow colors returning. Malibu's heart fluttered at it, happy that she was changing back.

She groaned from her headache. "How's Ponyville? Where are the Elements?" Dash then unexpectedly tackled Malibu. "Did we stop Discord?" Malibu flushed really deeply from this awkward situation, trying to speak but was saved from everypony else giving a group hug, Screwball watching from the side, feeling a smile from seeing the friendship before her.

He hugged Rainbow Dash tight who hugged him back. "I've missed you." Dash nuzzled him. "I know, I'm sorry I said those things earlier. Like another personality had taken over my emotions."

A group of the dancing bison that Malibu had seen earlier danced by again, making the gang stare with weirded out looks. "Maybe it is a little early for a group hug," Twilight said, the others agreeing, wanting things to be back to normal more than ever now.

Malibu turned to Screwball. "I think it is time for you to go hide now. Spike should welcome you in the Golden Oaks library. I loved meeting you, Screwball." The little filly was disappointed to miss out and see her father but nodded, going to go back. "Good luck," She wished upon them.

The Mane 7 found Discord sitting on his throne, laughing at all the chaos around him, summoning a glass he filled with chocolate milk from one of his search pink clouds. "Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing!"

"Not as wonderful as Friendship!" Twilight said in triumph, her and the other six in their group. Discord rolled his eyes. "Oh, this again?" He drank his glass, more of the glass than the milk, throwing the other contents away, causing an explosion. Malibu was ready for him to be blasted by their rainbow.

Applejack nodded. "That's right. You couldn't break apart our friendship for long!" Malibu grinned. "Yeah!" Discord raised his hand. "Oh, Applejack, don't lie to me. I'm the one who made you a liar." He caused the 5 except Malibu and Twilight to float up towards them. "Would you ever learn?"

The purple unicorn managed to use a safety magic bubble to bring her friends back down to earth. "I'll tell you what we learned, Discord: we've learned that friendship isn't always easy. But there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."

Malibu glared too. "And you won't come between us in such a way ever again!" Discord made a face. "Ugh! Gag! Fine, go ahead. Try and use your little Elements. Friend me. Just make it quick. I'm missing some excellent chaos here!"

Twilight smiled at them all, taking this advantage. "Alright, everypony. Let's show him what friendship can do—!" She was interrupted. "Wait!" Malibu saw Pinkie Pie drinking the chocolate milk rain. Such timing. She returned, looking serious now. The elements began to glow and Malibu allowed his heart to fill with love which felt wonderful.

His pendant shone bright, sending its indigo colors Discord's way along with the others. Discord didn't expect this. "Huh. What's this?" The element's powers grew even stronger. "No."

Twilight's eyes lit up, her violet Element of Magic color combining all the other 6's powers into one rainbow laser like the first time; the laser showering down onto their nemesis. Discord screamed, feeling it hitting his body, and slowly turning to stone, and removing all the damage he made.

The Mane 7 lowered to the ground, Malibu feeling the normal grassy ground in satisfaction, Discord's statued form falling to the ground. They had done it, even when Discord had nearly been successful with splitting them up.


Celestia summoned them all back to the castle for a ceremony to celebrate the Mane 7's defeat of Discord. Malibu was more than overjoyed to see his mom again, telling them their story of what had happened before the ceremony. Celestia had also agreed to take in Screwball to help live her life in this world when Malibu told her about the filly.

"But mom, it scares me that someone like Discord now knows that I am not from this world. He may try to take advantage of it if he breaks out again," He said nervously. Celestia gave him an assuring hug. "Don't worry, my son. I will protect you. For now, let us enjoy our celebration. I had been so worried while you were gone."

It assured Malibu to hear that, the two going out into the throne room, seeing his other six friends walking through the doorway. Celestia gave a speech of their success that made him feel warm inside, even getting a new stained glass memorial of their victory.

Malibu knew inside he would never want to lose their friendship in such a way ever again, vowing to be the best Element of Love he could be more than ever.

Much longer than part one but was fun to write about Discord! Hope you all liked Screwball in here too!

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