Next Lessons: Secret of My Excess

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S2 E10 Everypony! Baby Cakes and another new side story for Malibu will be coming soon next chapter!


Malibu had decided to go and hang out with Twilight at the library today, wandering through Ponyville on a bright summer day, breathing in the fresh air. He felt really lucky more than ever to be in this beautiful open air, free to wander through a town without anybody screaming monster at him.

I wish the others back at New York could see me like this; friends with others in a different dimension, Malibu thought to himself, wondering how Delilah, Talon and the others were holding up without him.

He knocked on the door before suddenly hearing laughing, and the collapsing of something inside. Startled, Malibu opened the door with his magic, to be greeted with a huge mess of books on the floor.

"Twilight? Where are you?" Malibu called out, pushing some books aside, coming across her with a book on her head. She had an annoyed look on her face while the laughing which was coming from Spike kept up. "Hey, Mal. Was just trying to organize books. But what were you laughing at, Spike?"

The former Gargoyle glanced up to see the baby dragon holding a heart shaped red gem in his talons, smiling excitedly. "Oh, hi Malibu! I was just polishing up my birthday present; a fire ruby! I've been aging it for months, and it is almost right!" He hit the gem with a tuning fork, which made a musical ping noise, making him giggle again, Malibu rolling his eyes over how obsessive Spike was with gems.

Spike then noticed the mess. "Hey, you took my advice Twilight! Just use the whole floor as one big shelf!" Malibu struggled to hold in a snicker while Twilight growled in annoyance further, helping her up. "I can help you put all these back up Twi, if you want," He offered. She smiled at him. "That's nice of you," the unicorn thanked him.

The door knocked again, and Malibu heard Rarity. "Hello? Anypony home?" Her head poked inside the doorway, Malibu smiling at her. "Hey, Rar. Sorry about the mess," He said while helping Twilight putting some books away. Rarity shrugged. "Oh, no problem darling! I was..." She gasped when seeing Spike's gem. "Is that... a fire ruby?! Huh! That must be at least twenty carats!" She goggled at the fire ruby in Spike's hands. "No inclusions, pristine facets..."

Spike looked dreamily at his snack. "And totally delicious!" Malibu winced when hearing that but Twilight spoke at that moment. "Uhh... you guys don't mind?" Rarity laughed nervously. "Oh, uh, of course. I just came by to see if you had any books on historical fashion..." She glanced suddenly at Spike, mortified at his sentence. "Did you say... delicious?"

"Sure did! Next week's my birthday! And this is my birthday dinner!" Malibu cringed when seeing Rarity's despaired face, reaching out for the gem. "Sorry," He whispered. Twilight managed to find a book for Rarity. "Start with this one."

Rarity accepted the book with a smile. "Thanks, Twilight. I've got a feeling ruffled taffeta capes are going to make a huge comeback this season, and I want to be ahead of the game..." she glanced at the fire ruby again, biting her hoof, making Malibu chuckle slightly.

"I hope it's as tasty as it is beautiful, Spike. I've never seen anything quite so stunning before." Spike flushed, holding his fire ruby. "Gosh, you really like it huh?" Rarity fluttered her eyelashes. "Like it? It's magnificent..." Spike smiled shyly before sighing, making a decision. "Then you should have it." He placed it into Rarity's hooves. "This beautiful gem was meant to be with you."

Malibu was surprised that Spike was willing to give up his birthday dinner to Rarity but was happy that he was willing to do it to make a friend happy. "I don't know what to say... this is so thoughtful. Oh, my little Spikey-wikey!" She then pecked him lightly on the cheek, making Spike fall to the ground in a daze.

Rarity bounced out of the library, taking the ruby with her. "Thank you so much!" She cheered, Twilight smiling at the scene. "Wow, Spike, that was one of the most kindest, most generous things you've ever done. I've never seen Rarity so happy!" Spike smiled in his dazed way. "I will never wash this cheek again!" He giggled, making Malibu roll his eyes. To him, Spike was just a kid who shouldn't be thinking about tying the knot yet.

He helped Spike up. "Uh, Spike, don't you think Rarity may be a little too old for you?" He questioned out of concern. Spike looked at him. "I suppose, though there's no harm in dreaming, right?" Malibu then shrugged, nodding. "As long it doesn't harm your youth and to not take it too far," He warned him. Spike promised he wouldn't to Malibu while the friends continued to set up the party.


It was about a few more minutes for the guests to arrive, the party looking quite nice. Malibu himself was excited to celebrate another friend's birthday after Twilight's a month ago. "Just about finished, Spike? Everypony will be here soon!" Twilight reminded him after Malibu used his magic to hang up a few more streamers, Spike putting up one more bunch of balloons. "There. Perfect! Everything looks perfect!"

Twilight though raised her brow. "Not quite everything." She held out a washcloth for the baby dragon. Spike looked confused. "A washcloth? I don't get it." The unicorn frowned in disapproval and Spike then knew, Malibu smirking slightly. "Ah, no way, guys! I said I wasn't gonna wash the cheek Rarity kissed and I meant it!"

His cheek however looked rather dirty, which slightly grossed Malibu out, Twilight preparing to clean it while Spike tried making a run for cover. "It's over Spike! I'm cleaning that cheek!" Twilight said, sounding like a mother to Malibu who just watched the moment in amusement, Twilight trying to teleport Spike back to her. "Stop it!" Spike protested. "Never!" Twilight yelled.

After another teleport light Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared, startling the teal alicorn. She blew a party horn, throwing confetti. "Happy Birthday!" Pinkie cheered, Spike distracted. Twilight took that moment to clean the cheek at last, the baby dragon frowning in disappointment.

Malibu saw his other friends coming in with presents, somewhat wishing now he too had a birthday. But since he was created not born he didn't really have one, which made the gargoyle clone feel rather upset. But he was willing to enjoy his other friend's partys since they only came once a year.

"Party time! Woo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie cheered, the other 4 giving Spike their presents, Spike looking in awe at them all. "Are those, for me?" AJ nodded. "You bet they are, birthday boy!" Spike collapsed under all his packages, Malibu levitating them and stacking the presents neatly, his friend giving him a grateful gaze.

Rainbow Dash saw how confused he was. "Don't you know you get presents on your birthday?" She asked. Spike rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, actually, this is my first birthday in Ponyville... I usually just get one present... from Twilight. A book." He frowned when saying it, Malibu glancing at Twilight walking up with a book then pausing, hiding the present and backing away with a blush. He chuckled a bit.

"I got something for you too, Spike" Malibu said, holding up his own present, Spike opening it. It revealed to be a basket full of gems. His eyes shone. "Whoa, Mal, this is awesome!" Spike cheered, eating them right away. Malibu knew Spike would've loved that. Rarity too had a surprise for the others. "Speaking of presents, this is from my new line of taffeta capes. I'm going to make one for each of you!"

She displayed one of the capes in front of the other 5, who gazed in amazement at it. Malibu himself wouldn't mind having a cape to wear during the winter. Rarity continued. "I've been inspired by the generosity of my little Spikey-wikey, who gave me this beautiful fire ruby!" The white unicorn showed off the ruby on her necklace. "One of the kindest acts I've ever experienced." Rarity petted Spike on the head, the baby dragon grinning and turning red.


The party went fairly nicely, Spike having opened up a lot of presents. He opened a new blanket from Applejack, holding it and grinning. "Applejack, I can't thank you enough for this great blanket. I really needed a new one!"

Applejack chuckled embarrassedly. "C'mon Spike. You already thanked me 15 times. I'm startin' to get a little embarrassed." Malibu ate his cake while smiling a bit at that. He never missed cake for anything else. Spike nodded, shrugging. "I know I keep thanking you guys but I'm just so grateful. I wish this party could last forever!"

Pinkie Pie was jumping on a balloon when it popped. "Duh! The party can't last forever 'cause you have to go to Sugarcube Corner, 'cause the Cakes said they have a special surprise for you, 'cause it's your birthday!"

Malibu saw Spike look a little too eager and excited, his eyes rounding. "No way!" He zipped out the door, Pinkie calling after him. "I said the party couldn't last forever, but it doesn't need to end right now!" But he was already gone. Malibu swallowed the last of his cake. "I'll go and ensure he gets there ok," He told Twilight, quickly going outside.

He ran down the street to the bakery, seeing Spike when going in. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!" Spike had greeted. "There's the dragon of the hour! Happy birthday, Spike!" Mr. Cake greeted. Spike smiled again, Malibu wondering what present they could have. "Thanks!"

Mrs. Cake looked through their stock. "When we found out it was your birthday we couldn't resist trying out a new recipie: sapphire!" She held out a cupcake that had glittering sapphire gems with blue icing. That amazed Malibu that the Cakes were able to make a gemstone cupcake. Spike gazed in lust. "Wow!" He left with the cupcake, Malibu quickly backing out again. "Thank you so much!"

Malibu went up to him. "So, you got a gemstone cupcake?" Spike nodded. "Yup! It's pretty awesome! First I get a bunch of presents from my best friends, and now an amazing sapphire cupcake! Boy, what a day!" To the teal alicorn the baby dragon was sound a little bit overstimulated from it all, until he ran into Cheerilee literally. The two fell to the ground, Cheerilee having dropped her groceries.

Spike was concerned for her after shaking his head. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Cheerilee!" The teacher gave a smile, shrugging. "That's ok. What's gotten you so excited? Oh, hi Malibu!" Malibu waved his hoof at her with his own smile as Spike answered, eating his cupcake first while picking up the groceries.

"Pinkie Pie told me I should come see the Cakes, so they could give me a cake because it is my birthday today," He explained. Cheerilee's eyes brightened at that. "Well, happy birthday, Spike! I wish I had something to give you."

Malibu wasn't so sure about that since she hadn't been invited over to the party but she thought for a bit. "Oh!" She pulled out a hat from her bag, putting it on Spike's head. "Here you go!" Spike was amazed. "Wow, really?" He asked in a grateful tone. Cheerilee nodded. "Sure! Everypony should get fun gifts on their birthday! Have a great birthday, Spike, and see you around, Malibu!"

The gargoyle turned pony nodded as she left. "You know Cheerilee wasn't at your party right? So she didn't have to worry about getting you anything," he told Spike, but he was distracted by his new hat. "Yeah, I know. But I wish every day was my birthday..." He murmured.

"Well, be careful what you wish for, since that doesn't sound like a good idea," Malibu warned Spike while they walked back to the library. "Uhuh," Spike muttered while musing to himself. "Pinkie Pie mentions my birthday to the Cakes, and I get a cupcake. I mention it to Cheerilee, and I get this great hat!"

Suddenly the baby dragon spotted a colt playing with his ball, eyes following it like he was hypnotized. Malibu felt somewhat concerned for his friend, for Spike looked different from before. "Spike?" He asked, waving his hoof in front of him but Spike didn't seem to notice. "Hey, there, Lickety Split! That's a pretty cool ball you got there!" Spike called out. "Did you know it is my birthday?"

The colt smiled, winding up handing Spike his ball, which to Malibu was overkill on the presents, Spike laughing. "This is unbelieveable! Can you believe this, Mal?" Malibu shook his head. "No. Spike, I think you should tone it down now," He said in a worried way, but Spike still didn't heed his warnings, spotting a mare named Junebug drinking from the fountain carrying flowers.

Spike smirked, laughing which felt rather sinister in Malibu's eyes. "Hey, Junebug! It's my birthday!" Spike called out to the mare. Junebug smiled. "Happy birthday, Spike!"

But that wasn't enough for the baby dragon who kept gesturing with hands. "Aren't you gonna give me something? You know, like a birthday present?" That made Junebug a bit nervous. "Um, I... I don't have anything." Spike smiled sinisterly at the flowers. "Well, what about those flowers? I'll take those!"

"Enough!" Roared Malibu roughly, right as Twilight came along too, using her magic to pull on his ear. "Sorry, Junebug. I think Spike got a little carried away," Twilight Sparkle apologized, Junebug shrugging. "No problem... h-happy birthday, Spike!" She nervously went along her way.

Maliblu glared at Spike in disappointment. "This isn't how you should treat others on your big day," He scolded harshly. "You really scared Junebug!" Twilight nodded. "Yeah, what he said. You're out here damanding gifts now?"

The baby dragon shook his head. "Whoa, you're right guys. I don't know what got into me. Thanks for snapping me out of it. And sorry I didn't listen to you, Mal." The young alicorn then smiled, but still felt concerned for his friend. "All good, Spike. I think you just need some rest after the excitement today." Spike nodded. "Yeah. And I'd better give Cheerilee her hat back."

Twilight nodded. "Alright. See you at home later?" Spike agreed, waving. Malibu raised his brow but went on his way too, needing to have a good night's sleep after all this that had happened, hoping Spike would be normal again in the morning.


In the morning Malibu woke in his bed after having a strange dream of a huge monster stomping around in Ponyville. It was really weird which made him still feel rather tired that day, going to eat breakfast with the Apple Family before going to check on Spike and Twilight.

When he opened the door, his eyes rounded when hearing crashing noises and Twilight shouting out. He quickly raced up the stairs.

"What's going on? Is... huh?!" Malibu gaped, skidding to a halt in his tracks. Before him was Spike; but not the one he knew. Spike had grown several more inches, and his arms and claws were longer. 10 feet long in body length. Malibu's jaw was dropped so low, unable to take it all in. "S-Spike? What happened? Hey, my journal!" Malibu exclaimed, taking it from the pile. How did Spike even get his hands on it while he was sleeping?

Spike turned to him before spotting a globe. "Uh, dunno. Just woke up this way. Can I have that globe, Twilight? You're not using it, right?" He snatched the globe, taking it into his pile of junk. Malibu wondered how he got all that stuff in the first place. Twilight herself was looking terrified of this new Spike. "Something's happening to him, Malibu, but I'm not sure what. He's usually not so... grabby!" Spike had tried taking a book but Twilight pulled it away.

Malibu watched Spike managing to grab it. "My arms aren't usually this long either!" Suddenly his voice had dropped to a deep low tone mid sentence, making him cover up his mouth, eyes wide. This was bad in Malibu's eyes. Some kind of spell must've taken hold of Spike, making him age rapidly. "What's happening to me?!" Spike yelped in his now deep voice.

Twilight nudged him towards the door. "Come on, we need to see Dr. Horse," She encouraged, Spike and Malibu following her out to the hospital.

Spike sat on the exam table while trying to take the candy, Malibu using his magic to keep the candy bowl away. Dr. Horse came in to examine his new patient. "Well, now, what seems to be the problem?" Twilight gazed at him in concern. "This is Spike. And there's something wrong with him. He used to be half this size. And he keeps trying to take things that aren't his!" She said, slapping his claws away from the doctor's equipment.

"You have any idea what kind of disease this is?" Malibu questioned Dr. Horse. The doctor gazed at the not so baby dragon. "Alright then, let's just have a look see, shall we?" Suddenly he began to talk in a baby voice. "Widdle guy not feewing too good? Who's a brave widdle boy, huh? Who's a brave one?"

That voice irritated Spike greatly, and when Dr. Horse accidentally pinched his knee hard, he spurt out a large maw of green fire, making Malibu flinch and shield his eyes from the blast. "So? What do you think, Doctor?" Twilight asked, wanting to find a solution fast. Dr. Horse looked a little peeved hence his face being burnt slightly. "I think I know what the problem is."

The two ponies smiled, hoping he had an answer. "He's a dragon!" Dr. Horse revealed in an irritated voice. Malibu's face frowned from that comment. "That's not the problem, doctor. He's always been a dragon," Malibu argued back. Dr. Horse blinked. "Ok, well, that would explain it. Listen. I don't know anything about dragons, I know about baby ponies. Maybe you should try a vet."

Malibu sighed in disappointment while Spike grabbed the whole candy bowl. "Ok, thank you, doctor," Twilight replied sadly, and the two brought Spike over to see Dr. Fauna at the Ponyville Vet Clinic.

Fauna herself was startled to see them bringing in a dragon for her to examine, having Spike get onto the table for her to look at him. "Hm, well, I'm flummoxed. Y'bring me a dog, I've got it diagnosed in seconds. Snake even faster, but... to be honest, I've never seen a real live dragon before him," She told Twilight and Malibu who hoped a vet would have faster answers.

Spike had snorted out a small puff of smoke then Fauna petted him. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" She held up a jar of biscuits. "Sit." Spike obeyed, panting, taking the biscuit, and adding it to his bowl of other items instead of eating it. Malibu rolled his eyes. If he were a dog he would've eaten that biscuit in a heartbeat. Twilight sighed. "Thanks anyway. "C'mon, Spike and Malibu."

The last resort for the trio was to visit Zecora in the Everfree, in which Malibu prayed would be the place to find the answers. Inside her hut Zecora looked over at their dragon friend, even swinging a watch in front of Spike's face who tried grabbing it.

"So?" Malibu asked anxiously, swishing his tail. Zecora gave him a look of forlorne. "Ooh, he's starting to mature. Of this fact I am quite sure." Twilight blinked. "Mature? So he's just... growing up? But that doesn't explain why he keeps grabbing things!" She snatched another item out of Spike's talons.

Zecora placed some of her mysterious sparkling dust into her cauldron, Malibu and Twilight gazing into it. "A dragon's heart is prone to greed, a steady diet to make growth speed. Then, the resulting bigger size only makes their hunger rise. If this trait should go unchecked, if Spike continues to collect, more growth will certainly occur – he is going to turn into a monster."

Malibu's eyes widened as he stared at the terrifying image of monster Spike. This wasn't good news. Twilight had gasped too. "You mean the more things a dragon collects, the bigger and greedier he gets? But how do we stop him before he's completely out of control?"

"He'll destroy Ponyville if he gets too big for it!" Malibu also added in. "If his monstrous ways you wish to impede, you must prevent him from practicing greed," Zecora said in her mysterious way, but Spike had left while they talked, taking everything in the hut with him. Malibu flushed, Twilight laughing nervously. "S-Sorry. We'll get your stuff back, Zecora," Malibu apologized, as the two ran out to find their missing dragon.

Back in Ponyville the two heard Applebloom's voice crying out. "Get away from her, you brute!" Both Malibu and Twilight halted in their tracks in fright, Spike even bigger now, having a tug of war with Scootaloo trying to take the scooter. "Spike... want!" Growled big Spike, voice even deeper. Scootaloo grunted, trying to resist. "You're not getting my scooter!" She screamed.

"Spike want!" Spike repeated. Malibu felt like panicking. "Twilight, we gotta do something! He'll hurt them!" His unicorn friend looked about until she saw a broom, levitating it and dangling it in front of Spike. "Hey, Spike! Look at this incredible broom!" That somehow distracted him, and Malibu gulped nervously when Spike had another growth spurt. "SPIKE WAAANT!" He bellowed viciously, the duo racing back to the library to lock him inside.

"C'mon, big boy! Look at this incredible broom!" Twiilght teased Spike, managing to get him inside, Malibu slamming the door shut, panting heavily, but wound up getting smacked by Spike's tail and causing him to fall into the bookshelf in a daze while Twilight locked Spike into another room, rattling coming from inside. Malibu rubbed his head.

"Is... is he... locked up?" The gargoyle turned alicorn groaned, feeling wobbly. Twilight nodded, holding the door in place. "Fight all you want, I'm not letting you out!" Twilight shouted to Spike inside until it got silent. The two looked at one another, feeling stressed. "What now?" Twilight groaned, opening the door. Spike had stolen all the books off the shelves, sitting on his pile of them, hissing.

Malibu's ears fell, wondering how long it took Twilight to organize all those. Twilight took them all back. "Spike, I just reshelved this room!" After moving the books she closed the door but more crashing happened. "Now what?" Sighed Malibu from his stress, looking inside. But Spike was gone; leaving a dragon shaped hole in the wall of the library.

Not good... definitely not good! Malibu screamed inwardly, ears very flat on his head. They had to get him back. The friends tracked him down to Sweet Apple Acers, where he had already struck the place. Applejack was looking puzzled at what had happened to her trees in which both apples and leaves were taken off of them. Malibu had wondered how Spike took them too.

Twilight ran up to AJ. "Applejack, help! Spike's running wild and I need you to lasso him!" Much to Malibu's slight confusion Applejack was laughing. He guessed now if he had heard this for the first time he would've been laughing too. But then AJ finally spotted Spike; running through her orchard, carrying her stolen apples and leaves. It made her frown. "Guys, get my rope," She demanded.

Malibu nodded, the group getting a rope and attempted to tie up Spike, but wound up tying all three of themselves to the tree. The ropes dug into Malibu's fur, making him wince and struggle as they all called out for help after Spike roared into their faces, continuing his rampage. Rainbow had heard them, flying down before seeing the trio all tied up. She began chortling.

"Don't tell me! Y-you tied yourselves up!" Dash laughed. Malibu glared at his marefriend. "Not funny Dash! Get us untied this instant!" Rainbow Dash blushed, going to do so, Malibu feeling relief after getting the rope off of him, suddenly hearing Fluttershy screaming, making him jerk up. "What was that?" Applejack asked.

"Sounded like Fluttershy to me," Rainbow Dash replied. Malibu knew he had to get there quick in case it was Spike. What they found was surprising. Fluttershy was hiding up in a tree. "What are you doing up there? What happened?" Malibu called up. Fluttershy trembled. "I was helping my squirrel friends with a dance step, and all of a sudden, a giant, r-rampaging d-d-d-dragon stormed through!" She whimpered.

"That was Spike!" Twilight explained.

Fluttershy was confused as she should. "Spike? But why would Spike steal my chicken coop?" Malibu looked over to see the missing coop with all the chickens squawking in confusion. "He just pulled it out of the ground and filled it with a bunch of apples and stuff!"

"Spike's gone crazy, we've been trying to settle down his collecting spree before he grows too big!" Malibu explained, right as Pinkie Pie shrieked out.

"That sounded like Pinkie Pie! Rainbow said again. Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Come on!" The 4 ponies raced to the bakery, seeing inside Pinkie tossing cake at Spike who was collecting it, hissing at her. "Back! Get back!" The pink earth pony shouted furiously, throwing more cake. Spike caught one, putting it in the coop, smirking devilishly.

Malibu frowned at her. "Pinkie Pie, stop giving Spike cake!" He yelled out, but she just glared back. "I'm not giving him cake, I'm assaulting him with cake!" She kept up her throwing, but it got worse for Spike and the store when he grew up to 20 feet now, a rather insane greedy look on his gaze, stomping out of Sugarcube corner, looking for more to plunder.

Oh no, oh no! Malibu moaned, seeing how wrecked the store was, the gang rushing out of the place, wondering where giant Spike would go now. He really felt overstimulated with utter worry for Spike's saftey, feeling it making him go lightheaded, a small panick attack coming on. He stopped mid run, trembling, whimpering.

Rainbow Dash had seen this, her eyes filled with worry for her coltfriend. She quickly went to him. "Hey, Mal, can you hear me? Mal!" Malibu's eyes were clouded over, scared for the town of Ponyville to fall to rubble and to lose his best dragon friend to his greed. His legs shook, heart racing a mile.

"Snap out of it, sugarcube!" Called AJ. It was up to Twilight to settle his nerves by casting a calming spell on Malibu. Malibu felt so terribly dizzy, panting shakily, until the spell hit him. It managed to slow down his heart, a fresh wave of calm going through his veins, making him sigh softly. "T-thanks," He croaked to Twilight. She smiled gently. "What friends do," The purple unicorn stated.

"But we gotta save Spike, or we'll lose him," Malibu said, still rather worried, hearing an air raid siren call out in town, Spike now having grown 100 feet tall in height, a full grown adult, roaring viciously. Ponies screamed when trying to run for it. Malibu even saw to his horror Rarity being held by Spike's really long tail, screaming her head off.

"Rarity!" He shouted, unsure how he could save her while Spike grabbed a water tower when running out of room to carry his things, causing a mini flood in the town but was nothing compared to a giant dragon here. Fluttershy and Rainbow flew up to save Rarity. "Don't worry, we'll save you!" Flutter cried, the others watching from below.

"Put her down right now!" Dash yelled.

"I-If you wouldn't mind that is!" Flutter whimpered.

"I mean it, dragon boy!"

"We'll be ever so grateful if you'd be so kind as to possibly consider..."

"Drop her scaly!" Dash finished, which to Malibu wasn't helping anything, only angering giant Spike, using his tail and Rarity to swat at them, knocking the duo to the ground, even ripping her cape, the two splashing into the river. Malibu's ears fell, wondering what to do now. He didn't know any spells to change Spike back to normal and if he tried to get close Spike could burn him alive.

Having gotten out of the water Dash saw a familiar flying team above. "Look! The Wonderbolts!" She cheered. Malibu felt hope arise now, praying Spitfire and the others could do something. But unfortunately not; Spike had managed to stop the Wonderbolts, trapping them with the watertower on the cliffside while he was walking up it, grinning dangerously, beginning to roar.

It's all over now, it's all over! Malibu thought, tears coming down at the idea of losing Spike forever, until Rarity suddenly spoke to him. "Oh, be quiet. You've got nothing to be proud of. You steal everypony's things, terrorize the town, and use me as a weapon against my own friends! Which, as horrible as it is, I can almost understand because you're a dragon and all. But this!" She ripped off her cape. "This is a crime against fashion!"

Malibu then saw Spike gazing at the fire ruby Rarity was wearing, making her cover it up quickly. "Oh no! You're not getting this gemstone!" Grown Spike tilted his head, growling lightly. "This was given to me by my dear friend Spikey-wikey, the kindest, sweetest, most generous dragon ever. And it is too precious to me to give to a greedy old beast like you!"

Spike then had a look in his eyes that from Malibu's perspective looked like sadness, and regret, shaking his head violently. Rarity huffed. "Oh, what now? I suppose you'll be eating me or something?"

Malibu blinked when seeing Spike in just one second changing back to his baby dragon form, leaving the two in mid air. A smile was on his muzzle when seeing his friend back to normal. "Spike?! You're the rampaging dragon?!" Rarity shrieked before they both began falling.

Pinkie jumped up and down. "Somepony do something!" Malibu glared, taking off into the air, knowing this was his chance to save them both, using his magic to catch his friends, having missed Spike nearly confessing what he felt about Rarity but was more focused on saving them.

He lowered the two to the ground, Fluttershy's eyes shining in admiration for Malibu. "Oh, you did it! I can't believe you did it!" Malibu flushed. "Was nothing really," He chuckled, both Rarity and Spike giving him a hug. Spike had tears in his eyes. "Malibu, I-I'm so sorry. I really am," He whimpered. The teal alicorn rubbed his head. "It's ok. You were able to stop yourself. Both me and Rarity are proud of that."

Rarity nodded, nuzzling Spike. "What Malibu said. And I don't hate you for it," She said gently. Spike then knew he had a letter to write to Princess Clestia.

While Rarity made the rest of the 5 their capes, Spike wrote his letter, which went like this:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a great lesson about friendship. Well, you might think that it would feel good to get lots and lots of stuff, but it doesn't feel nearly as good as giving something special to somepony you really care about. But I learned that it truly is better to give than to receive, and that kindness and generosity are what lead to true friendship. And that's more valuable than anything in the world. Well... almost anything."

Rarity had kissed him again on the cheek, which led Malibu again to wonder how all that will really work out. But Spike promised him he would wait to take the big step when older, happy this dragon rampaging business was now put behind them all for good.


Another cool episode for me to write, still feeling excited for doing A Canterlot Wedding, the one I want to do most of all.

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