Next Lessons: Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

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S2 E15 Everypony! Read It and Weep is up next!


It was pretty early on the Apple farm, Malibu snoozing away in his bed after having fed his bat last night. Shadow was still living the dream of being a pet, loving his new house. But Malibu nearly forgot that cider season was soon going to happen today when he felt his blankets removed by Applebloom.

He yelped from the cold morning air, turning sleepily to see the little filly who bounced in excitement. "What? Wha..." slurred Malibu, still in sleep mode, rubbing his eyes. "Ya can't be late for cider season, Mal! I wanna give you the first mug since we're pratically siblings... in a way... but I still wanna give you the first batch!" Malibu instantly brightened at the thought of drinking cider, which had been a while. He hated having to wait for the right season but Granny Smith always said it was to help the quality.

"I'll be right there, AB," He called to her, yawning and somewhat slowly getting out of bed, following her down to where the cider stand. Upon being outside, he gasped at what was happening: there were multiple tents out there camping out just for the cider.

"Whoa, ponies are really committed to this drink," Malibu exclaimed, Applebloom nodding while he saw Rainbow Dash looking rather angry for not getting there early, the first tent being Pinkie Pie's. "It's a big old cider party! Woo-hoo!" She squealed, jumping into the air then falling down. Applebloom tugged his hoof again. "Come on, let's get set up." She said, Malibu coming with her, sending an apologetic glance at Rainbow Dash.

The sun rose higher in the sky while the ponies were finally in line, Malibu there at the stand with Applebloom, feeling honored to help with the cider. Twilight, Rarity and Spike were in the line behind 9 others. "Isn't this exciting Spike? First day of cider season!" Twilight said in excitement and rightfully so. Malibu himself tried a fresh mug and it was the crispiest cider he ever had. Even better than last years batch. Spike agreed. "Yeah! That means it's only thirty more day 'till sapphire season!" He stated. Malibu grinned at his words. Spike and his gems.

Applejack tapped the megaphone. "Attention, everypony! Cider season is now officially open!" The alicorn gargoyle saw everypony cheer in excitement, watching them all come up to get their cider. However, Rainbow Dash was usually the unlucky one to be last in line for it. Applebloom and Malibu both helped fill up the cider mugs, giving them to the customers. Pinkie being first dumped a whole bag of bits into the box, stunning the two, but ended up giving her nearly 6 mugs.

How could she even carry them all? Malibu pondered, eventually remembering never to question Pinkie Pie about anything. Soon, finally, it was Dash's turn after such a long line. But when Applebloom tried getting the cider out, only a couple drops came. Malibu lowered his ears, thinking he could've saved some for her but forgot. Some coltfriend he was.

"Heh, sorry, everypony! That's it for today!" Applejack proclaimed, the crowd groaning in disappointment. Rainbow Dash looked downright furious. "Surprise, surprise! You ran out again!" She hissed. Malibu heard the other ponies complaining about the lack of cider. He wished he could conjure some out of thin air but that just wasn't how it worked.

Fluttershy smiled timidly. "For the record, I don't mind—." Dash interrupted, looking desperate. "Why can't you make enough cider for all of us? Or at least for me!" Malibu's ears fell. "Easy Rainbow, we—." He couldn't finish, nearly being mobbed by the crowd, knowing they had to make themselves scarce soon.

Applejack held up a hoof. "Hold on, everypony. We've done our best to approve supply this year," She stated. A stallion who Malibu recognized as Caramel glared. "You always say that! And why doesn't he make more with his alicorn magic?!" He demanded roughly, pointing sharply at Malibu who winced, backing up. "I... I..." He stuttered in fear.

The orange earth pony shook her head, coming to his defense. "And it is always true. But Apple family cider is made with love and integrity. And only the highest apples in Equestria. And for our guest, we don't force him to use magic for our needs. It only pressures him," She stated, a gentle hoof around Malibu's shoulders, making him smile in relief. "Sorry, but that recipe takes time."

More of the crowd began to grumble while dispersing. "If you all just be patient, we'll have plenty more tomorrow." Rainbow Dash herself was still quite pissed at missing out. Malibu still felt sorry for her but he himself knew that you couldn't have everything you wanted. Pinkie zipped up, grinning big. "She's right, you know! You can't rush perfection! And this year's batch was perfection!"

Malibu walked over. "Pinkie, please don't..." He begged, but too late. "I'll never forget the cider I just drank!" Sighed the pink pony, leaning on his marefriend. "It was a moment in time, that will never exist again...!" She let loose more moans, Rainbow Dash growling even further, making Malibu believe that he would probably have to take cover.

Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of a motor and a horn honking. Huh? He turned about, seeing something coming from the distance. Applejack too was confused. "What in Equestria is that?" She asked, Malibu shrugging. It appeared to be some sort of strange looking vehicle with all sorts of contraptions that Malibu couldn't name. He'd never seen anything like it.

When the machine halted, it wound up hitting the fence, Granny Smith glaring. Malibu even thought he could hear music coming from the new machine as two unicorns appeared. They were so alike in appearance they could be twins, though Malibu noted the different cutie marks and one having a mustache.

The unicorn with no mustache grinned out at the crowd, beginning to sing. "Well, lookie what we got here, brother of mine, it's the same in every town

Ponies with thirsty throats, dry tongues, and not a drop of cider to be found

Maybe they're not aware that there's really no need for this teary despair!"

Malibu jumped when the mustache unicorn appeared near him, who tousled his mane much to his annoyance. "That the key they need to solve this sad cider shortage you and I will share!"

The twins danced along with their straw hats and canes. "Well you got opportunity in this great community! He's Flim! He's Flam! We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers! Traveling salesponies nonpareil!"

Now that made sense with their appearances, Malibu thought silently, smoothing out his mane and hoped they wouldn't touch him again as these Flim Flam brothers kept up their singing. Pinkie herself was confused. "Nonpa— what?" Flim winked at her. "Nonpareil, and that's exactly the reason why, you see

No pony else in this whole place will give you such a chance to be where you need to be."Flim explained, kissing Applebloom, which made Malibu's protective instincts grow a little, not liking a complete stranger kissing his little adopted sister.

"And that's a new world, with tons of cider

Fresh squeezed and ready for drinking" Now it was Flam's turn. "More cider than you could drink in all your days of thinking!" The teal clone saw Rainbow Dash fold her hooves. "I doubt that!" She grumbles, and Malibu had to agree. But in his mind, these two were unicorns. Maybe... they could do it.

The two twins sang more, the crowd joining in. "So take this opportunity in this great community! He's Flim! He's Flam! We're the world famous Flim Flam brothers! Traveling salesponies nonpareil!"

Flim suddenly noticed Malibu, whose ears fell, backing slightly but too late, Flim putting a hoof around his shoulder. "Oh, such an honor to meet the prince!" He cheered, halting the song for a moment. Malibu gulped. "Uh, s-sure. B-but what is...?" He was interrupted, Flim instantly answering his question.

"Now you may be wondering; about our curious motive transport," he sang, Flam joining in, putting his own hoof around Malibu's shoulder. Malibu growled, struggling to pull himself free. "I say, our motive locomotion!"

Flim grinned down at Malibu who by now managed to squeeze out. "And I suppose by now you're wondering; where is this promised cider?"

"Any horse can make a claim and any pony can do the same!" Flam sang out, the crowd getting excited, but not Malibu. "But my brother and I have something most unique and superb, unseen at anytime in this big new world."

The twins sang together. "And that's opportunity!"

Malibu saw how even more excited the crowd was, the twins going overboard with their reveal, as he too wanted to see what they had in mind for the cider. "Folks you want to know it, the biggest and the best."

"The unbelievable"


"I can't believable!"

Flim and Flam stood in front of their machine, gesturing to it. "The Flim and Flam Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000!" They both introduced, Malibu blinking. That was a mouthful. Flim winked at Rarity. "What do you say, sister?" Rarity wound up nearly fainting. Now the crowd sang the verses, Malibu wondering how these two got them to sing. He didn't feel like it.

"Oh, we got opportunity

In this great community

Please Flim, please Flam, help us out of this jam

With your Flim Flam Brothers' Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000!"

Flim went up to Applejack. "Young filly, I would be ever so honored if you might see fit to let my brother and I borrow some of your delicious, and might I add spellbindingly fragrant apples for our little demonstration here?" Applejack's ears lowered, but she nodded. "Uh, sure, I guess." Malibu's face fell, wishing she refused, knowing there was some sort of scheme cooking up here.

"Opportunity in our community!"

The twins lit up their horns. "Ready Flim, ready Flam, let's bing bam zam!" The magic hit the machinery, starting it up, the hose sucking up apples. "And show these ponies a world of delectable cider!" The crowd began to chant the word cider, except for Twilight and Rarity, Malibu seeing Spike's tongue out.

"Watch closely my friends! The fun begins!" Flam said proudly, the bucket whirring the apples inside. Flim stood near the main part of the machine. "Now, here's where the magic happens. Right here in this rolling, cider-press-boiling guts of the very machine, those apples plucked fresh are right now as we speak being turned into grade-A, top notch, five-star, blow-your-horseshoes-off, one of a kind cider!"

Malibu had to admit, it sounded impressive, to make quality cider that fast, without worrying about struggling to find the right apples. But he noted Granny Smith not trusting them still. "Feel free to take a sneak peek!" Flam encouraged, a few ponies going up to watch.

Granny Smith finally spoke her defiance against the machine. "Now wait you fellers, hold it! You went and oversold it! I guarantee that what you have there won't compare! For the very most important ingredient can't be added or done expedient, and it's quality, friends, Apple Acres' quality and care!" To Malibu's relief, some of the crowd began to agree slightly, before those oily ponies smirked, talking further.

"Well, Granny, I'm glad you brought that up my dear, I say I'm glad you brought that up. You see that we are very picky when it comes to cider if you and the Prince will kindly try a cup!" He handed both Malibu and Smith a mug. Malibu didn't trust what they did but took a cautious sip. It wasn't as pristine as the Apple Family cider. He even thought he could taste a metalic taste in it.

Flam grinned, gesturing to how their machine worked. "Yes sir, yes, ma'am, this great machine is just the very best!" Malibu saw inside the machine scanned the apples from the good ones to the bad ones almost as precise as Granny Smith's eye for the perfect apple. Flim went to Applejack. "So whaddya say then, Apples? Care to step into the modern world and put the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to the test?"

The crowd kept chanting the word cider, Malibu nervous about this possibly putting the family that took him in out of business. Flim gestured to the crowd. "What do you think, folks? Do you see what the Apples and Prince can't? I see it clear it clear as day! I know she does! So does he! Come on, Ponyville! You know what I'm talking about!"

Malibu felt his brows narrow in anger at Flim and Flam insulting them like this, trying to get the crowd to drink cheap cider. The two con artist now sang their final verses, with the crowd obviously.

"We're saying you've got


In this very community

He's Flim, he's Flam

We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers

Traveling salesponies nonpareil!


Applebloom surprisingly was on board with the brother's proposal, zipping up with a big grin. "You got a deal!" She squealed, a lot the crowd looking excited, Malibu's ears flattening in shock. "AB, y-you can't mean that," He exclaimed, Granny Smith nodding. "Not so fast!" She shouted. "No way no how that machine matches up with the care we put in our cider!"

But Applebloom's eyes looked so persistant while the family with Malibu gathered around in a circle. "But if it really does work, we could make everypony in town happy!" Malibu swallowed, as he whispered to her. "I tasted it, and it isn't exactly as crisp as the one I made this morning." Applejack's ears fell too. "I just don't know, y'all. We've always made cider the same way."

Malibu grinned at her. "What I have been thinking." He responded. "Eyup... huh?" Macintosh was about to say when somehow Flim and Flam appeared in the circle too, Malibu growling a little. "We'll sweeten the deal. You supply the apples..." Flim started. "...we'll supply the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000."

They both spoke now. "Then we'll split those sweet sweet profits..."



Applebloom smiled again. "Deal—!" Applejack covered her mouth. "Wait, wait, who gets the seventy five?" Malibu asked, still glaring. Flim smirked back. "Why us, naturally, prince." Flam flashed his horn a little. "And, we'll throw in the magic to power the machine for free!"

This was all too overwhelming for both Malibu and Applejack, who didn't like this one bit. "Cider sales keep our business afloat through the winter. We'd lose Sweet Apple Acres if we agreed to this."

The teal alicorn gulped, staring in despair at this. He didn't want to lose the place he was starting to call home. Those dumb salesponies wouldn't take it if he had anything to say about it! Flim and Flam stood there, thinking they've won. "So? What'll it be?" They both asked in the twin fashion.

Big Mac stomped his hoof. "No deal!" He snapped. Malibu felt proud of Big Mac for defending their home, like how a gargoyle would. Flim humphed. "Very well. If you refuse our generous offer to be partners, then we'd just have to be competetors." Malibu's eyes glowed bright, as he growled, wings out, Applejack glowering at the two. "You wouldn't dare!" She snapped back.

"Oh no?" Flim threatened. Malibu got into his face. "I will help defend my family's home as much as I could," He growled. "You won't take it!" Flim just sneered at Malibu. "I'd like to see you try to, prince. What will you do? Write to your momma?" Before Malibu could charge full force to attack Flim Big Mac held him back.

Flam turned to the crowd. "Don't you worry, everypony! There'll be plenty of cider for all of you!" That was when Flim said the next worst thing that Malibu knew the whole time quietly to the family. "Once we drive Sweet Apple Acres out of business!" He sneered, Malibu's face full of cold horror and fury. These were the worst con artists he had encountered by far, seeing how frightened his other family was.

Once the brothers left for now, Malibu did his best to calm the Apples down. "It-It'll be alright, guys, we'll figure something out. For now, we gotta focus on selling as much cider as we can," He said nervously. Applejack had agreed with him. "He's right, y'all. Don't let them charlatans distract us. Now let us have a good night sleep for the next sale."

Malibu felt terribly nervous for Sweet Apple Acres as he went into his bed, seeing Shadow flying through his window, chittering in worry. He held out his hoof and Shadow landed on it. "Hey boy. Just really scared for losing this place. I don't want Flim and Flam to destroy everything built here. But... should I tell mom yet?" He felt conflicted at that as Shadow nuzzled him. Malibu gazed once at his journal, suddenly afraid that those con artists would probably turn his mom against him, deciding against it.

"I just gotta have faith we can beat these two in the end," mumbled Malibu softly, petting Shadow before eventually falling asleep.


It was now another day of cider making, and things were doing alright so far, minus the fact that Dash was in the back of the line again.

Malibu held his glass of cider, drinking to settle his nerves, while Twilight gave him a sympathetic look. "Still worried about Flim and Flam guys?" She asked. Spike waved his hand. 'Granny Smith says they were just blowing hot air."

Applejack lowered her ears. "I'm not so sure. They sounded mighty serious when they threatened to run us out of business," She said, shaking slightly, Malibu agreeing with her feelings. He heard Applebloom then. "That's it! Last cup!"

"Oh, for Pete's sake!" He heard his marefriend shout out, Malibu smiling slightly but knew maybe he could stash some cider for his marefriend with permission from Granny Smith. His feelings of love were squashed when the familiar noise of the Cider Squeezy machine came by again, hitting the fence Smith just fixed. She glared up at them, the twins jumping down.

Flim faked concern. "What seems to be the problem here?"

You two, duh! Get out! Malibu hissed silently, growling softly. "Oh my, oh my. Out of cider again?" Flam asked in a dramatic pose. Flim turned on the machine. "What have we here? Who'd like a cup?" Malibu yelped when the crowd of ponies rushing by nearly ran him over, cowering down. Flim held out a mug for Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry, everypony, we've got the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to make more in an instant!"

Applejack gasped aloud, using a rope to haul the barrel away, and sadly knocking out Dash's mug. She had a look of sorrow, trying to get the spilled cider, starting to cry. "You can't sell that cider! That's made from Apple Family apples!"

"Is this some kind of cruel joke?" Rainbow whimpered. Malibu felt sorry for his marefriend now, a hoof around her. "I'll get you some when this is over, promise," He vowed, Dash wiping her eyes and smiling at him.

Flim just smirked. "Ah, stop fretting. There are plenty of apples in Equestria. We'll find some others and make more cider than all of Ponyville can drink!" Applebloom however had a counter attack. "We'll make more cider than you could ever imagine!" She challenged. Malibu grinned, sensing a gargoyle spirit inside her. Granny Smith had Big Mac pick her up. "Now it isn't about the speed, youngin'. It's about quality."

The crowd groaned in disappointment from that, though Malibu wondered why. Rainbow Dash just frowned. "Who cares how good the cider is if I never get to drink any?" Malibu winced. "Dash, no," He mumbled, Flim suddenly grabbing his marefriend's face in an assaulting kind of way. "Oh, look at these poor, dissatisfied ponies!"

Malibu snarled, shoving him away. "Get your slimy hooves off of her!" He spat, standing in front of Rainbow, who didn't like what Flim did but felt tears in her eyes of how defensive and loyal Malibu was around her. Flim just rolled his eyes at Malibu and moved on. "Ponyville is Sweet Apple Cider country!" Applebloom yelled back, Big Mac dropping her now.

Applejack narrowed her brows. "Our cider speaks for itself!" She argued, Flim suddenly coming up with a challenge. "Let's put it to the test!" Applebloom grinned almost sadistically. "Anywhere, anytime!" The crowd gasped, Malibu putting a hoof on her shoulder. "Slow down, AB, easy," He said, not quite liking how challenging her voice was, Granny Smith agreeing with her.

Flam gestured to their machine. "With our machine, we can make enough cider in one hour to satisfy this entire town!" He claimed for the challenge. Applebloom however amplified it. "We'll do it in 45 minutes!"

Granny Smith's face looked stressed rightfully so. "Easy Applebloom, easy!" That was when Flim asked the one question that made Malibu hate them further. "What's wrong, Granny Smith? Chicken?" The elder mare's eyes lit up in rage. "What... did you call me sonny?"

Flim just grinned. "If you're so confident in your cider, then what's the problem?" Malibu laughed inwardly seeing an angry Granny Smith get right into the con pony's face, making his face fall in fear. "Tomorrow mornin'! Right here!" She stormed. Flam spat on an apple. "But I'm afraid we haven't any... apples."

Granny Smith pointed to one of the orchards. "You can use our south field! It'll be worth it to teach y'all a thing or two about cider makin'!" Malibu nodded. "Yeah! And I'm doing my role to help!" He said, the brothers just shaking their heads at him. "Excellent; we have a bet. Whoever produces the most barrels in one hour wins the exclusive right to sell cider in Ponyville."

Malibu watched Smith and Flim shake hooves. "And after we beat ya, I don't never want to see you bambahoozlers around here again!" Flim and Flam tilted their hats. "Until... tomorrow!" The Cider Squeezy chugged away, Malibu hating the sounds it made.

Twilight smiled encouragingly at Applejack. "Don't worry, Applejack. I know you'll win tomorrow!" Applejack didn't know about that. "We'd better, 'cause if we don't, we're gonna lose our farm."

Malibu trotted up to Applejack while she went back to the barn. "You know I can help, since I'm a, you know," He claimed, gesturing to his wings and horn. Applejack looked at him with despaired eyes. "Ah know, but, it would feel like cheatin' if we use alicorn magic to win this. Those con twins gotta know we can use honest earth pony work to get our cider."

That made Malibu lower his head a little but nodded. "Uh, ok. But I'm here if you need me," He still stated, Applejack smiling and hugging him. "Thanks, Sugarcube."


The big day of the contest finally came. Malibu's nerves were on an all time high standing outside the fence with his other 4 friends and Spike, seeing that the Apples have set up their cider making area, all of them warming up.

Twilight approached Applejack. "Applejack? Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Applejack kept bucking a dummy hanging from a branch. "Me 'n' the family are... one hundred percent confident... in our cider makin' capabilities."

Malibu saw AB hanging from the sand bag. "And besides, nopony calls Granny Smith a chicken!" She was flung from the sand bag, hitting the ground in a heap. Malibu's eyes drifted to Mayor Mare, announcing the rules. "Attention Everypony!" Twilight whispered good luck to Applejack. "The teams have one hour to produce as much cider as they can, after which the barrels will be counted and the winner will be named the sole cider provider for all of Ponyville!"

The crowd looked shocked, Malibu's heart thumping wildly, wishing he could use his alicorn magic for this situation. Mayor Mare had another stallion flip the hourglass. "Are our teams ready?" Malibu watched the Apple family ready themselves, while Flim and Flam just lounged on a couch that was part of their machine, making him roll his eyes. "Ready!" They both said lazily.

"Then let's... go!"

The contest was on; Malibu watching with bated breath, focusing more on how the Apples were doing more than the twins. Big Mac used a grinder to mush the apples, Granny Smith sniffed the good ones fromt he bad ones, Applejack piling up the barrels, Applebloom bucking the trees.

"Great job, y'all! We already filled an entire barrel!" Applejack praised after a time. Applebloom smiled, as did Malibu. "I'll bet you those guys don't even have—." They all gasped in horror. The Flim Flam brothers were making even further progress than them, barrels shooting out of the machine.

Not good, Malibu swallowed inwardly, sweat on his forehead, seeing Flim and Flam grinning, waving.

Rarity herself was panicking while the Apples struggled to focus, falling behind. "This is just dreadful! Even at top speed the Apples are only making one barrel to the twins' three!"

Malibu stomped his hoof. He couldn't watch this anymore. Both he and Twilight went up to the mayor. "Um, Miss Mayor! Are honorary family members allowed to help in the competition?" Twilight questioned nervously. Mayor Mare tapped her chin. "Well, I'm not sure... Flim, Flam, would you object to honorary family members helping?"

The twins obviously scoffed it off. "Are you kidding?" Flim asked. "We don't care if the whole kingdom of Canterlot helps! It's a lost cause!" Smirked Flam, Malibu shaking his head. Those two were hopeless. "Hm, I guess it's ok. Applejack? What do you think?"

Malibu gave a pleading look to Applejack, who smiled back at him. "I think I'd love to have the rest of my 'family' helpin' out." That made the teal alicorn have tears in his eyes. Finally.

Twilight lined up everypony who would help. "Ok, everypony, we're not gonna let those smooth talkers take our friend's farm."

"Yeah!" The 6 shouted out, Malibu flapping his wings. "Fluttershy, help Applejack and Applebloom with the trees."

"Got it!" Fluttershy said confidently.

"Malibu, you and I will help stack the barrels." Twilight told him. Malibu nodded. "I won't let you down!"

"Pinkie Pie, you're on apple catching detail!" Twilight ordered, knowing her Pinkie Sense. Pinkie saluted. "Yes sir, ma'am, sir!"

"Rarity, you've got a discerning eye. Help Granny Smith with the quality control station!" Rarity smiled. "Of course!"

"Rainbow Dash, do you think you can help Big Macintosh press?" Malibu saw his marefriend nod. "In my sleep!" He felt so proud, his heart fluttering with his love for her.

The 6 glared in determination. "Alright, everypony, let's save Sweet Apple Acres!" The gang all cheered, charging over to help. It was on again, Malibu and Twilight stocking the barrels while the others help out with everything else. It was a madhouse trying to win.

Twilight counted their progress. "Based on these figures, we're making 6 barrels for every three of theirs!" She declared, Applejack grinning at Malibu who grinned back, stocking another one. Flim and Flam had noticed, trying to speed up their pace too, but turned off the quality button on their machine. Malibu watched the hose suck up whole trees besides apples, shaking his head while stocking more.

Rainbow Dash looked up, flying into the air to sabatoge the machine. Malibu raised his hoof. "Don't do it, Dash!" He shouted, though he would've liked to have let her. "We don't have time for quality control if we wanna win this thing!" She snapped, flying over the bucket of apples, Granny Smith yelping. "Ah! Get back you! One bad apple spoils the bunch!"

The cyan pegasus glanced at Applejack. "Applejack, help me!" The orange pony shook her head. "No, there's no point in winnin' if we cheat!"

Twilight and Malibu agreed. "We'll just have to work harder! C'mon, everypony!" Malibu panted, getting tired from using his magic to lift these heavy barrels, the time sand nearly gone now. Twilight was the one to place the last barrel on the pile, Malibu scared they will lose.

"Time's up!" Called Mayor Mare, the gang collapsing from exhaustion, Malibu shaking and panting, seeing the mayor counting each team's barrels. "I'm proud of you, Applejack," Twilight mumbled, Malibu smiling gently at her. "T-Thanks," AJ replied in her shaky voice. "Integrity like that will always be... rewarded." Finished the mulberry unicorn.

But then, something happened. "Flim and Flam... win!" Mayor Mare revealed. Malibu sat up, his heart wrenching in disbelief. "No... no!" He croaked. 'We... lost?" Applejack whimpered. Flim gave a mocking look. "Daww, too bad Apples!"

Flam nodded. "Guess you'll have to find a new line of work that doesn't match your names quite so... perfectly."

Flim glanced over at the barn. "Now should we tear down all these tacky old buildings and put in new ones, brother?"

"I don't see why not, brother!" Replied Flam, Malibu's eyes glowing a large bright red, snarling nearly like a gargoyle once more. "After all, this isn't Sweet Apple Acres anymore. How about... Flim Flam Fields?" Flam continued, bringing out a new poster on the apple stand.

Rainbow was just as mad as Malibu. "I ought to press you into jerk cider!" She snarled, going to do so, but Malibu caught her with his magic. "Violence won't do any good," He said, his anger subsiding just a little, the twin's laughter ringing inside his soul. "He's right. A deal's a deal." AJ mumbled sadly.

"Congratulations to y'all. The cider business in Ponyville... is yours. C'mon Apples. Let's go pack up our things." Applejack sniffled. Malibu's tears stung his eyes. This couldn't be happening. It couldn't. Where would he go now? "Go ahead everypony. Go on. It's ok..." Applejack whimpered. Pinkie's crying broke his heart to pieces next to him.

Malibu glanced back at the brothers. "You... two... didn't deserve... to steal their home!" He spat at them. Flim just sneered. "Oh do we? We're business ponies. If we have to steal others to make a profit, we will!" He mocked. Malibu's eyes glowed red again, making him snarl. Flam raised his brow at how the pony before him did that, not sounding like a pony at all, for the brothers haven't heard of his gargoyle background yet.

Soon, the Flim Flam brothers coaxed the crowd to try the cider. "Down the hatch!" Flam cheered, until they all spit it out. "I can't get the taste off my tongue!" One mare named Cherry Berry yelled. Bon Bon glared. "Mine's got rocks in it!" A stallion glowered. "I wouldn't pay one cent for this dreck!" Malibu's heart began to lift a little. Were things turning around for them?

Flam's ears lowered. "You wouldn't pay even one cent?"


The brothers whispered for a moment, then nodded. "How about two cups for one cent?" Flim offered.


Once again they whispered another deal. "Two bits for a barrel?" Flim asked once more, grinning nervously.

"NO!" The crowd roared once more, Malibu grinning smugly back at the crooks. Looks like their side won after all. Flim and Flam both whimpered from the mob. "It looks like we've encountered a slight... problem here in Ponyville." Flam said, the two dancing again.

"Nopony wants our product. Next town?" Flim asked. Flam agreed. "Next town."

They jumped onto the cider maker. "Let's go Flim!" "Let's go Flam!" Malibu's heart felt happy once more, seeing the machine chug away at last. He just couldn't believe their luck. He ran, giving Applejack a huge hug, who looked relieved. "They're gone!" Gasped the cowpony. "For sure, and I doubt they'll be back anytime soon," Malibu promised, glaring after where they left.

Twilight nodded. "That means Sweet Apple Acres is still in business!" She cheered. Caramel spoke up near them. "Plus we can have high quality Apple family cider!" He pointed to the barrels. Applebloom looked rather triumphant. "Because of this silly competition, we've made enough of our cider for the whole town!"

The crowd cheered along with Malibu who got both him and Dash a mug of fresh cider, they both gazed lovingly into each other's eyes, drinking the cider, then giving each other light pecks on their cheeks. Applejack also thanked Malibu for the help, which he replied that was what families did. Plus she wrote a letter to the princess which went like this:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I wanted to share my thoughts with you. I didn't learn anythin'! Ha! I was right all along! If you take your time to do things the right way, your work will speak for itself. Sure I could tell you I learned something about how my friends are always there to help me, and I can count on them no matter what, but truth is, I knew that already too."

That special day ended for the Mane 7 and Spike all lifting their mugs of cider into the air, cheering for their most recent victory.


The Flim Flam brothers were fun to write, can't wait to write them again in season 4 later!

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