Starter Lessons: The Best Night Ever

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S1 Finale, Everypony! Prepare for Season Two!


It was at last the big night: the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. Malibu himself was feeling rather nervous but excited, since his mom will be there as well to host the party. She had sent him a regal prince tux that he could wear with his wings. Malibu never had the need to wear any regal clothing around his friends but would wear it for this special night.

He was hanging out with his friends while Twilight was reading through a spellbook, Pinkie Pie jumping up and down on a trampoline for some reason. "Ah! I... Can't... believe... the Grand... Galloping... Gala... is... tonight!" She squealed, Malibu's eyes watching her go up and down on it.

Twilight's ears flattened as she looked irritated, glaring. "Pinkie! Please stop shouting. I'm trying to concentrate!" She exclaimed. Rarity came out of the boutique and her eyes rounded at the sight of her.

"Oh, stop that right now! It's time to prepare for the Gala and I refuse to let you put on your new dress when you're all sweaty," Rarity exclaimed. Pinkie Pie eventually stopped jumping, leaping off the trampoline.

Malibu eyed Twilight who continued to read through the spellbook. Pinkie leaned down near Spike. "What's Twilight doing?" Spike grinned. "She's got an awesome magic spell she's been working on for the gala!" That made the prince grin. "Cool," He commented. Rarity groaned. "Where are the others? It's getting late," She complained.

The rest of the gang appeared at her words. "Hold your horses, girl. We're here!" Applejack proclaimed. Malibu turned when Twilight closed her book. "Perfect! I'm ready!" Spike brought out an apple and placed it in front of Twilight.

"An apple! Are we having pie?" Pinkie asked. Malibu shrugged, having no idea what Twilight will be doing to it. Her horn lit up with her magic; targeting the apple which began to stretch and grow, until in just minutes the apple was now a beautiful apple shaped carriage complete with a little flag on top.

"Whoa!" Malibu gaped in astonishment. Twilight definitely had been getting better with her magic since leaving Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle blushed from the compliments. "Thanks, but that's just the start. Fluttershy, did you bring your friends?" The yellow pegasus nodded, four of her mouse friends on her head. "Yes. Will they be safe, Twilight?"

Twilight smiled. "You have my word." Her horn ignited again. And to Malibu's bewilderment, she changed the mice into... horses? With mice faces that is. The others all looked a tad confused and muttered to themselves about it. Malibu laughed awkwardly. "Erm... interesting, Twi. Mice into horses?" Twilight nodded. "Yep! Neat huh? And don't worry! They'll be mice again at midnight!"

Behind them Opalescence spotted the mice/horses and smirked, jumping onto the back of one who whinnied/squeaked. "Opalescence, no!" Fluttershy cried out but it was too late as the mice/horses ran off from the cat. Malibu's ears fell. So much for that. Twilight looked stressed. "Wait! Come back! Those horses were supposed to pull our carriage. How will we get to the gala?"

Rarity rolled her eyes, a hoof on her forehead. "Whatever shall we do?" She asked sarcastically before eventually giving them blank stares, then going off to find somepony to help pull their carriage. Malibu couldn't help but chuckle silently when she returned with two stallions pulling it, Twilight looking really embarrassed. "Oh. Yeah. Right."


Around 3:40 the gang were in the spa getting dressed for the Gala. Thankfully for Malibu he didn't have to worry about shielding his eyes from his friends since they were built quite differently from human bodies. He managed to fit himself into his Gala tux, with some of Rarity's adjustments. Twilight and Pinkie Pie were both underneath some mane dryers while Spike hammered on the door. "Come on you guys! Let me in!" He complained.

Rainbow Dash went to open the door, a towel on her head mane. "Sure thing, Spike!" Rarity quickly ran up and blocked the door. "Heavens, no! We're getting dressed!" She complained. Malibu sighed. "Uh, I think it is totally ok since I'm in here too Rarity," He stated. Applejack was also confused. "Dressed? Uh, beg pardon, Rarity, but uh... we don't normally wear clothes," She explained. Rarity moaned then but opened the door.

"I'm sorry Spike. Some of us do have standards." Spike came in, looking excited. "I still can't believe we're gonna be at Canterlot tonight. Our hometown, Twilight and Malibu! And the best part is that we all get to hang out together all night long!"

The rest of them had reluctant looks on their faces. "I don't know, Spike," Rainbow said. Rarity put on her false eyelashes when one time was revealed to Malibu that had surprised him. "We'll just have to see!"

Applejack and Pinkie Pie both agreed, saying that they would all be having fun. Spike sighed, disappointed. "Oh... okay." Malibu glanced at his date. "Dash, will we still get to enjoy our time together at the Gala whenever you're not busy with the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow Dash nodded, smiling. "For sure, Mal!" He grinned, a bit of red on his cheeks.

"And don't worry, Spike. We will all get to spend some time together." Spike was happy then. "Great!"

They all moved into the carriage around 6:00, Spike doing the driving, Malibu sitting next to Rainbow Dash and feeling excited to see his mom once more at home. Spike outside was commenting on what places to visit but Malibu himself was too busy chatting among his friends about having a good time tonight.

It took them about an hour to arrive at the castle. Malibu glanced outside; seeing the magnificent towers of his old hometown, a small pang of homesickness flooding through him. Spike halted the carriage and opened the door to let them all out. Rarity stepped out first followed by the rest, Malibu and Rainbow Dash holding each other's arms, smiling towards one another. Spike peeked his eyes open after bowing, eyes rounding.

"Whoa! You all look... amazing!" He complimented with all of the other Mane 7 in their Gala dresses Rarity made. Twilight had excitement shining in her eyes, staring at the castle. "I can't believe we're finally here! With all that we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this... The Best Night Ever!"

Fireworks came from the castle, Malibu's tail swishing excitedly, the gang walking towards the entrance and his friends starting to sing.

[Twilight Sparkle]

"At the Gala

At the Gala"


"In the garden

I'm going to see them all

All the creatures

I'll befriend them at the Gala!

All the birdies, and the critters.

They will love me big and small.

We'll become good friends forever,

Right here at the Gala!"

Malibu trotting near Dash saw some other guests beginning to sing along with his friends.

"All our dreams will come true

Right here at the Gala

At the Gala"


"At the Gala (It's amazing)

I will sell them (Better hurry)

All my appletastic treats (Yummy yummy)

Hungry ponies (They'll be snacking)

They will buy them (Bring your money)

Caramel apples, apple sweets (Gimme some)

And I'll earn a lot of money

for the Apple family!"


"All our dreams and our hopes from now until hereafter

All that we've been wishing for will happen at the Gala

At the Gala"


"At the Gala

All the royals

They will meet fair Rarity

They will see I'm just as regal at the Gala

I will find him

My Prince Charming

And how gallant he will be

He will treat me like a lady

Tonight at the Gala!"


"This is what we've waited for to have the best night ever

Each of us will live our dreams

Tonight at the Gala

At the Gala"

Rainbow Dash and Malibu then saw the Wonderbolts fly ahead performing their tricks for the Gala opening, Dash's eyes shining in admiration as she too sang her piece.

"Been dreamin'

I've been waitin'

To fly with those great ponies

The Wonderbolts, their daring tricks

Spinning 'round and having kicks

Perform for crowds of thousands

They'll shower us with diamonds

The Wonderbolts will see me right here at the Gala!"

Malibu eventually sang his own bit. "This has been the night I've been waiting for... to be with my date at the Gala!"


"All we've longed for

All we've dreamed

Our happy ever after

Finally will all come true

Right here at the Grand Gala

At the Gala"

(Pinkie Pie)

"I am here at the Grand Gala

For it is the best party

But the one thing it was missing was a pony named Pinkie

For I am the best at parties, all the ponies will agree

Ponies playing

Ponies dancing

With me at the Grand Gala!"


"Happiness and laughter at the Gala

At the Gala"

Princess Celestia flew in the skies as well, leaving a magic trail behind her, looking regal. Malibu's tears fell down his face at the sight of his mom hoping to say hi to her too, Twilight now singing.

"At the Gala (At the Gala)

With the Princess (With the Princess)

Is where I'm going to be (She will be)

We will talk all about magic and what I've learned and seen (She will see)

It is going to be so special

As she takes time just for me" "(This will be the best night ever!)"

Everypony fell in line to file into the Gala, all looking cheerful and happy, Malibu's spirits high as he looked forward to a wonderful date with Rainbow Dash, the choir still singing behind him.

"Into the Gala we must go

We're ready now, we're all aglow

Into the Gala, let's go in and have the best night ever

Into the Gala, now's the time

We're ready and we look divine!

"Into the Gala

Meet new friends

Into the Gala

Sell some apples

Into the Gala

Find my prince

Prove I'm great

As a Wonderbolt is

To meet

To sell

To find

To prove

To whoop

To talk

To date"


"Into the Gala

Into the Gala

And we'll have the best night ever!

At the Gala!"

The song ended right there with them now finally inside, all 7 of them glancing about in utter excitement. Spike zipped in too. "Yeah! This is gonna be the best night ever. You know why? "Cause we're all gonna spend some time at the Gala to- oooah!"

Everypony had zipped off, minus Malibu who ensured Spike was alright. "Sorry, Spike. They all wanted to do their own thing. But we'll meet up with you later, ok?" The baby dragon agreed reluctantly, while Malibu ran to catch up with Rainbow Dash. "Wait up, Dash!" He called out. The rainbow pegasus halted so that she could let her plus one catch up.

"So, where do we go?" Malibu asked. Rainbow grinned. "The Wonderbolts hangout, of course!" The teal alicorn agreed, though he hoped eventually they could gain some private time together just to enjoy each other's company.

At the VIP lounge Soarin' from the Wonderbolts had bought one of Applejack's pies from her stand that she set up. Spitfire grinned when seeing her co Wonderbolt carrying it. "Always hungry after a show, eh, Sorin'?" The male pegasus nodded. "Yeah." But he wound up dropping his pie.

"My pie!" He cried out. Malibu's eyes widened when he saw his date fly over and managed to save the pie. Soarin' smiled. "You saved it. Thanks."

Dash rubbed her hoof after handing it over. "Hey, no prob!" Malibu caught up to them, suddenly feeling nervous around such important figures as the Wonderbolts. Spitfire spoke up. "Hey, I know you! You're the pony that saved us in Cloudsdale and won the Best Flyer Competition! And Prince Malibu, welcome to the Gala," she greeted.

Malibu smiled awkwardly. "Hay yeah! Name's Rainbow Dash!" His date then said. Spitfire laughed. "Well, Rainbow Dash, looks like your skills saved us again. Oh, well, at least they saved Soarin's apple pie."

The two spotted Soarin' munching noisily on his pie, looking happy. Spitfire walked towards the lounge. "You want to come hang out with us, Dash?" She invited. Rainbow nodded. "Sure, why not?" Malibu's face fell. Just meeting them was one thing, but if Rainbow Dash went in there he wouldn't be seeing her all night. "But..." Rainbow Dash smiled excitedly at him. "Once in a lifetime, Mal. I'm... hanging... with... the... Wonderbolts!" She gave a happy squeal, running in.

Malibu was sure he could go in but felt too shy, backing away. "Uh, alright. I-I'll just go say hi to mom. We'll meet... later..." an unhappy sigh escaped his throat and left, ears lowered.

The alicorn gargoyle hybrid walked slowly and despondently through the halls, feeling lonely again until soon he spied his mom in the greeting room. His eyes shone, heart aching. "Mom!" Malibu cried out, running up to his caretaker. The regal alicorn turned, her eyes softening at the sight of her adopted son. "Oh, my sweet son," She exclaimed, giving him his much needed wing hug. The other guests muttered at him cutting in line but Celestia gave them looks. "This is my son, you treat him with respect," She explained to them.

Twilight was seen with Celestia, the unicorn spotting him. "Hey, Mal!" She greeted, waving her hoof. Malibu waved back. "Where's Rainbow Dash? I thought you wanted to have a date with her?" Malibu cringed, heart aching. "W-With the Wonderbolts. Seemed she would much rather be there," He mumbled.

Celestia stroked his mane. "You can hang out with me and Twilight if you want." She offered. Malibu wiped his tears, smiling sadly at her and nodded, standing on the left side. Other ponies were coming up to greet their princess. Twilight grinned at her mentor. "Princess! I've been so excited to spend time with you and—."

The white alicorn nodded. "Yes, me too, Twi— oh, good evening! Welcome to the Gala!" She said to some other ponies. "Which is why— ladies! Lovely to see you again."

Malibu frowned at the sight of all those guests his mom had to greet. This may not be so fun after all. "Looks like getting a chance to talk to the Princess is gonna be a magic trick in itself," Twilight muttered. Malibu agreed, hoping Rainbow Dash was having more fun.

The other ponies could say the same. Rarity at first thought Prince Blueblood was a Prince Charming but turned out to be a total jerk, making her open doors and not treating her like a proper lady. Fluttershy struggled to befriend the animals in the garden but they kept running away from her. And AJ struggled to sell anything but nopony bought any of her food.

Pinkie Pie herself did her best to lighten the party but hadn't been successful. So far, it had been the worst night ever.

"No!" Twilight yelled, Malibu jumping.

"I waited all my life..." Rarity stated.

"For this moment!" Fluttershy said.

"And I'm not going to..." Pinkie Pie began.

"Let it slip by!" AJ growled.

"If it is the last thing I do..." Rainbow Dash promised.

"I'm going to make this... The Best Night Ever!" Twilight finished, stomping her hoof. Malibu chuckled nervously. "Yeah... best night ever..." Malibu mumbled, certain this wasn't gonna go down well.

And he was right about it. Malibu and Twilight couldn't get any privacy with their mentor as guests kept coming up to shake hooves with her and sometimes with him. His hoof was starting to feel numb after a while, a grimaced smile on his face. After a time he couldn't take it anymore, needing some air.

"Uh, mom, I need to take a moment. Too many ponies for my liking," Malibu said awkwardly, rubbing his hoof. Celestia gazed at him in concern but nodded, stroking his head. "Alright. I'll be right here should you need me. Enjoy the Gala," She said gently. Malibu smiled as he went, wishing a silent good luck for Twilight as he decided he needed food aside from fresh air.

And what better place to get food than at his best friend Applejack's food cart. He took a deep breath when smelling the fresh night air, the grass soft on his feet, wishing Rainbow Dash could be with him. She was probably having the time of her life among the Wonderbolts though.

He spotted AJ at her cart, her head lowered in sadness, no pony having bought any of her goods so far since Soarin. He approached with a grin. "Hey, Applejack." The orange earth pony perked at the sight of him. "Oh, Malibu! What brings you out here? And where's Rainbow?" Malibu cleared his throat awkwardly. "Somewhat... hanging out with the Wonderbolts. But, I sure can use some food." Applejack understood from his voice as she nodded. "So... what would you like?"

Malibu looked over her products. "Apple Cider, a fritter, cupcake, and maybe an apple dumpling?" Applejack beamed, nodding. "Sure thing, sugarcube!" She got a small platter to put the food on and Malibu levitated it with his magic and was about to take out his money but Applejack held up her hoof. "Uh uh, sugarcube, I cover all my friends with my food," She stated, sounding almost as generous as Rarity.

"Whoa, thanks," Malibu said in gratefulness. "Good luck with your sales but uh, I feel like I need to give you a little something for your Granny," He offered, placing six bits onto the table. Applejack felt moved by his generous gift. "Thank ya so much. Granny will be givin' ya a big hug when we get home."

Malibu flushed and went to eat his food. But suddenly out of the corner of his eye he spotted Rarity and... to his dread... somepony he never wanted to see again: Prince Blueblood! His heart fluttered in fear as he backed away, the two walking up to the stand. "Two apple fritters, please!" Rarity asked. Applejack perked and nodded. "Two apple fritters comin' right up! That'll be four bits!"

Rarity eyed Blueblood, making a coughing sound suggesting he should pay. Blueblood did the same. They went back and forth, irking Malibu a bit until Rarity gave up. "Ugh, I'm going to have to pay, aren't I?"

Applejack shook her head. "It's ok, Rarity! I got ya covered." Rarity looked happy. "Thank you, Applejack! At least somepony has good manners!" She said, glaring at her 'prince'. Malibu watched carefully as Blueblood bit into his apple fritter. He flinched then threw it all up onto the ground.

"Oh! Fritters! Dumplings! Caramel Apples! My royal lips have touched common carnival fair!" Blueblood cried out, looking mortified. Malibu felt enraged with that comment, stomping his hoof and stepping up there. "That's my friend's cooking you're insulting, cousin." Malibu snapped, eyes glowing.

Blueblood turned around in surprise, and Rarity blinked a bit at seeing him. Wasn't Malibu supposed to be with Rainbow Dash? Blueblood gave a haughty smirk. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Prince Reject," He sneered. This was Rarity's first time seeing how Blueblood treated Celestia's adopted son, and she wasn't liking it.

Malibu didn't feel so afraid of him like before, staring down Blueblood. "I'm saying this one more time: don't ever insult my friend's food. Or else you're gonna get it. And treat Rarity properly. She's the most generous and kind pony that I know, more so than you! And I'm not a reject! I'm the Element of Love!"

Rarity put a hoof on her heart, eyes shining. Blueblood growled at Malibu before huffing. "Whatever. Got no time to talk to you. I'm going to the buffet for some hors d'oeuvres." He turned up his nose, walking off, Rarity by his side with a small frown on her face. Malibu stepped up to Applejack. "Sorry about that," the clone gargoyle apologized. Applejack looked rather hurt, frowning after them.

"It would be alright, if I now had realized that the reason why nopony wants my food is because of them fancy vittles. Just gonna have to prove to them that I can make food as fancy as these ponies."

Malibu wasn't sure about that. "All you wanted earlier was the money to fix up your farm and Granny Smith, not prove to these rich ponies that you can be just as fancy. It's not you," He said to her. Applejack shook her head. "I gotta do it, Mal. I gotta prove I'm not just a run down cook. See ya later."

She pushed her cart to go indoors to make something fancy, leaving him there with his current food. He felt uneasy about all that, wandering back inside to find a table to sit at. Once there he laid his head on the top of it, munching his apple cupcake, drinking his cider and feeling lonely again, wishing Dash would snap out of her Wonderbolts obsession so they could have that Best Date Ever.

"Pfh. Some Best Night..." Malibu said despondent, continuing to lay there, staring blankly at the party, wondering why he even dreamed of coming here. That was when he saw Pinkie Pie had brought out a record player onto the stage, setting up the music, making him widen his eyes. What was she doing?

Pinkie smiled. "Come on, everypony! You wanted to party? Now let's paaartaaay!" She jumped into the air, trying to get the partygoers to dance but they didn't want anything to do with her antics. She even wound up knocking some into the air. Malibu stared dumbstruck at the scene before him. Applejack next came, a towering apple cake on a cart she pushed inside. He wondered how she was able to make that thing in a short time.

"Ok, all you high-class ponies! Here's a highfalutin apple cake for your hoity toity taste buds!" Pinkie Pie jumped off the stage. "Stage dive!" She shrieked, the onlookers jerking out of the way. Malibu flinched when she fell right onto the apple cake cart, Rarity having held the door open for Blueblood yet again even after Malibu's telling off.

Malibu spotted them shrieking when the cake came down, Blueblood using Rarity as a shield; the cake splattering all over her. His eyes lit up aflame, snarling dangerously despite being a pony. Blueblood was possibly the worst pony ever in his opinion. Rainbow Dash flew out to see the commotion and found her way to Malibu.

"Hey, I..." Malibu turned sharply, his glare still on his face but then it softened at the sight of Dash before him. "R-Rainbow?" She landed, pawing the ground, about to speak when Rarity began to stand up for herself since no pony else aside from Malibu was going to.

"You, sir, are the most uncharming prince I have ever met! In fact, the only thing royal about you is that you are a royal pain!" She shrieked in a brave voice that impressed Malibu greatly, a smile showing, happy that Blueblood was getting karma for his attitude. Blueblood whimpered, pulling away. "Ewww! Uh, stay back! I just had myself groomed!" He cried.

Rarity growled more. "Afraid to get dirty?!" She then shook the icing off her face, a lot of it hitting Blueblood who fell against one of the decorative alicorn statues. It began to fall over. Rainbow Dash looked at Malibu once and at the statue. Her eyes lit up. "This is my chance!"

To her it was to be able to prove Malibu she was still a good friend willing to help those in danger more than proving herself to the Wonderbolts. She rushed over, catching the statue on her back. Malibu gasped, a hoof on his mouth, not wanting his special somepony to be hurt. Dash wobbled on her hooves, the statue hitting the pillars and making them collapse, the statue breaking too.

Oh no! Malibu groaned inside, seeing everypony there glaring at them or just staring in mortified shock. Celestia and Twilight Sparkle also arrived on the scene, having the same looks. Malibu rushed over to Rainbow Dash who seemed a little bruised. He gestured a hoof to her. "Are you ok?" Dash nodded, taking his hoof and standing up shakily.

At that moment; the doors burst open and many animals ran inside, squawking and squeaking. Fluttershy stood there, her face all maddened and crazy, the most that Malibu had seen of her yet. He had no idea what was going on right now.

"You're... going... TO LOVE ME!!!" Fluttershy bellowed, the other guests screaming while the animals ran amok everywhere. Malibu and Rainbow both looked at one another in despair, knowing that the night was a loss for the Gala. Celestia had told Twilight to run and she whistled to her friends. The group ran with her out.

While going down the stairs Rarity lost one of her glass shoes. Pinkie Pie noticed. "Ooh! Rarity, your glass slipper! Now your prince is sure to find you!" She said with a grin. Malibu shook his head sharply no, not wanting Blueblood to track them down. Rarity shrieked and smashed her slipper. "Let's GO!" Rarity pulled Pinkie Pie with her and they managed to make it out of there.


At Doughnut Joes; Spike himself was feeling left out and friendless, and could only find joy through the sugary pastries. "Hey, Pony Joe! Another doughnut!" He demanded gruffly. Doughnut Joe looked worried for him. "Don't you think you've had enough?"

Spike slammed his fist on the counter. "Another doughnut! Extra sprinkles!" His heart felt terribly heavy until the doorbell rang, revealing the mane 7 all disheveled and miserable. Doughnut Joe grinned at the sight of them all. "Twilight Sparkle and Prince Malibu, ha ha! Long time, no see!"

Malibu grinned weakly. "Hey, Joe," He replied, Spike jumping off the stool, wanting to hear about it. "How was the Gala? How was your best night ever?"

After ordering some doughnuts for everypony they all explained. Spike was dumbfounded. "That sounds like the worst night ever!" He exclaimed. Malibu himself was a bit disappointed about his first date but for him, it felt rather nice to sit in a simple doughnut shop he hadn't been in since before going to Ponyville.

"It was!" Everypony else including him laughed at what had happened. Malibu after a bit felt his laugh die down before gazing awkwardly at Rainbow, who flushed. She then spoke up. "Mal... I-I have to say I'm really sorry. I let my Wonderbolt obsession really get the better of me, and I missed out on having the best night with you. I hope you can forgive me."

The teal alicorn felt tears in his eyes from her words, and he gave her a wing hug. "You were brave to come to apologize, and at least we're able to be here in this great place together than in that too fancy castle." Dash laughed, nuzzling him. "I guess so!"

Twilight however looked the most upset for thinking she had destroyed everything. "I just hope Princess Celestia isn't upset with us for ruining the Gala."

Malibu's ears picked up the sounds of his mom's voice coming out of nowhere. "That was the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!" His friends were surprised. "Princess Celestia!" They all cried out when she came in, hugging Malibu before sitting down next to him. Twilight was startled. "Pardon me, Princess. But tonight was just... awful!"

Celestia giggled in that laugh Malibu loved from his adopted mom. "Oh, Twilight. The Grand Galloping Gala is always awful!"

"Er, what?" Malibu questioned in surprise. He didn't expect this. The princess smiled. "That's why I was thrilled you were all attending. I was hoping you could liven things up a bit. And while the evening may not have gone as you all planned, I'm sure you'll agree that in the end it didn't turn out so bad for this group of friends."

Twilight smiled in the end, as did Malibu and the others. "You're right, Princess. Friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great."

Rainbow Dash nodded, hugging Malibu. "Yeah! Hanging out with friends!"

"Talking!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Laughing!" Cheered Pinkie.

Spike smirked, folding his arms. "You mean doing exactly what I wanted to do the whole time?" Malibu had to agree with the baby dragon and felt bad for leaving him in the dark. "I suppose you were right, sorry Spike." He shrugged. "Eh!"

"As horrible as our night was," Applejack began.

"Being here has made it all better!" Rarity proclaimed.

Pinkie Pie nodded. "In fact, it's made it..."

Then they all spoke together. "The Best Night Ever!" Malibu felt very warm now in his heart, relieved to have met such good friends, looking forward now to whatever lay next in store for them in the future.


Was fun to write the classic season one. Hard to believe it came out Oct. 2010. time flies by too fast. Season Two should be 20% cooler whenever I start!

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