The Beginning: A Princess's Offer

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Malibu could feel himself slowly coming to his senses, feeling so sore and achy. He could hear weird voices that sounded female like Maggie, but was unable to comprehend what they were saying.

Celestia had come back a week since they found this strange alicorn on the streets of Canterlot, seeing the stallion's eyes starting to open up finally.

His eyes fluttered open, heart thumping, seeing a new face before him, that looked like some kind of animal, and female. Her eyes looked concerning and rather curious. Malibu couldn't help the scared escaped sound from his throat, for this creature's looks scared him. Suddenly have conjured a shield that protected him, cowering.

The creature did her best not to look threatening but was startled at him being able to conjure a shield. "Easy. I'm not going to harm you," She said gently. Malibu's equine ears flickered, a little surprised to understand it. "What... are you?" Malibu asked timidly, red eyes bright in fear. Celestia thought it was interesting that this pony's eyes were red all the way, never seeing such eye color before.

"I'm a pony, young one. They call me Princess Celestia. Who are you?" Malibu gulped, having the word pony before but couldn't quite remember where. Now he was in a world where they talked. "M-M-Malibu. N-Not from here," The teal gargoyle said in a trembling tone.

Celestia felt rather worried for this one's timid appearance, thinking she ought to help him. "Where are you from? Do you remember?" Malibu nodded. "M-Malibu from someplace called... Earth. Once a gar...goyle. Created, no family. Creator make me evil. Malibu hurt those creator told me to. I soon find shiny gem that took me here." He explained the best he could with how his speaking was currently.

That made the Princess have sympathy and shock flood through her. How could one be created but not have a mother or a father? And to be forced to behave with such rage? This wasn't a normal living being. And she only heard of gargoyles that stood on certain buildings like in her old castle that she and her... sister lived in. Just thinking about her sister made Celestia's heart ache.

"I'm so sorry you had to live such a way, Malibu, and to be taken away from your old world. But, maybe, I can be your family? You could live here in the castle and I can teach you to pronounce sentences better, and control the magic you now have."

Malibu didn't know about that, regarding the scare he had in that town. But, maybe, he could live here better than at home where he felt like an outcast. And did he really want to go back? After gazing at the Princess's face for a little bit more, swallowing, he nodded. Celestia looked happy, knowing they would have to give him a guest room, holding out her hoof.

"Welcome to Equestria, Malibu. I hope you will enjoy it here." Malibu smiled shyly, taking the hoof, shaking it, which still felt too weird to him shaking this way. "You can rest in the medic wing until we get your room ready, which shouldn't be too long."

The teal now new alicorn nodded again. "Thank you." He replied, still shy about all this, lying back down into his pillow. Malibu felt himself fall asleep again since it was nearly dark, finding it weird not being able to turn to stone anymore, wondering if his old clan had been wondering where he had gone.


When his week of healing was over Celestia gave him a tour of the inside of the castle to lead him to his room. She first showed him the throne room, Malibu's eyes widening in awe at the sight of the giant chair. "This is where I address my subjects, and I try to treat them all equally." Malibu went up to the chair, sitting in it, grinning.

"Nice chair," Malibu stated, bouncing on the cushioned part, Celestia laughing, shaking her head, getting him off of the throne to show him more. She also brought him to the ball room where they had the Grand Galloping Gala, and the castle library too. She pulled out a book.

"This is where I will teach you to read, and how to use your language well. Even casting spells." Celestia said, Malibu looking excited at the sight of the book, never seeing one like this. He couldn't wait. It was looking even more exciting then back in Manhattan.

Soon Celestia finally brought Malibu to his guest room, opening the door. "I hope you will be comfortable," Celestia said gently with a smile. Malibu walked in, seeing a four poster bed, a window, and a washroom.

He climbed onto his bed, smiling further. It was so soft. "Thank you." Malibu said again, ears lowered shyly. Celestia laughed. She was sure she could eventually have him not be so shy anymore whenever they get to it.

"I'll have someone send you dinner, and tomorrow we can begin our practices," Celestia said, leaving him to get comfortable. Malibu sat there on the bed for a while. Since he had run on all fours before as a gargoyle he was no stranger to this, which was a relief, but with hooves it was different.

And with Celestia, she felt like she could be his caretaker, to show him how to live on his own, which he liked the idea of, and wondered if there were any friends out there for him to make.

Later a waiter brought up some dinner for him, which was mostly equine food, no meat. Malibu didn't know how he was gonna be able to not eat meat, but would have to be used to it, biting into the food. It wasn't as bad as he had thought, the waiter eyeing him suspiciously before closing the door. Malibu couldn't blame him since he appeared so freaky looking with his red eyes and red cross mark on his flank.

Celestia showed to say good night after raising the moon once her new guest finished eating but Malibu had a question. "Would... would Malibu be able to make any new friends here?" The princess felt herself nod. "I'm sure they would. At least for the moment, you have one friend." She gestured to herself, making Malibu smile, sleepiness overtaking him.

"Good night," Malibu mumbled, falling asleep in his new room, wondering what the next day would bring for him.

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