Chapter Three

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If there is one thing human television failed to teach me, it was the ability to identify body language. On the screen, everything is explained to me, plain and simple, written in black and white.

But with Luz in front of me, blocking the outside world and it's pouring rain, I'm not sure how to read her expressions. Her eyes express pain, hurt. The bag in her hand still gestures a gift. I can smell the pancakes, clear as day. And yet, combining the two of those does not explain the twist in her upper lip, the way it almost touches her nose in anger, disgust.

When I remain silent, stuck, and shocked, instead of acknowledging her, Luz rolls her eyes and scoffs. The bag hits her hips as she drops her hand. "Okay, last name later. First," she shoots me an angry, judging stare, "you stand me up for your 'morning meals' so you can hang out here?"

I bite the insides of my cheeks. Still, I'm quiet.

"Are you on something?" Both of Luz's brows shoot up high. "I mean, the only thing you can find here is drugs. Unless..."

The bag falls out of her hand. On impact, it opens and the white foam tray holding the morning delicacies I adore so much spills out on the floor, mixing with the dirt and grime of the old building. I finally let out a sound, like a cry, and extend one hand to the fallen treats.


Luz covers her mouth with both of her hands. "Are you a dealer?" She steps back out onto the sidewalk and into the rain. "Are you... doing a deal right now?"

"What?" The moment I understand what she says, I blink and forget about the pancakes. "Drugs? What are you talking about?"

Luz shakes her head, fingers still on her lips. "You're not dealing drugs?" she asks, her voice muffled against her skin.

"No." I shake my head. "No freaking way."

"Then..." Her eyes close as she takes in a breath. "Why are you here Franklin? Are you hiding from me?" she whispers. "Is that why you lied about your name?"

My hands drop to my side. Thinking about it, I didn't have to lie about my name, even though it was simply a title given to me after my employment with the overlords. Franklin Cog was easier to pronounce than my real name. There aren't enough syllables in the human language to even attempt to say it.

But I remember standing in front of her, right beside that confusing movie poster, and my mind latched onto the first surname I saw around me. Dominguez.

"No, that isn't why I lied, I..." I bite my lip and shake my head. "I... I just didn't think I sounded ..." I didn't think I sounded human enough. I'm not like you. Just different. I... I... "I choked, okay?" Pulling my brows together, I cross the space between the building's front entrance and pull Luz in and out of the rain. I cup her wet face in my hands. "I was nervous."

"I make you nervous?" She blinks away the raindrops stuck to her lashes.

A smile tugs at my lips. The sound of her voice calms me instantly as if I wasn't nearly caught in the act of acquiring pieces to save the Earth. That would've been a lot harder to explain than a name I made up. Faking my identity is more believable, I think.

They do it all the time on the world wide web.

"You do." I take in a deep breath. "And I'm sorry I wasn't there on time. I just..." Think, think, think. "I had to run away to think, find some words to say."

"To say to me?" Luz's hands drop on mine, gently holding onto my wrists.

That glistening sunlight returns to her eyes and I realize at that moment I missed seeing them. It had been days since I saw Luz. And now that she is in front of me, ears ready to listen, I crumble on the inside. I don't want to say goodbye to you, Luz.

"What did you need to say that was so important to do over breakfast?" as she speaks, Luz glances down at the opened doggy-bag. "I tried bringing you some, sorry."

"No, don't apologize," I say, lifting her head by her chin. "I appreciate it. I love pancakes."

"I know you do," Luz giggles. "You say it all the time."

Thunder rolls outside, causing what's left of the windows to vibrate and hum. I glance up at them, catching sight of a flock of birds trying to make it out of the rain. I smile as I watch them, wanting to fly with them. And within the crowd of flapping wings, I imagine Luz is with me, too.

I can save Earth and still return. I look back down at Luz's face, smiling as I hold her gaze. I don't need to say goodbye.

"Now what were you going to say?" She blinks at me as she grins. "Is it about that golden spear you put in your jacket?"

My smile drops instantly. And while I try to step back, Luz follows, patting my sides with her small hands. "How did it fit in there, by the way? I don't feel it."

"Luz, I..." If there was another lesson human television failed to teach me, was the ability to quickly lie and escape a situation. Nowhere in Cog training do they teach you to talk your way out of a situation like this. Then again, no one outside of the Cosmic Government was allowed to see the clockwork machine, or even the pieces belonging to it.

It was our job to quickly get in and out if the task calls for it. And on Earth, I had originally planned only to remain a day, at most. And yet, after eleven days, I've done everything wrong.

"That isn't a spear," I say, biting my lip.

"Well, yeah it's not." Luz straightens, fixing her pink sweater. "And it isn't drugs either. Not that I'd know." She pushes her hands into her front pockets. "So, what is it? It's cool and shiny. I like shiny."

"It's nothing." I try to keep her hands on her side. "How about we go back and get more pancakes, hm?" I widen my eyes, trying to plead with every fiber in my being. "I'll buy double. And I'll pay for whatever it is you've had to eat already."

Luz purses her lips. "Frank..."

"Come on." Weaving my arm behind her, I open the door and let the cold air rush in. "What do you say?"

The both of us look outside as a car hurries down the street, breaking the silence of the storm. It splashes the sidewalk with dirty water, nearly hitting a man trying to cross the street. He curses at them, lifting both of his middle fingers.

But when I look back at Luz for an answer, I find she's already looking at me. Her eyes are filled with curiosity. "Sure, I'll take morning meals," she says. "But only after you explain how you're hiding a spear in your jacket and what you're going to do with it."

My mouth dries and I find I have no saliva to swallow.

"Come on," Luz crosses her arms, "I know I've only known you like a week, but it's not every day you see something that crazy. So, fill me in, hm?"

I hold my breath.

If I had fixed Earth over a week ago, I could be on planet Poms, running around with the furry rodents that always make me laugh. Instead, I remained and grew attached to a girl who takes my breath away.

I only need to save one last breath to explain to the overlords how I'll break the biggest rule of them all...

"Just..." I slid my hand through my hair. "Don't tell anyone, okay?"

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