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- Jordon Hardy (Formerly)
- Hailstorm

- General Hailstorm
- Destroyer of Worlds (by Republic)
- Vanguard of the Freedom (by CIS)
- Lord Hailstorm (by Followers)
- The Dark Side Demon (by Jedi and Sith)

- Male

- 21

- Human (Formerly)
- Frieza Race/Frost Demon (Currently)

- Earth (Formerly)
- Raxus

- The Confederacy of Independent Systems
- The Hailstorm Legion

- General (Eventually)

- E-5 Blaster (briefly)
- Electro-staff (Briefly)

Abilities (Most of Hailstorm's abilities will be based on Xenoverse 2 as a reference. Hailstorm uses a multitude of abilities from Xenoverse 2 but as you can see this is what he will be mostly using for the most part of the story. He has many other abilities unlocked but this is his default use for the time being):
- Flight
- Ki Manipulation
- Ki Senses
- Telekinesis

Super Skills:
Strikes Supers:
- Death Crasher
- Emperor's Edge
- Feint Crash
- Meteor Blow
- Meteor Crash
- Meteor Strike
- Sauzer Blade
- Shadow Crasher
- Sledgehammer
- All Clear

- Big Bang Attack
- Crazy Finger Shot
- Destructive Eye-beams
- Death Beam
- Death Crasher
- Death Saucers
- Death Slicers
- Death Psycho Bomb
- Death Wave
- Emperor's Blast
- Galick Gun

- Afterimage
- Instant Transmission
- Solar Flare
- Maximum Energy Charge

- Fake Blast
- Hyper Movement
- Psychic Move
- Sudden Death Beam
- Super Afterimage
- Spread Shot

Strike Ultimates:
- Death Meteor

Ki Ultimates:
- Death Ball
- Hellzone Grenade
- Full Energy Wave
- Special Beam Cannon
- Supernova (Frieza and Cooler)
- Final Flash
- Double Death Slicer

Awoken Skill:
- Frieza Race Transformation (Cooler Path)
- ???

First Form

Second Form

Base Form

Augmented Form [Locked]

??? [Locked]

Basic Description:
Jordan was once a young college student born somewhere in the Australia, but was killed in an accident that was totally not embarrassing. Upon his death, Jordan was given a choice of his reincarnation. He chose to be reincarnated a Frost Demon from Dragon Ball, it was a custom Frieza Race character he made when he played Xenoverse 2. He is renamed as Hailstorm and would be bestowed abilities of the abilities of Dragon Ball and Xenoverse 2.

Jordan is a compassionate individual who genuinely seeks the good in others and is always eager to lend a helping hand. However, he can be confrontational at times and grapple with a temper issue. A devoted fan of both Dragon Ball and Star Wars, Jordan leans more towards the CIS side than the Republic, drawn to the extensive lore of the CIS.

Upon undergoing reincarnation as Hailstorm, Jordan's personality undergoes a gradual transformation into someone with a refined and civilized demeanor. He adopts dark humor, weaving twisted jokes and tasteless mockery akin to Frieza before dispatching his foes, despite his inherently kind nature. Similar to Cooler, Hailstorm maintains a positive inclination and shows respect towards both his droid and organic subordinates. He willingly takes on powerful enemies personally, fostering undivided loyalty and respect from those under his command. While the shift in his personality may not be immediately apparent, its full effect manifests over time, without fundamentally altering the essence of who he is.

Despite his morally ambiguous nature, Hailstorm upholds the values of the CIS and staunchly believes in the Separatist Cause, distinct from allegiance to the Separatist Council. Armed with an extensive knowledge of the Star Wars franchise, he is willing to extend the duration of the war for his personal amusement, often disrupting the plans of significant figures like Palpatine and Dooku. Viewing the galaxy as his experimental playground, Hailstorm aims to shape it into a better place, even if his methods are unconventional.


This was fun to make. This will different from the Unusual Commander, while there will be some comedy it would take itself as seriously despite being a so-called crack-fic. Expect the Prologue soon.

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