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Fire god Liu Kang and his entire Titan forces and earthrealm allies all United as they were about to battle Titan Shang Tsung in the most dangerous event that could possibly destroy history itself. Armageddon. Multiple clones of evil sorcerer's and evil tyrants appear as clones of other earthrealm heroes appear there was one particular person in the crowd standing while looking up at the pyramid. This fighter was Y/N L/N. Also known as the new Sub Zero due to his father's betrayal on earthrealm.

He was breathing loud in his mask while sweating as he was nervous to fight an actual Titan. Just then Titan Shang Tsung appears on the top of the pyramid.

Liu Kang: There is nowhere to run Shang Tsung! Nowhere to hide! We have banded together to rid all timelines of your evil! The threat you pose to them ends today! He shouts

Shang Tsung: Such certainty Liu Kang, that this battle will end in your favor. He smirks

Liu Kang: It can end no other way! Because the ark of history bends toward Justice!

Shang Tsung: Does it? In this timeline it bends toward me! He said as he chanted a spell as he created a portal

Shang Tsung: Behold Liu Kang! The hell i unleash upon you! He said as multiple Titan's started walking out of the portal as Liu Kang had a serious expression as Y/N had a determined look on his face.

They all see the titans on the pyramid, most of them being dark versions of Earth Realm fighters and other realm fighters.

Shang Tsung has his hand in the air as he signals them all to charge.

Shang Tsung: CHARGE!

They all rushed down the stairs as Liu Kang the others ran up the stairs bringing the fight to Shang Tsung. Liu Kang and Shang Tsung's Army get closer as they all attacked each other all at once. Y/N leaps over the huge crowd as he pounces on dark RAIDEN as he continues running up the stairs while kicking evil titan's off the pyramid. He makes it to the first floor as multiple titan's charged at him as he freezes them while dealing with the others. He kicks most of them down the stairs as he notices a dark version of himself as he kicks him off. He then noticed Sindel but she had reptile skin and spoke like him.

Lizard Queen: I can't wait to drench myself in your own blood!

Y/N gets in fighting position as the Lizard Queen spits out acid as he shoot's an ice ball towards it freezing it. The lizard queen transforms and starts to charge towards him as he leaps over her and kicks her in the face as he freezes her tail and forms an ice axe chopping off her tail making her screech in pain. She tries to bite Y/N as he holds her mouth open while struggling to keep it open, he freezes her whole entire body while she was in her reptile form as he picks her frozen body up and slams it on the ground smashing her to pieces.

Y/N: You'll shackle me no more.

He continues running up the stairs as he kicks another person off the pyramid, as he makes it to the second floor another figure appears and punches him sending him back a few feet away as he gets back up and sees a female version of scorpion.

Y/N: You picked the wrong side.

He gets in fighting position as the female scorpion uses her spear and hits him as he groans in pain.

Female Scorpion: GET OVER HERE!

She pulls him towards her and uppercuts him as he falls on the ground and punches the ground in frustration. He gets back up as the female scorpion starts to exchange punches with Y/N as he kept smacking her hand away until she managed to punch him in the face as he kicks her in the chest pushing her back and forms an ice spear. The female scorpion teleports behind Y/N and tries to attack him until Y/N being the smart one stabs her with his spear and slams her on the ground. She quickly recovers and breaks the spear as she kicks him back as he forms ice knives and starts to slash at her and finally defeats her as he drop kicks her into a huge group of titans as they all fall down the stairs. As he was catching his breath, he noticed 6 enemies rushing towards him.

Y/N: Shit!

He quickly regains himself and starts running and punches an enemy as he ran past him. He keeps running until someone pounces on him as they fall on the ground. He gets up and notices Kitana but her clothes were different and she was wearing general
shao's helmet.

Kitana Kahn: Maybe this time you'll learn respect!

He gets up as Kitana brings her fans out as Y/N gets in fighting position as he forms ice armor on himself. He signals her to attack him which she does until he manages to freeze her legs and form an ice hammer as he hits her in the head with it as he keeps going with his attacks making Kitana lose her balance. He forms an ice dagger as he tries to stab her in the neck until Kitana blocks it with her fan and blows him back knocking him down breaking his armor as he quickly recovers and makes an ice ball and shoots it towards Kitana as she deflects it with her fan. He kicks her in the face as she stumbles a little before recovering, Y/N summons his clone as the clone appears in front of Kitana and stabs her in both sides of her head before head butting her breaking her skull as she falls dead.

Y/N: Good riddance.

He continues running until he runs into Sonya but she has a laser eye.

She runs towards him as she kicks him pushing him back a little as she tries to stab him but manages to dodge it and punch her. She uses her laser as he dodges it quickly as he holds her head in place before letting go and delivering a huge hook to her face knocking her out. He quickly turns around and sees a Liu Kang clone but with Kano's eye again.

Y/N: You'll freeze when this is over!

They both start to rush at each other as Y/N had the advantage and starts delivering cheap shots to his abdomen and face as the Liu Kang clone was shooting fire projectiles at Y/N. He jumps in the air and kicks him in the head knocking down the Liu Kang clone as he shoots ice projectiles creating a shockwave as they both get knocked down. Y/N quickly recovers and sees the Liu Kang clone rushing towards him with a bicycle kick as he forms a spear as he quickly stabs him and slams him on the ground as he kept stabbing him over and over until his head falls off his body.

Y/N catches his breath until he looks up and sees Goro with 4 hammers in each arm as he jumps down and hits him with it as Y/N groans and falls on the ground while holding his rib. As the goro approaches him he was suddenly kicked by someone as goro kicks them back revealing three Johnny cage's, Ninja mime, Johnny cage, and a female Johnny cage as they all scream.

Goro charges at them as they quickly dodge and they each kick him and shoot green energy at him until ninja mime gets hit in the groin as he falls off the pyramid as Johnny and Female Johnny quickly rush towards goro who was on the edge of falling as Johnny and the female Johnny push him off. They both look at Y/N as he was shocked and a bit weirded out until he quickly looks behind and sees a deformed Johnny cage with tarkat disease.

Y/N: You chose poorly.

He starts to fight the tarkatan Johnny as he forms ice daggers in his hands and throws it at him stunning him as Y/N blasts an ice beam at him.

The tarkatan Johnny begins to freeze as Y/N increases the intensity as the tarkatan explodes to bits as blood was splattered everywhere.

Y/N: Too easy.

He notices red lightning on the ground as he quickly jumps onto chain and sees another dark RAIDEN except this one was younger and had Kung lao's blade hat. Dark RAIDEN cuts the chain as Y/N falls and gets tackled by his electric fly attack as he stumbles. RAIDEN begins to slash at him with his hat but kept missing as he tries one more attempt to hit Y/N by electrocuting his hand and tries to push his hand towards Y/N until he punches him and kicks him into a fire as he falls off the pyramid. Y/N catches his breath and sees a scorpion clone but with Kung Lao's Kombat movement.

Stung Lao: Prepare to face the greatest warrior you ever met.

Y/N starts to punch the scorpion clone with his ice fists and starts to bruise his face as the ice breaks on his hands. He grabs scorpion and headbutts him before pushing him off as he groans in frustration.

Y/N: Get out of my way!!!

He continues running as he sees Shang Tsung and Quan chi at the top looking down at him. He runs up the stairs towards them as Shang Tsung had a plan.

Shang Tsung: Assist me Quan Chi.

They both form a giant projectile and throw it towards Y/N as he quickly jumps off the stairs as he rolls and groans in pain. He gets up before see in three milenna's running towards him.

Y/N: Aw shit!

He quickly grabs milenna's knives and uses her as a human shield as he uses her arms to stab the other milenna's as he moves on to the last one and stabs her in the eyes. He then noticed one more rushing towards him as she almost stabs him in his shoulder as he quickly grabs her arms and pushes her arms back until she kicks him in the back of his leg as he falls on the ground and Milenna tries to stab him in his eyes as he puts pressure on her arms restraining her from stabbing his eyes as he was groaning. He felt his adrenaline pumping as he stabs the Milenna in her eyes causing her to scream and die as he pushes her lifeless corpse off him.

Shang Tsung and Quan chi were making another projectile until two other clones of them appear behind them and try to sneak attack them until they quickly dodge them as they started attacking each other. Quan chi and Titan Shang Tsung were fighting each other's doppelgängers until they get pushed back.

Shang Tsung Clone: Hurry Y/N! You're almost there!

Then all of a sudden they both get killed as Titan Shang Tsung and Quan chi suck their life essence out of them as they die. Y/N begins running up the stairs once more as he continued fighting more and more Titan enemies until he finally finishes off the enemies and sees Liu Kang on the stairs kicking an enemy down.

Y/N: Lord Liu Kang!

Liu Kang: Y/N! Are you injured?????

Y/N: No! I can still fight!

Liu Kang: Alright! Let's go quickly! We're running out of time!

He nods as they both run up the stairs and finally make it to the top where they see Shang Tsung and Quan chi waiting for them.

Liu Kang: Your defenses have failed Shang Tsung, this is over!

Shang Tsung: I do not think so.....

Liu Kang: Realize sorcerer, you've brought this on yourself! Avarice and ego have again proved your undoing. We have no choice but to eradicate you!

Shang Tsung: It is you who will be eradicated! You and your followers. And once you're dead......all timelines will be mine!

They all rush at each other as Y/N was attacking Shang Tsung until he gets hit in the chest as he tries to kick Shang Tsung only to get pushed and kicked in the head and get knocked down as Y/N tries to get up but falls back on the ground. Liu Kang was fighting Quan chi as Shang Tsung joins in and ambushed him as Liu Kang gets dizzy a little as he stood his ground and yells. They both charge at him as he counters their attacks and Liu Kang knocks down Quan chi as it was now down to him and Shang Tsung. Liu Kang was pushing Shang Tsung over the edge as he almost falls until Quan chi summons a giant snake that wraps itself around Liu Kang trapping him as Y/N gets up and noticed it was just him left to save the realms. He breathes in as he exhaled and walks slowly towards them.

Quan chi: Your position is precarious, to survive you must submit.

Shang Tsung: Yes....... The question you must ask is, if Liu Kang couldn't finish us how possibly could you??

Y/N: No matter what..... I'll do whatever the hell it takes to kill you both! FOR EARTHREALM AND ALL THE REALMS!! He shouts as he forms a giant ice ball and prepares to fight them

A few minutes later

Shang Tsung and Quan chi were both knocked out as Y/N was on his knees breathing hard as Liu Kang runs towards him and helps him up.

Liu Kang: And they called me the chosen one. He chuckled

Y/N: I'm honored Liu Kang. May I finish this?????

Liu Kang: You have done more than enough, please permit me to end this.

Y/N nods as Liu Kang walks towards their bodies as Liu Kang uses his hands to revert Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to nothing but atoms as they float in the sky disappearing from history.

Liu Kang: May that be the last we see of you.

As he said that the ground started to shake and stumble as everything was falling apart.

Y/N: What's happening?!!!

Liu Kang: The timeline. Without Shang Tsung to hold it together it's falling apart! You must return to your timeline before this one collapses!

Liu Kang quickly surrounds Y/N with a fire aura as he held his hands out.

Liu Kang: Thank you for your aid Y/N. May we one day meet again!

He starts to teleport Y/N back to his timeline as everything flashes to white. Or so he thought...........

To be continued...

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