Chapter 12: What are you doing?

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Cory's POV

"Wake up," I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes, or eye, and saw Adam with his gun in one hand. "What?" I asked. "Your turn, and are you missing something?" I moved my arm where Chrisy was, and felt nothing. I looked and there was nothing. "Where did she?" I asked Adam. He put his finger on his mouth and pointed behind him. I looked behind him and saw Nick and Chrisy... snuggling?! "What in the living-" "Will you shut up?!" Adam shouted/whispered. "Sorry, it's just that." He shrugged. "Guess he likes her," Adam stated, looking over at them. "B-besides that," I said, trying to get away from the topic. "About the chip." Adam looked at me and sighed. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and said, "Once everyone is awake, we'll do it." Adam sighed and handed me the gun. "Your turn," He said, walking to a shelf. I got up and looked at the two. Take care of her.... I walked outside and stared up at the sky. Am I really ready? I know these people, but I need to know more... "Oh, hey Cory." I turned around and saw Uni walking up to me. "Hey Uni," I said, kneeling down. He walked up to me and sat next to me. "So, what are you doing?" "Taking shift, nothing much," I answered, sitting down. "Oh, okay." We sat there in silence, until Uni said, "You see-" "Yes I saw!" I shouted. He looked at me shocked. "Oh, sorry." I sighed. "It's fine." "So, about the chip?" "I decided to do it once everyone is awake." "Today?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh, I'll just leave you then." He started to walk, but I stopped him. "Uni, can you stay please? Just like the old times." Uni smiled and sat back next to me. "You remember?" He asked. I laid down and used my elbows so then I could look up better. "Glimpse of things, but the chip will make me remember." "But what if it's a lie?!" Uni shouted. I shrugged. "It's either I don't remember, or I remember." Uni sighed and got up. "I'm going to go see if everyone's awake, it is almost sunrise." I nodded.

Uni's POV

I walked back inside. Adam was looking around and everyone else was asleep. I walked up to Dawn and nudged him, he was still on shutdown mode. I sighed. "Adam?" I asked. He poked his head from the side of one of the shelves and said, "Yeah Uni, what's up?" "Do you... trust this chip?" He sighed and walked up next to me. "I don't know Uni. I hope it's no trap." I nodded. "Me too, I don't want to lose Cory again." "That's it!" He exclaimed. "What is? What is?" I asked. "If we take him to the Green Place-" "He'll remember!" I finished. "Bingo." I started jumping around happily. "Then we won't have to use the chip!" "Will you two shush," I heard someone say. I looked over and saw that Nick was awake. "You enjoy the company," Adam teased."I-I was j-just help-helping her slee-sleep!" Nick said, blushed. "Are you blushing Nick?" I asked. He shook his head. "N-no! I-I'm not!" "Aww, that's just plain adorable," Adam said. Nick groaned and got up, moving Christina so she wouldn't wake up. "Besides that, we have a plan!" I said happily. "About what?" Nick asked. "You know," I said. Nick did and 'o' with his mouth. "Yeah, the plan is to go to the Green Place," Adam said. "But, wouldn't it be... destroyed?" Nick asked. "Well, that is true," I stated. Adam put one hand on his mouth and sighed. "But, it's worth a shot!" Adam then exclaimed. Nick put one finger on his mouth. "Will you shut up?!" Nick shouted/whispered. "Oooooo, someone's in love?" I asked. Nick groaned and walked to the other side of the station. "What's wrong?! A bit mad!" Adam shouted. I heard Nick groan loudly. We both laughed. "What... are you two laughing about?" I looked over and saw Christina rubbing her eyes, well, her human eye. "Oh, nothing," Adam quickly said. Christina did a confused face before looking around. "Where is everyone else?" "Cory's outside and Nick is over there," Adam said, pointed outside then to where Nick was. "Oh, thanks!" She exclaimed, getting up. "Is, Dawn okay?" She asked. "Yeah, just-" "I have returned," Dawn interrupted, turning on. "Speak of the devil," Adam said, chuckling a bit at me. "Oh, shut up Adam!" "Guys!" Christina shouted. We both looked at her. "The chip?" She asked. "Oh, we have a plan for that!" I exclaimed. "Oh, and what would that be?" Dawn asked, Christina nodding in agreement. "We're going to the Green Place!" 

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