Chapter 15: Some Problems Occurred....

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Cory's POV

"They're coming!" As soon as I heard those two words, I ran for it. I eventually lost all the wood, but I don't care, I need to know she's okay. Susan saw us running and ran beside us. "Where are they?!" "I don't know!" Uni shouted. As we made it back, I couldn't believe what I saw.

Christina's POV (Before Cory, Uni, and Susan got there)

I quickly got up and saw a helicopter over me. "What the?" "Go!" Dawn shouted, pushing me. "What about you?" With one final shove from him I started running. "Get back here!" I heard, but I kept running. "Christina!" Ross...? I stopped and looked back. "Ross?" Someone walked up to me, and it was him. "Get back!" I shouted, pushing him, but he grabbed my arms. "Come on," He said, forcing me to walk. "Ross, why?" I said, forming tears in my eyes. He sighed and looked at me. "'Cause it's my job, now hand me the chip." I sighed as I handed it to him. Sorry everyone....he is my friend, or was.

Adam's POV

Nick kept running, not even stopping once. "Ni-" But I stopped, and what I saw was something I hoped to never see again. They were here! I glanced around and saw Cory, Uni, Dawn, and Christina surrounded by them....Susan on the other hand. "Over there," Someone shouted. I looked over and saw some people coming towards us. "GO!" I shouted, pushing Nick. "No!" He shouted, taking out his bat. I nodded and took lifted up the guns, firing them and hitting three. Nick sprinted and hit one of them, making blood pour out from their head. I heard a gun load behind me, making me freeze. "I wouldn't move if I were you." I turned around and saw...Boss, I think, pointing the gun at me. "Adam!" Nick shouted. "Why don't you get on over with your friends?" "I'd rather die!" I shouted to him, pointing the two guns at him. He scoffed and looked at my friends. "Then they go too." I looked over and saw guards pointing weapons of all sorts at them. "Simple, drop the gun and go with your friends." I sighed and dropped my two guns, putting my hands up. "Good, now go." Nick followed behind me as we went to our friends. "Wait, where's Susan!?" "Show 'em boys!" "Boss" shouted. Some guards dragged over a lifeless deathclaw. "What the heck?" Cory said, grabbing Christina closer to him. "S-susan?" Nick stuttered, bending next to the deathclaw. "Now, let's move out!"

Nick's POV

I stared at her...she's gone! "Now, let's move out!" I heard him shout, but I refused to move. "Nick! What are you doing?" Uni said, walking next to me. I placed a hand on her, making sure she was dead. "Come on man, there's nothing we can do," Cory said, placing a hand on my shoulder. Tears slowly began to form, slowly flowing down my cheeks. I felt someone shout again and grab my arm. "Let's get moving!" I punched him, it was what he deserved. The man fell on the ground, blood flowing from his nose. There was an awkward moment of silence until the man stood up and gave me furious eyes. "You're going to pay for that." He stood up next to me and swing his foot at me, but I dodged. Stay calm Nick...Don't let it take over! "You stinking!" He swung again, but this time a jumped up, dodging it as well.

Cory POV

What's going is he doing that? There was another moment of silence, until Nick did a little devilish grin. "You really think that some people are just weak?" We all looked at him shocked, we had never really seen him act like this. "Nick?" I heard Christina ask in her worried voice. I noticed something, off, about his was turning paler than normal.

Christina's POV (sorry I'm changing all the POV, I just need to make them all!)

I slowly started tightening my grip on Cory's arm, I was getting scared! "A blood sucker!" I heard Uni shout. "A wha-" Then there was a creepy laugh, interrupting Cory. I looked at Nick, noticing a red glow in his goggle. I then turned my stare to the Enclave people, who aren't even doing anything! "N-nick," I stuttered this time, causing Cory to move me behind his back more. "What the heck is going on?" Adam whispered to Cory, maybe a bit too loud. Before anyone could respond, Nick pounced on the man, choking him to death. "Ready!" A man shouted, sounding like the general. "Nick!" I shouted, not getting his attention. "We gotta do something!" Uni shouted, ready to attack. "Steady!" The man said, all the Enclave guards aiming their guns. I didn't know what to do...the only thing I could do was cry. "Nick please!" I shouted, walking to him, but getting stopped by Cory. "Wait!" Boss shouted. The men put their guns down, making Nick loosen up. I sighed and went back next to Cory. "Hmm, why don't we make this more interesting?" He asked, nodding to me. The guards then pointed their guns! "Back off!" Cory shouted, standing in front of me. Boss motioned to Cory. Two guards then grabbed Cory by each arm and dragged him away. "No!" He shouted, struggling, but not making any progress. Boss did the same with the others, leaving me, Nick, and a bunch of guns pointed at me. "Ready!" Boss shouted, doing what the general was doing earlier. "Ch-chrisy!" Cory shouted, trying to use his powers. I cried even harder...I didn't want to die like this! "Please! This is madness!" Adam shouted, kicking and kicking at the guy holding him. Uni started barking, also shouting, "Let go! Let go!" "Aim!" Nick then looked at me, the glowing slowly going away from his goggles. "Nick..." I whispered. "Fire!" Was the last thing I heard before closing my eyes, and feeling a pair of arms wrap around me.

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