Chapter 2: A New Beginning

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This fan art was made by TheDrawingMavrick! I thought it really suited this chapter!

I slowly opened my eyes. There was a light above me, shining down on me. I squinted and looked around. I was in a white room. "Hey, you awake," I heard a human/robotic voice say. A man walked up next to me. "Do you remember anything?" A strange robot man asked. I shook my head and used my elbows for support to get up. "I-i don't. Where am I?" The guy gave off a little chuckle before saying, "You ask a lot of questions. But first, what's your name?" It took me awhile to remember, but I did. "C-cory. And you?" "I'm Ross." I sat on the edge of the table. "You didn't answer my question, where am I?" He walked in front of me and said, "You're in the Enclave base, you've been working here for awhile, but then there was an attacked and you got hit pretty hard in the process." I nodded. "Oh, but, who attacked the base?" I asked, being the curious man I am. "A ghoul, salesman, a deathclaw, and a mutt." I nodded. "Oh, do you mind giving me a tour then? I really don't remember anything." He shook his head. "I'm not giving you the tour. Your sister is." "I have a sister?" He nodded and stuck out his hand. "I'll take you to her if you like." I took his hand and put my feet on the floor. As soon as I took one step, I fell on the floor. "Looks like your leg is still hurt," He said. I looked down at my legs and saw that my left leg had a bandage on it. "Oh, but I'll make it." He nodded and put one of my arms around his shoulder. "Let's go." We walked out the door. A group of marching soldiers passed us. "Who are they?" "The guards." I nodded. He led me down some halls till we stopped at a huge iron door. "She's in there," Ross said, taking my arm off of him. I put my hand on the wall for support. "I'll be off, see ya' later Cory." I waved good-bye as he left. "How do I?" I touched a pad that was on the door. "Scan," It said. I put my whole hand on it and it did a beep. The door then opened. Inside was two white beds, a chest between them, and a girl with dirty blond hair, clean white clothes on, and the left side of her face was metal with a camera eye, but she also had a normal eye. "Hey," I said. She looked up from her computer and gasped. "Brother!" She got off the bed and hugged me. "Um, who are you?" "I'm your sister Cory, remember?" I shook my head. She stopped hugging me and looked straight at me. "It's me, Christina." I looked at her, before a memory came into me.

"Cory! What are you doing?" "I'm just taking a picture! Hold still Chrisy."

"Chrisy?" I asked. She smiled and hugged me once again. "It's Christina, but I loved that name anyways." I hugged her back. "I can't believe it's you." "I can't believe my brother is a camera face," She responded. I touched my face, it was a camera. "What the heck?!" She giggled. "At least you have camera vision." What she said, made me think of something, with a dog, a robot, and me. "Cory?" I heard her ask. "Yeah," I responded. "Oh, nothing." I chuckled. "Well, mind giving me a tour? Sort of forgot about the place." She nodded and led me out of the room. "Let me show you where me and you will work!" I laughed. It's nice to see her....but why did the memory seem from a long time ago? 

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