past-1(how we met )

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back to the story :
we will see this story in the past from this chapter
where sai and virat will be recollecting their journey of getting married and living as a husband and wife
sai pov
scared that was what i felt when my stalker had written sent another threat to me
i was not feeling safe
let it be my college , my hostel or even my home town
i was always anxious thinking what my stalker would do the next
my father warned my stalker but it was not enough as he was a politicians son
he was also at his witts end on how to stop the stalker
that's when there was an unexpected guest in my house
virat: little girl listen
where is kamal sir
virat pov
for the past 5 mins i was asking this little girl
about kamal sir
and this girl is just staring at me
virat: girl
sai: im sai
sai joshi
virat: nice to meet you
you must be kamal sirs daughter right
sai: no i'm his mother
virat: what
sai: why are you so shocked
i was being sarcastic
isn't it obvious that i'm his daughter
why should you say it like you didn't expect it
virat: look girl
i was just getting to know you
sai: are you my husband
virat: no
sai: then why should you know me
who are you
virat: you really need to control your temper girl
you don't know who i'm i
sai: i don't what to know
who are you by the way
this is my house so get out
virat: listen i'm very tolerant with you until now
if i get into a bad mood
sai: what will you do eat a cat ?
virat: cat?
why will i eat a cat
sai: the cat which used to come to our house
is missing so ..
virat: so you thought i would eat it ?
what's wrong with you
sai: look i don't want someone shouting at me
in my own house
please leave
virat: i will not leave
i will wait for kamal sir
sai: no
i don't want strangers in my house please leave
sai pov
i was about to push him out the door
but i slipped and fell on him
only for both of us to land on the floor
virat pov
i didn't know why i was associated with this girl
but unexpectedly we landed into a kiss
she immediately got up
and began to scream angry taunts on me
only for kamal sir to enter
kamal: sai what are you doing
that is virat sir
sir i'm sorry
virat: it's ok sir
sai: papa why are you calling him sir
he is pervert
kamal: sai mind your words
he is acp virat chavan
the person who came to save you
sai: acp?
sai pov
i was ashamed at myself knowing what i have done
and that virat was smiling at me what's wrong with this guy
before i could run away
that guy extended his hand towards me
virat: im acp virat chavan
nice to meet you sai joshi
sai: nice to meet you
kamal: sai show virat the guest room
he will be staying here
kamal : yes and please make sure he feels comfortable here
virat: no problem sir i will make myself comfortable
virat pov
i was eyeing at the pretty girl who was annoyed with me
you are a character sai
sai pov
i was at my wits end
this guy feels as if he is my husband or what
he is just ordering me around
he is a guest
it has been just says
and his orders are increasing
sai the fan
sai can i get some tea
sai can you please get me my files
does he think i'm his servant?
i wanted to shout
but my father wouldn't let me
and now i'm taking his ironed clothes to his room
really this lad sab needs to be taught a lesson
as i opened the door
i saw him completely naked
sai: chi
what were you doing
virat pov
i was about to wear my clothes and this girl came inside my room
i hurriedly wrapped a towel
virat: can't you knock
sai: i didn't think you will be like this
virat: what do you expect
it's my room
sai: it's my house
virat pov
i see her trying to cover her eyes
virat: now why are you covering your eyes
you have seen everything
sai: just shut up
i didn't see
virat: so your closing your eyes that you didn't see
sai: no it's just
sai pov
i opened my eyes only to see him wrapped in a towel
sai : can't you wear clothes
virat: i will do that
once you leave
sai: im leaving i don't have interest in seeing you
virat: yes because you already saw everything
sai pov
the last statement really made me mad
sai: i didn't see
please stop it
virat: what stop
you are the one who is irritating me
sai: irritating me?
look mister
you are the irritating one
stop bossing me around
i came to give your clothes
virat: then give me my clothes
and go from here
sai: i was going but wait
you can't order me around
virat: your wasting my time girl
sai: wasting your time
do you think i'm that free
do you know what i do
i get up 5am..
virat pov
it was a bad choice as she was coming near to me
and was arguing about her daily life chores
sai: one second what's this
virat: what
sai : this is my towel
how did you get it
virat: your mausi gave it to me
sai: it's mine
virat: take it later
sai: why you will wash it?
i don't think so
give it back to me
virat: sai no
sai pov
i was so engrossed in my anger
that i was fighting for my towel
we were both at it
but i won
i was able to remove the remove the towel but i  saw his naked
and the next thing i know is that
i lost my balance again
and fell on him
and this time my hand was on ..,

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