past-5( misunderstandings)

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ps: Dear readers,
my story is just for fun
i don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings
im really sorry in advance
if anyone is hurt by my jokes.
please do comment and share your views🙏🙏🙏🙏🧡🙏🙏
and don't forget to vote ❤️❤️❤️❤️
sai pov
the word explains what is happening with me right now
seeing virat tying mangalsutra around my neck is making me realize what i have gotten into
the contract was making me want to puke
i should confront this virat soon
virat: sai can you please try to smile
these pictures are going to be there forever 
sai: a year that is the  period for these pictures
virat: sai stop it
sai: im stopping it
please continue
the sindoor is still left
virat pov
i was happy
a big relief that at least for one year
no one in my family will force me to get married
and also one year is a plenty of time for me to make sai not to leave me
as i was thinking about it
the priest said we are married now
and finally we were free to go
virat pov
i was packing my suitcase to go to nagpur
and that's when sai entered the room
sai: so you are in a hurry pati babu
virat: sai why are you still in your wedding dress
aren't you getting ready
we should leave
sai: we will not leave anywhere
until you answer pati babu
virat: sai what's with this pati babu?
sai: why are you acting
when you wanted me to say this line
virat: sai im still not understanding
what's with this pati babu
sai: you don't understand
read this contract virat sir
the same contract which you signed and cleverly left of without telling me anything about clauses
and i was stupid to believe you and sign these papers
virat: clauses what clauses?
virat pov
i was shocked seeing all these clauses
sai agrees to be an ideal wife
listens to me , loves me and
calls me pati babu
virat: what's this atleast sex thrice every week
i didn't write it
sai: oh please
your eyes reveal how happy you are
i should have guessed when you were showing me your naked ass
virat: who showed whom?
you were the one to snatch the towel
and who is the one who touched
sai: just shut up
stop blaming everything on me
you pervert
virat; oh please you are the bigger pervert
plus you didn't touch my ass
should i tell you where you have touched
sai: just shut up
and read the next clause
virat: what next clause
sai: the pregnancy
virat: in event of a pregnancy
father gets the full custody of the child
sai: now what will you say
virat : what's wrong with that
fathers can also take care of kids
sai: then give birth to one
go thorough all the labor pains
and in the end give custody to someone else
virat: are you mad sai
i'm a man
don't you know how reproductive system works
i can't give birth
sai: then don't expect me to give you my child
virat: the child is also mine sai
you can't be pregnant all by yourself
sai: caught you
virat: what ?
sai: the way your reacting clearly tells me that you
yourself have written these clauses
virat: just shut up ok
i don't know anything about it
it's the lawyers mistake
the lawyers wife recently left him and took his children away
so he must have made this mistake
sai: oh please so your saying in the whole nagpur you got only this lawyer to make your contract
who's wife left him
virat: he is a good lawyer
if his wife left him
but be his wife's problem
must be like you always shouting and not caring
sai: oh so you now blame me for everything
virat: oh please
who's idea was it to have a contract first
wasn't it yours?
now that some clauses are added
you are afraid that you can't follow the contract
sai: im sai joshi
i'm not afraid of anything
virat: then these clauses
your are afraid right
let's tear them and be a regular husband and wife
sai: no i won't agree that
virat: then what do you want
you know soon we will be staying in one room
with contract or without contract things will eventually happen
sai: what do you mean
virat: i called my mother
she is waiting for your arrival
and soon the rituals will begin
sai pov
i was getting scared
when he was coming very close to me
i could practically feel his breath on me
and then he said the last sentence which
made me tremble
virat: one of the rituals is first night sai
sai: first night?
virat : i thought to give you some time
but looking at you arguing like this
my mind is changed now
sai: what do you mean
stop talking in circles
virat: stop shouting sai
you may need it for your screams
when i'm in you
sai: in me ?
are you .,
virat: you are not afraid right sai
then let's do it
let's fulfill the conditions
sai pov
i was afraid
i want some time to prepare
as this was a very big step
sai: we do have time right
virat: yes sai you have the whole day until the moon arrives
because the first night is tonight
sai: what ?
ashwini: i was shaking
trying to sit in my room
i got a call from virat that he is married and he is coming home
and i should begin the rituals
i told bhavani and she was not that happy
but she did start arranging the rituals
however i didn't want to participate in this
as i'm still not able to believe virats decision
i was crying and then my husband entered
nenad : ashwini please stop crying and tell
did you really listen correctly
ashwini: virats phone was breaking up
but i could listen clearly
he married that person
nenad : stop it bhavani
he is in love we can't do anything
we should accept
ashwini: i thought of giving these bangles to my
daughter in law but ..
nenad : so what we will exchange them for bracelets
i should have known
when  virat girl friend broke up with him
and he was not looking at any matches
after that
may be he tried to have feelings from someone else
ashwini: whatever it is
i don't know what bhavani will say
nenand : don't worry
i will handle it
virat must be coming soon
let's try to be  happy
ashwini: yes we should also welcome him with his partner sunny
nenad : call him son ashwini
virat married him
ashwini: virat .,,

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