promo( end of our contract)

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ps:The promo has been added
i will post the chapters soon
please do vote and comment to let me know
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sai pov
a piece  of paper
that's all it takes to determine the fate of my relationship
our friendship, the care we showed to each other
doesn't matter
when there  is an expiry date of  relationship
it is set to expire
looking at the soiled sheets and my soon to be ex husband getting dressed after sex
was making me go insane
virat: sai i have to go to station in an hour
i will be back soon
sai: ok
virat:are you not getting dressed?
sai: i will
i need to also pack my bags
virat: why are you going somewhere
sai: i have to leave right
times up pati babu
virat pov
the last sentence was causing my heart to burn
yes she was right
she will graduate tomorrow
and our one year contract will come to an end
sai : what are you thinking
are you going to tell your family or should i ?
virat: no you don't have to care about this
i will look after it
sai: please take care after yourself first before others
also try to arrange your shelf
virat: are you taking all of your belongings
sai: belongings are mine
so ..
virat pov
i was helpless
i can't do this
how much ever i stop
the tears seem to find the way out
so i tried to hide my face
don't i belong to you sai ?
sai pov
seeing him hide his face away
was making me go insane
can't he just look at me
this is might be the last time
we are together like this
sai: i signed the divorce papers
and also the contract is also done
is there anything else you want to say
sai pov
i wanted him to say once
just once to stay
and i would have stayed back
no questions asked but he didn't ..
virat: what is there to say anymore sai
you decided everything
i wish you the best
sai: i also wish you the best pati babu
thank you for everything
virat pov
i wanted to say stop
don't go sai
but i couldn't
our contract is not valid anymore
sai pov
i silently packed my bags and was getting ready
to start on my new journey
only to stop looking at the marriage photo
sai: im taking this
anyhow you are going to throw away this right
virat: if you want to take it
it's fine
virat pov
i didn't stop her
as it was just a frame
the real picture was already in my heart
i  hoped may be once she will look back and hug me
like she did many times but no
this time she didn't look back
sai pov
i knew it he doesn't have any emotions
i packed the picture and stepped out of the house
when everyone are sleeping
i didn't look back as i didn't want to feel week
i have to be strong now
for me and the child inside me
thank you for at least giving me this happiness pati babu
thank you

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