Healing After Death

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This story takes place during ACOWAR so I advise if you haven't finished it, to wait to read this. I warned you if you keep on reading.


Feyre's POV

Rhys's words were echoing in my head as I held his still warm hands. I gripped my mate's hands more tightly urging him to open his eyes and smile or cast a sarcastic remark. I stared but nothing. I gripped his hands tighter thinking that physical touch could keep him here. Please! I sent down the bond but was met with growing silence. It felt as though I was under the entrapment of faebane but I could still feel my fire, my water, my light, I just couldn't feel him. All I wanted was him, but he was gone.

In my grief, I felt hands on my shoulders pulling me away, but I jerked out of their grip and threw myself over the body as if I could protect him even though there's nothing left to protect him from. I felt his still chest touching mine and the tears started rolling down my cheeks onto his. But unlike some fairytale, my tears had no magical qualities that could bring him back. As this thought, an idea started to form. I jerked my head up to look at the gathered high lords, and in a steady voice I said, "Bring him back!"

They just stood there and looked at me sadly, probably thinking I was broken with my loss but I wasn't. I choose what breaks me and this won't because I know they could fix it. I pulled myself off my dead mate's body and stood up so I could look them in the eye as I have them my demand. "You did it before with me, now do the same for him. Do it because we could not have survived this long without him, do this even if you hate him because he sacrificed everything so you could still be here." I looked each high lord in the eye until I came to a pair of familiar green eyes. "Please," I whimpered, my strength almost gone. The steely look in his eyes didn't change for a minute, but then something flickered in them, sympathy? And he stepped forward, the light already in his hands and sent it towards my mate's body. He looked at me one last time and then stepped back into line with the rest of the high lords. Slowly, each high lord stepped forward and sent a flicker of their power to my mate. When the last high lord had was finished, they looked at me expectantly and I realized to bring my mate back, we needed his power and I was now the only one alive who possessed it. I took a deep breath and dove into the depths of what was left of my power.

As I swam into the darkness I recalled my mate's smile, his love, his strength, his magic, and slowly I could feel his power build up and when I felt like I had gathered enough, I sent that power towards my mate. I blinked and watched the light glide towards my mate's heart and sink into his skin and a purple glow filled the tent. It was blinding, even I had to turn away, and when it faded I looked at Rhys waiting for his chest to start moving and to open his eyes and say something that would annoy the heck out of me, but nothing happened. So I waited. And waited. And waited.

Eventually, everyone started to leave the tent to go check on their people and see what sort of damage the war brought upon them, but I didn't care, I just sat there and stared at my mate waiting for him to come back to me. I don't know how long I sat there, hours, minutes, seconds, but I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I looked up to see Cassian, battered and his eyes watery. I smiled realizing that he was trying to be strong for me. He crouched down so we were eye level and said softly, "You know he's not coming back right?" I nodded and threw myself into his arms as a new flood of tears fell down my face. We gripped each other tightly, knowing we lost someone important and we only had each other now. I felt a wetness on my shoulder as we both grieved next to the body of our friend. As my view of my mate's body started to blur, I could have sworn I felt the ghost of hands wiping away my tears.


Rhys' POV

I feel it tugging at my gut trying to take me away, but I can't leave her yet. I stare at her beautiful face only marred by the tears running down her face. I know what I did was cruel, but it was what needed to be done and I couldn't let anybody get hurt anymore. Too many people were already suffering and I had to end it because I was the only one who could. I know my family would say that I didn't have to do this alone, but I did. They do not know what I know. They do not know that I was the only one who could bring an end to this mess. They were not in the library that day when I came across this piece of information that I, being as powerful as I am, was destined to be the one to fix Hybern's mistakes. And the only way to fix those mistakes was to sacrifice myself.

I look down at my mate and try to send comforting thoughts down the bond, but as she is probably discovering, I am only met with silence. I want to hold her until everything bad goes away but I know that I can no longer do that. I just stare as my mate cries over my growing cold body. As I watch her, I see when she stiffens and I know what idea has popped into her head. "No!" I shout as she faces the high lords. She doesn't know, she does not know that if I am brought back it would unravel everything. If I am brought back, the cauldron will no longer be contained, the cauldron required the death of the most powerful high lord ever to be pacified and no longer harm anyone. I watch helplessly as my fellow high lords help a comrade who has lost her mate. As each bulb of light sinks into my skin, I can feel myself growing more substantial and I feel the pain curling around my bones as I am pulled more towards the physical plane. When it's Feyre's turn to summon my power from within her, I let go. I know that her love could bring me back but I couldn't because then my sacrifice would be for nothing. As I am pulled away towards the other side, I watch as my mate realizes that I am not coming back as she did, I watch as she cries, as she is comforted by Cassian and they grieve together. Just before everything goes dark, I send one last flicker of my love down the bond and I know she revived it because more tears of starlight flow down her face as I leave this world.

As I do, I know I played my part because everything will be okay as okay as anything can ever be after a war, and I know Feyre will be okay too because I know something she doesn't know yet. She's pregnant. She is going to have our child, a remembrance of me, and I know she won't stay broken as she is now because she has to be strong for our child and live out my memory. As I think of my mate raising our child with me gone from this world, I laugh at the cruelty of the Bone Carver because I now know why he appears the way he does. He appears as someone you will love but at the cost of another loved one's death. The Bone Carver appeared to Feyre as our child because, without my sacrifice, she will never be able to meet and love him. The Bone Carver always appeared as Feyre when I saw him, though I never figured whose death it cost me to love her because by that point there was just too many to count. With this thought fresh in my mind, everything finally goes dark and I am no longer in the world where I belonged.

When I blink everything I bright and it is loud. I am being held by someone tightly and I hear someone talking about a new life being brought into this world bringing more opportunities, the normal speech. Then I feel the person holding me shift as I am lifted up into the light and the last thing I hear before all memories of my previous life fade is "All welcome the Crown Prince of Adarlan, Dorian Havilliard."


1 Month Later...

Feyre's POV

As I am going about the Night Court and looking for more ways to help fix everything after the war, I am hit with a sudden wave of nausea. I don't know where it came from and I freeze expecting something terrible to happen, but I am just hit with another wave of nausea. Before another wave hits me, I lurch forward into the nearest store and rush towards the bathroom before I empty out the contents of my stomach in public.

After the last retch is finished, I lay my head on the cool porcelain and wonder where this could be coming from. It definitely couldn't be trauma, nothing around me at that moment couldn't have triggered at it. As I search my mind for why this occurred, I realize what I hadn't had to deal with for the past month. I breathe in and out as I realize what this means, but I decided to pay a visit to Madja just in case.


"Is it what I think it is?" I ask Madja.

"Yes." I breathe out and stare at the ceiling. I expected so many things to come after the war and not this. My mate will always have an impression on my life but I never expected to have to do this without him. I step out and smooth out my skirt giving my thanks to Madja. As I leave her humble abode, I start to plan how I am going to tell my family that I'm pregnant with their dead friend's child.


I chuckled softly as I watched Cassian attempt to flirt with my sister once again and sipped my water as I tried to find the perfect moment to tell them. As the laughter died down, I felt someone's stare on me and looked into Mor's knowing brown eyes.

"You've been quiet tonight Feyre" she noted as she took a sip of her ruby wine. "Got something on your mind? Is everything going okay with the reconstruction?"

I put a small smile on my face and replied, "Reconstruction's going fine. Our people seem to be healing and the rebuilding looks like it's doing good."

"Then why are you closing us out again?"

"I'm not closing you out!" I snapped and I noticed that everybody had stopped their conversations to look at me and see what they could do to help me. They all had this look on their faces, that I was helpless but they wouldn't risk my wrath to actually act upon the need I see in their eyes. I've been getting this look ever since Rhys died and I'm tired of it because I'm not a helpless little girl who is lost in her grief. In my frustration, it just comes out. "I'M PREGNANT!"

Immediately I cover my mouth with my hands, that was not the way I wanted to tell them. If Rhys was here he would probably be laughing his head of right now. I look around the table at my family's shocked faces. Cassian is the first one to break the silence.

"You're what?!"

"I'm pregnant" I breathe.

Elain is the first one to step up and wrap me in an embrace. "Congrats! I know you will make a wonderful mother!" And I know she is telling the truth because she has this far away look in her eyes that tells me the future is presenting itself to her. As I think about my sister's ability, a wave of bitterness rushes through me. How she did not see Rhys' death coming is a mystery and I never did have the heart to ask if she did see it and told no one because I couldn't add that onto my grief. But it isn't her fault as she told us many times, she doesn't choose what she sees. The future presents itself to her as it feels like.

That bittersweet thought is interrupted when I am tackled by Cassian and Mor. As we giggled on the ground as our excitement grew, Cassian sat up straight and looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Did we just hurt the baby?!" Mor also jerked upright with fear, but I dismissed their fears, assuring them that the baby and I were fine. Cassian helped me to my feet, keeping a worried eye on my stomach. Mor was already making a list of everything we had to do before the baby was born and in inwardly groaned. I was excited for the baby but not preparing for it. I really just want to keep it simple but I know Mor will not settle for "simple."

I looked around the room and caught Nesta's eye, she had a smile on her face and she gave me an approving nod before she turned and left the room. I sighed, I was worried about everyone's reactions but everything was fine, better than fine actually, and I knew I would not be alone in this endeavor.

I walked towards the corner of the room where a certain shadowsinger was lurking. "Hey Az," I whispered tentatively. Out of all of us, Azriel was took Rhys' death the hardest. Most of us still grieve him and been able to start rebuilding our court, but I heard from Elain that Az still struggles with everyday things sometimes. Every time we sit down for dinner, I just see him pick at his food, maybe eating a bite or two from time to time. We've all gotten together and discussed how we should help him, and we decided we should let him heal on his own time but we would gather together to see if he's gotten better and talking to him every once in awhile. He's gotten a lot better recently, I think the normalness of our dinners have helped, but I can tell he is still grieving deeply.

"Hey," he responds.

"So what do you think about all this?" Gesturing around the room and my stomach.

He sighs, "It's hard without him here. He should be here to raise his child and dealing with his family and mate, rather than us pretending everything's okay."

My will shatters when he finishes and tears start falling from my eyes. "I know. I wish he was here too. It isn't fair that we couldn't bring him back, it isn't fair he isn't here to comfort me anymore when I wake up from my nightmares, it isn't fair that he has to miss seeing our child grow up, it isn't fair that I'm here and he isn't, it isn't fair that he didn't tell me what he was going to do, so I couldn't help him! Fate is cruel! It took my mate away before it should have!" I fall to my knees hugging myself as I let the tears fall.

The rest of my court decided to make themselves busy at that moment, something about going to a bar and admiring the stars. Az crouches down so he's at eye level with me and whispers, "I don't know why things happen the way they do, especially in situations like this, but I agree. Fate is cruel." That get's a small chuckle from me which in return get's a small smirk. "You know he really loved you, right?" I nod, more tears falling down my face. "When he came back from Under the Mountain," he continues, "he had this panicked look in his eyes and that smile he always got when he was around you, and I knew something important had just happened, beside him just getting free from Amaratha's clutches. That look didn't last very long because it quickly turned to fear when Mor started attacking him." I laughed and Az chuckled as he recalled that memory.

"It wasn't until later that I understood what that look meant. My best friend had met their mate and was deeply in love with her, but she didn't know yet and was currently in love with another male. He was so excited that he met you but he was also devastated that he couldn't have you. I'd see him sitting alone, getting about to winnow but he never did because he knew he was not who you wanted at the moment. I'd hear him wake up in the middle of the night sometimes sobbing and sometimes puking his guts out. I knew that this wasn't exactly him and I knew it was what you were feeling in the Spring Court and how that bastard never did anything to help. I wanted him to go get you, but he never went, he only went that day because you called out for help. I could just see him getting sicker and sicker every day you were there, and when you called out for help, I had never seen him winnow faster than he did that day. It made me feel better when you were here because I could see he was much better with your presence near him, just like his presence did for you. He would get so excited when you were here, your presence in the Night Court was literally Christmas for him and I had never seen him happy or more paranoid that you would find out about the bond. It was funny seeing him freak out about so many and I know he was never going to tell you this, but he was the one who always made your dresses that Mor obsesses over." I heard a strangled yell come from the hallway, Az shot a glare in that direction, but I laughed, I knew they wouldn't have that far, otherwise known as out of earshot.

Az looked down at me and smiled, "He loved you so much Feyre. Everything he did was for you and I'm sure he didn't tell us he was going to sacrifice himself to protect us. At least I hope that's what he was doing. If he died for no reason, I'm going to punch him in the next life." I gave him a look. "I'm going to punch him anyway the next time I see him." I snorted and he offered me a hand up. I put my hand in his and he helped me to my feet.

"You're really are going to be a wonderful mother Feyre. He would be so proud of you."

"Thanks, Az," I murmured as I wiped away my tears. As I did, I caught a faint whiff of jasmine, but before I could figure out where it was coming from and cry some more, it faded just as quickly. I shook my head, "It was just a figment of my imagination or hormones. It's been a really long day," I assured myself. I took a deep breath composing myself, and walked towards the door, closing one chapter of my life and starting a new one.


Rhys' POV

Not all my consciousness went onto the next life, as long as Feyre is in this world. Some part of me is too. Feyre carries a part of my soul within her, just as I carry one within me.

Most of the time, I just watch my family try to go without me. I watch Feyre put on a brave face as she runs our court, I watch Cassian cry as he get's up every morning, I watch Mor shut down every once in a while reliving what happened, I watch Az struggle getting through life, and I watch Nesta and Elain come to terms with the things they have done. It hurts not being able to help them, but there is nothing I can do being a disembodied soul.

The only person I can help is Feyre and that's only when she is in deep emotional distress and unknowingly lets her shields down. Tonight was one of those moments. I gathered what strength I could, and sent a flicker of comfort down the bond. I know she received it because I saw her look around with hopeful eyes, but the flicker of hope quickly went out as she faced reality. I sighed, it sucks being in this state and not being able to tell your mate that you are here, but I have to deal with it and help my mate as she raises our child. My mate will not be alone as she raises our child because of our family, but also because as long as she is here, she will never be free of me.


9 Months Later...

Feyre's POV

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. Pain rippled through my body as I pushed another living thing out of my body.

"Come on Feyre, you're almost there! Just one more push," came the voice of Madja from the other end of my body.

I dug my nails into my hands and pushed, which caused another yell of pain to come out. It was so loud it could probably be heard throughout the entire court., I knew they were all waiting anxiously to be introduced to their new High Lord or Lady, even though I would still be in charge till he or she was decided fit to rule or I died. I was hoping it would be the former.

As pain traveled through my body, I heard the cry of a young child and my pain immediately faded. After all these months, my baby was finally here. I breathed a sigh of relief but over the baby's cries, I could hear the stomping of feet down the hallway and a few seconds later Cassian burst into the room.

"I HEARD THE BABY!!! IS IT OKAY?!" Then Cassian realized where he was, blanched and backed out of the room faster than you could say Cauldron. I laughed but it faded as the pain returned. My fae healing abilities were working overtime to heal the hole the baby just left, but that still didn't erase the pain.

I put my head back onto the pillow and started to close my eyes just as Madja approached with my child. I sat up immediately, wincing at the pain, holding my arms out to embrace this child of mine. As she gently placed it into my awaiting arms, she said, "It's a boy." I looked down at my son and I knew I would love him for all of eternity. "Have you decided on a name?" Madja asked gently. I nodded and she gave me an impatient gesture. Everybody wanted to get to know their new High Lord but I just wanted to have some alone time with him before I had to share him with the rest of the world.

After a moment, I took a deep breath and then said, "Rhys. His name is Rhys." Madja nodded and then turned to leave to give me a moment alone with my son and to tell my family it is now appropriate to enter.

As the door closed behind her, I brought my son's face close to mine, making sure I was supporting his head and kissed him on his forehead. "I love you so much, and I'm sure your father wherever he is, loves you too." The baby smiled and I smiled back at it, as the rest of my family burst into the rest of the room with a clatter.


Rhys' POV

Even with Feyre being all sweaty and red from giving birth to our child, she was beautiful, but nothing could compare to my son. He was perfect, I was so proud of him and my mate. I stroked my mate's hair and planted a kiss on her sweaty forehead even though she couldn't feel me, and whispered to her lovingly, "That's our baby Feyre." I'm still not used to my condition, but I do what I can. It's hard, but at least I still get see my beautiful mate every day and will actually get to see my child grow up in this new world.

Feyre holds the baby close to her and whispers something to him. I smile, she is going to make such a great mother. As our family bursts into the room to fawn over the baby, he blinks and looks at me and smiles. I smile back before I realize what just happened. He looked right at me which means he can see dead people. As I come to terms with this, my smile becomes bigger and I start yelling and running around the room. My son can see dead people, which means he can see me, which means I can actually be there for my son in a way I never imagined I could be.

As the initial excitement fades, I circle back to my son and mate and throw my arms around them. Rhys Jr. laughs and Feyre get's a startled look before she eases back into her normal semi-okay self. I smile to myself and look at my son. "This is going to be fun," I laugh and in return, he laughs with me.


Rhys Jr.'s POV

The people around me are crazy and loud. It's a lot to handle for a newborn. The loudest is the guy with purple eyes and is semi-transparent like he's not truly here. The loud noises and people make me want to go back when it was just me, the lady, and the ghost, but alas, it looked like these crazy people weren't leaving anytime soon.

As I was passed to one person to the next, I tried to figure out who they were. They appeared to be my family, but not my parents. Those were the sweaty lady and the ghost since they were the only people with me at first. I don't understand why my father was dead and why I seemed to be the only one who could see him, but I was getting hungry and tired, so I was passed back to the comfortable arms my mother, and my heavy eyelids closing as darkness descended.


500 Years Later...

A loud crash sounded through the house and I winced as my mother winnowed into my room. "Rhys what in the Cauldron are you doing?!" She looked around the disaster that is my room, surveying the mess and then she zeros in on the wings and sighs. "Rhys," she says dangerously slow. "When did you get wings?"

"Just a few minutes ago" I shrug and she sighs again.

"And what were you doing with these wings?"

"Trying to fly. Dad says I can only get better if I practice." I looked my dad behind Mom and saw him giving me a big thumbs up. Mom just sighed again, she does that a lot.

"Well if 'Dad' said it was okay, I'm sure everything is okay, and you're not in trouble," she said sarcastically. I learned a long time ago that I am the only one who can see him and everyone else thinks he a figment of my imagination. We don't talk about it, but I know it makes him sad that I'm the only one he can talk to. He loves me but I know he yearns with all his soul to speak to her once again. I've tried giving her messages but she starts to cry every time I try, and I late seeing Mom cry, so I gave up on it. I love both of my parents, I wish I could love them at the same time and plane.

"If you really wanted to learn how to fly, why didn't you just ask one of us instead of making a mess?! You could have asked Uncle Cassian or Uncle Az or me for that matter!"

"Like you're such a great flyer yourself," Dad retorted and I couldn't hold it back. I laughed. And when I did, Mom got that murderous look in her eyes that she get's when I'm in really big trouble. That's the problem with seeing things others don't, they either think you're crazy or you're doing something to mock them. It really doesn't work out either way, especially in situations such as this.

"Oh, so you think this is funny?!"

"No ma'am! But Dad said..."

"I don't care what Dad said! You are in trouble and only digging yourself a bigger hole. Besides Dad isn't here! He died! He's dead! He is no longer here! I am tired of playing this game! I have accepted he is gone and not coming back! I know 500 years old is a child in fae years, but you need to grow up and face reality! I love you so much Rhys, but I can't do this anymore! It hurts too much and I can't let you do this to yourself!" She takes a deep breath composing herself and turns to leave. As she does, she says gently, "Please clean this mess up and stop playing this imaginary game."

"But Mom!"

"Rhys please."

Even though she had her back turned to me, I could still see the glimmer of tears on her face. That's what broke me, without my dad truly being there for her, I am the only thing that keeps her going. So I swallowed the truth, and said sadly, "Yes Mom," and she ran out of the room and shut herself into her room as the sobs started to echo through the house.

"Hey bud, I'm sorry I got you in trouble," Dad tried to comfort me.

"It's okay Dad, I haven't told them so they don't understand." He nodded vaguely looking at Mom's closed door. "Hey Dad, it's going to be okay," I comfort him with my words and a hug. After a moment, I pull away and say "Go to her." He gives me a grateful look and leaves to try to be there for my mom in her grief.

As he disappeared, I looked around at the mess I created and sighed. "Guess I better get started."


Rhys POV

"Oh Rhys, what am I doing?" Feyre sobbed.

I sat down next to her and started smoothing her hair down and whispering comforting nothings to her, but like always she didn't hear me. It get's harder every day that my son is the only one who knows I'm here. I love the little guy to death, but I want to be there for her too. Especially as things get harder for her. She's all alone now in the townhouse.

Az, Elain, and Lucien are in the Day Court helping Lucien adjust to his new status as High Lord of the Day Court. Beron had died "mysteriously" not long after the war, and Eris had taken the throne. Autumn was still not my favorite court, but I had to admit it had gotten better under Eris' reign. After Beron's death, the Lady of Autumn had gotten together with Helion and told Helion and Lucien of his true parentage. They died just recently from being old and the abuse they went through and now Lucien was leading the Day Court as best as he can. Cassian and Nesta had announced that they were mates a few hundred years ago and now live in the mountains training the Illyrian army. Mor had been visiting the Winter Court for quite some time now, we all think there's someone there important to her but just won't tell us yet. So it's just her, our son, and me in the townhouse.

My heart breaks as my mate continues to cry, and throw my arms around her and hold her tight even though I know it doesn't matter because now everything I do for her now, she will never know. So I hold my mate tight until she stops crying.


Feyre's POV

I love my son to death, but today was just the end of the line. I just can't take it anymore. It hurts every time he brings Rhys up because it sounds so much like him, but it's just his imagination running wild with all the stories we have told him about his father. It hurts to see my son so happy and sure over a person who is not there.

I try to muffle another sob as the grief wells up. I miss Rhys so much, but I will probably never see him again. I can feel my pillow getting soaked with my tears but I don't lift my head up to get another one. My sobs are loud enough and I know Rhys Jr. hates it when I cry, so I have to muffle it as best as I can, but it is never enough. I can always tell by the broken and worried eyes he gives me when he knows I'm hurting.

As sobs rack my body, I feel familiar muscular arms wrap around me, and just this once, I let myself pretend that he is still here and holding me as I cry.


Thousands Of Years Later...

"Do you Rhys of the Night Court promise to protect and serve your people?" A priestess asks my son.

He gives me a nervous glance from where he kneels in front of me and I give him an encouraging smile. He looks back and the priestess and nods. "I do."

She smiles, "Then I dub you, Rhys, High Lord of the Night Court." A purple glow surrounds him and slowly people begin the clap politely.

As he stands, I rush towards him and wrap him in a big hug. "Mom. There are people watching us."

"I know. That's why I'm doing it," I tease. He sighs and I pull us apart so I can look him in the eye. "I'm so proud of you Honey. You're going to make a great High Lord just like your father. I'm sure if he was here, he would be so proud of you too."

"Thanks, Mom, and I know," he says looking to the left of my shoulder.

"I love you so much," I say as I wrap him up in another hug.

"I know."

I pull apart one more time and push him towards the crowd, "Now go have fun High Lord." He smiles and I watch him disappear into the crowd. "He's grown up so fast," I say to no one in particular.

"He has," a dark whisper says. Before I would have been spooked and tried to deny it, but over the years I've gotten used to weird comforting things I get. I like to think that it really is Rhys as my son said all those years ago, but I have long accepted that he is gone and I don't have to room to have hope like that now. I can't live in the past or in something that isn't real for the good of Prythian and my son. I look towards the crowd one last time and head back to the townhouse with only the stars to keep me company.


Rhys Jr.'s POV

It was nerve wracking, the High Lord ceremony. The only way I got through it was my parents encouraging smiles. For once I was glad I can see dead people because I know that both of my parents support me and love me so much. I don't have to wonder what they would think because I get to see for myself.

When Mom comes up to me after the ceremony with Dad trailing behind her, the pride on their faces is immeasurable. Mom starts hugging me and I act like I care that I'm being "mommed" but I really don't care. I love my mom so much and will let her do anything to me if it'll make her happy. I get a flashback of the time I let her cut my hair and suppress a shudder.

As she tells me of how proud she is of me, she get's a sad look in her eyes and I know she is about to talk to Dad. So I try to distract her before she can get too lost in her grief and I say anything I regret. Finally, she dismisses me, and I breathed a sigh of relief as I escape her mom guilt and as I do, I feel guilty. I decided that one day when she asked me to stop talking about Dad as if he was here, which he was, but I decided as I saw how hurt she was, that I wouldn't tell her that. As much as she loves Dad, I knew she had to move on in order to do what needed to be done. So I just stopped talking to Dad in her presence and though they tried to hide it, I can always see how much his death hurts them. It's been my choice to keep this a secret to protect her, and I'll carry it to my grave to protect my mom. She may not know it, but I've protected her so much over the years, and I'll keep on doing it since I'm the only one who can now.

As I am offered a drink by a pretty girl, I decided to let my worries go and act for me and only me. As I accepted the drink and let myself loose, I knew that my responsibilities would be there tomorrow but tonight I would let go of them just this once.


Thousands Of Years Later...

Feyre's POV

As I stare into the Ouroboros and the monster stares back at me, I know it's time to go. Everybody else has been gone for a long time. Either they faded away or just died. It's just been me for a long time and as I stare into the Ouroboros, the truth stares me in the face and I know for certain that I am no longer needed here.

My son has been a great High Lord, he has helped rebuild this world in ways that I couldn't even have imagined and he has found his mate and they are currently living happily with their new baby girl. My son has been protecting me all these years from what, I still haven't figured what though, but it doesn't matter anymore seeing how I'll be gone.

I look into the mirror one more time and say "Goodbye old friend" to the beast inside and it nodded back at me, and I let go.


Rhys Jr.'s POV

I wasn't even with her when it happened. Dad was playing with my baby girl making her laugh, she seemed to have inherited my powers and I knew I was in for a long ride and struggle knowing the troubles I went through. He was just playing with her one moment and then in the next he gave a startled but relieved gasp.

He looked up from my daughter to me with the biggest smile on his face and said, "Goodbye." Then he faded away. It was silent for a moment and then Cecily started crying confused why her friend left, but as I picked her up and started comforting her, I knew that he wasn't here anymore and neither was Mom. AS Cecily calmed down to whimpers instead of cries. I whispered to the place where my dad had just stood moments ago, "I hope you guys are happy in the next life and that you find each other once again." Then I left the room and continued on with my life not knowing what would come next.


So that's it! Can I just say wow! This story was not exactly fun to right, but I really enjoyed creating it. It's been forever since I wrote any fanfic and I'm super happy with how this came out. Hope I didn't make you cry too much. Just kidding I cried so much writing this so I expect tears from you, my lovely readers. So before I go, I just want to clear up one more thing. When Feyre died she went into the TOG world just like Rhys did and was reborn as Sorscha and then we basically follow the plot from there. So I really hope you guys enjoyed this (feedback is important) and until next time.

-Cassie from the Winter Court 

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