Chapter 3 (Rivalry)

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It has been 1 month since Y/N, Nick, and Sam came to this dimension and things are going well for Neptune.

Now we see Y/N sitting on Neptune's lap while she was playing with his hair.

Neptune: Your hair is fluffy!

Y/N: [Giggle] Hehe.

Histoire: Neptune!!

Neptune: Yes?

Histoire: Stop playing and get back to work.

Neptune: Awww. but I can't Histy, can't you see  I'm playing with my cute Y/N here?

Neptune: And besides our shares are not plummeting anymore.

Histoire: That's because you let Y/N do all your paperwork.

Y/N: I'm quite alright about helping Mommy out with her paperwork.

Neptune: See Histoire now who's a cute boy, you are. [Tickles Y/N]

Y/N: [Gets tickled] Hahahahaha, stop it, that tickles!

Nepgear: Awwww, they look so cute together.

Histoire: Neptune has indeed been taking care of Y/N and he has been helping out, but now she reached a whole new level of laziness when it comes to paperwork.

Neptune: I know! Why don't we visit Noire?

Neptune: It's been a month since we last saw her and Nick, we might as well make a turn there and see how she's handling it.

Histoire: Actually I called Noire and she I send you there to help make you a better goddess.

Neptune: Wha! Work again!

Histoire: Neptune! You need to learn how to be a better goddess! Besides your child is even more productive than you!

Y/N: [Smiles] Hehe.

Neptune: [Sighs] Fine....come on Y/N, Nepgear let's go!

Y/N and Nepgear: Okay!

We see that the three of them are standing on the balcony.

Neptune: Access! [Transforms]

Nepgear: Access! [Transforms]

Purple Heart: Well come on Y/N, mommy will carry you.

Y/N: Yay!

Purple Heart and Purple Sister: Hehe.


They are now flying towards Lastation while Neptune is carrying Y/N.

Y/N: Wooooo!!!!

Purple Heart: Careful now, Mommy doesn't want you to fall okay?

Y/N: I know.

Purple Heart: Also, do you have a transformation, Y/N?

Y/N: Not yet, because you see Aunt Histoire said Nick, Sam, and I are different from the other CPUs.

Purple Heart: What do you mean?

Y/N: Nick, Sam, and I would stop growing at a certain age and be stuck like that forever. But sooner or later Nick, Sam, and I can learn how to transform and become like you guys.

Purple Heart: I see when that time comes Mommy and big sis Nepgear will teach you all we know about being a CPU, okay sweetie?

Y/N: [Giggles] Hehe you said the same thing last time.

Purple Heart: Did I?

The three of them landed on the balcony of Lastation Basilicom.

Y/N immediately saw Nick skating with Uni following him.

Y/N: Nick!

Nick: Y/N!

Neptune: Noire, we came to visit!

Noire: Finally you've arrived.

Neptune: So how has being a mom been going for you?

Noire: It's been going well, Nick helps me out with my paperwork even when I tell him that it's okay, we spend a lot of time together and when I'm busy with paperwork he plays with Uni, I'm quite happy to have him around.

Neptune: I know how you feel.

With the sisters

Uni: Hey there Nepgear.

Nepgear: Hi Uni! So tell me how has it been having Nick around?

Uni: It's been great, he always knows how to cheer us up when we're either tired from the paperwork or upset about something, he's really the light in our lives. Noire's been really clingy to Nice since he came here, but I can't complain I have too. What about you? How are things going with Y/N?

Nepgear: Same as you, but my sis lets Y/N do her paperwork for her,

Uni: [Awkward laughter] I see.

Back with Noire

Noire: I heard from Histoire that you've been slacking off again.

Neptune: I may or may not have done that.

Noire: Y/N, is this true?

Noire asks Y/N.

Y/N: Yup, Mommy always lets me do her paperwork for her.

Neptune: Gah! M-my own son betrayed me!

Noire: Wow, even your child is more hardworking than you and he's only 10.

Neptune: Come here you little rascal!

Neptune starts to pull Y/N's cheeks.

Neptune: [Pulls Y/N's cheeks] This is what you get for telling the truth!

Y/N: [Cheeks being pulled] But you and Aunt Noire told us to always tell the truth.

Noire: Alright alright we get it, just stop pulling his cheeks already.

Neptune stops pulling Y/N's cheeks.

Y/N ran and hugged Noire.

Y/N: Thank you for saving me, Auntie Noire.

Noire: [Smiles] No problem.

Noire: Anyway, look we found a quest and it's about saving a village from Dogoos.

Neptune: Well what are we waiting for? Let's go and I also called IF and Compa to help us!


The 8 of them were walking to the village while Nepgear was giving her little brother a piggyback ride while Nick was talking to Uni

Y/N: Yaaaaayy!!!!

Nepgear: [Giggles] Hehe, do you like being up there?

Y/N: Yep, thank you big sis!

This puts a smile on Nepgear's face.

Compa: So cute!

They finally arrived at the village.

Noire: Well first step of being a goddess is to show off while you can. Access! [Transform]

Y/N: Is that how Mommy becomes a CPU, big sis?

Nepgear: Yep.

Y/N: Woah!

Neptune I don't think being naked is how you do it.

Villager 1: Lady Black Heart thank goodness you're here!

Black Heart: What seems to be the problem?

Villager 2: Well you see, we have a Dogoo incident.

Villager 3: Yes they keep coming and won't leave.

Black Heart: I see, well fear not because Planeptune's CPU will clear out the Dogoos for you.

Neptune: [Sighs] Well I guess I have to fight huh? Let's do this Nepgear!

Nepgear then puts Y/N down.

Nepgear: Right behind you sis!

Neptune: Just stay here and watch Mommy defeat them, okay Y/N?

Y/N: You got it!

IF: Well let's go.

Compa: I'm gonna help out too.

Noire, Nick, Uni, and Y/N watched the four of them fight but Nick and Y/N noticed that Noire looked upset.

Nick: Mother, why do you look upset?

Black Heart: That's because your Aunt Neptune is not taking this seriously.

Y/N: Oh.

Nick: Of course she is.

Uni: Don't worry Y/N, what she means is that she cares about your Mommy and just wants her to be more serious from time to time.

Y/N: [Smiles] Okay.

Nick: Thanks.

Uni: [Smiles] No problem bro.

They then notice that the four of them are having a hard time fighting because they were getting overwhelmed by the number of Dogoos.

Neptune: Stop it!

Nepgear: Please not there!

Compa: Help me I can't move!

IF: Stop it you slime monsters!

Uni: Should we go help them, sis?

Black Heart: No, Neptune should do this by herself.

Y/N: Hang on you guys!

Nick: We're coming to save you!

Nick and Y/N ran towards and used their skills and began attacking the Dogoos.

Nick: [Gif below] Chaos Spear!

Y/N: [Gif below] Have some of this!

They killed all of the Dogoos.

Everyone: (ooo)

Neptune: That was awesome you two!

Uni: That was amazing, Nick!

Y/N and Nick: C-C-Can't b-b-b-breathe.

Nepgear: Uhhhhh Neptune, Uni, I think you're crushing them.

Neptune: Huh? Oh sorry.

Uni: Yeah sorry bro.

Black Heart: Neptune! Why didn't you transform!?

Black Heart: You could have easily defeated them but instead you let others do things for you.

Neptune: C-Calm down Noire, we already killed the Dogoos so there's no need to be hostile.

Nick: Hey Mother, did you see me out there?

Black Heart looked at her son then smiles.

Black Heart: Yes, I did and I was very impressed, you did well Nick.

Y/N: Well, would you look at that, Nicky.

Nick and Y/N got to each other's faces looking like they were rivals or something to everyone but in reality, they are rivals.

A/N: Ignore the neutral Chao, hero Chao, and dark Chao.

Black Heart: Well I guess we're done here for today.

Villagers: Thank you CPUs!

The 8 of them left while 2 mysterious people looked at them.

???: Looks like they're leaving, come on rat let's get to that cave.

??? 2: Yeah yeah old hag you don't have to drag me chu!


Noire, Uni, and Nick went back their Basilicom while the 5 of them returned to Planeptune's Basilicom.

Nepgear: Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!

Neptune: What happened sis?

Y/N: What happened big sis Nepgear?

Neptune: Nice, these are the pics I emailed to myself.

IF: Are you sure you sent them to yourself?

Neptune: Of course I- oops I sent them online.

Nepgear: What?!

Compa: But the comments are pretty positive though.

IF: Yeah look, it says all hail Planeptune baby.

Histoire: So our Shares were raised because of this?

Neptune: Pretty much.

Y/N: [Stomach growls]

Neptune: Oh it looks like someone is hungry. Want to eat some pudding Y/N?

Y/N: Yes please!!

Neptune pulled out a pudding cup and began feeding Y/N.

Histoire: [Smiles] Well this is a nice sight to see.

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