✩ ⸻ incorrect quotes

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henry: mom, dad, these are my newborn twins. their names are mom and dad. i named them after you. what do you mean 'mom' and 'dad' aren't your real names? what the hell? i already named these kids thanks for telling me now


kate: and once again, kate/corinne cross saves the day!

seraphina: you didn't even do anything. it was literally all corinne

kate: we're a package deal. everyone knows that


aadil: i hate you

henry: well, according to this picture i drew of us holding hands, that is untrue


aadil: must you always attack me with words?

corinne: you want me to use rocks?


carlie: maybe there's a race for lonely children!

campbell: that's "only" children, carlie

campbell: lonely child is what you're gonna be when i sell you.


henry, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!

seraphina, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you're staying home and having my kids

the st. laurent nanny: what the fuck are you guys doing?

henry: playing systemic oppression


aadil: i'm thinking of charity work

corinne: you should donate blood

aadil: oh tha-

corinne: all of it


henry: can i get a venti vanilla latte with... um, eight shots of espresso?

aadil, next in line: jesus fucking christ just do cocaine 


corinne, opening a capri-sun: i guess i'll just drink my sorrows away


seraphina: [to a neighbor] hi donna, love what you did with the tulips!

seraphina, whispering: fucking bitch i did the exact same thing with my petunias last spring and now she pulls this shit thinking she's original


surprise! i wanted to do something silly with the slots that have been closed so here you go! if you have any suggestions for quotes, feel free to pm me or comment them!! we have half the slots still open so get your forms in! 

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