Chapter 27: The Descent

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Anti-Cursor Spaceship

Ryan jumped through the hole formed by the laser beam in the ceiling. It was a big cavern above the ceiling. A dark tunnel like a place with cylinders all the wall. A pipe went through each of the cylinders. Definitely it is the energy source of the Anti-Cursor spaceship. Aliens have carved it out of the meteor. But if they try to burst the cylinders they may explode. Ryan scratched the surface with his helmet.. the helmet became black at the point of friction. This must be a kind of carbon coating. There was a deafening boom sound from below, the sound echoed through the cavern. Several times. Ryan turned back and went to see through the hole what happened.

The laser beam had been targeted directly on the face of Chris the Cursor and within seconds Anti-Cursor disappeared into black colored particles. Anti-Cursor had been decimated. Ryan's mind filled with hatred towards Anti-Cursor, it had managed to kill Chris the Cursor. Emotion flew down over his eyes. This is not the time to be emotional, I have to save the earth. Next Ryan saw the video clip of an Aurora attack on the GRIID on the big sized wall monitor. Oh. no. .Ryan turned back from the hole in the ceiling.

Anti-Cursor announcement-

'Ryan your dear friend Chris has been finished. The GRIID building is already burning as you have seen on the monitor.'

'I will let you take down the GRIID.'

'Haha you are going to stop me? Foolish human being.. you have fallen into my trap, now I will kill you.'

The cavern with Ryan and the cylinder started expanding and moving ahead.

The cavern has fully expanded and was about to get separated from the Anti-Cursor spaceship. Ryan wanted to destroy the controls of the space and thought that he may destroy the anti-cursor eventually. Ryan jumped down on the big room where the wall monitors were installed and Cursor Anti-Cursor fought each other.

'Haha very soon you will see your end.. not in my hands but by your own dear friends the human beings.'

Ryan went ahead and struck the monitor with his helmet. No damage. A message appeared on the monitor,

'Dear Presidents of always fighting nation-states of earth. This is Anti-Cursor. I don't want to disturb you from your fights and wars. Just a small request.. give me the GRIID. See no big thing only the GRIID. And just to let you know because you human beings don't even move the hair on your forehead without deadlines meaning dead and lines.. you have 97 minutes before my module lands of earth you have to give me a dedicated supply to the GRIID. If not then haha you have already seen what I did with the GRIID building.. and do not try any adventure .. my module is full of those toys which are fighting over before reaching a decision on whether to use them on me or not..Bye for now.'

Anti-Cursor's ray again started running behind Ryan. Ryan sometimes hid behind the doors and sometimes ran at blazing speed to save himself. Once he thought of wearing the helmet which was blackened by the scratches in cavern to fool the image processing mechanism of Anti-Cursor using which it was directing the laser behind him.

CSA headquarters

Mr Smith holding a print out hurriedly going towards Baker. Mr Baker had fixed his gaze on the wall monitor at the boardroom of CSA headquarters.

'Mr Baker.. see this.. it seems the Anti-Cursor space is expanding.'

'No Mr Smith.. it is separating a space-module out of itself.'

'What does that mean sir?'

'This means it is planning a descent into the earth, like our space probes do. It's landing module will separate out from the main spaceship and slowly descend through the earth's atmosphere and land at a comfortable place.'

'But sir why it does not land the full spaceship.'

'Strategy... Mr Smith, a clever strategy, it wants to keep its back-up safe in the orbit. We need to tell this to Mr. President. Now hurry up.'

'Yes Sir'

Smith had barely turned back to do the chores, President came live though the 3D virtual image.

'Mr. Baker this the President of the US. I have confirmed information about the descending space-module from the Anti-Cursor spaceship. Now it is your job to find out what the constituents of the space-module are.'

Baker and Smith both said, 'Yes Sir' in synchronization. There was a notification beep of the phones of Baker and President. Baker did not bother to look down at his phone and open the message. The President opened his message. It was from the Anti-Cursor. The Chief of Staff nodded to the President. The President replied to him in affirmation.

'Mr. Baker not only myself but all world leaders have received this threat from the Anti-Cursor. You have 17 minutes. I have already ordered my space command to be ready.'

United Nations

Within minutes of the descent of the space-module from the spaceship, this phenomenon was observed by space agencies around the world. A few independent amateur astronomers also saw the descent and spread the news.

American representative:

'Russian have no reason to distrust us. In fact they could confirm that we do not have any other option but to nuke them. The delay caused by them in prolonging the decision will cause us to pay heavily.'

Russian representative:

'We have every reason to suspect. Now I have received information from my space agency that a space-module has been separated from the Anti-Cursor spaceship and it is descending into earth's atmosphere. I also have unconfirmed news that the US government is planning to nuke the module without the recommendations of the UN.'

Outside the UN

Megan had joined the protesters in the call to save the earth. News of the descent of the space-module reached the site of protest within seconds. Maybe Ryan is also there. Maybe he killed the Anti-Cursor and descended on the space-module. Though the protesters were leaderless they were clear about their demands. They continued protesting to save the earth along with Ryan.

CSA headquarters:

Baker was worriedly looking at a printed piece of paper. President came online through the 3D virtual image. Baker briefed him,

'Sir, we have the reports of telescopic spectroscopy. It is confirmed with more than 96.3% confidence the module as well as the space-ship contain a significant amount of nuclear fissile material. Any kind of direct attack would be dangerous.'

'But we have no options... let me find out what others are thinking.'


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