Chapter 29: Flapping of Butterfly Wings can create a thunderstorm

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Shaan and Ryan were out of Ryan's home. Megan said pointing to her vehicle, 'We can take this Land Rover.'

'Come on, let's go.' Both said in unison.

They just reached the highway when the sky started changing colors. It was late at night... the usual dark sky started turning green.

'It's coming ... The Aurora is coming.


'Yes... it the Aurora...Anti-Cursor is controlling the Aurora and now it will destroy everything. We need to run ... increase the speed.. Take it to the maximum.'

'No Maggie, this Aurora is several kilometers far from us.'

'You don't understand... I am asking... just get us out of here.'

'But we are going to the place of Aurora only right. If I am not wrong that is the place where the module of Anti-Cursor has landed.'

'Yes... but how do you know?'

'Me? Everybody knows? Even the UN has confirmed. The news doing rounds in the media says that Anti-Cursor's module landed near the earth's north pole. It has been termed an Anti-Cursor headquarters in the media. They say that the satellite image had revealed that at the Anti-Cursor headquarters, all the authority is wielded by the Big Black Bar shaped Anti-Cursor ruled the Anti-Cursor head-quartes. The Anti -Cursor headquarters covered an area of 100 square miles in northern Greenland.'

'If they know everything, why are they not doing anything?'

'Well... they can't. Anti-Cursor has threatened to vanquish humanity if there is a danger to it. The space module is full of nuclear weapons. The Space-based spectrometers have confirmed this multiple times.'

'It is nothing but complete blackmail. But I am determined. I shall bring Ryan back and finish the Anti-Cursor... or whatever silly code it is.'

Shaan had pushed the accelerator to full throttle by then. The sky colors had changed to blue and red had started coming. The center of the sky in the north direction seemed to have a bulge of sorts. It was a concentration of rain clouds

'Shaan, see that cloud... I am pretty sure that it is coming to hit us. That Anti-Cursor sees everything, it must have sent this controlled thunderstorm to destroy us.'

'How can we control a thunderstorm?'

'I don't know all that. Just take me to Ryan, I am begging you.' There were tears in the eyes of Megan.

'No. no need to do this. Megan. You were talking about defeating the Anti-Cursor and bringing Ryan back. Now you are becoming weak. This weakness will not let us win.'

Megan nodded her head and immediately wiped her tears in her shirt. The concentrated cloud had taken a form of furious cyclone by this time.

'The thunderstorm has finally formed.'

'It seems that it is coming straight to us.'

'Shaan why don't you take the different path.'

'No Megan, we have to reach the northern magnetic pole. We do have the luxury of GPS at our disposal. I am going straight to the north. If I leave this road I don't know when we shall be back on this road. I don't want to lose track.'

Megan continued to stare at the brewing thunderstorm. It took a shape of a funnel and descended toward the ground.

'Shaan the thunderstorm is not too far. We shall never be able to reach Ryan.'

Shaan tried to accelerate the vehicle even faster. It had already reached its maximum performance level. The Land Rover was also becoming unstable. A lightning strike struck the rear side of the Land Rover. In a flash the fear and uncertainty became obvious to Shaan. Once again lightning struck the vehicle and it became imbalanced. Shaan was thrown out of the driver's seat.

'No, Shaan, are you alright?' shouted Megan.

Shaan gathered strength, he was half in the mud on the side of the highway.

'Now what can we do, it finally struck us.' Megan was losing all hope.

'No Megan, we should always keep hope in the future and faith in the present.' Shaan put his hand in his pant's right pocket.

'What are you doing Shaan, here we are running for our lives and you are searching for lighter.' Megan said in a faltering voice.

Shaan brought a few tiny toys from his pockets. They could have been 12 -15 in numbers. They were looking at flat triangles with asymmetric bulges at the center of the triangle both on the front and the backside.

'What's these?'

'These are butterflies.'

'Butterflies? They do not look like one. But why are you keeping them in your pockets?'

Shaan by then had thrown them in the air.

'Oh so you are releasing them into the air. At least some good work at this juncture.'

The triangles opened up in the air and started fluttering like a butterfly. All triangles became butterflies of different colors and sizes.

'Megan, you are a weather scientist, can you tell me can butterflies cause a storm from thousands of miles away?'

'Yes, that's very much possible. According to the Chaos Theory, the wing flap of a butterfly can cause a thunderstorm even thousands of miles away. This happened because the weather is chaotic. Meaning thereby is that the earth's weather system is heavily dependent on the initial conditions and there is very strong nonlinear dependence of the inputs.'

The butterflies made a disk shape pattern and started fluttering their wings synchronously. The disk shape changed into a circular shape but the fluttering continued. Shaan asked.

'Yes, if a flap of a wing can cause thunderstorms to form thousands of miles away, why cannot it stop the forming of a thunderstorm if the butterfly flaps its wings appropriately.'

'Theoretical yes, but it will require huge amounts of calculations.'

'I did exactly that, Chris had helped in the theoretical calculations.'

The butterflies had gone to great heights. Their lights were still visible, their formation was changing dynamically. As the butterflies changed their height the intensity of the thunderstorm brewing up to take Shaan and Megan started subsiding. Seeing there was a large smile on Megan's face.

'Wow, it's working Shaan, it's working.'

Shaan's face also brightened up. He gathered strength and pulled his leg to stand up. Megan helped him to stand up. The thunderstorm once again roared with unhappiness but then finally submitted to the might of the Shaan's butterflies.


Anti-Cursor module

There was a permanent supply of power through the nuclear supply available within the module of Anti-Cursor. The entire module was guarded by Anti-Cursor's photon soldiers, a device built upon the programmable photons. They were exactly like the human soldiers in their shape but consisted of always moving photons of ultraviolet range. The dynamic shape was giving a hint of the shape of vapor. Each photon soldier was equipped with a high power beam which can melt a metal sheet of 2 inches.

The Anti-Cursor sent a message to the US President.

Aliens of Proxima Centauri are coming. Be prepared. This time it will be bigger than what you have lost before the Great Agreement. Shutdown all the internet and give all the computing power of the GRIID to me. I am enclosing a draft of the Great Agreement which you can with me for saving yourself and humanity. The draft is as follows:

We the humans of the planet earth hereby agree to the following conditions:

(i) The GRIID will be rebooted and up and running as per the terms of the Great Agreement.

(ii) Administration of the earth will be supervised by Aliens of Proxima Centauri through Anti-Cursor (that's me).

(iii) No possession of any kind of nuclear material except for power generation. The process of the generation of the nuclear material shall be supervised by the Anti-Cursor using the GRIID.

(iv) Humanity relinquishes its right to the natural resources of the earth. Just after signing of this Agreement detailed protocols on the regular and encumbrance-free transfer of earth resources to Proxima Centauri had to be worked out.

(v) Establishment of Anti-Cursor headquarters including and around the area where the space module of Anti-Cursor had landed. The minimum size should be 10000 sq meters. It also includes the provision of a high-quality regular power supply and round the clock security.

(vi) Aliens of Proxima Centauri will have direct control over Universities and Research organizations of humans, whether they in the private sector or in the government sector we are not bothered, the control excercized by the Aliens is including but not limited to syllabus, objectives, and choice of subjects to be taught (remember this will include the study of this Agreement also).

(vii) The currency of the earth shall be under the control of the Aliens of the Proxima Centauri through the Anti-Cursor.

(viii) Chris the Cursor and his remaining friends will not be allowed to delve on any computer.

(ix) Cursor Assembly shall be abolished immediately.

(x) In return, humanity shall get a promise of security from other alien races who might or might not in the future decide to invade the earth and exterminate humans.

(xi) This Agreement once entered shall be binding for an indefinite period.

The US President shared the message to all-important world leaders. Within seconds he started receiving responses. Most of the world leaders had authorized him to take suitable action on behalf of humanity. The UN meeting continued but its outcome had become redundant.


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